Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Eighteen ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Eighteen:

"Welcome to the Village of Stone," a beautiful young woman said with a dazzling smile. (Heheh, didn't expect THAT didja?)

Kurama examined the woman top to bottom. She had beautiful gray eyes and black hair with two chunks of bangs in the front died gray. Her body was lithe and strong, and was quite well endowed with luscious hips and curves. Pink lips curved into a smile as she stood from her `throne'.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you," she said, eyeing them all. Her eyes paused for a while on Kurama, examining his beautiful face and body with appraising eyes.

Gai bowed, as did his team, and said, "My name is Gai. These are my students, Rock Lee, Hyuuga Neji, and Minamino Kurama." He pointed to each in turn, and waited for her next response.

"I see… A member of the Hyuuga family. It is interesting to see that they allowed one of their members into another country's territory," the Tsuchikage said with a smile. "I will have one of my ANBU show you to your living quarters. You will be treated as any other team during your stay, although the other teams will not disrespect you. You will complete missions for us that you may choose yourself, and all expenses will be taken care of. Do you have any questions?"

Kurama raised his hand slightly, causing the Tsuchikage's eyes to turn towards him. "I do. What will happen if one of us were to die on a mission for you?"

The question was asked so bluntly and calmly that all eyes turned towards the redhead.

The Tsuchikage blinked, and eyed the matured youth before her. "If you die during a mission it was agreed between Hokage and myself that neither village would take responsibility for the death. If something were to happen to you, however, while you were not on a mission, then your lives are in the hands of my ANBU. Any other questions?"

"What if your ANBU were powerless to stop something like that happening?" Kurama asked bluntly again. "Not that I doubt your village's shinobi, but you must understand that I have concerns."

Tsuchikage stared at the boy before her. He was the perfect diplomat, not afraid to voice his opinion, but not offending the one he was trying to reason with in the first place. What an amazing child… "If our shinobi are powerless, then we take responsibility for what happens to you, and Hokage may ask for any price. The same goes the other way around."

Kurama nodded his head, looking down slightly in thought.

"Anything else?"

"Will we be living in an actual house or an apartment?" Lee suddenly piped up.

Tsuchikage grinned, winking at Lee. "You are to stay with our most powerful clan. They have a very large house, you could say, and it would be good if they lost some of their arrogance," she said with a cocky grin.

Kurama sweatdropped. `Interesting woman…'

Something similar was crossing the other genin's minds at that moment. And Gai… he was grinning like an idiot.

"ANBU squad 5, please take them to the Akachi clan's residence," Tsuchikage ordered, and watched as the four leaf shinobi were led away. `I like that Minamino kid, he had a very sharp mind. I wish I was able to have a one-on-one talk with him, it would be quite refreshing…'

Kurama frowned slightly to himself as they were led through the busy streets of the Stone. `Why did the Tsuchikage do that to her most powerful clan? I don't understand… Wouldn't that create anger towards her on the clan's part? What does she expect the outcome to be…' Kurama mused to himself absently, and began to look around at the sights. From the looks of it, this was a very interesting village. Kurama mentally grinned when he saw a child play an ingenious prank on an old man walking down the street. It was amusing.

Neji watched Kurama, curious about Kurama's earlier questions. Would this mission put their lives on the line? He planned on dragging Kurama away for a while so they could talk. He wasn't entirely looking forward to a whole clan being angry with them because of the Tsuchikage.

Over all, the Hidden Stone really was a beautiful village. The pristine white walls gave it a clean and pure look, and the happy people added colour to the purity. It was truly a magnificent village, and everyone was happy. It reminded Kurama much of Leaf. The only thing missing, was the beautiful green trees. Sure, there were quite a few trees, some quite healthy looking, but none of them would ever match up to the Leaf's exotic green.

If Kurama had asked his teammates if they thought the trees here were as green as the ones back home, they probably would have said yes. They didn't have the keen eye for plants like he did, and he could see tremendous differences in their growth.

