Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Ten:

The days went on without a hitch, and Kurama had created a pattern in which he lived. Every morning he would get up BEFORE sunrise (to prevent his futon from getting soaked by an evil Kakashi). After getting dressed, he would go and make himself a bowl of cereal. After a few months of no complaint about cleaning up the mess of a spilt bowl of cereal, Kakashi got bored of bugging an unresponsive Kurama, and began reading his Icha Icha Paradise book double time.

After an uneventful morning, Kurama would walk early to school one week, being stalked by Neji. He would tug on a lock of his beautiful red hair whenever Neji became humanly detectable (Kurama could sense him the whole time with his demonic abilities). The next week, he would stalk Neji. He was surprised to find that the boy was very skilled at seeing Kurama, flexing his hands as a sign that he had spotted the redhead. Kurama had deduced that it was the technique `Byakugan' that allowed Neji to see him. After Neji had continued to detect Kurama for half the week with his eyes, Kurama had ordered him to NOT use them, and to use his other senses. Neji was forced to not use his eyes, and this sharpened his other senses immensely.

After the morning fun, they would both arrive at the academy at the same time, though they would walk onto the campus from different ends. Kurama would go to his favourite tree, and Neji would lie down on a small hill of grass and stare at the sky. They would sneak peaks at eachother, and occasionally, Kurama would send Neji a grin. Neji kept his emotions non-existent, however.

Neji would go to class early, and Kurama would always arrive at the last second. Class would begin, and Iruka-sensei would teach them all stuff about being a ninja etc. There was a test at the end of every week, and several small quizzes each day. Other than these things, class was rather uneventful as well.

After school was over for the day, Kurama would go to a small, forested area inside the village (he learned his lesson when he was attacked the first time). Within this forested area was a small lake, crystal clear, and it sparkled in the sun and moonlight. Kurama found this the perfect place to train. He had managed to master the Water Whirlwind no Jutsu in a month, and was on to harder jutsu, in other elements. The Water Whirlwind no Jutsu was perfected down to needing an incredibly small amount of chakra, yet it demanded an incredible amount of control and precision. Kurama had even gotten to the point when he didn't need a water source nearby to perform the jutsu, amazingly.

The jutsu he was working on now, was the Kage Bushin no Jutsu. After mastering three jutsu (Water Whirlwind, a fire element called `Liquid Fire', and a lightening jutsu called `Thunder Strike'), Kurama, as well as the whole class, had been trying to learn `Kage Bushin'. Not many were successful, so far, and Kurama was having surprising difficulties with this jutsu. Being a youko, he was quite accustomed to using elements. However, he had never learned an illusion jutsu before, which the Kage Bushin basically was. Therefore, he had trouble learning the concept.

Kurama approached Iruka-sensei after class was over, wanting to ask for help with the Kage Bushin.

Iruka looked up from grading papers to see Kurama standing before him, looking slightly nervous. "Yes, Kurama?" Iruka said with a smile.

Kurama smiled back and asked, "Iruka-sensei, could you please teach me the concept of Kage Bushin? I can't understand it the way you explain it in class, and I normally don't have problems with jutsu.

Iruka placed down his pen. "What jutsu do you already know?" he asked with a friendly smile.

"Water Whirlwind, Liquid Fire, and Thunder Strike."

Iruka blinked. Had he just heard Kurama right? Had the boy just named off INCREDIBLY complicated jutsu to him? Oh my… he HAD. Iruka couldn't help but stare at Kurama. He mentally shook his head clear of shock. He had to explain it to Kurama in a way that he would understand… `He works with elemental jutsu, mostly, it seems. How could I explain it to him…' "Kurama, what is your favourite element?"

Kurama answered instantly, "Plants."

Iruka thought it a strange choice, but thought up a strategy quickly. "Alright, imagine that there is a plant growing inside you. This plant is your chakra. Imagine that your chakra is trying to grow a bud, but your body will never let it. And so, imagine yourself growing a bud. When his bud blooms, there are two flowers. Two of you. Now, use chakra, and try to do this."

