Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hauntings of the Mind ❯ Touring ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: If I owned things would be SO different. I mean, just look how week they make Kagome.
P.o.v change
Haunting Of The Mind
Chapter 4 Touring
`That ikeike!' Sakura screamed in her mind as she got up and followed the others out of the shop.
Chapter 4
"Sooo what should we do now?" Kagome asks.
"I know!" shouts Naruto, "You guys don't know your way around the village so we can show you around!"
"Wow the dobe has a good idea." mumbles Sasuke.
"HEY...." Naruto started to yell.
"That's a great idea, thank you Naruto." said Kagome trying to keep some piece.
"Then follow me! This way please." Naruto started walking around the village. Naruto hoped up and down ran in circles and talked almost a mile a minute showing the greatest spots in the village while also telling about the great conquests and pranks he pulled at that spot. While everyone was following they were paying him little attention.
'I have to stop her from getting my Sasuke! What would work best....... I could try showing her Sasuke's mine... that didn't work to well last time. It might work later though. I could keep her away from him... but who would keep her away I can't stand her plus if I was the one to keep her away I couldn't spend time with my Sasuke.' Sakura looked over at Kagome. She was walking with her head down staring at the ground. 'She must be plotting to get MY Sasuke!'
Sasuke stared forward unfocused. 'What the hell was Sakura doing? I can't stand it when girls are so clingy. She's a teammate. She's not even that strong. Naruto could beat her. Now Kagome..... She seems pretty strong. She could beat up Sakura fast; she could probably beat Naruto quick too. Not that that's hard.'
With Sango and Kakashi
Kakashi pulls out a book from one of his hidden pockets. Seeing this Sango tries to look at the cover of the book. Kakashi, not wanting to get hit again, twists around so she can not read it. Unfortunately for him, Sango realized for him to hide the cover like that that it must be something perverted. Swirling around to fast for Kakashi to stop it Sango stole the book from his hand.
"So let's see... Make out paradise. Perverted book of the year. The book I stole from you earlier." Sango opened up the book towards somewhere in the middle and scanned the page. As Sango looked down the page her cheeks grew pinker and pinker then redder end redder. With a quick flick of her wrist she sent the book off into the forest. Faster then Kakashi could realize Sango has smacked him again with a loud shout of "Hentai!"
'Wow. Naruto sure has a lot of energy. He reminds me a lot of Shippo.....' Kagome thought with a sad smile. 'He acts so much like a kitsune. He even has the aura of one. Wait. He has the aura of a kitsune youkia. How did I not notice this before? It seems to be masked under a... human aura. It's like it's sealed inside..... Does he know? Do his friends know? I'll have to ask him later. I woun...' Kagome was pulled out of her thoughts with a loud shout of "Hentai!" With a small smile Kagome turned around in time to see Sango smack Kakashi once more.
The sun started to sink below the horizon when Naruto finally came to a stop. "So that's it." Naruto said cheerfully.
"Thank you for the tour Naruto." said Kagome.
"Well it's getting late. You should all go to bed. You still have to get up and mean at the bridge for training in the morning." reminded Kakashi.
"Well I guess we'll see you guys in the morning." said Kagome as her and Sango headed to exit the village.
"Wait! Where are you going?" asked Naruto.
"Where do you think? We are going to go camp outside in the forest. It's not like we have any money." replies Sango
"Well I have no room in my apartment or I'd let you stay there." Naruto replied.
"I have no room." gave Kakashi.
"I don't have any room either." supplied Sakura.
"Well I guess you guys could stay with me." said Sasuke.
"No. That's ok we don't want to intrude." replied Kagome.
"No. It's ok. I have plenty of room." Sasuke explained trying to sound like he didn't care.
“But..” Kagome started.
“We would love to. Lead the way.” Sango stated, placing a hand over Kagome's mouth.
Sasuke and started walking away. “Good night everyone. Thank you for everything.” said Kagome as she turned and followed Sango and Sasuke. When they arrived at Sasuke's home he lead them inside into a hallway.