After the small tour through part of the village, they slowly made their way to the edges of the village, where there were less buildings and more untrained land. There they found a gigantic residence, with many twists and turns. Guards let them inside at the entrance, and Kurama examined the beautiful courtyard with delight. It was amazing! There was a long pathway to the front door of the `palace', Kurama would call it, and it was lined with bushes of many types, all thrown together in a beautiful display of green. Kurama found himself drawn to all the green, but knew that he could tend to the flowers all he wanted later, to his excitement. He could wait!

The ANBU went with them through the front door, and they all took off their shoes before stepping on to the traditional styled wooden flooring. It was beautiful… polished until you could see your reflection, and the most beautiful shade of rosy wood he had ever seen. The ANBU led them to a room, where the knocked against the wood of the paper sliding doors and waited for a response.

"You may enter."

The ANBU opened the sliding door and motioned the genins and jounin inside. They moved inside, and kneeled down upon the cushions that were provided opposite a very serious-looking man. He was in his early thirties, probably, with dark blue hair that was cut unevenly at his shoulders and dark gray eyes.

"I take it you are the team from the Hidden Leaf?" the man asked with a monotonous and serious voice that said `if you piss me off, you'll never live to regret it'.

"Yes, we are," Gai said with a grin.

The man nodded, and quickly got on to more important matters. "I will have my son show you to your individual rooms, which are in the same wing. Later, my father will tell you about the customs of this family and our village. Afterwards, you will go with my son and his team to choose a mission together, so they can help you get used to the town and area. Is there anything you'd like to ask?"

Gai, Lee, and Neji all turned to look at Kurama, who blinked in confusion at the attention. Sighing softly, he asked, "What may we call you?"

The man blinked, having forgotten all about introductions. "My name is Akachi Tore, and I am the head of this household. Should you run into any problems, come to me immediately. Kyo!" Akachi called, looking to his right, where another screen door was. (Btw, Akachi IS his last name)

A handsome young man with black hair with red tips came into the room, with his hair cut unevenly like his father, thought it wasn't quite to the shoulders. Two pieces of black and undyed hair hung on each side of his face as bangs. He had a `piss off' expression clearly on his face. "Yeah?" he asked, chewing on a toothpick.

"Take our guests to their rooms and show them around the premises. Dismissed."

With that said, they all left with small bows to Akachi, leaving the man to his business.

"So Kyo-san," Lee started, trying to be friendly, "How old are you?"

"S'none of yer fuckin' business," Kyo shot back.

Neji glared, and Kurama frowned.

"Who shoved a stick up YOUR ass?" Kurama asked with calm, half-lidded eyes.

Kyo shot around to face Kurama in an instant, and an instant later, had him pinned to the ground. "Who th' fuck d' ya think ya are?" he asked coldly.

Kurama sighed dramatically. "I don't know who I am, I lost my memory at a young age, and I can't remember anything about my parents or relatives or anything about where I used to live or any family whatsoever, really, and I don't even remember if I had a stuffed toy, did you when you were a child Kyo-chan, because it would be sad if you didn't I mean everyone has a toy they like when they're young and you need someone to keep the monsters away at night because parents don't do that for you or do they, cause I never knew because I can't remember my parents I don't even know where I came from-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Kyo yelled, having finally lost it.

Kurama grinned a foxy grin, and before Kyo knew what was going on, he was pinned face down on the ground, with no way to move.

"ARGH!" Kyo yelled in frustration.

Neji was smirking while Lee was laughing behind his hand. Kurama was on cloud nine, and the mischievous part of his personality was coming out. "There, there, Kyo-chan, you can't help that you feel this way. You probably didn't have a toy when you were a child, and that made you grumpy and hateful of other people because they had what you wanted tell me Kyo-chan why is everyone here so far in such a foul mood all of the time its like you were born with sticks up your asses tell me Kyo-chan does it hurt to have a stick up your ass? I personally would never want to know-"


"Say please," Kurama said with a Kakashi grin.


