Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Twenty-Seven ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Twenty-Seven:


All the teams had lined up in a small hall room, the Hokage as well as the jounin team leaders at the front. The Hokage gave his boring speech and soon it was announced that there would have to be preliminary rounds. This caused moans and complaints to come from some of the genin.

Their examiner, Hayate (who has to be coming down with the worst flu I have ever seen I tell ya), announced that their opponents would be picked by machine.

Kankuro vs. Kin Tsuchi

Kankuro smirked. `Finally… my turn.' He made his way down to the arena from the waiting area with a confident smirk on his face.

Kin Tsuchi, the girl from sound, smirked at her opponent as well and made her way down.

When both were standing in the middle of the arena, Hayate began the match.

Kin (even tho it's her last name I'm calling her it) made the first move, throwing a medic needle at Kankuro, who effortlessly dodged.

"I'll end this quickly," Kankuro said with a confident smirk and removed the bandaged thing from his back.

Kin didn't waste another second and threw two more needles, this time with bells attached to each.

Kankuro dodged easily.

Another two were thrown, and Kankuro dodged again… but the needle that didn't have a bell on it struck him in the shoulder.

`Damnit! I was being careless, only paying attention to the one I heard!' Kankuro thought to himself, deciding to get serious.

Kin came up behind Kankuro and stabbed him in the back of the next at a vital spot. His body froze for a moment before collapsing. A gasp went up around the arena.

Hayate frowned. The kid was probably dead from that… He was about to announce Kin the winner when suddenly the corpse moved lightning fast and wrapped wooden arms around Kin and crushed her, causing her to cry out.

"My turn," the puppet said.

Kankuro unwrapped the bandages around him from where his `puppet' had fallen (he was inside the bandages, not the puppet). "Give up if you don't want me to break your ribcage."

Kin growled to herself and cried out again in pain when Kankuro tightened the hold. "I… for… feit…" she squeezed out.

"Winner, Kankuro," Hayate said, coughing again.

Kankuro released the girl and went back up to his team in the waiting area.

"Next match…"

Zaku Abumi vs. Aburame Shino

(warning: this fight is a written out version of what really happened in the manga)

"Who the hell is this loser?" Zaku commented, while Shino remained silent.

"Um… Now we will begin the second match," Hayate said with a cough sneaked in.

Shino stood across from Zaku, whose arms were in a sling.

"Please begin."

There was a pause before Shino said, "If you fight here you will be finished. Forfeit."

"This one moves a bit… One arm is good against you!!" Zaku said with a crazy smirk. They traded verbal lashings and fists for a second before Zaku used the wholes in his hands to shoot out a blast of wind.

A huge cloud of smoke engulfed the two, and Zaku waited to see the results. He frowned when Shino stood up in the midst of the smoke. Zaku's eyes were wide as he saw the bugs come out of Shino's body and start healing the minor injury on his face.

(Getting bored. I'm quickening this. You all know what happens anyway.)


Zaku's arm blew off when he tried to use his hands, and he cried out in pain.

Shino had plugged the holes in his arms with bugs, and since the blast had to go somewhere, it blew his arms apart.

"Winner, Aburame Shino."

(end of copying)

Shino went back to teammates and was congratulated shyly by Hinata.

"Next match…"

Haruno Sakura vs. Yamanaka Ino

Sakura and Ino exchange a few blows. Ino cuts her hair and makes a connection to Sakura to keep her in place. Using her mind control technique, she takes over Sakura's mind and almost forces her to forfeit. Inner Sakura kicks her out and they stalemate with a final punch to eachother's faces.

"Draw. Next match…"

Uchiha Sasuke vs. Inuzuka Kiba (now this one I'm actually going to WRITE. You getting excited?)

Sasuke smirked as he made his way down to the arena, as did Kiba. They stood before eachother in the center of the floor, staring eachother down.

"You know I'm gonna kick yer ass," Kiba said with a cocky grin.

Sasuke only smirked. "In your wildest dreams, dog boy."

"Match begin," Hayate said, coughing a few more times at the end.

The two shot at eachother with kunai. A loud zing was heard when the clashed and slid against eachother. After a few more quick strikes, Sasuke pulled back and formed a few quick seals. Taking in a large breath, he called out, "KATON: GOUKAKYUU NO JUTSU!"

A huge flame ball erupted from Sasuke's mouth, heading straight for Kiba, who quickly dodged to the side and came back with an attack of his own. "JUUJUIN BUSHIN NO JUTSU!" Kiba shouted, and Akamaru turned into Kiba. Together, they began to spin in the direction of Sasuke. "GATSUUGA!"

Sasuke barely managed to dodge, and a huge gash was left in the ground where Kiba had attacked. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and thought it better NOT to go into taijutsu with the claws…

Now before you ask any questions, because Kurama's seal didn't react badly to chakra usage and it isn't sealed (Kakashi will seal sasu's later), I gave Sasuke the privilege of using his chakra. [Takes a bow] [hit with a rock thrown by fan] [rubs head]

Activating his sharingan, Sasuke tried to find any weakness in Kiba's attacks.

