Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Three:



"What village are you from?" Kakashi asked.

Village? What village was he supposed to be from? Hell, Kurama didn't know. And so, he decided to play dumb.

"Village? What do you mean, sir?" Kurama said, blinking his big eyes. `I hope I don't have to act like this for too long… again. This is like being reborn in the human world all over again.' Kurama mentally sighed at this. `Looks like I have no choice, at least until I know where I am…'

"Well, there are many villages in the lands. Do you know the name of the one you came from?"

"I came from a village?"

"Uh… How did you get into this forest?"

"I dunno."

"How long have you been out here?"

"I dunno."

"What are your parent's names?"

"I dunno."

Kakashi, becoming frustrated, asked, "Do you even know what your OWN name is?"


"Family name?"


"Do you know anything about yourself?"

"Not really…"

"How old are you?"

"I dunno."

Kakashi mentally growled. They were getting back into the `I dunno' conversation again. Did this kid have amnesia?

"So, you know nothing about yourself, besides your full name. You don't even know how old you are?"

"Nope!" Kurama said cheerfully with a happy eye-closed smile. This was kinda fun… He could definitely get used to this.

Kakashi sighed softly to himself. `This kid has amnesia alright. I should take her to the Third, and let HIM deal with her…' he thought to himself, slightly annoyed.

How many people have ever annoyed THE Kakashi before? Very few. And it seemed this kid was exceptionally good at it.

Kurama watched as the strange man before him leaned down and picked him up. What was he doing? He voiced his question, and the cloaked man answered absently.

"I'm taking you the Village of the Hidden Leaf, my home." Kakashi dashed from tree to tree, in the direction of Hidden Leaf.

"Why?" Yep, Kurama LOVED annoying this guy.

"Because you do not remember anything about yourself, right? Therefore you have nowhere to go. Don't you want a place to stay until you remember?"