Kurama blinked. That was interesting way of explaining things… Nevertheless, Kurama, with his eyes open, imagined the flower that was his chakra. He grew a bud, and made it bloom suddenly… HOLY CRAP! There before him stood a copy of himself! Kurama blinked, his concentration shattering, and the kage bushin disappeared with a poof.

Iruka smiled brightly and exclaimed, "Good! Very good! Do you understand now?"

Kurama blinked, then smiled beautifully. "Domo arigatou gozaimasu," he said with a bow. (Thank you very much)

Iruka blinked at the respect, then blushed slightly. "You're welcome. I'll help any time," he said with a smile.

Kurama nodded his head, and left the classroom. Now it was time to practice this new jutsu… He understood everything written about a kage bushin. Like the fact that the more chakra you put in the clone, the more it will seem like you, and all the other things…

After basically mastering the Kage Bushin no Jutsu, Kurama decided to call it quits for the day, and get some well-deserved rest.

He arrived at home to find Kakashi there…

Sitting at the table…

NOT reading his Icha Icha Paradise book…

Something big was up. What? Kurama had no clue.

Kakashi looked up when Kurama entered the house, his expression serious. He stood when Kurama froze and stared at him. He walked toward Kurama, who blinked at him with confusion in his eyes. He stood before Kurama and said calmly, "There is something I need to discuss with you."

Kurama frowned before he, too, became serious. A calm serenity formed like liquid on his face, betraying no emotion. "What is wrong, Kakashi?" Kurama asked calmly, in a voice that sounded far older than he physically was.

Kakashi motioned for Kurama to sit down. The redhead did so. Kakashi sat across from him at the kitchen table, and began, "A month or so ago, a strange thing happened. A black dressed man managed to slip by the ANBU that patrol our borders, but we were not aware of this until he was dead. He died, mysteriously, and no one could figure out what killed him, or who. The weapon was believed to be a blade, but it was not like the katana that he black man carried. It had a different formation, too, and it was thinner. Much thinner than any metal blade can be. This man was found dead, the weapon was not found, and we know not who to thank for their services."

Kurama nodded his head, taking in the information that he already knew.

"Anyway, now more of those black men have been caught after we increased the patrols on our lands. A few chuunin and one jounin have died at the hands of these black men. They where no headbands, and there is no form of identification on their bodies. Do you know anything about these men?" Kakashi asked.

Kurama thought over all of the information, thinking of who they might be. He didn't know, but he was hoping that they might ring a bell… Wait… could THAT be a possibility? "Now, I know nothing of these black men," Kurama began, "but is there a possibility that they are missing-nin?"

Kakashi shook his head. `The only reason I am telling Kurama this, is that it might be good to have a different opinion from the normal chuunin and jounin. Perhaps Kurama might remember something from his lost past that could clue us in the right direction…'

"I see… Perhaps… Do you think they could be marked in a different way? Not physically, but… mentally? Or their chakra? Or their aura? Is there anything that matches?"

Kakashi thought for a moment, then he remembered something… "The jounin and ANBU who have killed these black men said that their auras were… evil. Just evil…"

"Auras… Do they normally reflect on a person's mentality? There are many layers to the human aura. The aura closest to the body shows the physical health of a person. The next two layers show the mentality and spirituality. A person's aura cannot be `evil' and just evil. There must be something else…"

Kakashi was staring at Kurama now, who looked far wiser than he should be at this age… The kid was an enigma… A complete mystery. Though, at the moment, a welcome mystery. They needed to figure out who was behind these attacks. "Kurama, do you by any chance have experience in reading auras so thoroughly?"

Kurama knew he was treading on dangerous ground. He could be questioned about his abilities, and acting so intelligent and wise in front of people was such a wise thing to do if he was trying to blend in. However, he also needed to help his village in any way possible. "I am very skilled in that area, yes," Kurama said, a small smile appearing on his face.

Kakashi nodded. "Could you please come with me to Hokage? We have managed to capture one of these black men, and we cannot get any information out of him through interrogation."

