Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Twenty-Six ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Twenty-Six:

Finally the fifth day had come, and the three of them packed up their things in preparation. They would find a weary team and take their heaven scroll. After that, they would head to the tower.

"The sun will rise within an hour or two. Neji, do you see any teams within your range?" Kurama asked when they stood outside their tree, things packed and all set to go.

Neji activated his Byakugan and searched.

In the meantime, Kurama did a search of his own. When he did so, he found two weakened chakra and one weary one, as well as three other dangerous chakra heading in their direction.

"I found nothing," Neji announced, deactivating his eyes.

Kurama was frowning, eyes narrowed dangerously as he sensed the dangerous chakras not far away from their victoms.

"Kurama?" Lee asked, wondering what Kurama was glaring at.

"We must hurry. I have a hunch that one of our konoha teams is in great danger. We will hit the closest team with a heaven scroll and rush to their aid," Kurama said, leaving no room for objection. He burst forward into the woods, doing a search as he ran for another weakened team. Finding one not too far away, Kurama lead his team in their direction. "Neji, right in front of us is a team. Do they have a heaven scroll?" Kurama asked, falling back slightly to be beside the white-eyed boy.

Neji activated his eyes and frowned, "I don't see them yet."

Kurama nodded his head in acceptance and said, "Let me know when you do."

After running at almost top speed for a few more seconds, Neji announced that they had found a weakened mist team with a heaven scroll.

Kurama smirked coldly, but his teammates didn't see it. It was time to relieve some of his frustrations over the curse seal. Feeling it react, Kurama cursed to himself and focused on forcing it back as he ran. It took longer than if he hadn't been running, but it was back to normal when they reached the Mist-nin. Kurama was the first to attack, and nailed one in the throat calmly with a kunai. The girl died instantly, choking on her own blood.

"What the hell?!" another mist-nin shouted before he was knocked out by Lee, who hit the back of his neck.

The remaining Mist-nin stared at Kurama in horror, who held the bloodied kunai calmly. "Unless you want a hole in your chest, hand over your heaven scroll," Kurama said in a calm and deadly voice that caused shivers to shoot down spines.

The Mist-nin glared and went to form seals. Kurama nailed him in the forehead with the bloodied kunai before he could finish the first seal.

Kurama surveyed the damage and stared at the mist-nin who was still alive. "I know you'd rather not kill, Lee, but you will have to eventually," Kurama said with a gentle expression.

Lee nodded his head, but didn't answer Kurama.

"Neji, would you please find the heaven scroll and hold on to it?" Kurama asked, retrieving his kunai and cleaning it on the clothes of the mist-nin.

Neji pulled it out of the pocket of the one Lee had knocked out and placed it in his pouch.

"Now, we must hurry to the aid of the ones I sensed," Kurama said softly, but just enough for his teammates to hear. The three took off, Kurama at the front, leading them. `I hope we're not too late…' Kurama thought to himself with a gentle frown. `I felt a burst of demonic chakra the other day, but didn't pursue it further. I have a feeling that this involves the user of that chakra… It felt like kitsune energy, strangely enough… Maybe there is another like me out there?'

It took a while but they soon arrived at the scene to find a sound-nin charging at a pink-haired girl. Lee jumped down to protect pinky before Kurama could do or say a thing.

"Sakura-chan, I will protect you with my life," Lee said after he ripped a root out of the ground to protect the girl, Sakura.

The attack of the sound-nin was stopped by the root, and the fight continued. Kurama examined the situation. It seemed that `Sakura's teammates were down, for reasons unknown, and she was doing her damnedest to protect them. Lee was getting his ass kicked, although he was putting up a good fight, and was soon knocked unconscious. To Kurama's surprise, another leaf team showed up and helped out. A fat kid was called fat-ass by one of the sound-nin and got totally pissed off. Kurama smirked when the fat-ass, `Chouji', attacked the one who called him fat-ass with much energy.

Blinking when he turned into a giant ball called `meat-tank', Kurama chuckled at the absolute ludicrousy of the fight. Chouji had almost gotten a hit on the guy with holes in his hands when he was knocked down as well. His other two teammates did something rather strange… The blond fainted into the arms of the lazy ass after doing a strange set of seals and there seamed to be no effect… Until the girl on the sound-nin's team changed suddenly.

`Mind-control? Interesting jutsu… I wonder how she will use this to her advantage,' Kurama thought, enjoying the show with Neji. Whispering quietly, Kurama told Neji, "I may jump into the fight. You need not follow me unless you see fit, okay?"

The white-eyed boy just nodded his head, not taking his eyes away from the scene.

That was when the blond on the ground decided to wake up. (Note to all readers, I can't remember much of this section of the manga (as you realize by now with my lack of description) From this point on, I'm just going for it, screw if I'm right or wrong. Heh)

"Who the hell are they?" the blond asked intelligently.

