Naruto Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ The Never Played Symphonies ❯ Just This Once ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Never Played Symphonies
Chapter 5 Just This Once
“Ssssaaaassssuuukkkkkeeee!” Naruto whined, and honestly the Uchiha was impressed with his stamina on how long he could hold out on the high-pitched squeal. Though he supposed that the blond idiot had been practicing such a thing for many years now, and so he had become an expert…that of course didn't make it any less annoying.
“Naruto shut the hell up…for the last time no!” He refused…He absolutely refused. He could not walk into that hospital and see that look of disgust and betrayal in Shikamaru's eyes, knowing he had been the one to cause it all.
His friend had been hassling him for what felt like the entire day. First it was questions about what had happened at the shrine, and those questions had soon turned into requests for him to accompany him while visiting the injured chunin in the hospital.
He didn't even want to think about that day, let alone have to visit a living reminder of it. …Not that his soiled pants and ripped shirt weren't enough of those already. There also was of course his brother's Akatsuki cloak and the scroll he had recovered from the roof hidden in the trunk under his bed to also attest to just what had gone on in that temple.
Honestly, Sasuke couldn't say what was more disturbing….the fact that he had kept the cloak, or the fact that he had slept with the cloak the night before and let the familiar scent of Itachi lull him into a peaceful dreamless sleep. As for the scroll…well that was just yet another way for the bastard to mock him. For when he had unrolled it the slip of paper had said one thing, and one thing only.
`Foolish Otouto, next time I will make you mine'
Stupid haughty bastard. He had obviously known that something like that would happen even before Sasuke had shown up. He had just assumed he would be there…hell he had assumed everything! And the saddest part was, Sasuke had gone along with the bastard's plan without a hitch.
He had let Itachi do whatever he wanted, and not only that but he hadn't lifted a finger to help Ino and Shikamaru when they were obviously in trouble. No, he had been much too busy at the time getting finger fucked by that presumptuous bastard to ever do such a thing.
“Come on…You need to go see Shikamaru. If it was my brother's fault that this happened, assuming I had a brother…or any family at all…I would so go see him and apologize in my sibling's place.” Naruto finished, not at all realizing the implications of what he had just said.
Blowing a proverbial gasket, Sasuke grabbed onto Naruto's black collar of his t-shirt, slamming him up against the wall of the ramen shop where he was bothering him and holding him up in the same way Itachi had when he had mocked him a few months ago. “Never tell me to apologize for that murdering fuck again!” His grip tightened. “Should I apologize to my family that he slaughtered as well? Should I make it all go away so that his conscience can be clear!”
“Itachi apologizes for nothing!...and I will not do so in his place.” He growled. “I refuse to abolish his sins.” He remember those warm hands on his skin…and that mouth, oh gods that mouth. No, he refused to apologize for any of his brother's sins.
“I'm sorry Sasuke…I forgot how much it hurts to talk about him.” The sad thing was is that it didn't hurt as much anymore…as a matter of fact when he thought of Itachi he tended to get a somewhat warm feeling deep in the pit of his stomach, which if he lied to himself he could still convince his brain was hatred.
His grip tightened on Naruto's collar, hating the thoughts traveling through his brain. “Yes, well I can see how it is you are able to forget, but I can never…He is the reason for my very breath in the morning…I can never forget his sins.”
Yes, Itachi was the reason for his very breath, yet lately that reason had twisted into something much more complicated than revenge. Not thinking, he lowered his face forward into Naruto's shoulder, just then realizing how close they were.
Without letting Naruto figure out their proximity, Sasuke backed away, giving a sigh of defeat at the whole situation. “It doesn't matter anyways…and yes I will go see Shikamaru with you.” It was the least he could do after mocking Itachi to the point where he had used tsukuyomi on him.
“Really?” The blond asked skeptically, obviously not being able to believe his ears when he heard Sasuke agree so easily to something. “…Okay! But try not to be brooding the entire time you're there. It does get old after a while you know!”
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, looking at him boredly. “Do you not want me to go then?”
“No!” Naruto shot back almost instantly. “… I want you to go! It's just that I don't want you to be brooding the whole time you're there, is that so hard to understand?! Annnnnnd, you have to promise to go into Shikamaru's actual room Sasuke-teme! YOU CAN'T WAIT IN THE HALLWAY!” The moron looked at him with an accusing glare and Sasuke fought the urge to roll his eyes. How the hell was the blonde always able to do that? Now he had to actually see Shikamaru.
Sasuke watched as Naruto eyed him nervously, and whilst he usually might have ignored him, this time the blue-eyed moron had managed to spike up his curiosity. “What is it, dobe?” He asked, managing to sound uninterested at the same time.
Naruto's gaze traveled and rested on his two feet before he managed to answer. “I just… I never thought you'd want to come with me, is all.” The dobe stuck his lip out in a half-pout, and Sasuke felt his heart squirm a bit in his chest. …No one should be allowed to make such faces.
He gave a half growl. “Despite what you might think, even hanging out with a dobe like isn't the worst way I can think to spend the time.” He watched as Naruto's bright blue eyes immediately swelled with pride and he groaned at just the thought. Great, now he was fueling the stupid loser's ego. If that huge grin on the blond's face was anything to go by, then he would have to say he had filled it to the brim.
“Well I'm glad you think so highly of me Sasuke…but I still think you're a pretty big bastard.” He said haughtily, spinning on his heel and starting to walk towards the hospital, obviously expecting Sasuke to follow on his heel like an obedient dog. The Uchiha made a mental not right then to never pay Naruto any type of compliment again. He shuddered to think if such a big headed moron like him became Hokage…the power would probably immediately go to his head until everyone in the village was bending to his every need, which knowing him would probably be to fetch lots and lots of ramen.
