Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hauntings of the Mind ❯ Ramen ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: If I owned things would be SO different. I mean, just look how week they make Kagome.
P.o.v change
Haunting Of The Mind
Chapter 3 Ramen
“Well you see Sango has a problem with hentais.” Kagome explained. “So are we going to go to the village or...”
“Oh ya. This way.” Kakashi turned and started walking away. Everyone turned and started following.
Chapter 3
As the group trekked towards the village everyone was consumed in there own thoughts.
Naruto's Head
`How did she hear us? I know I didn't make a sound. So then who could have given away our positions. I KNOW! It had to have been Sasuke! I knew he would mess us up.'
Sakura's Head
`I wonder what had upset Kagome earlier? And where are they from? I have never seen anyone like them before. They can't be from around here. Wait. What if they're try to steal my Sasuke?!'
`No no no no. There is no way they would be able to do that.' Stated inner Sakura with confidence.
Sasuke's Head
`How was that girl, Kagome, able to find us? For once that dobe wasn't making a sound. And even if he was it would have only given away his position. She knew were each one of us was. How? She must have some skill. I wonder how powerful she is? She's kinda pretty to....... Wait! What am I thinking! She is not pretty.......'
Kakashi's Head
`Man she hits hard! I can still feel the sting. AND she's still glaring at me. Come on Kakashi! Pull yourself together! She can not keep me from finding out what happens next. Come on. Just pull out your other copy. She`s just a girl. A girl with a bad temper who hits hard. Who had beautiful eyes. And look at those legs.....'
Sango's Head
`STUPID HENTAI! Why me?!? Why always me? Why an I always surrounded by perverts? First that guy from the village, then Miroku and now him! Miroku..... Why did you betray me so? I loved you. I thought you loved me too.'
Kagome's Head
`Shippo. I'm so sorry. I should have protected you better. It's all my fault. Stop Kagome. If you keep thinking about this you'll start to cry. We do not want to appear weak! Think happy thoughts. We may have made new friends already. They seen trustworthy. They seem strong too. And that Sasuke is kinda cute.... I mean look at his hair! It's not youkai great but it's still awesome. No Kagome! We don't need our heart broken again. No matter how trustworthy they seem we will only be betrayed in the end.
Overall Pov
The group continued walking in silence until they ran into a giant wall. Kagome and Sango gasped at the size of the wall. It was taller then the highest trees in the entire forest. Slowly they followed behind the rest of the group, taking in all of there surroundings. To the casually observer it looked like they were overwhelmed by the sights of the village. Truthfully they were examining out there surroundings and the people for any chance of a threat. Slowly the group came to a stop in the middle of the market. Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke turned around to face Kagome and Sango.
“Welcome to the village hidden in the Leaves” Stated Kakashi.
“So what are you guys going to do now?” Asked Sakura.
“Well we don't know.” Stated Kagome eyeing a very interesting speck of dirt.
“Obviously we aren't from around here an we have no money” Sango softly said.
“Well you can hang out with us.” Suggested Sakura.
“Ya! We can all go” Started Naruto as his stomach started to grumble and growl. Naruto slightly blushed, “Let's get ramen for dinner!”
The girls giggled lightly as everyone started walking into the ramen shop.
“Do you even eat anything other then ramen?” Said Sasuke as he sat down at a table. Sakura sat to his right as Kagome sat to his left.
“Ummmm..........” Naruto thought for a minute. “Not really.” Naruto answered as he sat in between Sakura and Kakashi.
Sango looked around the table. “Damn it! I have to sit next to the hentai!” Sango complained as she sat next to Kakashi and Kagome. Soon everyone orders an awkward silence fills the group.
Everyone sat in a circle around the glowing fire. Miroku sat close to Sango as she gave him death glares. Kagome sat across from them next InuYasha and Shippo. Everyone was happily slurping down the warm ramen. InuYasha looked sadly down at his bowl. It was empty. Slowly looking in the pot he noticed it empty as well. Then he turned his attention towards Shippo. He took the last of the ramen! Quickly InuYasha bopped Shippo in the head and stole his bowl.
Shippo's eyes got big and watery as he turned towards Kagome. “Ookaa saaan!” Shippo started to cry, “Meanny InuYasha stole my ramen!
Seeing the look in Shippo's eyes Kagome uttered one word. “Sit.”
InuYasha plummeted into the ground as Shippo stole his bowl back. “Thank you Okaa!” Shippo said merrily as she resumed eating his ramen. Kagome giggled and resumed eatting hers.
Kagome's eyes cleared as her ramen was set in front of her. `InuYasha you basterd. You traitor. You must have really hated me if you were willing to give up your only ramen supplier. And Shippo....'
“Kagome eat your food. You haven't eaten all day.” Sango looked at Kagome with a look that said eat-or-I-will-stuff-it-down-your-throat. Kagome quickly started eating, afraid to face Sango's wrath.
“So where are you guys from?” Asked sakura trying to get rid of the silence.
“We aren't really from anywhere.” Sango began, “We are travelers.”
“So is it just you guys then? Or do you have more people in your group?” Naruto asked as her started on his third bowl.
“Of course it's just us! We don't need any backstabbing traitors in our group!” Sango erupted.
Everyone stared. No one was expecting such a remark from Naruto's simply question.
“Sango calm down.” Kagome soothed, her aura gently lapping at Sango, “Yes it is just us. But we are looking for a place to settle down now.” Kagome continued.
“Why?” Asked Naruto.
“We decided our adventure was through.” Sango said roughly.
Noting Sango's hostility everyone decided it would be better to resume eating in silence. Slowly Kakashi started edging his chair more towards Naruto.
Naruto's head
`I just asked a question.' Naruto thought as he finished his fifth bowl. `She didn't have to bite my head off.' Naruto looked up and started laughing in his head. `She seems to really scare Kakashi sensei.'
Sasuke's Head
`That explains her sad faraway looks. they must have had more people in their group who betrayed them.' Sasuke looked towards Kagome. `I wonder what happened.'
Sakura's Head
Sakura noticed Sasuke look towards Kagome. `She IS trying to steal Sasuke! That ikeike! Well we'll just have to show he Sasuke's already taken.'
Overall Pov
Sakura wrapped her arms around Sasuke's arm. Sasuke looked down with disgust.
“Remove your arms.” Sasuke said a slightly colder then normal voice.
“But Sasuke-kun...” Sakura started to say in whinny voice.
“Remove your arms!” Sasuke snapped causing Sakura to release her hold.
“Sasuke...” Sakura started with watery eyes.
“Sakura he did warn you. You should have released him the first time he said.” Kagome cut in.
Sakura's Pov
`That ikeike!' Sakura screamed in her mind as she got up and followed the others out of the shop.
Hentai- Pervert
Youkai- Demon
Okaa- Mother
San- added after name for politeness (respected people)
Kun- added after name for politeness (boys)
Sensei- Teacher
Ikeike- Bitch
Well I hope you all like it. As made obvious in this chapter I'm probably gonna do a Sasuke/Kagome and Kakashi/Sango. It's really strange. You'de figure there would be more Kakashi/Sango I mean they seem perfect (to me anyways) but its nearly impossible to find one. Like always plz reveiw. I luv hearin that u luv my story! Plus the more reveiws the faster the update ;)