Kurama nodded his head, and followed Kakashi out the door. He easily kept up with the quick pace of the jounin as they headed in the direction of the Hokage's office. They arrived within minutes, and were met with a group of jounin and ANBU, as well as the Third Hokage.

The Third nodded to Kakashi and seemed mildly surprised that Kurama was with him. He motioned for Kakashi to follow him, and began to walk into a part of the office Kurama hadn't known existed.

It was dark and gloomy from the lack of light as the Hokage lead them down a few staircases. They arrived in a room lit only by a few electric lights. In the middle of the room a man sat, his head bowed, his body tied to a chair that was stuck to the floor. Seals prevented him from escaping, Kurama noted.

"This is the black man that one of our ANBU managed to capture. He has refused to talk, and tried to kill himself by biting his tongue a few times," Hokage spoke blandly.

Kakashi nodded his head, and spotted a few of the best ANBU in the slight shadows of the room. He looked to Kurama, who was already walking toward the man in the chair.

Kurama examined the man. He looked EXACTLY like the one he had killed. Interesting. So there really WAS no distinguishing features among them. He reached forward to tilt the man's chin up… He was unconscious. How irritating. Had he starved himself of air? That was probable, if he couldn't bite his tongue and choke to death on the blood.

Kurama reached behind the man, searching for a point on the neck… ah, there it was. He pinched the nerve, and suddenly the man was fully conscious and staring at Kurama with confused black eyes.

Kurama smiled brilliantly, looking as much like a girl as he could. He said in a slightly higher pitched voice than normal, "So you're finally awake, are you?" He smiled childishly, mentally grinning. This would be entertaining. "So tell me, mister, what's your name?"

The man blinked, then said tonelessly, "Akuran."

"Akuran…" Kurama held a finger up to his chin, looking cutely innocent. He smiled brightly and said immaturely, "I like that name! Tell me mister, why are you dressed all in black?"

The man blinked stupidly again, and said coldly, "The mistress doesn't like colour, child, now leave me be."

Kurama pouted cutely with watering eyes, "You don't like me?" He sniffed for effect. Man, having this small body really helped with this charade. Heh.

The man's eyes widened slightly, and he hurried to say, "I never said I didn't like you!"

Kurama sniffled again, and asked softly, "Do you like me then?"

The man had an irritated look on his face, and he looked up to see that the room was empty. What? Wasn't the Hokage and a jounin standing there not too long ago? Where did all the ANBU in the room go?

Kurama, unbeknownst to the man in black, was pulling a trick. He had used his chakra to ensnare the man's mind, and now he could get the man to do whatever he wanted to do, as long as the man was `willing'. The child's act really helped here. Gently catching the man's attention again, Kurama asked, "Why does your mistress hate colour, mister?"

"My mistress hates colour because she… is…" the man choked here, as if unable to get the words from his mouth.

Kurama frowned. This man had an extremely strong mental block on the information, and this was too much like an interrogation for the block's liking. Hm… A game. "I know! We'll play a game, mister! Its called `questionaire'. You ask a question about me, and then I get ask a question about you!"

The man nodded, a small smile on his face. "I get to ask first, eh? Alright, what's your mom and dad's names?"

Kurama had long since perfected the art of lying. "My mommy's name is Keiko and my daddy's name is Jin. Now it's my turn! My turn! What is your best friend's name?"

The man frowned. "I don't have a best friend."

Kurama frowned cutely. "No best friend? Then I get to ask another question. What are the names of YOUR mommy and daddy?"

The man frowned again, and his eyes widened when he said, "I… can't… remember…"

Kurama smirked mentally. This was getting him many answers. "What? No fair! I get to ask another question then! I get to ask until I get an answer that you remember! Okay? Okay! Um…" Kurama put a finger to his chin cutely and frowned adorably in thought. "Ooh! I know! I know! Since you didn't know the names of your mommy and daddy and best friend, then you must know this answer! What is your mistress's name?" Kurama had planned this out perfectly.