Kurama blinked innocently up at the masked man. This was very amusing. `I think I'll live here for a while, in this strange world. This human is strange too… Are all human in this world able to move at demonic speeds?' Normally, Kurama would not have thought this possible. However, he was now in a new world… and perhaps a world he could fit in, with no hidden secrets about his strength. Just maybe… He could find a home that didn't involve the daily wars between demons and humans.

~~~~~Hidden Leaf~~~~~

The Third was peacefully working on some reports that had recently come in about shinobi's completed missions. He didn't expect the abrupt arrival of one of his ANBU, however.

Kakashi made a rather flashy entrance… Coming in through the window. Why call that flashy? I dunno. I felt like it.

"What is it you want, Kakashi?" The Third asked without looking up from his papers.

"I found a child in the woods, Hokage. She apparently has no memory-"

A cough resounded throughout the room. All eyes turned to Kurama, who had an annoyed look on his face. "I do believe I am a boy, thank you," he said monotonously.

Both Kakashi and Hokage blinked at the dazzling redhead.

Kakashi had put Kurama down as soon as they arrived, and now he stood there with his arms crossed and his eyes half-lidded in annoyance. Why did he always suffer this way? Well don't blame me, I'm not the author of Yu Yu Hakusho.

Hokage put down the paper he was examining and gave his full attention to Kakashi. "What is it you want me to do about it?" he asked, his tone implying he was weary of the world.

Kakashi's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, though his mask hid it. "I thought you could figure out what to do with him."

"Well, you found him. You will take care of him."

Kakashi blanched beneath his mask. Was Hokage serious? Oh yeah, he was serious. `I did bring this upon myself. I can't blame anyone else.' Kakashi sighed softly beneath his mask, and picked up Kurama again. "I guess I'll be leaving then."

"Wait, Kakashi. If he is to be staying in our village, is he not one of us? Let him know about the academy, and if decides that he wants to become a ninja, then enroll him. You are his guardian from now on. Take care of him."

Kakashi took that to heart, then disappeared out the window.

Kurama, in his arms, blinked to himself. Ninja? That sounded rather intriguing… `I will become a ninja, in this Village of the Hidden Leaf. After all, it's something to do.'


Kurama was relieved to find that this strange world used the same language that he did. As in, the written language. He already knew that they spoke Japanese from just talking to Kakashi.

Later Kakashi introduced Kurama to the whole Ninja idea, and Kurama became quite eager to be enrolled in this school. Kakashi, however, said that they were halfway through the year already, and that it would be best if he personally trained Kurama until he caught up with those his age.

Kakashi was shocked to find that this didn't take very long, and revealed to the Hokage that Kurama was a genius of incredible talent. He picked up the chakra aspect of things very quickly, and seemed to have a bloodline limit (that allowed him to manipulate plants, duh), as well as being physically strong. In a mere four months, Kurama had learned everything about the world he lived in, and had caught up with those his age (which was determined to be 11). He was then enrolled in the academy, to go the next year, after the small summer break they had.


Kurama woke swiftly, and opened his eyes immediately to the light that shone in through his window. It was his first day of school, and Kakashi would be up soon… with a bucket of water. The first time Kurama had failed to wake up with the sun (which was after a rigorous day of training), Kakashi had dumped a bucket of water on him. Yes, a bucket of water. Do you know how long it took for his futon mattress to dry? A WEEK. He had had to sleep on the couch (a very old and uncomfortable combination of stuffing, fabric, and chunks of wood). Imagine how incredibly irritating that had to be. VERY.

And so, Kurama was up and at `em before Kakashi had time to fill the bucket. Kurama could almost SEE the pout on the ANBU-turned-Jounin's face. He immaturely stuck his tongue out at Kakashi, and preceded to make breakfast.

Kurama had changed a lot in four months, as being thrown into a different setting did to a person. Of course, the fact that he had nothing to hide from the world anymore (aside from being a demon born human) had allowed him to completely relax for the first time in his whole life. He felt truly at ease in this strange world, and didn't wish to ever leave. Of course, he missed his friends and family, but here he belonged.

Making breakfast didn't take long. All Kurama had to do was pour a bowl of cereal and milk. Very simple. Yet Kakashi HAD to pop into the kitchen and `accidentally' knock the bowl off the counter as Kurama put the milk away into the fridge. He managed to do this, even as he read his book, Icha Icha Paradise. Pervert.

Kurama glared at Kakashi as the jounin absently tossed an apology over his shoulder. SURE he was sorry, note the sarcasm. Kneeling down on the floor, Kurama mopped up the mess with practiced ease. Yes, PRACTICED. Do you know how many times Kakashi did this in a week? At least three. Yep, three. It took Kurama less than ten seconds to clean it up with all the practice he'd been getting. Damn Kakashi.

"Better get going to school, Kurama, it starts in five minutes," Kakashi said from the living room.

Kurama's eyes widened, and he forgot about throwing another bowl of cereal together. He ran back to his room, quickly changed out of his green silk pajamas (he had saved up his extensive allowance to pay for his wardrobe, as was the deal with Kakashi), and pulled on his clothing. He had decided last night to wear his Chinese-like uniform (which he had found one day at a random silk store and purchased) to school. The `covering' of it, which was sleeveless and hung down to his ankles, was pitch black with a red rose pattern of the petals on the back. It had a thin red trim around the rims of the arms, neck, and the entire rim of the flaps. The undershirt was like a long sleeved black shirt, not pulling together at the wrist like his old Chinese fighting uniforms, and the pants were exactly the same. To complete the wardrobe, were the sandals that all shinobi usually wore.

Once he had dressed in this chosen uniform, he brushed his hair quickly and was out the door before Kakashi had the chance to say `have a nice day'.

Kurama jumped from rooftop to rooftop, not wanting to be late. The villagers stared at him as he ran by, obviously in a hurry.

Imagine Kurama's surprise when he was the only one at school. Hardy har har har.

That damn Kakashi! He lied to me! Kurama fumed silently. Oh, he would make Kakashi pay after the day was over… oh yes he would. Insert maniacal laugh.

Since he was already here, Kurama decided to acquaint himself with the academy. Wandering aimlessly for an hour or two, students finally started to arrive. Not knowing which class he was to go to, Kurama went to the area he had figured to be an office of sorts for the teachers. He went there, now, and asked the nearest teacher where he could go to find out what class he was in.

The chuunin had at first stared at Kurama in surprise. Never before had he seen someone join the academy so late in their years. Regardless, he searched through the document of new students, and located Minamino Kurama within it. He gave Kurama directions to the class, and identified his teacher as `Iruka'.

Kurama was presently looking for his class, and even with the directions he was given, it was still a little difficult, considering there were no teachers around to point him in the right direction. Finally coming to a classroom with a teacher in it, Kurama entered slowly.

The chuunin looked up from his desk full of papers when he saw Kurama out of the corner of his eyes. "May I help you?" he asked.

Kurama was quick to answer, "Yes, I'm looking for Iruka-sensei's classroom… do you know where it is?"

The chuunin smiled at Kurama, and then answered unexpectedly…

"I am Iruka. I believe you've found the right classroom?"

What will happen next? What horrors will the next chapter reveal?

How should I know? I just write this as I go. ^_-