"You have to say please you naughty naughty boy. My my, where did you get such a filthy mouth?" Kurama said, on cloud nine.

"Holy shit Kyo, are you spazzing on some unexpecting victim again?" a voice asked with a bit of humor.

Kyo seemed to become even angrier, and shouted, "SHUT THE HELL UP KAJI!!"

The white haired boy `Kaji', who had green eyes, smirked coolly and responded with a simple, "You're a pathetic excuse for an Akachi."

This seemed to hit a nerve, and Kurama was quick to retreat as Kyo punched Kaji, causing the cocky white-haired boy to fly through the wall and into what appeared to be a training yard.

Kaji got up from the ground with a seriously pissed expression. "I'm gonna kick your ass for that one, loser."

Kyo only got angrier, and charged at Kaji as if he was about to kill him.

A blue-haired girl with brown eyes caught the thrown fist with ease, and hit Kyo with a deadly punch to the gut. "Stop your foolish behaviour, Kyo. You are only embarrassing your family and us, your teammates," she spoke harshly, a deadly edge in her voice.

Kyo only glared at her from the ground, clutching his stomach in pain.

The blue-haired girl turned her brown eyes to Kurama, and blushed slightly. `Wow, he's HOTT!' Her hair was cut in a bowl-like shape that passed her ears, with evenly cut bangs in the front.

Kurama raised a calm eyebrow when he could practically HEAR the blue-haired girl's thoughts. `Not ANOTHER one,' he thought annoyed to himself.

`Damnit! I can't think about boys right now! I promised dad I would only focus on my training! Get a hold of yourself, girl!' the blue-haired girl yelled furiously to herself, and schooled her expression to calmness. "So, you are the genin team from the Hidden Leaf? I'm glad you've finally arrived. Now we can do double team missions and actually get something with some action," she said with a grin.

Kurama blinked. What the hell had happened to HER?

"My name is Rock Lee!" Lee said with the thumbs up and tooth-twinkle.

"Hyuuga Neji," Neji said simply.

"Minamino Kurama," Kurama said calmly, looking at Kyo, who was on the ground and looking quite pissed off.

"Look, Minamino, you piss me off again and you'll regret it!" Kyo yelled angrily at Kurama from the ground.

Kurama stated monotonously, "You are so very threatening when you are on the ground."

This caused Kyo's face to become red with rage. He shot at Kurama with more speed than Kurama thought he possessed and punched him right on the jaw. Kurama flew back before skidding to a stop with his feet. Raising a hand to his face, he felt his uninjured jaw, making sure there was no bruising.

Kyo, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU MADE OF, METAL?!! YOUR JAW IS HARDER THAN A FUCKIN STONE WALL!!"

Kurama gave way to no emotion as both his and Kyo's team stared at him in curiosity. "Thank you for the compliment," Kurama said, thinking quickly, "I didn't know your fists were that weak."

This only pissed Kyo off even more, and he jumped at Kurama again, only to be stopped by who Kurama assumed was their sensei.

"Kyo, what the HELL are you doing NOW?!" the brown-haired brown-eyed man asked, his eyes serious and angered. His hair was pulled back in a small pony tail at the base of his neck (think Miroku from Inu Yasha ppl).

Kyo glared at his sensei (who was still looking at him for an answer). "They started it," he mumbled with a glare shot at Kurama.

"They did, did they?"

"Incorrect. You were the one who was being an asshole in the first place, and such attitude gets what it deserves," Neji said coldly and calmly.

Kurama grinned and walked back over to his teammates. Once at their side, he winked at Neji behind everyone's back, and the white-eyed boy responded with the smallest of half-smiles.

"And you are?" Gai asked, standing tall.

The brown-haired man turned his attention away from the boy in his grasp to Gai. "Ah… My name is Hato Midoki. These are my students, Atori Aya," he pointed to the blue-haired girl, "Byato Kaji, and I assume you have already met Akachi Kyo?"

Gai nodded his head, and began formal introductions (again). "My name is Gai, these are my students, Rock Lee, Hyuuga Neji, and Minamino Kurama."

