Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hauntings of the Mind ❯ The Spys ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: If I owned things would be SO different. I mean, how can ANYONE stand Sakura being so obsessive?!?!?!
P.o.v change
Haunting Of The Mind
Chapter 2 The Spys
Kagome shifted Kirara into one arm and grabbed onto Sango’s hand. The two looked at each other and nodded. They both took a breath and jumped, hoping to end up in Kagome’s era.
Chapter 2
A orange glow surrounded them as they fell down into a seemingly endless void. Kagome slowly touched the ground, soon followed by Sango. Kagome breathed in an stilled. ‘Why is this air still so pure? And why is it so bright? The well house should block all the light.’
“Kagome, I thought you said there was a hut around the well in your time.” Sango said confused.
Kagome gulped. “There is.” She said and turned to look at Sango. “The only thing I can think of is that we are still in the feudal era. But that doesn't make much sense. We were surrounded by the light. ”
“Well then lets get out an try jumping in the well again? Maybe it will work.” Sango asked hopefully.
“Sure lets get out an we’ll try one more time.” Kagome said noticing the hope in Sango’s voice.
Sango and Kagome climbed half way up the well and dropped back in. Kagome landed hard on her butt as Sango crashed on top of her. "Mfph." Kagome groaned as she tried to sit up.
“Ohh I am SO sorry Kagome! Are you ok?” Sango asked as she got off of Kagome and stood up.
“Ya. I’m just fine.” Kagome replied as Sango gave out her hand “Thanks, well lets get out of this well an discuss what we should do.”
Kirara jumped off her perch on Sango’s shoulder and onto the lip of the well and mewed. Kagome climbed up and out of the well and stood off to the side as Sango made her way out of the well.
Kagome sat on the lip of the well. “So what should we do now?”
Sango sat down on the grass as Kirara jumped into her lap. “Well I don‘t believe that we are in the feudal era any more.” Sango said.
“Ya but I don’t know were we are. So what do you think we should do?” Asked Kagome.
Sango started on a long argument with herself. “Well we could try it again.”
“Sango” Kagome tried to interrupt.
“No it probably wouldn’t work if it didn’t before.” Continued Sango.
“San...” Kagome tried again.
“We could just travel around here.” Still she argued.
“Umm...” Yet another failed attempt to interrupt Sango
“But that might turn out just as bad as before.” Still trailing on....
“I ha...” Kagome smacked her hand to her head. ‘Man will she stop’
“I know! Kagome feel out which way to the closest village. We could find out were we are. We could get some food. We could get so much information!” Sango explained.
“Ya Sango it’s that way.” Kagome points to the left of her, “But we could always just talk to the four people who have been spying on us.” Kagome points out.
“What! Why didn’t you tell me? Where are they?” Sango asked.
“Behind that tree” points to tree, “on that branch” points to branch, “ and behind those to bushes.” points to two bushes. “And I would have told you, IF you would have let me talk and stopped interrupting me.” Kagome finished.
Behind the tree
Eye wide ‘She sensed me?’
On the branch
‘How could she have sensed me?’
Behind bush one
‘Stupid Naruto! He must have given away are positions.’
Behind bush two
‘WOW! She must be a really great ninja to have sensed me!’
Back by the well
“Oh. Woops. Sorry.” Sango blushed. “So how long have they been spying on us?” Sango
asked, curious.
“Oh just since you decided to argue with yourself on what we should do.” Kagome said.
“oh an you four might as well come out since your cover is blown.”
The four people jumped out of their hiding spots to stand a few feet away from Kagome and Sango. Standing to the right was an older man wearing a headband with the design of a leaf over his left eye and a mask over his face. His only visible eye showing his interest. Next to him was a kid with bright yellow hair wearing a bright orange jump suit. Across his forehead was a headband matching the one on the older man.. Excitement flowed off his aura in waves. Next was a girl with bubblegum pink hair wearing a darker pink dress with slits up the size and black shorts. In her hair, playing the roll of a hair band, was another one of these headbands. Her face was tinted pink in embarrassment at what was guess to be, being caught. The man next to her was wearing a dark blue shirt with white shorts. His lower arms and legs were wrapped up. Again that same headband was around his forehead. His face screamed bored and uninterested, though there was a slight layer of curiosity in his eyes.