He watched Naruto's quickly retreating back, and placing his hands in his gray pant pockets he slowly followed him towards the hospital. In truth, he really wanted to know how much Shikamaru knew. He was aware of how Itachi could fuck with your mind, but then again he was also aware of when their eyes had met and the chunin had taken in the entire scene of him sprawled out in only an Akatsuki cloak before his eyes.
Naruto placed his arms behind his head as he walked, staring up into the sky and whistling merrily. Sasuke wished he had that, but he could never whistle merrily. His mind was riddled with guilt and accusations to just what he had become. Though, to be honest, he didn't think he would be whistling even if he weren't weighted down with his sins.
“So…” The dobe started. “Just because you now realized how utterly cool and awesome I am that doesn't mean that you get to start trying to be like me…no matter how utterly irresistible it might be.”
Sasuke shook his head at the statement…the bad thing was the ego-driven brat was probably totally serious. Though he couldn't say that this light hearted conversation wasn't improving his mood, because after all the dark and depressing thoughts he had been having lately anything could spark the little bit of happiness in him that had recently all but diminished.
“…I'll keep that in mind.” He mumbled quietly, kicking at the dirt on his shoes as they reached the hospital. He had no doubt in his mind that if Shikamaru didn't know all there was to know now, him showing up to check on him might provide that one final push in his mind to make him connect all the pieces, and yet he still needed to know.
The smell of antiseptic stung his nose as they walked down the white-washed halls. He always did hate hospitals…it was part of the reason he always had the tendency to sneak out of them whenever he was admitted.
They had made him stay in a hospital after the massacre. As a matter of fact even after his wounds were non-existent they had still made him stay. Honestly, Sasuke was sure they just didn't know what to do with him. But he didn't need their pity. Everyone thought he was a charity case, and that was another he couldn't stand.
Ino had been in the hospital for less than a day due to the bump on the head his brother's bastard partner Kisame had given her when he had smashed her head into the side of the building. He hadn't gone to visit her, and the kicker was after she was out she came to visit him. ….If only she knew what was going on why the shark like bastard was turning her brain to hamburger…she might not be that big of a fan.
After winding around numerous corners they finally reached Shikamaru's room. Honestly, Sasuke barely noticed. He had been working so hard to tune out the continuous chatter that spilled out of Naruto's throat that he had stopped paying attention to anything around him. Though, he was reminded of where he was when he ran face first into Chouji and bounced almost ball like off of his round stomach.
“I told you where to go right, didn't I?” Were the first words out of the food-loving ninja's mouth. He was chomping down on a candybar from the cafeteria, and looked rather guilty as he kept glancing from Sasuke to where Shikamaru laid in the bed beyond the door.
“Yes.” Sasuke answered matter-of-factly, not sure what this question had to do with anything, though knowing his luck he had probably walked himself into another trap.
“Then how come it took you so long to get there?...How come you couldn't do anything to help them?” Sure enough he was right…the world hated him.
“I…” He started, and could feel both Naruto's and Chouji's gaze on him, and yet his mind had came up with so many lies nowadays that he just couldn't seem to form a decent one.
“He did get there.” Well it seemed he didn't have to, after swallowing away his nervousness about what that voice popping up could mean, Sasuke turned towards the hospital room where Shikamaru was now sitting up in bed. “Sasuke was otherwise engaged with the other Akatsuki member at the time.”
Otherwise engaged? Sasuke's eyes met the chunin's deep chocolate ones and he knew in that instant that the brilliant strategist had already put together all the pieces of the puzzle.
“Sasuke you fought Itachi again?...I thought you just got there in time to get them help?” Naruto asked innocently, still thinking that his friend was a decent human being.
“I…” Not again…why the hell did his brain choose this time to turn retarded? He opened his mouth again, but no words came out. His tongue felt big and swelled in his mouth, making lying to his friend's face nearly impossible.
Instead of responding he simply shook his head, turning around and beginning to head back the other way before he could make an even bigger fool of himself, sadly the bed bound shinobi would never give him the chance.
“Yes, he fought with him. It seems that Itachi Uchiha had a trap all set up for Sasuke so that he could not come to our aid.” Sasuke paused mid-step. How? Why?
Turning around, he stared at Shikamaru in shock, and was taken even more by how the chunin was still giving him that same lazy expression that he always wore after lying to cover his ass.
“That bastard…I swear every time I hear more about him I just want to get my own hands on him and ring his neck!” Naruto exclaimed excitedly like he did whenever he was just itching for a fight, and for some reason that comment got Sasuke to send the blond a glare.
Though he soon wiped that glare off of his face when he realized he had just glared at Naruto for talking bad about his murderous traitor of a brother. …He really was starting to lose it.
Walking into the hospital room, he hovered over Shikamaru's bed, noticing that not even a single bandage marred his skin. Then again he really didn't think that the chunin was still in the hospital because of the physical attacks he had received from Kisame. No, he was sure that the injuries the boy still had you could not see.
“How long are you going to be in here Shikamaru?” Naruto asked, coming to sit in the chair by his bedside, having none of the formal awkwardness as Sasuke about being in the room.
“Well the med-nins say a couple more days, but I'm thinking that I might just bust out sooner. The food tastes like crap, and I just can't stand all these people coming in and bothering me…it's so troublesome.”
Naruto's chest puffed out in indignation. “Oh really!? Well I'm sorry I'm so troublesome…I just won't come visit you at all anymore!” The blond whined, sounding much too like a simpering girl for his own good.
