Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hauntings of the Mind ❯ Betrayal ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: If I owned things would be SO different. I mean, how could they kill off Bankotsu?!?!?!
Haun ting Of The Mind
Chapter 1 Betrayal
In a dark space a mighty battle roared. Blood, guts, demon body parts and many fighting warriors, demon and human, could be sound all over a once peaceful clearing. Among this destruction a little red headed demon boy with a cream colored tail looking around the age seven weaved in and out of the mob of demons, "Okaa!" he screamed hysterically side stepping quickly, narrowly avoiding a rather large demon's foot. Darting around another demon he made his way towards an eighteen woman with long flowing black hair tinted blue. She wore a demon slaying outfit with light pink armor, a gift from he sister Songo on her 17th birthday. Using one of her many daggers she charged her purifying powers and cut down the demon in front of her. Behind her a woman demon slayer of twenty-four with long dark brown hair strung up in a high pony tail wearing a matching outfit with red armor attacked one of the many demons attacking her small group with her giant boomerang. Next to her a monk of twenty-five in purple and black robes swung his staff around smacking any demon within distance. A few feet away a giant fire cat demon lunged at demon after demon, ripping them into pieces. Farther away a man with long silver hair who looked about twenty-six with two kawaii dog ears atop his head wearing an bright red kimono swung a sword as long as him at a dark looking man with long black hair of about thirty with a lower body made entirely out of brown tentacles as the man blocked with a short sword of his own.
"Ku ku ku..... Is this the best you can do InuYasha?" asked the man in purple.
"You wish Naraku. When I'm finished with you there wont be enough of your body left to feed a rat!" replied the one in red named InuYasha.
“It seems you are all to busy to busy to take care of a little child. Let me help.” laughed the man in purple, Naraku. While he said this he thrust one of his tentacles straight towards the child.
“Shippo!” screamed the woman with long black hair as she ran over to his body. As she ran any demon within five feet of her turned to dust. “Shippo....” she whispered as she kneeled down and picked up his dying body. As she stared at him she started to cry.
“Okaa please don’t cry.” the boy croaked out, “I’m gonna see my daddy again. And don’t worry. I’ll be waiting up there for you too.” He took a shuddering breath and with the last of his strength he said, “I love you Okaa.”
“I love you to Shippo, I love you to....” she whispered as she laid Shippo’s body back on the ground and shakily stood up. “InuYasha move.” She said, looking at the ground. “Naraku’s MINE!” she screamed. As she did she brought her head up. Her normal blue eyes where now a swirl of white and a dark pink.
“Ku ku ku. Did I upset the little miko?” he sarcastically asked, not noticing her eyes.
“You bet you did. You just made your LAST mistake Naraku. InuYasha move your ass or I’ll fry you too.” She fumed.
InuYasha turned around and looked into her face and he paled. “Shit Kagome’s gonna blow.” he said as he leaped away running to the safety of the other two warriors.
“You die now Naraku.” said Kagome as her pink miko ki swirled deadly around her. Kagome moved her arm out with her palm facing forward as her miko ki swirled down to her arm and out her palm darting straight at Naraku.
Naraku smirked as he called all his demon minions to him as the miko ki headed straight towards him.
The monk and demon slayer stopped and stared at there friend as she launched her attack at Naraku. The miko ki sailed into the demons purifying them all while continuing straight towards Naraku, never weakening in the slightest. Desperate Naraku tried to jump out of the way. He was to late however as the attack hit him full force, purifying him to the darkest recesses of hell. A bright flash of light was all that could be seen. When the light dimmed down all that was in his place was a pile of ash with about half of the shikon no tama, purified to a creamy pink.
Everyone stared in shock at what had just transpired as Kagome walked forward and lifted the piece if the jewel around her neck were she fused it with the rest of her jewel making it whole as everything faded into darkness.
Kagome shot up out of her pallet. Light from the window danced across her face as she wiped away her tears. ’I’ve been having these dreams since it happened. Why can’t I just forget?’ Kagome asked herself as she stood up to stretch.
The final battle with Naraku was about three months ago but she couldn’t stop dreaming about it. About her adopted kits death. Everyone made it out alive with minor wounds but her kit died. She couldn’t save her son, and she dreamed about it almost nightly.
With school over Kagome spent most of her time in the feudal era with her friends. Her sister, Sango; Sango’s love, Miroku; and her love, InuYasha.
Kagome changed out of her pale nightshirt and into a pair of black hakamas with powder pink cherry blossoms that tied at her ankles. After putting on her bra she slipped into a form fitting black tee shirt with ‘Live in your world, Die in mine’ written in pink. Then she slipped all her daggers into there hiding spots. Kagome quickly brushed through her hair she slipped on her black ankle boots and stepped out of the hut she shared with Sango, the demon slayer. Shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand Kagome glanced around to find her friends. Sango sat by the fire petting Kirara, a fire cat demon, wearing a pair of hip hugging blue jeans with a black shirt that read ‘Perverts Beware. It‘s time for the hunt' in red and a pair of black ankle boots. Spotting her Kagome walked over.
“Morning Sango.” said Kagome as she noticed a pot stewing over the fire. “You making breakfast?” She asked.
“Hai, it will be done in a couple minutes.” Sango replied.
“Awesome. Have you seen the boys anywhere?” asked Kagome.
“Iie, Kagome. I haven’t seen them all morning.” Sango remarked.
