Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Why? Because I have a Neji thing going on at the moment.

Note to Kaoru (reviewer): Kakashi will be his fatherly figure, nothing more!

Chapter Four:

"I am Iruka. I believe you've found the right classroom?"

Kurama stood there, blinking. What was he supposed to do now? Greet his new sensei? I guess it wouldn't hurt… "I am Minamino Kurama. It is a pleasure to meet you, Iruka-sensei," Kurama said politely with a small bow. All he received for his politeness was a blank stare. What had he done? He couldn't be in trouble ALREADY, could he?

Iruka was frozen where he sat. Since when did 11-year-old children bow in respect when they greeted a stranger? Hell, he had no idea. This was the first time in his entire life that a student had been so respectful to him. Who were this kid's parents? Realizing he was being rude, Iruka said with a pleasant smile, "I am Umino Iruka, it is a pleasure to meet you." (I dunno if Umino is his last name. If someone knows, PLZ let me know in a review!)

Kurama smiled back, then stepped farther into the room. He looked around, wondering where he should sit. "Excuse me, Iruka-sensei, where may I sit?" Kurama asked politely.

Looking up from the papers Iruka had turned back to, he gave the question serious thought. Where WOULD this kid sit? Maybe beside… No, that might not work… "Please sit in the second desk back on the left, the seat beside the wall."

Kurama followed the instructions quickly, and sat down in the chair indicated. Sitting there, he wondered what he was supposed to do. Becoming bored rather quickly, and not knowing when school actually started, Kurama pulled out a scroll that he had `borrowed' from the library. It contained a very complicated jutsu that involved the water element. It had to have a source of water nearby, but it had incredible power when you were able to use it. From the descriptions in the scroll, the water would pull away from the source and form a whirlwind around the enemy, cutting him to pieces with the sharp blades of water.

He studied over it carefully, memorizing all the precise details that made the jutsu work, including the hand seals. He did this until he had memorized every detail (which didn't take that long, considering how genius he was). However, it took just enough time that the students began to file in.

Kurama watched as each student came in, practicing an ability he had discovered not too long ago. He could see chakra. Because of all his training with reiki (which was almost exactly the same as chakra) and youki, he was able to sense chakra, and see it with his eyes and his mind's eye. It was rather interesting to see the many different colours and strengths of chakra, and Kurama found watching the energy flow rather entertaining.

Suddenly, a blond-haired boy came in, with deep blue eyes. Strange fox-like scars marked his cheeks, and at the moment, he looked rather bored. It was as if, to him, coming to school was a CHORE… Perhaps it WAS for this kid… The strangest thing, however, was not his appearance… but his chakra… Kurama sensed youki sealed within the boy's navel… kitsune energy. This intrigued Kurama, and he wondered why the human boy had demonic energy inside of him.

For an instant, Kurama witnessed a pair of dark red eyes…that were staring right at him. It was unnerving, but gone as soon as it came. The image disappeared when the boy suddenly walked up to his desk.

Kurama blinked, not believing what he had just seen. Did demons really exist in this world as well? They must, Kurama concluded, though he hoped that not many did.

Soon, something else caught Kurama's eye. It was another student, but THIS one had sleek black hair, and the strangest eyes Kurama had ever seen… white. They were a silvery white, whit no pupil at all. It was unnerving… but far more unnerving when those eyes met his. Kurama felt a very strange feeling as he looked into those eyes… It was heady and warm, yet it was nothing at all like the other feelings he had felt in his life before. Hate, lust, vengeance, sadness, pain, anger, hopelessness… This feeling was nothing like them, and caused his heart to quicken slightly.

----Neji Pov----

It was a regular boring day. Nothing special had occurred. It was like any other day, filled with hatred towards the Hyuuga main house, and his cousin Hinata. It was another, hateful, vengeful, sorrowful day-

Who was that sitting in the chair next to where he regularly sat?