Sasuke pointer to a door and said “You guys can stay in there.” Sasuke pointed to the door next to it, “That's the bathroom.” Sasuke pointed to the door across from the bathroom, “That's my door. Don't enter.” With that said Sasuke headed into his room.
“Well.....” Sango opened up the door to the room they would be staying in. It had a couch against one wall with a bed opposite. One wall had a closet and next to the door was a desk. Everything in the room was a dusty green color.
“Hey Sango. Where did Kirara go?” Asked Kagome.
“She ran off when we entered the ramen shop she'll come back eventually.” replied Sango as she opened up the window.
“Ok. Take the bed Sango, I want the couch.” Kagome said with a yawn as she curled up on the couch. Within seconds Kagome was out.
“Alright Kagome......” Sango said as she laid in the bed.
Kagome cut left and right with some of her many daggers. She was warring the slayer uniform Sango had given her. As one demon fell another took it's place. It seemed as if it would never end. Behind her, her sister Sango hacked at the mini army rushing her. Her matching slayer uniform was covered in blood as she sliced the demons in half with her large boomerang. On her other side was Miroku. Twirling his staff he bashed the nearby demons. His robes fluttered around him as he killed stuck ofudas on a few of the youkai. A few feet away a Kirara lunged at demon after demon. Farther away Kagome knew InuYasha was in his battle with Naraku. As Kagome killed another demon she prayed InuYasha would slay Naraku with his life intact. She heard Naraku`s taunts as he dodged one of InuYasha`s attacks. Kagome froze as she heard Naraku's threat on Shippo's life. Quickly she turned around in time to see Shippo impaled with one of Naraku's tentacles.
“Shippo!” she screamed as she ran over to his body.
“Shippo....” she whispered kneeling down and picking up his dying body as she started to cry.
“Okaa please don't cry.” he croaked out, “I'm gonna see daddy. And don't worry. I'll be waiting up there for you.” And with his last breath he whispered out “I love you.”
“I love you to Shippo, I love you to....” she whispered as she laid Shippo's body on back on the ground and shakily stood up. “InuYasha move.” She said, “Naraku's MINE!” she screamed.
“Ku ku ku. Did I upset the little miko?” he sarcastically asked.
“You bet you did. You just made your LAST mistake Naraku. InuYasha move your ass or I'll fry you too.” She fumed.
InuYasha turned around and looked into her face and he paled. “Shit Kagome's gonna blow.” he said as he leaped away.
“You die now Naraku.” said Kagome as her pink miko ki swirled around her like a flame. Kagome moved her arm out with her palm facing forward as some of her miko ki swirled down to her arm and out her palm darting straight at Naraku.
Naraku called all his demon minions to him as the miko ki headed straight towards him.
The monk and demon slayer stopped and stared at there friend as she launched her attack at Naraku. The miko ki sailed into the demons purifying without slowing down in the least as it continued straight towards Naraku. Desperate Naraku tried to jump out of the way. The attack hit him full force purifying him to the darkest recesses of hell. In his place lay about half of the shikon no tama, purified to a creamy pink. Everyone stared in shock at what had just transpired as Kagome walked forward and lifted the piece if the jewel around her neck were she fused it with the rest of her jewel making it whole. Kagome stared in fascination as the little jewel that caused so many so much pain started to slowly sink into her once more. As the jewel finished everything faded into darkness.
Hentai- Pervert
Kitsune- Fox
Youkai- Demon
Ku ku ku- Ha ha ha
Miko- Priestess
Minshuu- people
well wat do ya think? i no its kinda a borin chapter but... things will be better next. i already no wats gonna happen! hopefull that will mean i update faster. but without the right encouragement *coughreviewcough* it might take aaggeesss. so u will all review? u all no u want to. well plz reveiw tell me if u like it an wen im feeling encouraged enough ill update! BTW sry it took me so long to put some stuff up… i… kinda… sorta…. Forgot about u guys. SORRY! As an apology I put up to chaps. BYE Minshuu!