Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Two


This story DOES contain yaoi. If you do not like that sort of thing, then stop while you can! ^_-

The darkness of the cave surrounded Kurama. He, unable to see very well, even with his demonic sight, felt his way through the cave.

`What in the world is a cave doing in the middle of a PARK?' he asked himself, incredulously. Receiving no answer from the darkness, he continued on his way.

A frown graced Kurama's beautiful face when the cave seemed to be leading him nowhere. Suddenly, a bright light shone at the far end of the tunnel, and Kurama rushed forth to breathe fresh air once again.

He breathed out with a smile, then took a look at his surroundings.

Where the hell was he exactly?

No answer yet again… Wait a minute… did he hear running water? Rushing forward, and finding he wasn't moving very fast, Kurama looked down on himself.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" came out of his mouth before he could stop it. His usually calm exterior had shattered with the realization that he… had become… A CHILD! His body was smaller than Hiei's now! Just imagine the look on that demon's face when he saw Kurama in this predicament! He would never hear the end of it!

Determined to NOT come within five hundred kilometers of Hiei in this state, Kurama set off into the bush, following the sound of water.

Once he reached the cold-looking stream, Kurama took a good look at himself. Yep. He was officially 10 or so years old again. That sucked. Big time.


Did he still have his old strength? He focused on his youki, and to his relief, he was just as powerful as he was before.

Thank kami-sama.

Deciding that standing around would get him no where, Kurama backtracked to the cave he came out of… only to find that it wasn't there. Imagine his chagrin.

`What can I do now?' he asked himself with a small worried frown, `I'm in a strange world, and young again.' For once, Kurama couldn't really come up with anything, since he didn't know the circumstances. And so, he settled for exploring this strange place.

The sky darkened as the day went on, calling Kurama's attention to it. `It's getting late… I should find a place to settle down for the night.'

Finding a large tree, Kurama jumped up and sat down on the largest tree branch. He shut his eyes and prepared himself for a wary sleep. He didn't know what creatures lurked out in these strange woods, where trees were the size of two houses put together.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

He woke the next day to the sound of rustling leaves. Keeping his face smooth and breathing even, as if he were still asleep, Kurama listened carefully to the sound. It seemed to be a two-legged creature… climbing through the trees. With quite a bit of stealth, he added to himself.

Kurama smelt the scent of human on the air, and gathered, from the sound, that it wasn't very far away. He kept still, pretending to be asleep, when the human landed on his branch. Opening his eyes just the tiniest of bits, he saw that the human was in a crouched position… and was wearing strange garb as well. A weird cloak. Interesting.

~Kakashi Pov~

He'd been doing his regular routine, being the ANBU that he was. Flitting through the forests surrounding the Hidden Leaf, looking for anything strange or any trespassers or spies in the area he was assigned to.

Imagine his surprise when he found the most adorable looking child he'd ever seen, with bright red hair, sleeping on a large tree branch. His eyes softened the tiniest bit from behind his mask as he watched the innocent-looking boy sleep.

Being slightly stealthy, Kakashi approached the child, to get a closer look. It seemed to be a girl. A very PRETTY girl. Now, don't think that Kakashi is a pedophile, because he isn't. Kakashi is attracted to very curvy and luscious women. NOT children. And we won't even go into the being attracted to men part either…

Anyway… There was this very pretty redhead sleeping in a tree. Wouldn't YOU be curious? Well. Kakashi is for sure. But, being the gentlemen (yea rite), he gently shook the child awake.

When the child opened her eyes, Kakashi was frozen by the amazing emerald green that graced him. Whoa. Make that a BEAUTIFUL child.

~~~~~Kurama Pov~~~~~

He was shook `awake' by the strange person, and he opened his eyes to greet… A mask. How odd… Do all people in this world wear masks? He should ask that some time.

Anyway. This person wore a mask… Wait a minute, did that thing have some semblance to an animal? Very weird.

"What are you doing all alone in this forest, little one?" the man asked gently.

Kurama blinked cutely for a moment, wondering what to say. Should he say that he's lost? Got no family? Hm… no family AND lost. Perfect. "I'm lost, sir," he said `timidly'. He hoped this would work…

"Where's your mother and father?"


"I don't have a mommy and daddy, sir. Who are you?" he said childishly.

"Me? I'm an ANBU," Kakashi said, blinking beneath his mask. (Now, I'm not sure if Kakashi stopped being an ANBU after the war between Hidden Leaf and the Kyuubi, or if he stopped before or after that. He will be an ANBU for now, in my story, and retire later, k? K, it works. ^^')

"Nice to meat you, Anbu."

"Uh… Anbu isn't my name. I'm a member of the ANBU of the Village of the Hidden Leaf," Kakashi said.

"What's your name then?"

"I can't say."



Which one will speak first? Find out in the next chapter of Kurama in Narutoland! ^_- I'm so mean. Hehheh.