Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Eleven:

"It began when our mistress, Kinakoi, found a strange item buried deep down in the caves of our lands…

-)-)Kinakoi's Tale(-(-

A beautiful woman, no more than twenty-five years old, stood on a magnificent balcony. She stared out over her father's lands. They were beautiful and breathtaking. Lush green grass, healthy trees, exotic flowers… This was the perfect kingdom in Kinakoi's mind. She smiled, her deep and heavenly dark blue eyes full of laughter and joy. She loved her life, her father, her land… everything that could be perfect, was perfect in every way. Her mother had died when she was young, but that had been a good thing. Her mother, though beautiful and heavenly, was cruel and greedy, and had attempted to take the thrown.

Kinakoi's father had stopped her, and became known as `Tsutsui the Great'. Kinakoi personally thought that the name was rather lame, but her father liked it, and she wanted him to be happy.

Kinakoi was the opposite of her mother in every way, aside from looks. She was caring, loving, hopeful, gentle, giving, compassionate… The list went on, and no one suspected that Kinakoi of all people would fall to the darkness…

Yet she did.

It was on a dark and stormy night, when the light of the sun didn't reach the villagers of the kingdom. People began to worry about the storm. Never before had there been such a violent assembly of clouds, rain, and cold.

With the storm came hopelessness. It was destroying crop, as well as storage, and had killed more than half the animals in the kingdom in a day. It seemed that the storm would bring about the end of the once prosperous kindom…

Or would it?

One day, the king became ill, and died the next day, with his beautiful daughter Kinakoi by his side. He was a happy man, and gave all of his kindom and treasures to his one heir.

Kinakoi took up the thrown, and the lives of her people was in her hands. She knew not what to do, and disappeared for a few days from the site of anyone.

Two days later she reappeared…

But she was changed.

She was no longer the innocent and loving daughter of Tsutsui, she was Kage no Akume, a heavenly demon who sent the storm away, her long dark blue hair flowing like liquid in the wind.

The people cheered for her, for she was their savior, and they had no one else to look to when the going got tough.

However, Kinakoi was not the same, and she cared not for the people. The only reason she sent the storm away was because it was destroying her land. She cared not for the people.

Only the land.

The land that, in time, she turned into a barren wasteland.

The people were forced to flee the kingdom, travelling far across the ocean to reach new land. They arrived on the far away lands, never to be seen again.

The people who hadn't managed to escape, however, were punished. The only ones left alive were those who could fight…

-)-)End Kinakoi's Tale(-(-

Akuran breathed a shuddering breath. A small smile reached his lips. "I am free, now…" he whispered, then his body began to turn to ash, and pool on the chair where he use to sit.

Kurama was staring at the spot where Akuran had just been. Had he just imagined it or… No, he hadn't imagined it. A spell had been placed on Akuran. A very strong spell. It kept him alive for so long… yet once he was free, it vanished, and he died along with it. How long had this poor man been alive? How long had it been since this Kinakoi had been unleashed upon the world.

Kurama turned to the Third and stared at the man. He asked softly, "Did you get the information that you needed?"

The Third Hokage blinked, and mulled over all the information that had been taken from the captured black man, Akuran. This redhead, Kurama, was quite good at this sort of thing… VERY good, he corrected himself. Very good at lying too it seemed.

"What did you see that we did not see, about the man's parents," Hokage asked.

Kurama blinked and then raised a calm eyebrow. He asked coolly, "Are you sure you want to see that? It was quite… unpleasant…" The Third nodded his head, and Kurama walked towards him. He motioned for the old man to lean down slightly, and placed his fingers on his temples. He sent the memory to the old man with every sharp detail, and watched the Third's expression change from surprise, to barely hidden shock. He cleared his throat when Kurama was done, and straightened.

Hokage looked around at his ANBU. "You may leave now," he said calmly, and they all disappeared in puffs of smoke. He turned to Kurama and said softly, "You and I need to talk."

Kurama, unable to do anything else, nodded his head, and waited.

"Kakashi, if you would please go home? I'm sure you need your sleep as much as the rest of us. Kurama will be home shortly."

Kakashi nodded his head, and disappeared with a puff of smoke as well.