Neji blinked, and eyed the new student where she sat. `It is probably another weak girl, like Hinata,' he thought coldly to himself, and continued to walk to his seat, ignoring the girl as she blatantly stared at him. He sat down, and mentally growled when the girl still didn't look away.

"Can I help you?" he asked coldly, glaring at the girl.

She didn't bat an eyelash, and answered with a calm, "No." She continued to stare at him, and Neji became annoyed.

"Then stop staring at me," said coldly.

The girl smiled calmly, and asked an unexpected question, "Why are your eyes white?"

----Kurama Pov----

"Can I help you?" the handsome boy asked, his facial expression a cold glare.

Kurama, used to the `Hiei treatment', which was much harsher than this, stared calmly at the boy sitting to his left and answered, "No."

This didn't seem to please the boy, and he bit out, "Then stop staring at me."

Kurama decided that his boy needed to lighten up, and so he asked a random question to throw him off. "Why are your eyes white?"

It seemed that the question worked, for the boy blanched and stared at Kurama.

----Neji Pov----

Did this girl not KNOW about the Hyuuga? What kind of idiot didn't know about the most powerful clan in the Hidden Leaf? This girl, obviously.

Deciding to enlighten her, he said coldly, "I am of Hyuuga branch family. Our bloodline limit is the Byakogen, which gives us all-seeing eyes."

----Kurama Pov----

Kurama blinked. A bloodline limit? Interesting. He stored the lesson away for future reference, and went back to making conversation with this strange boy.

"You're from the Hyuuga `branch' family? Is there another Hyuuga family or something?" Kurama asked, rather curious.

----Neji Pov----

HOW CAN HE NOT KNOW?! Neji asked himself incredulously. Oh my, some one didn't know about his suffering, the end of the world is near. Dum dee dum dum dum.

Neji was shocked. Not only was this girl NOT afraid of him, she didn't hate him either… That was weird…

----No Pov----

However, Neji was not allowed the time to contemplate this, as Iruka called for silence… That didn't come. Of course, why in the world would the students listen? I dunno. I don't seem why any kid would, but that's just being a kid.

Iruka's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as the only warning before… "CLASS! PAY ATTENTION!"

The classroom was silent immediately. That is, until Naruto said, "No need to be so loud, Iruka-sensei."

Iruka's eyebrow twitched again, but then an evil smirk planted itself firmly on his face. All the students stared at Iruka in horror as the chuunin said, "Because of Naruto's back talk, you will all be tested today. Whoever doesn't pass the test, will be stuck here after school until they can do it."

Moans and groans sounded throughout the whole room, and Kurama wondered what kind of test they could be having. His question was soon to be answered.

"The test will be chakra control. You must be able to form the chakra into a small cyclone in front of you. You will not be given time to prepare. Line up at the front of the class and I will choose you randomly from the line. Naruto, you are first. However, before we begin, I would like you all to meet our new student. Minamino Kurama, would you please come down here?" Iruka asked.

Kurama stood from his seat and ignored the stares as he walked down. Whispers broke out all over the room, and Kurama heard every one of them. "She's hot!" "I wonder if she has a boyfriend," "I wish I had looks like that, lucky girl," and many more.

Iruka motioned for Kurama to stand before the class, and he did so. "Kurama here is a new student that just entered the academy this year. His guardian has personally trained him until now, so he could catch up with the rest of you. Kurama, please tell us a little about yourself."

Kurama mentally smirked when this was the first chance for him to show he was a boy. "What's there to tell?" he asked, playing the bored type with his eyes half lidded.

"Okay… Then some questions from the class," Iruka said, and many hands immediately shot up.

"Will you go out with me?" a nameless boy asked.

Kurama's eyebrow raised and he turned to Iruka. "There is one thing I'd like to say. After that, may I sit down?"

Iruka nodded his head.

"I'm a boy."

Nasty cliffhanger, eh? Hehheh.