Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Nineteen ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Nineteen:

Upon entering his room, Kurama was met with a surprising sight…

Kyo was sitting on his bed, and seemed to be waiting for him.

Kurama blinked, and asked, "Is there something you want, Kyo-san?"

Looking uneasy, Kyo fiddled with his fingers, looking down. Fighting with himself, he finally spoke, "Yes… I wanted to… apologize… for my rude behaviour this evening…"

Surprised, Kurama stared at Kyo. "What brought about the sudden change in character?" he asked curiously.

Kyo glared at Kurama slightly. "I thought about what I did, and I felt bad, okay?!" he shot back angrily. "Besides, we're going to have to work as a team, aren't we? So we might as well get along," he said huffily.

Kurama suddenly smiled genuinely, shocking Kyo out of his attitude. "That was very insightful of you, and I'm glad that we shall be on better terms from now on," he said calmly.

Kyo merely nodded his head, and left the room.

Changing into his pajamas, but leaving the weights on as usual, Kurama prepared to go to bed. It had been a long day, and he was exhausted. Slipping under the covers of his bed, he fell into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning Kurama awoke with the sunrise, even though he couldn't see it through any window. Looking at his wardrobe, he winced. His two green Chinese outfits with white shirts and green pants were filthy. Only one of his black outfits he could wear (and was wearing), and that left the blue one with intricate designs for special occasions. He had to do laundry.

Sighing, he piled the dirty clothes by his bed, to remind him to wash them later. Checking the time, he discovered it to be almost 6:00. Sighing when he realized he had to wait an hour for them to get their mission, he decided to do some more running.

Kurama did laps around Stone, and got to know a lot of their terrain because of it. Pushing himself really hard, he was determined to become faster than his teammates.

Checking the time as he passed by a house that had an alarm clock in full view, he was surprised to find that he had five minutes to meet his team at the other side of the village. Sighing, he shot into a sprint, jumping from rooftop to rooftop straight through the middle of the city. He barely made it in time, and was slightly winded when he arrived at the Akachi's residence. He found Gai and his teammates along with Kyo's team and sensei waiting for him. Smiling he approached them calmly, taking slow breaths to calm his beating heart.

"So you finally decide to show up," Neji said with a smirk.

Kurama blinked before smirking back at Neji, "I'm not THAT late, am I? I had five minutes to get from the other side of the village, so don't say I was late for no reason."

"The other side of the village in five minutes?" Kyo asked, eyes wide.

Kurama smiled wearily, "Yeah. I bet Lee could have made it quicker, though."

Lee blushed and put a hand behind his head, "No need to flatter me, Kurama-kun."

Kurama only grinned and looked to their sensei, Gai.

"Well, I'd say its time to get going. Midoki-san, lead the way," Gai said, giving the thumbs up and tooth twinkle.

Kurama sweatdropped.

"Of course," Midoki said, and started jumping rooftops.

Kurama sighed when he realized they were going in the same direction he had just COME from. Shaking his head, he kept up with the slow pace easily, although he was slightly tired from his sprint. Midoki's team, however, didn't seem to have much stamina (aside from Kyo, who was just too stubborn for his own good) and were already panting slightly when they arrived.

Neji and Kurama exchanged looks. Why were these students so low on stamina? Their sensei should make them run laps all the time, like Gai did.

"We're here," Midoki said, standing in front of a rather large building.

They entered silently, and were met with a bunch of chuunin and the Tsuchikage, who were giving out missions to other teams that morning. The Tsuchikage herself motioned for them to come forward, and the other stone teams stared in shock at the leaf genin that were in stone.

Tsuchikage smirked at them, and picked up a list of missions. "You're lucky, because I would usually give you just D rank missions. You have a choice of C or B missions, since there's eight of you. You can refuse the mission when I explain it to you, if you want, and I will read another for you to choose from. Rank C or B?"

Midoki responded immediately, "B."

Tsuchikage nodded her head, and looked down at her list. "The first choice is to deliver a scroll to a lord in the Stone country. Do you accept or decline?"

Midoki looked thoughtful. "We will decline."