Shikamaru slowly raised an eyebrow at the blond, obviously trying to see if such a fit was real…sadly it was. Honestly, Naruto sounded like a little crying bitch who got her feelings hurt by a boy she liked….maybe him and Sakura had been spending way too much time together since he had been gone.
Now that was a scary thought…Naruto turning into Sakura. Did that mean that he would turn all scary stalker like and join his fan club too? Sasuke shuddered at the very thought, and had a horrible mental picture in his head of Naruto in his sexy-jutsu form trying to ask him out.
He shook his head to clear the horrible searing image from his mind and once again tried to focus on the conversation. “Eh…you're so loud.” Shikamaru stated, shifting in his bed. “How bout I just give you special permission to visit me?” The chunin asked, and Sasuke noticed a particular pinkish blush on the boy's face.
“Really!?” Naruto piped up excitedly, on the edge of his seat at the prospect that at least one person might want him around.
“If it will get you to be quiet…geez how's a person supposed to get rest around here?” He sighed, curling back against the pillow as he massaged his temple.
As for Naruto, at hearing that information he turned towards Sasuke, sticking out his tongue and blowing a raspberry. “You hear that Sasuke-teme…I'm liked better than you for once!”
“Congratulations.” The Uchiha muttered sarcastically. “Now you two can run away together and live happily ever after in your bliss…because it probably won't happen again.” He reached down, patting Naruto mockingly on the shoulder. “You should enjoy your blissful ignorance why it lasts.”
Both Shikamaru's and Naruto's faces lit up in a blush at that, and it was only after he was wondering why did he realize that he had added the part about them running away together. He probably shouldn't be making such comments, when the one person who could tear his life apart was the one being mocked.
Speaking of Shikamaru, a large rumble came from the shinobi, letting everyone in the room know the exact state of his stomach. “Are you hungry?” Naruto asked, embarrassment still lingering in his features.
The chunin shrugged, turning towards the window to stare out at the clouds. “Yeah…kinda.”
A rustling from behind him brought his attention back to Chouji, who was searching through all of his pockets, but only seemed to be coming up with different empty packages of the sweets he had devoured. “Sorry, I just ate my last candybar…these hospitals should really have a more sufficient food storage in them.”
Shikamaru gave a wave of dismissal. “Don't worry about it Chouji, I wasn't that hungry anyways.” As he was saying that his stomach gave another growl that actually sounded like `feed me' proving his lie false.
“My ass you're not hungry!” Naruto scolded, getting up from his hospital chair. “Chouji do you know where the cafeteria is?” The ninja nodded to the question. “Good…how bout we go get this lazy chunin some food, and maybe if he's properly fed he won't go down so easily in his next fight.” The kyuubi mocked, and yet Sasuke could hear the concern underlying his voice.
“Keh…” Shikamaru scoffed. “I told you that you didn't need to worry about it.” The chunin stated, the weight of his conviction about that statement not even close to strong.
“Don't be stupid…what are friends for if not to get each other food when the other is too lazy to get it for themselves.” Naruto joked, high pitched elated voice booming through the room. “And I know he's an ass, but Sasuke will keep you company in our absence...if you can call watching him stand in the corner and brood company.”
Sasuke shot the blond a glare, and in response the bastard had the audacity to shoot him a cheeky grin and actually ruffle his hair! Onyx eyes narrowed in a glare…he knew he should never have paid Naruto that earlier comment. That's what he got for being nice…well niceish. Not to mention the fact that the dumb dobe was now leaving him in the room was the one person that knew his secret…oh yes, he would definitely kill Naruto for this later.
Chouji and Naruto left down the hall, leaving the room in an unbearable silence that was worse to him than nails on a chalkboard ever could be. He could only guess the thoughts going through Shikamaru's head right now about him….He could only fathom what he thought about him.
The Uchiha shifted his weight, clearing his throat as he looked around the bland room in an attempt to avoid the chunin's gaze. He could have left, he knew that much, but like his voice he couldn't quite get his legs to work right. So there he stayed, wallowing in that awkward silence that told more than words ever could.
This was his torture. He rarely talked, but that didn't by any means make him like silence. As a matter of fact ignoring him is how Itachi had always won their battles when they were younger, because Sasuke would crack everytime, and sadly enough this time was no different.
“So…what exactly did he make you see?” He started, asking the one question he was more curious about then any other. What had his brother made him see in order to punish his otouto? Seeing as how eager Itachi was to prove his point, he could only imagine that it was something horrible. …His aniki had never been the most rational of people. Though he had probably proved that by slaughtering every single member of their clan.
Shikamaru once more glanced out the window, the clear sky seeming to bring him some peace. “I don't want to talk about it.” He replied quietly, obviously recalling the experience. Itachi had obviously went all out in his mental torture this time around, scarring yet another person for life.
“I understand.” Sasuke tried to put delicately, hoping that Shikamaru didn't know it was his fault it had happened. Itachi had a tendency to bring out the very worst in every situation, and yet make it graceful…he had a feeling that this was no different.
“Amongst the days of torture he managed to leave you a quick message.” Sasuke's heart stopped in his chest at those words and his blood ran cold. …He didn't. …He wouldn't.
Sasuke didn't even try to hide his emotions as he turned wide-fearful eyes up towards the chunin. Shikamaru tilted his head to the side, reaching the underside of his hand up to crack his neck. “Well…something tells me you already know what it's about.”
The Uchiha opened his mouth to respond in the same cold and uncaring way he was known for, but no words came out. How could Itachi do this to him? His brain was running through every worst scenario he could think of, and by the end he was practically hyperventilating on the inside…and yet he still managed to keep up his mask.