"GATSUUGA!" Kiba shouted, trying again.

Sasuke smoothly dropped a kunai win an few exploding tags on it to the ground behind him and jumped out of the way at the last moment to keep the kunai from view.

Kiba's eyes widened when he spotted the explosive tags he was one foot away from and a half a second away from hitting.

A huge explosion erupted from the far side of the arena, and when the smoke cleared, Kiba was unconscious and Akamaru was licking wounds (won't specify who's).

Sasuke smirked and made his way back to the waiting area. On the way, he grabbed at his neck but kept a straight expression.

"Winner, Uchiha Sasuke."

Kakashi noticed this and quickly took Sasuke away with him despite the boy's objections.

"Next match…"

Nara Shikamaru vs. Akimichi Chouji

The two boy's eyes widened. Wasn't that absolutely bizarre, two teammates fighting eachother this early on in the final exam.

Glancing at eachother, they smiled slightly.

"May the best one win, with the loser not too injured," Shikamaru said in his lazy drawl.

Chouji smiled, and together the two made their way down to the arena.

Standing across from eachother, they both mentally went over everything they knew about eachother, which was a lot. That's why the match would prove to be interesting…

"Begin." Cough.

Chouji formed a few quick seals and bloated up. "NIKUDAN SENSHA!" (meat tank) Chouji yelled, going into a fast roll at Shikamaru.

Shikamaru's eyes widened and he jumped out of the way, disappearing from view. Chouji quickly turned around and headed at Shikamaru again, who jumped again. An explosion occurred, where Shikamaru had left an exploding tag, and Chouji stopped spinning. That was just long enough for Shikamaru to use his technique and capture Chouji's shadow.

"Damn. That didn't last long," Chouji commented, and would have shrugged because he really didn't care. He was quite unmotivated, like Shikamaru.

Shikamaru asked lazily. "Do you forfeit?"

"Yeah yeah," Chouji said, and pulled out his chips when Shikamaru released him. He'd burnt quite a few calories, and needed to replenish.

Meanwhile, everyone else was sweatdropping at the pure laziness these two ninja portrayed so obviously.

"Uh…" Hayate said, watching the two friends walk away together. "Winner, Nara Shikamaru. Next match…"

Hyuuga Neji vs. Dosu Kinuta

The two ninja made their way to the arena and faced eachother.

"Match, begin."

Neji activated his Byakugan, but didn't make any other moves. Watching Dosu, he remembered the sound waves he used to attack the sound nin's opponent's ears. He also remembered that the bastard had hurt Kurama rather badly, and he wanted to kick the ass's ass for it. A cruel smirk crossed Neji's face as he got into the taijutsu form of his family.

Dosu watched Neji, and silently activated his arm to attack Neji's ears with sound. However, somehow the Hyuuga saw where the sound was, and easily dodged. Dosu's eyes widened as Neji disappeared from view and appeared behind him.

Using the taijutsu of konoha, Neji delivered a swift kick to the back of the sound's head, sending him flying across the room.

Kurama was surprised that Neji wasn't going to use his family's taijutsu. `What is he up to?'

Neji stayed where he was, prepared for an attack from Dosu. It came, and he dodged the sound waves that were revealed to him by his eyes. They glided past him as he went in for the kill. Using lightening fast movements, he beat Dosu to a bloody pulp, easily dodging any resistance the sound had.

Orochimaru, who was dressed up as the sound-nin's instructor, thought to himself, `Worthless pawns… And that Hyuuga brat is rather skilled…'

Neji nailed Dosu again on the back of the head and then decided to finish it. After all, he had more than got his revenge at that point. "You are within the range of my Hakke," he said, getting into form.

"Two hands."

Dosu tried desperately to dodge, but it was hopeless.

"Four hands."

"Eight hands."

"Sixteen hands."

"Thirty-two hands."

"Sixty-four hands."

Dosu was at that point unable to move, and ended up collapsing on the ground with numerous wounds and no chakra.

Neji walked away and back to his teammates, leaving behind the broken sound-nin.

"You looked like you were having fun in your own strange little way," Kurama said with amusement shinning in his eyes.

Neji only smirked and whispered in Kurama's ear. "It was, very, very fun."

Kurama blushed slightly at the smooth and suggestive tone in Neji's voice.

The Hyuuga chuckled slightly and turned to see the next match.

"The next match is…"

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Temari


As of September 5, I am physically unable to upload another chapter. has banned me from updates for violations of the `duplicate post' rule until 09-11-04. I'm am sad that I cannot update for you, but I can't change this.

Thank you very much for reading this story and reviewing, I am grateful to all of my faithful readers. Check the date for a update, there MAY be more than one. I WILL be doing writing for the story, however, although I will not update it all at the same time. I WILL update everyday though when I can update again. It'll be like getting an episode, right? Chapter a day? Lol.

Thank you again! I luv you all and I'll miss you!