Tsuchikage nodded her head, and looked at the next on the list, "You can drive away a group of bandits that have been attacking a village, and that mission could be A rank if things come up."

"We accept."

Tsuchikage nodded her head and handed him a scroll. "This holds the details of the mission. You are to leave for that village immediately."

Midoki nodded his head and motioned for the others to follow him out of the building.

They ignored all the curious stares.

Once they got outside, Midoki opened the scroll. He read over it then burned it with his chakra. "The details are: we are to go the Mizukai village and spend a few nights there. We await the arrival of the bandits and kill them or drive them off. We won't be fighting shinobi, and bandits are nothing to worry about. Let's go."

Midoki stopped by the market to pick up some food, and then they left the Hidden Stone.

Travel through the woods was unusual for Gai's team, for they weren't used to the rocky terrain and few trees. Fire country had much more greenery than this.

Kurama hid a wince when he spotted a rather shriveled tree that seemed to get very little water.

They walked for a while, before Midoki picked up the pace and went into a slow run. Gai's team kept up easily, yet after a while, Midoki's team started showing weariness. They stopped for a small bite to eat and a drink of water before they were on their way again.

They arrived at the village near the end of the day. Mizukai village was placed right beside a beautiful little lake, and Kurama found himself surprised at the beauty and clarity of the water.

After they arrived, they asked a few of the villagers where the head of the village was. They gave them directions, and soon they found themselves standing inside the cozy little house of an old man.

"Ah, so you are the shinobi I sent for?" he asked in a hoarse and weary voice.

Midoki stepped forward and bowed. "Yes, we are."

The man frowned when he spotted Gai and the others. "I only sent for one team, why did I get two?"

Midoki straightened and said politely, "That is confidential. However, if you were worried about us charging you for the extra team, don't."

The old man nodded his head and began explaining what had happened to their village. "A month ago bandits attacked our village, yet we managed to drive them back with our samurai. They kept coming back, however, getting stronger with every attack. Soon they were kidnapping some of our women and children, and we could not protect our village any more. This is why we sent for you."

Midoki nodded his head and asked, "When would you estimate their next attack?"

The old man shook his head and said, "They attack every day. Those are small attacks, just to pick us off slowly. Around every week there will be a big attack that they try to take over our village with. The last big attack was 9 days ago, and we are due for another at any time."

Midoki nodded his head again and left with a small bow. The others followed him out, and Gai contemplated their mission.

`It shouldn't be too hard with two teams…' he mused to himself.

"We will be staying at an inn tonight in the middle of the village. It is the best place to be so we can get to any side of the village the bandits are attacking as soon as possible," Midoki explained.

Kyo, Aya, and Kaji were excited, to say the least. This would be the first time they ever got such a high ranking mission. They had been a team together for 2 years, and had taken a chuunin exam once in that time period. It would be fun…

Kurama mentally sighed. More killing. Except this time, he was ALLOWED to kill humans, unlike with Koenma. Somehow he wasn't entirely pleased with the idea of killing something besides disgusting lesser demons.

They checked in at a nice little hotel. Aya had a room to herself while Kyo, Kaji, and Midoki shared a room. Gai had a room with Lee, and that left Kurama and Neji together.

Kurama lay down on the bed and relaxed for a moment. Afterwards, he sat against the head of his bed and went into a meditative state. Sending out his senses, he felt the strong auras of his fellow shinobi. Passing by them, he spread out farther, searching the entire village. He found no unusual activity, and went farther outwards, into the forest. It took a while of careful search to find the bandits, but he slowly did. And, they were moving. They were going to attack, it seemed, within a few minutes, at the northern part of the village. Snapping his eyes open, Kurama left the room to find Gai. He found the two jounin talking together, discussing the mission.

Even though it was best that Kurama kept a low profile, he knew it would be an essential tool for his friends to know that he could sense things like this.

"Gai-sensei," he called, to catch the man's attention. Both Jounin turned to look at him. "Bandits are approaching the northern part of the village, only half a kilometer away from the edge."

Gai's eyes widened, as did Midoki's. "How do you know this, Kurama?" he asked.

Kurama only smiled and said, "I can sense these things."

