Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Sixteen:

"Today's assignment is…"

Kurama and the others waited in anticipation of what they were told was going to be a harder mission.

"… Washing Ms. Kinato's dog, Piko!"

Anime fall. BOOM!

"You have GOT to be kidding me…" Kurama muttered under his breath. (As you have noticed, there is very little Naruto action. Why? Because this centers on Kurama, and the rest of you know what's going on if you've read the manga. Just thought to clear that up.)

"Washing Piko will be fun!" Lee exclaimed, striking a pose.

"Why me?" Neji muttered to Kurama.

Kurama gave him a half-lidded look. "Correction, why US?" They sighed in unison, and got on with the mission.

When they arrived at the house of the old lady, they saw the cutest thing! Piko turned out to be a kawaii little puppy!

"Aww…" Lee exclaimed, "Piko's so cute!"

Kurama and Neji stared at Lee. "That was too girly for my liking," Kurama said absently. Neji merely nodded his agreement.

Piko was indeed a very cute puppy… a very energetic puppy… a very energetic puppy that was next to impossible to keep in the tub.

Piko ruffed happily, trying to lick Kurama's face as the boy washed him with soap. Neji was the one to hold him down, while Lee helped Kurama soap him. Poor Neji… When the puppy tried to jump out of the basin, Neji was pulled in headfirst.



Everything screeched to a stop.

Even the puppy whimpered as a VERY PISSED OFF Neji emerged from the tub, a crown of suds upon his raven head.

Lee started laughing his ass off, and got his head punched into the dirt. Kurama slowly inched away as Neji prepared to jump on the puppy. When he did, the puppy ran away, causing Kurama's eyes to widen.

"Catch the dog, Neji!" Kurama yelled after him. He couldn't help but chuckle at how incredible funny the `Great Hyuuga Neji' looked, chasing after a dog, suds all over his upper body. Finally catching the wild animal, Neji dragged it back to the tub.

They finished washing it quickly, and escaped to their training area to train for the rest of the evening.

They continued with a daily schedule of `morning mission, evening training' for the rest of the week. A few of their missions consisted of: cutting a cat's claws (painful), gardening (again), and catching a pig that had gotten loose in the village (o.o').

Finally, Gai told them they had a REAL C class mission, to the relief of the team. (Can any one tell me Neji's team number? PLZ!)

"Okay, everyone. Our mission is interesting, because Kakashi's team got a C mission, and I wanted one for us! Kakashi is going to accompany and protect an old guy!" Gai said, striking a pose, teeth twinkling.

Kurama smiled, and Lee jumped for joy. Neji… remained peculiarly expressionless. Kurama nudged him, and got a small smile from Neji for his efforts. What had happened to make him so… stoic? Maybe another `family' issue…

Gai continued to explain the mission, "We're going to go to stone country for a little student exchange!" (I'm assuming that Stone and Leaf have an alliance or peace treaty going on. Don't question the writer X-x)

"A student exchange?" Kurama asked curiously.

"Yes! We will go to Stone for a month and perform a few genin level missions for them. A team from Stone will be coming here to replace us and perform missions for the Leaf. It's like a trade, for a month! We also get to learn about their culture and customs, and it's a great way to keep peace between Leaf and Stone!" Gai said enthusiastically.

Kurama nodded his head, planning on doing some research on his own about Stone.

"We'll be going in three days, so get everything you'll need together. Changes of clothes, weapons, food, tents for on the road, you get the idea. Think of it as a long camping trip!" Gai said, striking a pose.

Lee copied him.

Kurama raised an eyebrow, and asked, "Three days including today? That's what we get to prepare?"

"Yep!" Gai said, teeth twinkling.

`I have the strangest sensei in the world…' Kurama though dismally to himself as he left their gathering area to make his way home and get his stuff together.

He picked out a variety of Chinese outfits to wear, instead of just the usual black, which wasn't very good for camouflage except at night. He picked out two forest green outfits with white undershirts and green pants, two of his black outfits, and one dark blue one with intricate light blue designs on it and a light blue undershirt ad pants for `occasions'.

That's how Kakashi found him, packing away food and other necessities. "Where are you going?" he asked.

Kurama looked up from his back and smiled, "Gai-sensei got us an exchange mission with Stone, and I'm packing for it."

Kakashi's eye widened, "Your sensei is GAI?!"

Kurama blinked. "Yes… he's been my sensei for a month now, Kakashi. Are you two rivals or something?"

"Yes!" Kakashi exclaimed with a cute expression.

Kurama laughed at Kakashi's childish antics, and continued to pack away things.

"Oh, and Kurama?" Kakashi asked.


"I have a mission to accompany a man named Tazuna to a village in the Mist. I shouldn't be gone long, but if I'm not here when you get back, then that's where I am."

Kurama nodded, and continued to pack. Running his hand through his hair, he checked out his supply of seeds. He had a lot of makai plants… and also a few rose seeds and a vine-like plant that was perfect for tying up enemies. He'd have to get a small piece of bamboo and some grass for this mission… "I'm going out for a bit, Kakashi. I'll be right back," Kurama said, rushing out of the house for a quick stock up.

Kakashi blinked, and then read some more of the new volume of Icha Icha Paradise in the living room.

