Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Five:

"I'm a boy."

After the shocked looks, Kurama sat back down again, ignoring Neji, who was staring at HIM this time. Kurama turned to him and said quietly, so only he could hear, "Did you, too, believe me to be a girl?" He smiled pleasantly when the smallest bit of red touched Neji's cheeks, before he turned away again. Kurama found this amusing, and turned his attention back to Iruka, who was presently trying to get the students to pay attention to him. A few students had lined up, but some still stared at Kurama like idiots.

Amused, but slightly annoyed as well, Kurama stood and lined up at the front of the class as well. Neji was quick to follow. As soon as they had lined up, the rest rushed to line up as well, trying to prevent eye contact between Kurama and themselves. Kurama found this incredibly amusing, and had to stifle the chuckles that were vibrating in his chest.

Kurama was lucky. He was standing in-between Neji and another guy, NOT in-between the girls that giggled throughout the line. Well, all of them giggled except for one, who seemed to be related to Neji. White eyes. This girl was blushing, and looking in the OPPOSITE direction of Kurama. She seemed to be staring at… WAIT A MINUTE! Was she staring at that loud and obnoxious blond-haired kid? Oh my… She WAS!

"Alright, class. Pay attention. You heard the instructions earlier… IF you were listening. I will call you up by name, and you will perform the test. First, Naruto."

Naruto groaned to himself, and walked forward. He had very little chakra control, yet he tried his best, and managed to make SOMETHING that resembled a cyclone for a second or two. He walked back into line with a scowl on his face.

"Second, Kiba."

A boy wearing a strange parka, with a DOG on his head, groaned and walked forward.

Kurama heard the boy mutter `damn' under his breath, before he began to focus his chakra. To Kurama's surprise, the boy managed to maintain the cyclone for a few moments, before the chakra flew off, uncontrolled.

Kiba, satisfied that he had done it well enough, walked back to the line.


The strange boy with silvery eyes, who sat beside Kurama, stood before Iruka and perfected the cyclone with ease. He managed to maintain it perfectly for a total of one minute before he ran out of chakra to maintain it.

`So that's the name of the boy… Neji… Hyuuga Neji… He controlled his cyclone well,' Kurama thought to himself.


Damn. Now HE had to go. How utterly boring. At least it would be minute practice for that water whirlwind jutsu he was trying to master.

Kurama gathered up a sufficient amount of chakra, and then sent it out of his body to form a quickly spinning cyclone in front of him. Papers whipped around the room as the cyclone created a strong wind around it. The students had to brace themselves from the pull, and it was difficult, considering how shocked they were.

Kurama kept his gaze steady, and fed the cyclone exactly the right amount of chakra to keep it going at the same speed for a few minutes.

It turns out his chakra supply was able to last HALF AND HOUR, and Iruka was left completely baffled when the cyclone FINALLY dissipated.

Kurama was left breathing slightly heavily, and quite proud of himself. That should make the water whirlwind jutsu work well enough. He walked back to the line and ignored the rest of the attempts, no longer interested when he found how easy it actually was.

Neji, on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at Kurama. `How did he manage to control that cyclone longer than me? Does he have better chakra control or just more chakra all together?' Becoming impatient, he silently activated his Byakugan. However, he found only an exhausted supply of chakra, and no indications of how much Kurama had when at full strength. Damn.

Soon lunch arrived, and Kurama left the academy to go to one of the nearest restaurants. He found one, quick enough, and went inside. He was surprised to find that Neji of all people was sitting at one of the tables, eating what looked to be pasta. Kurama smiled softly to himself, and snuck up on Neji. When he was an arm's length away, he called out pleasantly, so he didn't surprise the boy, "Hi Neji, fancy seeing you here."

Neji's head shot around like a bullet, and his eyes widened the tiniest bit when he spotted Kurama. He glared coldly at the redhead, and turned back to his food.