“Well I’ll find them. It shouldn’t take me that long. Think of all the times I’ve found InuYasha before.” said Kagome with a light giggle.
“Well ok Kagome but be careful.” said Sango.
“Of course.” Kagome said as she slid on her quiver of arrows and bow. Kagome waved bye as she walked out into the forest. After walking through the forest for a few minutes Kagome saw the boys talking in a clearing. Being the curious person Kagome was she hid behind a tree and started to listen in on there conversation.
“’re right InuYasha. We should. It is the only way I can see of working out to get rid of them. If we kill Songo and Kagome then Sango can’t keep scaring all of the beautiful women away from me and you can finally get the jewel to become a full demon.”
Kagome had to hold in a gasp at that. ‘How could the guys want to kill us? I thought Miroku loved Sango! InuYasha may not love me but I thought at least we were friends. It looks like he did only want me around for the jewel!’
“Ya Miroku, but how are we going to kill them? Sango is a good fighter and Kagome can actually control here miko powers since Naraku destroyed that little twerp. No matter how much I hate to admit it if we confront them I’d be purified as soon as we make a move against them and without your wind tunnel they would kill you.” InuYasha pondered.
“Well we could always........” Started Miroku. Kagome couldn’t listen any more. She slowly and quietly crept away from the clearing, keeping her tears at bay knowing that InuYasha would probably smell them. As soon as she was sure she was out of InuYasha’s hearing range she ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her back to Sango. ‘What are we going to do? I don’t think I could manage to kill my love or Miroku. Could Sango manage to?’ Kagome thought to herself as she bolted out of the tree line to Sango. Kagome stopped and panted trying to regain her breath.
“KAGOME!” Sango yelled, voice full of worry. “What happ.....”
“Sango we need to talk. We are in danger.” said Kagome as she sat down.
“Tell me what happened.” demanded Sango.
Kagome told Sango of everything she overheard at the clearing. When she finished her tale she looked over at Sango. Sango was on the verge of tears.
“How could he? I loved him, how could he? I thought we were at least friends!” Sango cried. Sango gasped, “What about you though? With InuYasha. All you have already had to go through with him! Oh I’m so sorry Kagome! Here I was just thinking about myself when you must be in so much more...”
“Sango Stop it!" Kagome cut Sango off. "I’m use to InuYasha betraying me by now. I just thought we were at least friends. But you loved Miroku. I had thought he loved you too.” Kagome said as he moved over to Sango and hugged her. “But what are we going to do? I no we have the power to beat them but I don’t think I have it in me. I don’t think I could kill InuYasha.”
“Your right Kagome” Sango said as she dried her tears. “I don’t think I could kill Miroku either.” Kagome and Sango sat there for a while in thought. ‘What should we do?’ both girls thought.
“What about your time Kagome?” Sango inquired.
“I think that is out best bet. But will it let you through? It hasn’t let InuYasha through since we completed the jewel. But then again if we hold hands we would probably both go through. And then if I hold Kirara too, she would probably make it as well.” Kagome thought for a moment. “Yes it should work, but what about our stuff?”
“Well I once met a miko who shrunk a whole hut. Maybe you could shrink our stuff?” suggested Sango.
“It’s worth a try.” said Kagome getting up. “Let’s go try”
Sango got up and they both headed into their hut. Once inside the hut Sango tossed Kagome one of the bags filled with clothes. Kagome closed her eyes and concentrated on the bag. Slowly the bag in her hand shrunk to about the size of her thumb. Seeing this Sango tossed her an empty bag. “Put the shrunken bags in there.” She said, noticing Kagome's curios look. Kagome nodded put the shrunken bag into the empty bag and caught the next bag Sango tossed to her. They kept up this routine until all there clothes, medicines, weapons and other possessions were all shrunken in the bags. The only things they didn’t shrink were the many hidden weapons hiding on there bodies. When they were finished they had two bags filled with shrunken bags which Kagome easily shrunk down to the size of her palm, which they then tied onto the belt loops or sash of their pants.
“Alright we got everything?” Kagome asked. Sango nodded and they walked out of the hut.
“Kirara.” Songo said. Hearing her name Kirara ran over to Sango and transformed into her larger version. Once Kirara had transformed Sango and Kagome got on. “Kirara we need to go to the bone eaters well.” Sango stated. Kirara nodded and took to the air. The ride to the bone eaters well was quiet and fast. Each person to busy thinking about the betrayal of their friends to talk. Soon the clearing of the well came into view and Kirara gracefully landed. Once Kirara had landed Kagome and Songo slide off and Kirara transformed back into her kitten size, then she jumped into Kagome’s arms. Kagome shifted Kirara into one arm and walked forward, to the well with Sango following. When they were right in front of the well, Kagome grabbed onto Songo’s hand. The two looked at each other and nodded. They both took a breath and jumped, hoping to end up in Kagome’s era. ---~*~---
Okaa- Mother
Kawaii- Cute
Miko- Priestess
Hakama- Feudal era pants
Hai- Yes
Iie- No PLEASE don’t hate me! I no killing off Shippo is very evil but I couldn’t think of how to fit him in the story otherwise! On another note this is my first ever story. Please review and tell me what you think. Is it good? Bad? Should I continue? Also please be nice it is my first story. Yes this is an x-over with Naruto they will be in next chapter. I already nop the pairings so there really isnt much point in askin me for a sertain one. anyways read an review!