“Shisui?” Sasuke shut his eyes as that treacherous name left Shikamaru's lips. “Does that name mean anything to you?”
Shaking his head he felt the same desolate feeling of despair he had been wallowing in for the past week settle back over him. “He was our cousin.” He replied to the question, his throat feeling tight and scratchy at the thought of just what that meant. “…he was special to us…especially to Itachi.” He had no reason why he was spilling all of this to a person he barely spoke to, and yet he couldn't stop the words from leaving his lips. “My brother drowned him in the river a few weeks before the massacre in order to get the power he used to murder our entire family.”
He had never told anyone about that, and yet he seemed to be losing it just enough to spill out some of his darkest secrets. Shikamaru made a noise in his throat at the information, turning back to look at him with that same bored expression.
“Yeah? That really sucks…” Well you had to hand it to him, not many people could take on that much information and reply only with a `that sucks' “Well the message was about him…now don't quote me on this, because I had other things going on at the time, but he mentioned something about this Shisui and that if he ever found out someone else touched what was his they'd be lucky to have the same fate that was bestowed upon him.”
His stomach churned at that, and suddenly he felt nauseous. Glancing around, he caught sight of the adjoining bathroom and rushed in, barely being able to make it to the toilet before he retched up his insides. Sasuke's heaves echoed off the wall, and in the backroom he heard Shikamaru's disgusted groan at just the prospect.
It didn't stop the sick feeling in his stomach though. Had Itachi really said that? Had he actually told Shikamaru that if he touched anyone else he'd kill them? His head was spinning, and he realized it might have something to do with the fact that he hadn't eaten in almost two days. There was nothing left in his stomach, which made the process even more painful as he continued to dry heave into the bowl.
Sasuke rested his head on the edge of the porcelain, letting the coolness of the toilet cool down his aching head. He felt sick, and not just in his body. “Well…I don't think that was necessary.” Shikamaru said from the other room. “That's just what I need…puke stinking up my already shitty hospital room. Well, I suppose if I needed a reason to sneak out of here, now I have one…how troublesome.”
“What are you going to do?” Sasuke croakily asked, throat now burning and sore from his heaving. Shikamaru held no loyalty to him, and if they were in opposite positions he had no doubt in his mind that he would have turned the ninja in.
He heard a sigh from behind him, and turned his head a little from the bowl to see Shikamaru out of bed and grabbing for a towel. “Well, I suppose that depends…” He said, all the while turning on the sink to wet the towel. “Was it forced?”
The Uchiha managed to bite back another wave of nausea that threatened to escape from his throat. Why such a question? Was it forced…well there was only one way to answer that no matter how shameful it might be. “No.” He said quietly, letting the shame take form in his stomach as he once more retched. Itachi might be a lot of things, but as far as he knew he was no rapist.
When he was done, Shikamaru handed him the wet rag to wipe his mouth on, continuing on with his questions. “Do you plan to betray Konoha?” Sasuke was a little surprised by that question, but when he thought about it the chunin hadn't made that big of a leap. Itachi was part of the enemy, and he was willingly sleeping with the enemy…well almost sleeping with him. No wonder Shikamaru had made chunin, he always saw ahead…he was like his brother in that sense.
Wiping his mouth, Sasuke sat up from the toilet bowl to stare seriously into Shikamaru's eyes. “Of course not. I would never join him…I hate him!” He said, with less bite than that statement normally got. Shikamaru seemed to realize this too, for he rose an eyebrow as he stared down at him in evaluation.
Finally after what seemed like an eternity of staring, Shikamaru shrugged and turned to slowly walk back to bed. “Then honestly I don't see how it's any of my business…it would take way too much work to try to explain this one to anybody anyways.” He shook his head, getting back under the blankets. “How troublesome…people are much too troublesome.”
Shikamaru had shrugged this entire situation off so nonchalantly, and yet Sasuke had never felt like hugging someone more in his life. He always thought it was sort of a waste for a shinobi to be so lazy, but he had to say now he was almost thankful because it was that laziness that saved his ass.
“Shikamaru we were only able to find a banana and a bag of dried apples…it seems Chouji has emptied their entire storage.” Oh shit…Sasuke heard Naruto's high pitched voice coming back into the room, and sat up real quick, trying to flush the evidence of just how stressed out he was down the bowl.
Sadly…as he turned to see Naruto looking at him in disgust he would have to say that he had failed. “Ew…God Sasuke can't you do that somewhere else!? The room stinks now!” Sasuke glared. “And now I'm going to get sick, and you know what I'll find you just so I can throw up in your lap!”
Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. “Well your concern for my welfare is just radiating off you in buckets!” Though he didn't need to worry about Naruto's lack of concern, because after Chouji walked in to join them, Kakashi followed.
“Are you sick?” His silver haired sensei asked, making eye contact with the Uchiha, and Sasuke knew it was going to be near impossible to lie to him.
“No.” He stated bluntly, not having to think of an excuse, and yet not telling the whole thing. He didn't want to have to deal with Kakashi's questions. He knew how clever his sensei could be, and he had no doubt in his mind that he had probably put everything together already. “I've got to go home.” He said, coldly brushing past the people in the room and making it in to the hall that still reeked of astringent.
He moved swiftly down the hall, actually almost reaching the door when a voice stopped him in his tracks. “Sasuke wait.” Kakashi demanded, and for some reason Sasuke felt his limbs listening to the request.
The Uchiha turned around, coming to face his teacher who had a look of concern of his features. “Are you ready to talk about it?”