“Hi. I’m Kagome and that’s Sango. So who are you guys?” Kagome asked.
The boy in the bight orange jumpsuit excitedly started talking. "I'm Naruto! That's Kakashi sensei with the one eye, she's Sakura," Naruto had a slight blush on his face as he glanced over at Sakura, “And he's nobody important he's just Sasuke.”
Sasuke made a hn noise as Sakura exclaimed “Stupid Naruto. Sasuke's WAY more important then you!” Sasuke was more interested in watching Kagome. Her face darkened as she remembered a dark thing from her past. ‘I wonder what happened to her?’
Watching Naruto Kagome was reminded of her kit. Her dead kit. ‘Shippo. I should have been paying better attention. I should have protected you better.” Kagome’s eyes stated filling with tears.
Sango caught the sight of the tears collecting in Kagome’s eyes. Kirara jumped out of Sango’s lap as Sango stood up and walked over towards Kagome. Sango looked towards her sister and smiled sadly. Sango reached over and gave Kagome a hug. “Kagome there was nothing you could have done. You still have me here. After we get done with these guys we can talk if you want.” Sango whispered in Kagome’s ear so no one other could hear.
Kagome calmed and looked at Sango. “Thanks.” Sango got back up and stood next to Kagome. When Sango stopped moving Kirara jumped onto Sango’s shoulder and Sango continued with petting her.
“Whatever.” Naruto turned his attention back to Kagome, “You have to be a high level ninja to sense me! So what level are you?”
Kagome giggled a little at this. “I’m sorry but I’m no ninja.”
“What? But you have to be a ninja! What other way could you have known where we were hiding?” Asked Naruto in complete shock.
“Dobe. Can’t you see she has no headband. Neither does her friend.” Was the first remark heard from Sasuke.
“Fine. Your not a ninja, but how did you know exactly where each of us where hiding?” asked Naruto, trying to change the topic off of how he failed to notice she had no headband.
Kagome rubbed her neck sheepishly “I..... ahh..... heard you?”
Everyone but Naruto looked at Kagome with disbelief. She expected them to believe that?
“Oh that makes sense.” Naruto said. At this everyone sweat dropped.
Kakashi got bored of this conversation after deeming them not a threat. Kakashi reached into his bag and pulled out his make out paradise book. Opening it up he started to read. At that moment Sango just happened to look over at Kakashi. Sango’s eyes went wide at what she saw.
“NNOOOOOoooooooo!!!!! Why me? Why always me! Not another Miroku! Why am I always surrounded by hentai?!?!?!” Sango ranted as she smacked Kakashi upside the head, took his book and tossed it as far into the forest as she could.
Kakashi looked in amazement. ‘Not only did she just slap me, but she also stole my book and threw it into the forest! And I can’t seem to see where it went. Did it just go through that tree?’
“Did she just..” Started Naruto, his mind still not grasping the very strange event of what just happened.
“Yep.” Remarked Sakura in the same way.
Sasuke’s eyes just widened a bit in his disbelief.
“Well you see Sango has a problem with hentais...” Kagome explained. “So are we going to go to the village or...”
“Oh ya. This way.” Kakashi got over his surprise and turned and started walking away, now having a new fear of the woman he just met. Slowly as everyone go over their surprise they too turned and started following. ---~*~---
Hentai- Pervert Hiya people! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved hearing that you loved my story. It made me feel so happy! And people I no it sounds lame but having a review that says “I like the story cant wait for the next chap” really does make you wanna write faster! :)