"DUMB-ASS!" Sakura shouted, hitting the blond on the head.

"Ow! That hurt Sakura-chan," the blond whimpered, cradling his wounded scull in his hands.

Sakura and Naruto watched as Shikamaru dragged Ino's body off towards them. "Now what do we do?" Sakura asked softly, "We can't defeat them, without Sasuke…"

Naruto flinched at that, and turned his head away from Sakura. Hadn't he proved himself able to fight to Sakura yet? Why didn't she believe in his abilities? Growling, he stood up and pulled a few kunai from his hostler and charged at the enemy. He threw the kunai and formed quick seals. "KAGE BUSHIN NO JUTSU!" He shouted, creating 40 clones to help him attack the sound-nin girl, because she was the weakest link.

Sakura's eyes widened. `SHIT! He doesn't know that Ino's in there!'

Shikamaru shouted out, "INO! GET OUT OF THERE!"

The girl's body slumped onto the ground, and Naruto froze. `SHIT! Now I lost my advantage of a surprise attack!' Before he knew what was going on, a black and red blur shot out onto the battlefield and attacked Dosu, the one covered in bandages.

"BLONDY!" the blur shouted, attacking Dosu with quick movements, preventing him from attacking. "REGROUP WITH THE OTHERS!" Kurama ordered.

"NO!" Naruto shouted determinedly. "I'M NOT GIVING UP!"

Kurama froze to stare at the determined look in shock. However, that mistake cost him. Dosu attacked with his sound waves, aiming for Kurama's ears. Kurama's eyes widened in pain when the sound waves got his ears, barely stopping himself from screaming in pain. His overly sensitive ears hurt like a bit, and Kurama collapsed onto his knees in shock. When Dosu was about to attack again, Kurama used his chakra to create a barrier around him. The clash of hasty barrier and sound clashed, forming an explosion that sent the two flying apart. Kurama skid across the ground, eyes glazed over from the attack that had sent his mind reeling.

Neji frowned and jumped from his place in the trees to Kurama's side, surprising the others. Neji straddled Kurama's waist and promptly slapped him across the face, causing all eyes watching to widen.

Blinking, Kurama focused blurry eyes on Neji. "What the hell happened?" he asked in a wraspy voice.

"You formed a hasty barrier of chakra in front of you to protect you from the sound attack. An explosion resulted. Were you not aware of that?" Neji asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kurama frowned. "I must have done that unconsciously…"

Just then, Sakura's other teammate stood up and asked Sakura, "WHO HURT YOU?!"

All eyes turned to the Uchiha, who was presently covered in strange markings, his Sharingan eyes activated.

"WHO HURT YOU, SAKURA?!" the Uchiha shouted furiously.

"I did!" Zaku (that his name?) said with a smirk.

"ZAKU!" Dosu shouted in warning, not very comfortable about the situation. Orochimaru had ordered them to kill the Uchiha, yet it seemed that the snake had given the boy a curse seal, and had bestowed upon him great power. He DIDN'T want the furious boy to come after them!

Regardless of Dosu's warning, Zaku continued, "I did! And let me tell you, beating her around was fun!"

Sasuke was pissed, and showed his displeasure by glaring coldly at Zaku, who was smirking his cocky ass off.

Zaku's smirk widened as he sent a huge gust of wind in their direction out of the holes in his hands. Before Sasuke could move to get everyone out of the way, Kurama jumped right in the pathway of the blast, hands out in front of him. A blackish purple chakra formed a barrier in front of him, causing the attack to spit and swerve off to the sides.

"GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" Kurama ordered, not looking back.

Sasuke moved quickly, carrying his teammates as well as Ino's teammates instantly to safety on the other side of the clearing.

Kurama smiled wearily when they were all out of the way, including Neji. Releasing his hold on the chakra, the wind rushed over him, tearing up the ground and causing a huge explosion.

Neji's eyes, as well as all the others' (aside from Lee and Chouji, who were still unconscious), were wide with horror or surprise. When the dust clearled, Kurama lay unmoving on the ground and Zaku was laughing with a smirk.

"Kurama…" Neji whispered, horrified.

Kurama, to the shock of everyone, sat up slowly, his eyes hooded. Green leaf-like markings had spread over his body, causing Sasuke to gasp at the similarity to his own situation.

"Are you proud of those arms?" Kurama asked in a deadly voice, appearing behind Zaku. Snatching the arms, Kurama pulled them back and snapped them. Zaku screamed.

Dosu was next. Using his anger as a fuel, Kurama attacked Dosu and knocked him unconscious. When he was about to kill him, Someone snagged him from behind and held onto him.

"That's enough, Kurama," Neji said softly, worried about Kurama's mental health AGAIN.

Kurama froze and relaxed into Neji's hold instantly, surprising the white-eyed boy. "I'm tired," Kurama whined gently, leaning back onto Neji, who almost collapsed under the weight.

