Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ashley ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“All right, time for exams. When your name is called, come up and produce five shadow clones.” Iruka stated.
“Crap!” thought Naruto, “My worst subject.”
“Naruto Uzamaki.” Naruto then went down the aisle knowing he would fail. When he got to the front he began preparing chakra for the jutsu.
CRASH! Everyone looks at the broken ceiling and sees an object fall on the class clown. A dust cloud formed so no one knew what hit Naruto, but he could try to get a sense at what it was by feeling its shape.
He found it was warm with long hair (human he concluded), the person was quite small (younger than me probably), it had three swords; one without a sheath, and finally; small fuzzy things at the top of the persons head. He started tugging them toward him.
When the dust cleared, he saw it was a little girl. The position she had landed in made her head fall on his leg that was facing the class. She had silver hair and dressed in a red robe. The fuzzy things he saw were ears.
He heard a bunch of gasps from his classmates, turned and saw many shocked faces. He the realized what it looked like he was doing with girl from the classes' view. Kiba did a whistle and said, “Nice one.”
He quickly got up. “I'm going to bring this girl to the hospital, sensei.” Seeing a chance to skip the exams for now. But he let go of the girl and she hit the floor headfirst.
“Nice one.” Kiba stated again. Naruto picked up the girl and shot off to the doctor.
After she was admitted and checked for lasting damage, Naruto stayed by her bed wondering what the hell just happened? The girl then stirred.