His eyes narrowed, not liking how Kakashi had immediately jumped to the point. He thought at least he'd beat around the bush a little, try to get him comfortable with the conversation before he cut right to the stabbing question.
“Am I ready to talk about what?” He feigned ignorance, while at the same time
adding a biting tone to his voice hinting for his sensei to drop it…he didn't.
“The reason why you're puking in the toilet…or how about the reason you've shut yourself in your apartment.” Kakashi walked forward, coming to stand in front of his student and using his superior height as a tool of intimidation. “Or perhaps we should discuss what's really wrong here…Tell me Sasuke what happened between you and your brother?”
A chilling quiet swept through the halls, leaving just the two of them staring intensely into the other's gaze. “I don't see how that's your problem.” Sasuke hissed, not at all liking the accusing tone Kakashi had used with him.
“When it starts affecting my teachings then it becomes my problem.” Kakashi stated calmly. “You're not acting yourself Sasuke, and I'm worried because the Hokage has requested a meeting with you, and I don't know how she'll react to seeing you in this condition.”
Sasuke's face darkened. As if he didn't have enough to deal with, now he had to meet with the Hokage…because that had gone so well last time they had tried it. “Does she want to meet now?” He asked testily, not wanting to be around Kakashi anymore than he had to, which was weird because usually Kakashi was one of the only people who he could stand to be around. Though he supposed it's much harder to be disgusted with yourself and have someone you like see it then it is to let someone you hate.
“Yes, that's actually why I came.” Sasuke waved his hand, cutting whatever else his sensei might have to say off.
“Fine. I'll get that over with.” He turned to walk, hearing Kakashi's practically silent pad of footsteps behind him. That's the last thing he needed. Tsunade had a way of digging in to your very soul, and he by no means wanted Kakashi to hear him slip up in anything he might say. Being more inclined to push him away, then to have his respected sensei think less of him, Sasuke paused in his steps. “You don't have to follow me. I'm a big boy, and I think I can get to the Hokage's office all by myself.”
Kakashi scoffed behind him, and Sasuke could practically see him shaking his head. “As you wish, but just know I am here if you ever need to talk.” So kind…always so kind, that's what hurt the most.
Sasuke scoffed loud enough so that Kakashi was sure to hear, before walking the rest of the way out of the hospital. If he really was going to go down this road with Itachi then it would be good to push everyone away…before they had the chance to find out and leave him
“Come again?” Was all Sasuke could utter as he let shock settle over him at what he had just been asked. Tsunade hadn't called him to her office to badger him with questions about what had happened between him and Itachi. No, as a matter of fact she had called him to give him a mission. A secret mission in which his life would be in imminent danger and he couldn't come back to Konoha for a very long time.
“The scroll that was stolen has a very ancient and forbidden jutsu within it, so forbidden that the only ones who knew what it was for are now dead thanks to the Akatsuki.” Sasuke scowled, still remembering the blood stained walls. Yet another life on his brother's hands.
He could only imagine what was on the scroll to get the Akatsuki involved, and he knew Konoha would do anything to get their secrets back. Even if that meant sending in a genin to retrieve it. “So you want me to get it back?” Sasuke asked, eyebrows furrowing in wonder. “And how is it you expect me to just waltz into the Akatsuki camp and get out alive?”
“You have to gain their trust…you have to become one of them.” Sasuke's mouth dropped open a little at that.
“You want me to join the Akatsuki!?” He asked in mild disbelief. After all he had always considered the Hokage to be somewhat of a smart person, and yet she had just sentenced him to death.
“It is the only way to get the information…” Sasuke interrupted her before she could continue.
“It's suicide is what it is!” As if he didn't have enough problems staying away from Itachi, now they wanted to throw him in his grasp.
“Sasuke, I realize it's a dangerous game we're going to be playing here, but it is absolutely necessary. I wouldn't ask something like this of you if I didn't think you were capable of doing it… Tell me Sasuke, are you saying you do not think you're good enough to do this?” Sasuke's eyes widened at his Hokage's audacity! The bitch was taunting him! “Well…You're right; perhaps I should send Naruto instead… They do want him, after all. It'd probably be much easier for him to get accepted…” He watched in complete and utter disbelief as Tsunade's face took on a look of serious contemplation. Like hell he was going to allow that idiot to be sent in his place! He didn't need to give Itachi another reason as to why he should give him all his attention!
“I'll be the one dealing with Itachi!” He stated out loud before he had time to think about just what he was saying.
Tsunade raised a finely sculpted eyebrow, eyeing him with interest. “I never mentioned anything about your brother, but then again I can see where he might come to your mind.”
Sasuke's eye twitched. …And just what the hell did she mean by that? “And just why exactly would that come to my mind?” Why was it that it seemed everybody knew just what had gone on between him and Itachi, and they were just taunting him about it?
He shook his head, trying to block out those thoughts. He was becoming more and more paranoid by the second. If this mission didn't kill him, then keeping this a secret would. He had no doubt in his mind that it was just another means Itachi had thought up to torture him.
“Well he is your brother, and as such would be your connection for joining the organization.” Oh. Sasuke shut his eyes in anger, feeling his fist tighten a little. He was going to slug that bastard in the cheek next time he saw him on principle alone just for making him so paranoid. The worst part was is that his paranoia was making people jump to more conclusions than they would have otherwise. A prime example of that was how Tsunade leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands, looking at him curiously. “Tell me Sasuke, why is it you get like this whenever somebody mentions you and your brother's relationship?”
“We don't have a relationship!” He shot back automatically, not being able to resist. Hadn't he just said he wasn't going to do this anymore? He snorted at his own stupidity…he would have to punch his brother twice.