Looking around town, Kurama collected seeds from vines growing on walls and a few flower seeds. Popping by the bathhouse, he collected a few twigs of bamboo and was on his way to look for good blades of grass. Seeing a very lush patch of wild grass, Kurama plucked a few good blades and placed them inconspicuously in his hair with the bamboo and other seeds. Running his hand through his hair on his way home, he went over his stocks. Happy with what he'd collected, Kurama went back into his room to continue packing.

Once he was done, Kurama left his packed bag and small tent (that he borrowed from Kakashi) on his bed and got something to eat. Kakashi was no longer there, so Kurama didn't have to cook for more than one person…

That is…

Until Neji showed up.

"Good evening, Neji," Kurama called from the kitchen as the raven-haired boy let himself in.

"Good evening," Neji said, and sat down at the table.

"Do you like poached eggs?" Kurama asked.

Neji blinked. "Never heard of them…"

Kurama blinked and asked incredulously, "Seriously?! Then you're just going to have to try them." With that said, he put a plate with an egg on a piece of toast in front of Neji. The raven-haired boy poked at it curiously, until Kurama got up from his seat to show Neji how it was done. He took the boy's knife and cut the egg up evenly on the toast, then cut it all up into small squares. "Enjoy," Kurama said cheerfully, going back to his own seat to finish his food.

"It's good," Neji said, rather hungry.

Kurama only smiled, and put his plate in the sink. "I'm glad you liked it," he said when Neji gave him his plate. Looking at the dishes in the sink, Kurama's nose scrunched. "I'm going to have to do the dishes before we go… Do you want to train?" He asked out of the blue.

Neji blinked. "Why not? Do you want to spar?" he asked with a smirk.

Kurama smirked right back. "Now that I know your abilities, I'm not gonna let you win."

They left Kurama's house and jumped from roof to roof until they get to their training area. They found no one there, and got into fighting positions immediately. "Okay, Neji. Rules: no ninjutsu or genjutsu, only taijutsu! And Neji? None of that gentle fist, okay?"

Neji nodded, and the two of them jumped at eachother, attacking with punches and kicks. Kurama grimaced when he moved top painfully slow. The weights were really holding him DOWN! However, even with the weights, he managed to land a punch on Neij's chest, sending the boy backwards.

Neji skidded to a stop, a smirk on his face, and came at Kurama with all of his speed. Punching with strength, he smirked when he saw Kurama going to block with his forearms. To Neji's shock, his fists hit hard metal, and he pulled his fists back, staring at the bruises on his knuckles. "What the hell are you wearing under there?" he asked with a glare.

Kurama smiled, and waved his index finger cutely. "Now that… is a secret!" (Copyright of Slayers Next [Xellos] for ppl who know what I'm talking about)

Neji glared and attacked full force, sending Kurama back-wards into a tree. Wincing when the weight on his back dug into his spine, Kurama quickly righted himself and defended against the oncoming blows. Trying to speed up, Kurama went into the offensive, attacking Neji with as much strength as he could. To his utter annoyance, he couldn't land a single blow, and was quickly beaten by the superior Neji.

`He's not going to beat me for long once I get used to these weights,' Kurama promised himself.

"I win," Neji said with a triumphant smirk.

Kurama merely glared, and sat up. "Yes, you win. Now I'm going to go for a run. I'll see you later, Neji, and thank you for the spar," Kurama said humbly with a smile as he left the training area to run laps around Konoha. He pushed himself until he had to literally drag his butt back home, to collapse into bed.

"These weights are killing me…" he muttered right before he fell asleep.

Kurama continued to train for the next two days, but instead of running around Konoha, he ran around the forest, jumping quickly from tree to tree. This proved to be harder than Kurama had previously thought. However, he improved immensely, considering he had only worn the weights for around four days.

"Alright team, you ready to get going?!" Gai asked enthusiastically, striking a pose. Lee copied him (not surprising).

"Yeah…" Kurama muttered under his breath, completely shot from yesterday's training. He had ran through the forest ALL DAY, at top speed! He was completely d-e-a-d to the world. You could practically SEE the squiggly lines coming off his head, though his eyes showed quite well how dead he really was.

"What the hell happened to YOU?" Gai asked, worried about his student.

"Training…" Kurama muttered, sleepily leaning on Neji for support.

Neji was rather uncomfortable with Kurama leaning on him, but wouldn't let the redhead fall to the ground. Letting out a sigh and rolling his eyes, he wrapped his left arm around Kurama's waist to keep him upright.

"Travelling is going to be slow with him like this…" Gai said thoughtfully. "How are we supposed to run through the forest if he can't walk?"

"Run?" Kurama asked, perking up immediately. "More training!" he said drunkenly, giving the peace sign with X.x eyes.

Neji shook his head, and grabbed a bucket of water out of no where and dumped it on Kurama.

They waited for a reaction to take place, and were surprised when it did.

Kurama was livid like a cat dunked in a pond. "I've spent my whole life in Konoha dodging Kakashi's morning wake-up calls EVERY MORNING, and now I get a bucket of water dumped on me WHEN HE'S NOT EVEN /AROUND/?!!" Kurama exclaimed, rather pissed off (but finally awake).

"Let us continue on our jouney!" Gai exclaimed, `heroically'.

"Yes Gai-sensei!" Lee shouted.

Kurama only rolled his eyes, soaking wet and still rather pissed.

Neji was laughing silently to himself, amused to have drawn a reaction out of Kurama.

They continued on their way out of Konoha's gates. What will happen to our heroes next?

I dunno.