"Indeed. If you can, do you know their number?" Midoki asked.

Kurama blinked and frowned to himself. He had been careless and hadn't checked. Closing his eyes, he spread out his senses quicker than last time, knowing exactly where the bandits were. Doing a quick count, he discovered there were around 60 or so. "Sixty," he said calmly, and opened his eyes.

Gai and Midoki nodded their heads. Midoki vanished in a puff of smoke to gather his students, and Gai ran out of the room, snagging Kurama on his way out. They easily found Neji and Lee and met back at Gai's room.

Midoki was waiting there with his team. "We have bad news. The bandits are half a kilometer away from the northern edge of the village, and are approaching. If it weren't for Kurama, we wouldn't have gotten this alert. There are sixty bandits; that leaves almost 7 enemies each. We will be leaving immediately."

With that said, they all rushed out of the inn at a quick speed towards the bandits. Neji was watching Kurama the whole time, wondering how the boy had managed to find out where they were attacking and how many.

Upon arriving at the edge of the forest, both Gai and Midoki turned their attention to Kurama, who closed his eyes and quickly searched for the bandits. He found them slightly off to their left, and pointed with his finger. They were very close by, and it was crucial that they remain quiet.

Midoki nodded his head and vanished for a moment. He returned quickly, and started to form a plan. "We will ambush them, picking them off with kunai and shuriken from the shadows. It should be easy."

All six genin nodded their heads and started to make their way towards the bandits. They hid in the shadows, spread out slightly. Gai's team took the right side and Midoki's the left. Midoki gave the sign, and they all started throwing shuriken and kunai at the enemy. Half of the bandits went down easily, but the others had located the enemy and were charging in Gai's team's direction.

Kurama's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed a kunai. He wouldn't let his team die. Moving quickly, he zipped though the enemy ranks. When he got to the other side, they all fell to the ground, throats slit. Kurama turned back around to see if he missed anyone and waited for the teams to come out.

Everyone had shocked looks on their faces, and Kurama ignored them. "Mission accomplished," he muttered under his breath, staring at his bloody Kunai.

"That was impressive work, Kurama," Midoki said with a grim smile. "You would make a decent assassin when you grow up, moving that fast."

Kurama smiled wearily at Midoki before cleaning his kunai off on one of the dead body's shirts.

"Well, our mission is accomplished. We'll tell the village leader and then leave," Midoki said. "First, however, retrieve your weapons. It would be pointless to waste kunai and shuriken."

Lee paled slightly at the idea, but it seemed like Midoki's team was used to it.

Kurama went about doing it without complaint, looking at the dead bodies like he saw such things daily. He retrieved his weapons from all the bandits he killed and cleaned them off in a nearby stream. The others followed suite. Kurama was done first, and went back to the clearing to find Gai and Midoki gone. Raising an eyebrow, he wondered where they could have gotten to.

Eventually the others came back, and asked him where their sensei were. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. They waited for them to come back, and found themselves becoming disgusted of the stench of human blood and death.

"Let's just leave already, this place it making me sick," Kaji said, standing up and brushing off his pants.

Kaji's teammates followed suite, but Gai's didn't. The two of them turned to look at Kurama, who had at some point become their `leader'.

Kurama thought over it for a moment before spreading out his senses, eyes open. He immediately found Gai and Midoki at the edge of the clearing, spying on them. Smirking, Kurama said, "Where to you plan to go?"

Kaji glared at him and said hotly, "Anywhere but here."

"Oh? What would you do if one day you were trapped in a cave with dozens of dead bodies piled around you? If that was the only hiding place from the enemies, would you hide there? Or would it be too disgusting for you to handle?" Kurama asked.

Aya spoke up, "I agree with Kaji, we should go. I hate the smell of blood. We'll probably find Midoki in the village." The three began to walk away, Kyo looking back once.

"What do we do now?" Neji asked, turning his attention to Kurama.

"Well, the first thing to do is…" Kurama paused before calling out, "I know you're there Gai-sensei, Midoki-san. You can come out now."

Leaving camp now! Gonna be home in a little while. Ciao!