“I meant the fact that you share the same blood of course.” The hokage said, trying to calm down the angered youth. “He is your way in, and as hard as it might be you will have to convince him to take him with you the next time he visits.”
Ignoring what she had said about the mission, ignoring all the impossibilities of the plan she had formed, he couldn't help but focus and the very last thing uttered from lips. “What do you mean by the next time he visits?” He asked in a hollow voice, staring mindlessly at the bottom of her desk.
“I don't want to pry into your personal life Sasuke, but I think we both know exactly what I mean.” She stated coolly, not letting any of the disgust he knew she might be feeling seep into her voice. It seemed he wasn't so paranoid after all. Well either that or that damn hokage was just too smart for her own good.
Wordlessly, Sasuke pushed himself out of the chair he had sat in, keeping his head down all the way towards the door. “I shall accept the mission. Consider us to be enemies from this point on…I shall only contact you when I have word of what lies within the scroll.” He slid open the door, saying one last farewell before he departed. “Good-bye Hokage. I hope to one day see you again.”
He made a move to leave, but Tsunade's voice stopped him in his tracks. “Sasuke, you realize Naruto will never accept this?” She said, obviously knowing what the hot-tempered blond's reaction was going to be.
“I know…I'll take care of Naruto.” He said, and with that he sli the door closed and set off to find his friend.
Sasuke looked around his apartment. He had no idea how in such a short time it had turned from clean and tidy to a pigsty. …He supposed it had something to do with the fact that a pig named Naruto was now a resident inside of it.
He had invited the blond maniac over to hang out, and apparently it had floored him so much that the bastard had went out and bought tons of snack food and games for them to play. Seriously, it was like he thought they were having a sleep over like Sakura had with her friends or something. …The kid was seriously socially deprived; either that or he thought that they were twelve-year-old girls.
Naruto was currently settled on his bed in pajamas, wearing what could have been the most ridiculous hat he had ever seen in his life. Sasuke took a deep breath, coming out of the bathroom to the sight in nothing but black pajama pants, and tried not to kick the dobe out right then and there.
“Naruto I have to talk to you about something.” His eye twitched a little in anger. “And when the hell exactly did I tell you that you could spend the night!?” He growled, only half mad as he walked over and sat down on his bed that Naruto was also currently inhabiting.
“Stop being such a bastard! It's really late, and when I got over you were already wearing pajamas!” Naruto shot back angrily, hairs on the back of his neck already starting to bristle.
“You were wearing your pajamas when I opened my door!” Sasuke shot back, remembering almost slamming the door in his dobe's face when he had saw that ridiculous hat.
The dobe scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and turning his face away. “Feh…that's beside the point.” He perked back up, pointing to the part of the wall just above his bed. “The better question is what the hell happened to your wall?”
He couldn't help it, a blush settled on his face at just the thought. The hole smashed into his wall just above his bed was caused by Itachi, just before he had commanded Sasuke to suck his dick.
“Nothing.” He lied. “I just got mad and punched the wall.” Sasuke realized that the crater that had become his wall was much too big to be made by a single fist, but he hoped that Naruto would prove useful for a change and be too dense to realize that fact, and for once the dobe didn't disappoint him.
“Man you're a baka!” Naruto chided, playfully slapping him across the back of his head, to which Sasuke glared. “Only you would throw such a hissy that you make a crater into your own wall!”
After fixing his carefully placed spikes, Sasuke turned his glare back towards his friend, silently thanking whoever was listening that at least one person didn't seem to be able to read his every thought.
“Well you see I was angry…I get that way everytime I have to see your face.” He said sarcastically, getting a little thrill on how it seemed to make Naruto's face redden in fury.
“You bastard, don't lie!” Sasuke raised an eyebrow, and Naruto didn't wait long to continue. “You know you get off everytime you see me…probably have to come home and jack off twelve times just to get me out of your head!”
Sasuke couldn't help it, a deep blush settled over his features, and steam practically billowed out of his ears. “Shut the hell up dobe!” He didn't resist in smacking the bastard across the head, already seeing the welt starting to rise. “I would never jack off to your ugly face…I think you got the two of us confused!”
Naruto gave a slight laugh, hitting him back across the arm as they joked. It was almost like they were old friends, and they had these types of conversations everyday. The weird thing was, Sasuke never heard him deny it. “I managed to sneak something out of Iruka-sensei's house.” The blond said, and as he did he began to laugh even harder.
Okay, well now he was intrigued. Sasuke watched on in amusement as his friend reached into his bag and pulled out what looked two be two bottles of sake from inside. That actually did cause a smile to come to his face. The dobe had snuck sake from Iruka's liquor stash? He gave a small snicker. He had no doubt in his mind that Iruka would kill him when he found out. Though he had to admit, he was a little impressed that he had pulled it off.
Sasuke reached out, taking one of the bottles from the blond's hand. “Wow dobe, never thought you'd had it in you.” He twisted the bottle around in his hands. Strangely enough the idea of drinking a whole bottle of sake didn't really seem that bad right now. “Though I don't know why you even bothered sneaking it for yourself, one drink and you'd probably pass out just like the lightweight that you are.”
As he was mocking the kyuubi, he failed to mention how he had never touched a drop of alcohol in his life. Though that didn't mean that he couldn't mock Naruto for his obvious lack of experience as well.
“Whatever! Like you could drink anymore than me!” Naruto exclaimed, being yet another person able to read his thoughts. “I bet I could drink twice as much as you without even getting a flush!”
“Like hell you can!” Sasuke immediately shot back, gripping the bottle in his hand even harder. “May I remind you that you can't beat me in anything, let alone drinking!”