Midoki stared at Neji. `So, this is one of the `Hyuuga', eh? I wonder what the boy can do… That Lee boy, I sense next to no chakra. He must be a taijutsu specialist. Kurama… He has an abnormally large amount of chakra, but I can't tell what he may be best at… Intriguing…'

"It is nice to meet you," Midoki said with a nod of his head. "Kyo will finish leading you around, with us to accompany you, and then our team will show you around Stone," he said, dragging Kyo off by the wrist.

"Damn Minamino," Kyo muttered too quietly for Midoki to hear. However, Kurama DID hear it, and it only caused him to smile.

They were shown everything, from the spacious bathhouse to the gardens. Afterwards, they were shown their rooms, and they all dropped off their packs. Next, they were shown around the Village of Stone.

Later that night found Kurama heading to the bathhouse. It had been a while since he'd had a proper bath. He needed to clean his weights as well, which were (strangely) taking on the scent of roses and sweat.

-What Master doing?- Shinrin asked curiously as he was plucked out of Kurama's hair when they arrived at the baths.

"I'm having a bath."

-What bath?-

"What's a bath? A bath can be two things, it can be when you clean yourself while in a bathtub, or a bathtub itself."

-So Master giving birth to bathtub?-

Kurama promptly sweatdropped, and then dropped Shinrin at his feet. "No I'm not giving birth to a bath you crazy fox," he said in amusement, peeling off his clothes. After doing so, he stared down on himself in boxers and his weights. Pulling them off one-by-one, Kurama grinned at how heavy they actually were. Putting them carefully down on the ground with the rest of his clothes, he pulled off his boxers. Rolling up the weights with his clothes, he placed the bundle by the wall. Walking over to a showerhead, he turned on the water and washed quickly, eager to sit in the huge hot pool and relax the day's worries away.

Shinrin stood by the side, watching his master with a strange look.

Kurama smiled behind a hand as he plopped down into the pool of water, a towel at the pool's edge. He relaxed for a while, sighing in pure bliss. "I haven't had a nice bath like this in ages," he muttered, eyes closed.

-Why does Master have bath?-

Kurama sighed in both irritation and amusement. "Because I'm dirty, Shinrin."


Silence reigned, before Kurama got an idea. "Shinrin, come to the edge, would you?"

-Yes Master.-

Once Shinrin was right at the edge, Kurama snagged him and smiled innocently at the confused silver fox. "You smell. You need a bath," he said with a grin, and dunked the fox until only his head was peaking up over the water.

-Master!- Shinrin whined, trying to get away.

"Can you swim?" Kurama asked suddenly.


"I'll take that as a no. I'll just have to teach you then. Paddle your paws to stay above the water, I'll hold you up for now…" And Kurama continued to teach his pet how to swim. To the youko's surprise, the tiny silver fox never shed a bit of hair the entire time he was in the water, and caught on to how to swim quite quickly. Soon he was paddling around on his own, but not going far from Kurama.

Kurama smiled. "But now, I'm going to have to teach you to swim in different forms… Shinrin, become a small water dragon," he said, picturing what he wanted Shinrin to turn into in his mind.

Shinrin did so, and promptly sunk under the water. Kurama snagged the panicking creature, and held the snake-like dragon with small forearms and hindlegs in his hands. "Now, in this form, you should be able to float and skim across the top of the water. Try floating."

Shinrin did, but couldn't seem to get it. After a while, Kurama suggested using the air in his lungs to keep him afloat, like some humans did on their backs. It finally worked, and Shinrin became accustomed to doing this. Kurama eventually got him skimming across the water, almost exactly like a snake. It was amusing to watch.

Soon Kurama had to get out, and snagged Shinrin as he was passing by and put him down at his feet as he got out. Grabbing the towel, he dried off quickly, then wrapped it around his waist. Not having brought anything he could wear with him, he grabbed his bundle of clothes and asked Shinrin to turn back into a silver fox. Shinrin did so without Kurama having to give him a mental image, and they made a break for it down the halls to Kurama's room. They entered the sliding door with a sigh of relief from Kurama, who dumped his bundle of clothes on the ground. He picked out one of his black outfits to wear, and put it on.