The Third motioned for Kurama to follow him, and he did so. They made their way back up the stairs to Hokage's office. The ANBU were gone, back to their patrols and whatever they usually did.

That left just the two of them.

Hokage motioned for Kurama to have a seat. Kurama did so with grace, and waited for the questioning.

Hokage began by asking, "I'm sure you remember who you are, and always did, and now I ask of you, who are you?"

"My name is Kurama. Youko Kurama, if you will. I have another name as well, Minamino Shuiichi."

Hokage nodded his head and said with his gravelly voice, "Now, I know you are quite capable of lying completely to me, but I trust you will tell me the truth. Where do you come from?"

"I… I don't come from anywhere around here…"

Hokage raised an eyebrow, and Kurama sighed.

"Very well. I come from a different world."

Hokage's brow raised in surprise. "Really? And how did you get from that world to this?"

"I followed a fox."

"A fox."

"Yes, a fox."



"Why did you follow this fox?"

"Because I have a fox's curiosity."

"And this fox… what happened?"

"It lead me from a park in my home city to a cave. I followed it through the cave and ended up here."

"Surely you don't need me to tell you to continue."

Kurama sighed and began his little tale. "I listened for running water and took off in its direction. I noticed I wasn't running very fast and looked down at myself. I was four years younger. Imagine how strange that would be."

Hokage nodded his head and motioned for Kurama to continue.

"I went to look for the cave again and found it gone. It was getting late, and I didn't know where the hell I was, so I searched for shelter. I slept in a tree. Kakashi found me and took me here, and you know the rest."

Hokage nodded, and then said, "That explains who you are and where you come from, but it does not tell me what you are. Explain your abilities."

Kurama sighed softly and asked, "What abilities? Which ones?"

Hokage sighed as well, and said, "Them all preferably."

"All of them? Very well. I'll start with the strength and agility…"

"I'm not human."

Hokage blinked and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a spirit fox called Youko Kurama. I `died' and fused my spirit with the fetus of a pregnant human. I was `reborn' as a human, and had to wait until after puberty for my previous powers. I was raised by my human mother, Minamino Shiori, and soon began to love her when she saved my life. Then I learned human emotions, and began to care for the species. My mother taught me compassion and love, and I am who I am today because of her. If it hadn't been for her, I'd still be a cold-blooded killer.

"Being a youko, a spirit fox, I am able to manipulate plants. This comes along with the demonic strength. I worked very hard to be as powerful as I could during the days I was Youko Kurama. The mental abilities comes from practicing with a demon friend of mine, who has that ability, and taught me a few things."

Hokage didn't even blink. All this was too crazy to be bullshit, was the only thought that reached his blank mind. Wow. "So you are a very powerful demon half-human, and you suddenly appeared in this world without a warning?" Hokage raised an eyebrow. "You like it here? Is that why you've stayed, and not tried to find a way home?"

Kurama lowered his gaze to his hands, and said softly, "Yes, I like it very much here. People do not stare at me like I'm a monster if I am able to run at incredible speeds or lift gigantic rocks. They don't think I'm a monster since I am able to manipulate plants and such. That is why I like it here, because for the first time, I have a place where I truly fit in."

Kurama looked up, his gaze pleading.

Hokage sighed, and said, "I will not send you away or anything, so don't start giving me the puppy-dog look, it never works. You are a student of this village, and are to be a ninja. As long as you swear loyalty to the Hokage, then you may stay and learn. Look me in the eye and tell me that you are my tool. My shinobi. My weapon to use to win wars and assassinate enemies."

Kurama stood from his chair and walked around to stand beside Hokage. He kneeled on the ground, and held his hand to his heart. Looking Hokage in the eyes, he said with sincerity, "I, Minamino Kurama, swear to serve the Hokage to my death. I swear to be his weapon, to use as he sees fit."

Hokage stared Kurama in the eyes, and examined the boy. He nodded his head, and said calmly, "I accept your loyalty, and as my shinobi, you shall be rewarded with your services." Hokage nodded at Kurama again, as a dismissal.

Kurama stood, and bowed. He stood before the Hokage's desk again, and bowed, walking backwards to make his exit. As soon as he was out of the doors, a sigh escaped him.

Today was a long day.

End of chapter. MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I got to bed now. It is 2:26 AM. I am pooped. Oyasumi nasai!