"Holy shit Kurama, how heavy are your goddamn weights?!" Neji asked incredulously.

Kurama was supporting himself again in an instant, blushing slightly. "Uh… THAT'S A SECRET!" He stumbled, blushing a cute red as he was caught off-guard.

Neji chuckled softly and lead Kurama back to the others.

"Do you see, Sasuke, what would have happened to you if you had been allowed to continue on that little rampage of yours?" Kurama asked, looking at Sasuke with weary eyes as he forced the curse seal back again. "You would have become a heartless killer, like I was for that moment. Blood-lust overtakes your mind as well as the darkness, and if you submit to it, it will eventually take over your mind and turn you into Orochimaru's servant. The first time it happened to me…" Kurama paused uncomfortably, "I stabbed a sword into Neji's stomach before I became conscious of what I was doing. He almost died," Kurama said solemnly, causing all eyes to widen and faces to pale.

"It hurt like a bitch," Neji said simply before he picked Lee off and jumped off into the woods with him.

"Think about that before you give in to the curse seal, Sasuke-san," Kurama said before following after Neji.

The group of genin stared after the team in shock and surprise. Sasuke mulled over Kurama's words, wondering what he would do…

"You should be more careful, Kurama," Neji said as they ran at an easy pace away from the group of genin.

Kurama turned to look at Neji. His eyes softened as he watched the Hyuuga's blank white eyes. Neji was honesty worried about him. Smiling softly, Kurama turned his attention back to running, and he whispered, "I will."

Having retrieved a heaven scroll, Kurama and Neji woke Lee up (dumped water on his face) and headed to the tower. They ran in to no trouble on the way (Kurama lead them around all enemy chakra, Neji helping) and were soon at the tower. They opened their two scrolls and threw them on to the ground when they revealed a summoning.

With a poof of smoke, Kakashi of all people appeared.

"I congradulate you on passing the second exam," Kakashi said lazily.

"Kakashi," Kurama said, shaking his head, "Isn't this an unpleasant surprise, ne?" Amusement coloured Kurama's tone as he spoke.

"Yes, isn't it?" Kakashi said with curved upward eyes.

Kurama rolled his eyes and gave Kakashi a push. "Moron," he muttered with good humor.

"THIS is Gai-sensei's rival?" Lee asked incredulously.

"Yes, he is," Neji said with emotionless eyes.

"It's good to see you again too, Neji," Kakashi said, eyes upturned.

"Hn," Neji said, eyes narrowed.

"Now, Kurama, we need to talk," Kakashi said, becoming serious.

Kurama blinked. "About what?"

"Gai told me that you have a curse seal from Orochimaru. Let me see," Kakashi said, eye serious for once.

Kurama shrugged and pulled back his shirt to reveal a green curse seal upon his creamy skin.

"I see," Kakashi said thoughtfully to himself.

"Uchiha Sasuke also received one yesterday. We assisted their team when a group of sound-nin attempted to kill them," Kurama said, eyes serious although calm.

Kakashi's eye widened slightly before it narrowed. "You are certain?"

Kurama nodded his head solemnly.

"I must speak to the Hokage about this. Kurama, how has the curse seal been when it activates itself?" Kakashi asked.

Kurama looked thoughtful. "Well, it's constantly an aching pain, and it burns when I think dark thoughts or feel dark emotions. Anger is a good example, or hatred. When it activates, it hinders me in battle. The only time it is of assistance is if I don't beat it back to the seal, which I do with my will… It is incredibly irritating," Kurama said, voice deadly. "My chakra is gone, replaced by this sick and disgusting purple chakra that kills plants when I try to manipulate them. I have to exercise an incredible amount of concentration to keep the plant alive while I use it. It is an endless irritation," Kurama said, letting his frustration show for the first time.

His teammates were surprised by this, as was Kakashi. They were even more surprised when the green markings spread across his skin again.

Kurama glared at the markings, then suddenly calmed his face and mind of emotion, and beat the curse seal back in an instant with his will. "To use your will to force back the curse seal," Kurama said, his eyes and face eerily clear of emotion, "One must control their emotions precisely."

Kakashi was surprised by the show of control Kurama just showed, and the fact that he calmed himself in an instant like that. "I shall report this to the Hokage. Go down those stairs to get to the meeting place," Kakashi said, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Lee and Neji were watching Kurama, who blinked and asked, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Neji shook his head and grabbed Kurama by the arm, dragging him along. Lee followed, and together, the team made their way to the meeting area.

Right now, ppl, I'm writing this on my newly fixed laptop at `Bowren Lake' in this KAWAII little cabin (no, not the kind that's made of logs of wood). It's so nice here and the scenery is beautiful! I go kayaking every day [stars in eyes]. Well, that's that. When I upload this, it'll be way after the trip of course. [wink]