The man smiled. He was well-trapped in Kurama's web of mental chakra. Doing excercises with mental energies with Hiei had taught Kurama many things. "My mistress's name is Anusaian, though she likes to be called Kage no Akume, Shadow Demon."

Kurama had gotten a very valluable piece of information from this man who was smiling proudly at being able to answer the question. "Good job mister! Now you get to ask me a question again!"

The man smiled more, and asked, starting to like the game, "How old are you, little girl?"

Kurama smiled with a giggle, "I'm a full seven years old! Mommy is proud of me!"

"Did you have a fun birthday party?" the man asked.

"I did! We had lots of fun! And I had all my friends over!" Kurama blinked cutely, pretending that he just realized what had happened. He pouted cutely. "No fair! Mister tricked me! Now I get to ask two questions!"

The man chuckled to himself, very much enjoying the `game'. "Go right ahead, little girl," he said with a smile.

Kurama grinned childishly, and asked, "Where are your mommy and daddy?"

The man frowned, as if in thought. "I can't remember…"

Kurama said softly, "But you can… you can remember anything you want to… you can say anything you want to… you are free… That is why you are here." He weaved his chakra, mixed with youki, through the man's mind, searching for the mind block on his memories. "Try to remember, mister, you can do it! I know you can!" Even as Kurama said this, the man tried to remember. Kurama found the block of youki, and tore it to pieces.

"I remember! I remember everything now! My parent's names are Ayami and Taino, they are… They are…" the man froze, and a sorrowful expression came across his face. "They are dead… I remember now… Mistress killed them… she killed them by… by…" The man's eyes widened insanely.

Kurama knew he had to get this man to get a grip on himself. If not, then he would become completely insane. He took the man's face into his hands and cooed softly, "It's alright mister… Mistress is no where near us… she cannot hurt you. It's okay to tell me, I'll keep the secret safe. I'll take on part of the burden of knowing… of seeing…" With that last part said, Kurama closed his eyes and entered the willing man's mind. He saw the pictures of bloodied corpses surround him as he flashed through the thoughts. Then he ran into the thought he WANTED to see. The memory of the man's parents. He watched what happened, as if watching a movie…


Akuran stood off to the side of the large hallway, watching as his horrible and heartless mistress took out her anger on her subjects. He could do nothing to help the poor people who suffered such a fate. All he could to was watch, and hopefully pass on the knowledge on to the outer world. To the villages. Perhaps he could survive and tell them of the monster that had been created in this vile hallway…

The screams suddenly stopped, and Akuran turned his attention back to his mistress. His eyes widened at the sight of his mother and father…


She couldn't…

She could…

She wouldn't…

She would…

She didn't…

She did…

The mistress held out her hand, then crushed it into a fist, causing his parent's heads to explode. Blood gushed everywhere, and chunks of bone from their skulls shot in all directions, killing a few people…

His parents…


They were…


Kurama stumbled back from the man, Akuran. His expression was one of pure horror… Akuran's head was bowed, and he was slowly lifting it to look at the `girl', to see her reaction. Kurama pulled himself together in that instant, completely relying on his demonic traits to keep the emotions form his more human than demon mind. He assumed his childlike innocence again, and planned on finishing the job he had began.

The smell of blood was palpable…

Kurama could still smell it…

From Akuran's memory…

Tears were in Akuran's mind as he looked to the `girl' who he had been having so much fun with. "They died… like that… in front of my own eyes…" he sobbed.

Kurama, mind set, walked forward with a slightly strained innocence on his face. "I'm so sorry, mister. Why did she do that? How?" he asked, putting real emotion into the last two questions.

The man took in a deep shuddering breath, and began his story. Since there was no longer a block on his mentality, his memories were clear, and he was no longer just a puppet to be controlled by the Kage no Akume. "It began when our mistress, Kinakoi, found a strange item buried deep down in the caves of our lands…

Intense, ne? Cliffhanger. Yes. A cliffhanger. I'm evil ain't I? Hehheh.