“Oh like you're some expert!” Naruto yelled, and Sasuke saw him grip his bottle as well. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was coming next. Without anything said between them except some dirty looks, the pair of shinobi brought their separate bottles to their lips and began to gulp down the liquid without a thought.
It burned as it went down, but that didn't stop Sasuke from taking big gulps. It felt like firewater burning his throat and stomach, and yet he never stopped swallowing. There was just something about the blond shinobi that made him always want to prove himself to him, and this would be no different. He would drink more than him if it killed him, and judging by the warmth that seemed to settle through his body followed by the dizziness, he really thought it might do just that.
As the bottle in his hand sloshed, he could feel his head swimming more and more. It was taking everything in him just to keep swallowing. Which pissed him off, because when he looked over towards the dobe the stupid blond didn't seem to be struggling at all!
No! He wouldn't lose to him! He refused! Though the more liquid that filled his stomach, the more and more his resolve began to waver. It actually became damn near impossible when his head swirled so bad that he began to see black spots in front of his vision, and he had to bring the bottle away from his lips when it was still a little less than half-way from being empty.
Sasuke wiped his mouth, trying to bring his eyesight back into focus. He watched on in blurry amazement as Naruto tipped his head back, gulping down the last of his bottle and wiping his mouth with a smack as if he had been drinking water.
“Ha!” Naruto exclaimed, giving a hiccup as he pointed towards the Uchiha. “Now who's the lightweight, bitch!” Sasuke gave a laugh at the fact that Naruto had just called him a bitch, and realized that his laugh sounded much too similar to a giggle for his own liking.
“You are!” He slurred, giving yet another giggle. “Yeh dumb ass!” Why was he finding everything so funny? He looked down to the bottle in his hand, sloshing around its contents some more…sake was really weird. He supposed this feeling of elation was the reason so many people he knew coveted it.
He fell backwards onto his bed, noticing how his ceiling seemed to swirl. Strange…he never remembered it having that feature. “Weird.” He mumbled to himself, feeling the weight on the bed shift as Naruto laid down next to him, making their bodies line up as they laid together.
“Sasuke.” Naruto said quietly, shifting in bed so that he was facing him, and the Uchiha managed to tear his gaze away from his spinning ceiling long enough to meet his gaze. “You may be a bastard sometimes…but you're my best friend.”
“Awwwww” Sasuke cooed, before he realized that such a thing had just come out of his mouth. Then he managed to dig up why he had invited the dobe over in the first place in that damaged brain of his, and his happiness faded slightly. “I have to go away for awhile.” He stated as gently as he possibly could.
Though it seemed no matter how gently he put it, it still caught the blond shinobi's attention. “Whattya mean?” He slurred, leaning over the Uchiha and placing a hand on his bare chest. “Where are you going?”
“Away…” Sasuke whispered, letting the foggy haze of his mind settle over him and lead him into an almost depression. “and you have to promise not to follow me.”
That hand slid up his chest as Naruto sat up more, trying to get a better view of his face. Though as he did Sasuke couldn't help but feel a tightening in his chest at the feeling of skin on skin contact.
“Where would I follow you to?” Naruto asked in concern, blue eyes wide as they stared down at him in wonder. “Sasuke where are you going that I can't follow?”
For some reason just that bit of concern in Naruto's voice was enough for Sasuke to throw an arm over the one Naruto had placed on his chest, pulling him closer. “I'm leaving Konoha…I'm leaving for a long time, and I need you not to fight me on this.”
He remembered when he had tried to leave before. He remembered being half insane and wanting to join Orochimaru just for a chance to get revenge against his brother, and the blond pulling him back from making what had to be the biggest mistake of his life. The seal still burned on his neck every time he thought of that asshole snake. He knew that if Naruto heard about him leaving this time that he would try to do the same again.
Naruto's eyebrows furrowed together in an almost adorable way. Sasuke paused in his thoughts, realizing he had just referred to Naruto as adorable. “Sasuke what are you talking about? Why would you leave Konoha?” The blond sat up quickly, pulling a pillow into his lap as he stared down at him in shock. “Sasuke you can't be thinking about going to Orochimaru again…you can't!”
Shaking his head, Sasuke pushed himself back up with a great deal of difficulty. “Calm down dobe…it's not like that.” Geez, Naruto was hard to handle normally, but it seemed he was extra loud tonight. “I have to…it's for Kohoha…it's a secret.”
Naruto opened his mouth to no doubt send out a slew of protests, but Sasuke fisted a hand through surprisingly soft blond locks. “Don't talk back dumb ass…I'm not doing it because I want to, and I know that this must be ever so hard for you…” He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “but you have to trust me.”
In his drunken haze, Sasuke failed to notice just how close they had become, and how Naruto's face kept drifting closer and closer. “I always trust you Sasuke…I always think of you.” A goofy grin covered his face, making his features completely light up. “Even when I'm jacking off.”
Sasuke's eyes widened at that. Did Naruto really tell him that he wanted him? “Naruto I…I…” He tried, but just like back at the hospital he found that he couldn't seem to form a decent sentence. Though this time it was for entirely different reasons.
He stared into bright ocean blue eyes, trying desperately to see some truth in Naruto's drunken statement, but as he stared he couldn't help but get a little lost and lean even more forward, so forward that he could feel the dobe's breath on his lips and could almost taste the ramen he had just been eating.
The Uchiha really thought he would have collapsed against the blond, but he was brought out of his haze by the bubbly laughter that erupted from the ninja's throat as his entire body began to shake from it.