Kurama, far from unnerved by the glare, sat across from Neji and waited for a waitress to bring him a menu. She did swiftly, and he was left to skim over it. When she came back to take his order, he asked for a dish of shrimp tempura and rice. To drink, he asked for water.

After he ordered, he decided to stare at Neji, for something to do. The boy found this very irritating it seemed, because he soon looked up from his plate and asked Kurama in a low tone, "What. Do. You. Want?"

Blinking innocently, Kurama answered, "To make conversation, perhaps? Though I hardly call this conversation." Kurama smiled pleasantly at Neji, and watched as the boy seemed to contemplate his answer.

"Why would you want to have a conversation with ME? There are plenty of other kids to talk to out there," Neji said cockily. On the inside, however, he was confused why Kurama was so persistent to `get to know him'.

"Well, did you ever ask yourself, why `wouldn't I want to make conversation with you?" Kurama asked, smirking slightly.

Neji said coldly, "Because I'm an asshole to everyone? Isn't that a good enough reason for you to back off?"

Kurama blinked, then said with a small, sad smile on his face, "You aren't an asshole at all compared to someone else I used to know, and be friends with. HE would threaten to kill a person if they merely looked his way…" A fond smile graced Kurama's lips at the memory of Hiei, before his attention was turned away from Neji, and to his arrived food. Ah, lunch is served. Yum.

Neji watched Kurama as he ate. He had never considered that perhaps the redhead had just been looking for a friend… But why him? He was far from the `friendly' type. Why would Kurama want to be HIS friend when almost anyone in the entire class would be happy to take his place? Kurama was a strange person… an enigma. Something he couldn't understand… and that was a first. Neji understood everybody's personalities, yet this new student was a mystery to him. Why? What was so special about this new student? Why was he able to execute chakra control like it was like stirring a cup of tea? Easy? Neji did not have the answers to these questions, and so he decided to keep an eye on this Kurama. If he had to be his friend to figure him out, then he would. No body remained a secret to Hyuuga Neji.

Kurama finished his Tempura and rice, and looked up from his empty dish to see Neji staring at him. Kurama blinked. What was UP with this guy? He was so unusual… but that's what made him so interesting.

Neji stood from his seat, left money on the counter, and walked to the entrance. Kurama followed suite, and was surprised that Neji actually waited for him. They walked beside eachother on the way back to the academy, in no hurry whatsoever. Neji took the time to memorize Kurama's features and what he knew of his changing personality. He was an interesting person; there was no doubt about that. Never before had anyone seemed interesting to Neji, yet Kurama captured his attention like he was the only person in the world.

Kurama knew Neji was examining him, but did not care. He took the time to go over what he knew about Neji… which was practically nothing. Damn. He'd have to do some research on the Hyuuga.

When they arrived back at school, they walked in the door together, drawing the prodding gaze of Iruka. Iruka's curiosity was banished, however, with a cold look from Neji.

At the end of the day, Kurama was packing up his scrolls and homework to head home, when Neji approached him. He seemed uncertain at first, but soon became his normal confident self. "Would you like to train together tonight?" he asked lowly, so that no passing students could hear.

Kurama smiled a dazzling smile, disarming Neji, and answered just as quietly, "I would love to. What time? And where?"

Neji was pleased that Kurama had accepted; though he didn't know why. The corner of his mouth had even twitched up in the smallest of smiles.

Kurama, however, caught it easily, having been around Hiei enough to depict the smallest traces of emotion.

"Out in the genin training area. There are many trees there, and it would be the best place. Will you be able to find me in the forest?"

Kurama smirked darkly and said confidently, "I shouldn't have a problem." With that said, he walked passed Neji and left the classroom, to go home.

Neji was surprised, to say the least. Yet again, Kurama had revealed that he wasn't all that he seemed: a pleasant, good little boy, who did what elders told him. There seemed to be a dark secret that shrouded Kurama, and Neji was determined to find out what it was…

Cliffhangers are evil, ain't they? Well, so am I, so there. Heh. (evil smirk)