Looking down at the bundle, he sighed and got to work. He unwrapped the weights from the cloth and then grabbed a bucket and went to the well to fetch a pail of water. After getting it, he sat down in his room and started the painfully long process of slowly cleaning his weights.

By the time he was done, it was quite late, and Lee popped by to tell him it was dinnertime. Picking up the sleeping Shinrin, he hid the fox at the nape of his neck beneath his crimson locks. Taking off his clothes, he quickly put his weights on, and then put his clothes back on over top. He made his way to the dinning room with a cheerful expression.

Everyone was already there, and it seemed they had been waiting for him. He sat down at the empty chair beside Neji and turned his attention to the head of the family.

Akachi began to eat, and soon everyone else did as well. The food was delicious, and Kurama saw a variety there that he hadn't seen in a long time. During the meal, Kurama spied Neji looking at him now and then.

When everyone was done, Akachi stood, and so did everyone else. They all left to do as they wished for the rest of the evening.

"Kurama, Lee, Neji!" Gai called down the hall before they walked away. "We're going to go and get our mission at 7:00 AM tomorrow morning. Meet me at the entrance at that time," he said, giving them the thumbs up.

Kurama smiled, and continued on his way, inconspicuously tugging on Neji's shirt.

Neji followed him a little ways behind, and entered Kurama's room after the redhead.

"Why were you sending me looks throughout the meal, Neji?" Kurama asked curiously.

Neji stared at Kurama, not saying a thing.

Kurama frowned gently, and walked towards the white-eyed boy. "What's wrong?" he asked when he stood right in front of Neji.

Neji responded by grabbing Kurama by the shoulders and kissing him harshly.

Surprised by the sudden action, Kurama fell backwards onto the ground, Neji landing on top of him. Shinrin gave out an indignant squeak, and crawled out of Kurama's hair and ran off somewhere.

Deepening the kiss, Neji forced himself into Kurama's hot mouth, tasting ever corner of him. Moaning into the kiss, Neji became aroused by the moans returned by Kurama. Placing his leg in-between Kurama's, he applied a little pressure and was rewarded with a loud moan from Kurama, which Neji swallowed with the kiss.

They broke apart, Kurama's face flushed, Neji's a pleasant red tinge.

"What brought this about?" Kurama asked, breath ragged.

Neji nuzzled his face into Kurama's neck, nibbling gently on Kurama's pulse. His ministrations elicited a moan from Kurama. "I haven't touched you in so long…" Neji murmured, "I couldn't take it any more."

Kurama's eyes became heavy as Neji nibbled, kissed, and licked his way down his neck. Stifling his moans, he bit his lip and arced up into Neji's touch.

"Kurama! It's Lee! Let's go for a run!"

Neji was off Kurama in an instant and disappeared. Kurama just sat on the ground gaping. He felt like snapping Lee's neck for the untimely interruption. Sighing to himself, he said, "Sure."

Lee opened the sliding door and raised a confused eyebrow when seeing Kurama on the ground.

Kurama stood quickly and mentally called for Shinrin.

-I'm in forest, Master!-

/I will be going for a run with Lee. Do you want to come?/

-No, Shinrin wants to hunt.-

Kurama's paled slightly, before he regained his composure. Lee and him were already outside. /No hunting. I will feed you later, okay?/ Kurama sent to Shinrin.

-But why?!-

/Because I said so. That's why./


/Good boy. I'll get you something real nice later tonight./ Kurama sent cheerfully.


Kurama and Lee ran together until very late at night, when they finally turned in. They had run through the forest, pushing themselves exceptionally hard. Lee waved goodbye, panting slightly, and Kurama smiled.

Upon entering his room, Kurama was met with a surprising sight…

Evil cliffhanger or what? Ciao! )evil grin(