“You should see your face!” Naruto howled, slapping his thigh as he rocked back and forth in laughter.
“You bastard!” Sasuke screamed, lunging forward and tackling the hyperactive shinobi. Naruto fought back, landing a well-aimed kick in his chest as they rolled around on his bed, still howling in laughter. As they continued to roll around the laughter continued to grow, until Sasuke realized that his own laughter had joined the other boy's.
Their laughter reached its pinnacle as they wrestled towards the edge of the bed, and with an `oof' they rolled off, Naruto landed windless on the ground with Sasuke right on top of him, and just like that the laughter stopped.
Sasuke sat atop Naruto's surprisingly lithe body, and he found he couldn't stop his hands from sliding from his hipbones all the way to his chest, staring on in wonder as he watched the blond's muscles ripple underneath.
Things began to blur as he leaned down, and he almost went crossed eyed when he got so close their noses touched. Naruto was always there. He was always trying to help him. He understood him, or as much as someone could. If he tried and pretended enough, could he make Naruto into a replacement for Itachi?
A small grin came to his face as he leaned the rest of the way down, lightly touching their lips together in a soft kiss. Naruto's lips were slightly chapped, but they mended perfectly, and as he felt Naruto tenderly begin to kiss back, he deepened the kiss in the same way Itachi had done to him so many times before.
The kiss soon escalated into a full blow make-out session, in which Naruto's hands were wrapped around his neck, and Sasuke's legs were twisted around his waist. This is what he needed. He could be with Naruto…that's all it was. He needed somebody, and that somebody didn't have to be Itachi!
Naruto's hands traveled down his bare back, coming to rest on his hipbones, and he couldn't stop the slight moan from escaping his throat when they finally broke apart for a breath.
“Sasuke…” Naruto moaned breathlessly, and the Uchiha grew even more hot when he felt small kisses being placed all over his neck. “You…taste…so…good.” He said between kisses, throwing his weight over and rolling them so that he was the one on top.
“Mmmm…you're so pretty.” Naruto hissed, rolling his hips on the body he was atop, and making something akin to a yelp escape the Uchiha's lips. He was even so distracted that he was going to forget the part where he had just been referred to as pretty.
Warm lips traveled from his neck down to his chest, hands wandering all over his bare chest until it got down to the waistband of his pajamas. “I feel funny Sasuke-chan…I feel all hot and tingly.” Naruto grabbed his hand, bringing it down to his own pajamas, and the Uchiha could feel the hardness tented in his pj's.
“I can feel why…” Sasuke said huskily, moving his hand around and stroking the blond's still clothed erection. “Get up.” He groaned, pulling Naruto up and once again claiming his lips.
Though he noticed that this time Naruto didn't kiss back, and when he pulled away he noticed the hurt and confusion etched onto his face….it didn't take a genius too figure out why.
“Don't be a dumb ass Naruto…just get up for a second.” Sasuke growled playfully, pushing up on the dobe's chest. Reluctantly Naruto complied, and sat cross-legged on the floor while the Uchiha made his way to his feet.
With a smirk on his face, Sasuke turned around so that he was standing in front of the dobe, and licking his lips, let his fingers fall to the waistband of his pajamas, sliding them down past his hips to pool on the floor.
It gave him a wave of satisfaction at the wide-eyed lusty look Naruto was giving him at the sight, and loving how his eyes trailed him as he moved to sit on the bed. It didn't take him long to jump up from the floor, pulling his top above his head and slipping quickly out of his pants.
Though when he did it became Sasuke's turn to stare. He licked his lips as he saw a trail of curly blond hair leading down to something that made Sasuke's own cock twitch in anticipation. This is exactly what he needed. Fuck Itachi! He'd have a much better time fucking Naruto instead.
He patted the bed in silent anticipation, and it took Naruto all but two seconds to jump onto the bed, rubbing their bodies together and making both of them moan. “Sasuke…” The dobe cried out, as he practically bounced up and down in Sasuke's lap.
Sasuke could only moan in response, as his hands found their way to the blond's hips, encouraging him in his actions. As they grinded together Sasuke felt his cock harden, and he reached in-between their bodies and grabbed on to both their members, giving them a languid stroke.
That stroke soon turned into many as they were a pair of bodies in one big haze. Sasuke didn't know if it was the alcohol, or just being with Naruto himself, but he had never felt so drunk.
His body was on fire as they continued to move, and with one last stroke Naruto came in-between their stomachs. That wasn't the bad part though. The bad part was that right after he came he fell in a boneless heap on top of the Uchiha, and with a few prods Sasuke found that he had actually passed out.
“Stupid dumb ass.” Sasuke grumbled, pushing the blond off of him as he rolled fast asleep to his side. How could he pass out now of all times? He shook his head, leaning back and letting his hand travel back to his still engorged cock. It only took a few swipes of his hand before he spilled his seed upon his own stomach…not being able to stop himself from whimpering “…Itachi” as he did.
That one whimper was enough to take away any drunken happy haze he might have been in, for he realized that Naruto could never be his replacement. No matter how much he might want it, Itachi would always have him. He couldn't keep pretending. With those depressing thoughts in mind he rolled over so that he was snuggled against the dobe's snoring warmth. For tonight at least he could live in his blissful arrogance, with nothing else but the vow that he would never let Naruto drink again.
A/N- Yay for updates! And yay! For snow! This chapter was chalked full of excitement! …and next chapter…well next chapter is gonna be great. (licks lips in anticipation at just the thought of Itachi showing back up) …me thinks somebody's going to be a little jealous.
Now if you want, please join my yahoo groups, and there is a contest posted there! Enjoy!