Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Twenty-Eight ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Temari

"YEAH! FINALLY I GET TO FIGHT!!" Naruto exclaimed, punching the air with a wild grin on his face.

This, of course, drew the eyes of many sweatdropping ninja.

Kurama raised an eyebrow and watched as Naruto jumped down onto the arena floor.

The girl, Temari, also made a rather flashy entrance, flying down on her fan.

The two stared at eachother, waiting for the match to begin.


Temari smirked and opened her fan until one star of three was showing. "Once I get to three stars, you'll wish you'd never been born."

Naruto only pulled down at an eye and stuck his tongue out at Temari in a rather rude fashion.

Temari glared and pulled back her fan. "KAMAITACHI!" she shouted, swinging her fan. Naruto flew back and connected rather nastily with the wall. Wincing slightly, he pulled himself out of his human-made dent made a familiar seal.

"KAGE BUSHIN NO JUTSU!" Naruto shouted, forming ten clones. He sent half of them after Temari with kunai in their hands.

Temari frowned when the Narutos came at her form all directions. `Damn, this kid actually has a brain.' Moving quickly, Temari closed her fan and used it to spin in a circle and nail all the Narutos across the side of the head. They immediately dissipated into smoke with a poof.

Naruto frowned. That wouldn't work. He'd have to try harder than that. Taking a kunai into his hand, the remaining clones and him charged her again, but this time Naruto had a different plan. When Temari went to use Kamaitachi again, Naruto jumped up into the air above her and pushed off the ceiling to come down on top of her while she was preoccupied with the other clones.

The last clone disappeared as Naruto was about to connect. Using quick motions, he threw three kunai surrounding Temari with explosive tags on them.

Temari's eyes widened and she berated herself for getting sidetracked from the real Naruto. The tags went boom and a huge cloud of particles floated up, obscuring what was happening inside.

Naruto smirked at his handiwork.

The smirk was quickly wiped off his face when he spotted Temari come out of the smoke with a slight limp and a few light burns. Getting quite angry, she opened her fan the whole way and yelled out, "KAMAITACHI!"

Naruto was, once again, sent flying back into the wall. This time, however, he took longer to crawl back out. The hole was deeper.

Temari smirked and sent another wave of fierce wind at Naruto. "KAMAITACHI!"

Naruto, in that instant, got a flash of brilliance. Smirking widely, he formed the seals for kawarimi no jutsu as the wind was just about to hit him.

Naruto replaced himself with Temari's FAN!

The blond girl was shocked, but didn't have much time to react before Naruto punched her in the gut, hard, and then sent her flying backwards into the wall with a swift kick. She was out cold, her fan on the other side of the arena.

"Winner, Uzumaki coff Naruto."

Kankuro went down to the arena to grab Temari and her fan and take her back up to the waiting area. She wasn't hurt that badly, just slightly bruised in the stomach, most likely.

"And the next match is…"

Hyuuga Hinata vs. Gaara

What a freakin shocker. The reactions were instantaneous. Shock, bewilderment, and slight apprehension. Poor Hinata was going up against a blood thirsty killer.

Hinata took a deep breath and tried to calm her horrible nerves.

`If you think you need to, Hinata,' Kurenai thought to herself, `then forfeit instead of getting yourself killed.'

Gaara appeared instantly down in the arena, waiting for his opponent.

Hinata went to make her way down when she was intercepted by Kurama.

Leaning down, Kurama whispered in her ear, "Although I don't know you very well, you deserve a fair warning. This Gaara is dangerous. If at any point during the match you feel that your life is threatened, then forfeit immediately or you may suffer a horrible fate. Have courage." Kurama left Hinata standing there with wide fearful eyes, and went back to stand with Neji again.

"What did you tell her?" Neji asked, a sour note in his voice.

"I warned her of him. That is all Neji. Do not be so hard on her, you are her cousin after all, and from what I've seen, she does not get much encouragement from her father. She has no courage, and is a timid creature. Be gentle and push her along in the right direction. Help her to gain confidence," Kurama said, smiling at Neji, who had glaring emotionless eyes

Kurama sighed and said, "All I ask is that you give her a chance. She's not THAT bad."

Neji glared and kept his arguments to himself. Turning his eyes to the arena, he watched his cousin make her way to the center of the floor, legs trembling obviously.

"Begin the match."

Gaara formed a few seals and created a bushin of sand to attack Hinata.

Hinata dodged with shaky legs, not doing well at all.

"YOU CAN DO IT HINATA! BELIVE IN YOURSELF!" Naruto shouted from the arena.

Hinata's eyes widened and for that split second she turned to look at Naruto, who had a determined look on his face that encouraged her. Confidence boosted, she activated her Byakugan and went into the Hyuuga taijutsu stance. Running forward, she smoothly dodged the majority of sand attacks, although a few cut her here and there. Soon she was close to Gaara, and she searched hard with her eyes to see Gaara's tenketsu. To her absolute shock, she saw them, and closed a few of them in his arms before he hit her away with his sand.

Hinata went crashing across the floor of the arena and came to a halt not far from the wall. Sitting up, she shook her head of dizziness and uneasily stood up. Frowning, she looked with her Byakugan and noticed that some of Gaara's tenketsu were really closed. She smiled at this small victory, although it came with quite a price. Not wanting to give up, she ran at Gaara and tried to get through his defenses again. She managed to get pretty close before she was hit back again.

Pausing, Hinata thought over a plan. Did she think she could do Hakke Rokujuu Honshou (sixty-four point hands). She knew `how' to do it, yet she had never been able to do it before… Summing up her courage, she narrowed her eyes further and smiled slightly at the encouragements that Naruto was yelling now and then.

Taking a deep calming breath, Hinata went over the technique in her mind and prepared herself to try to do it… `No, I'm GOING to do it,' she corrected in her mind. Knowing what to do, Hinata ran forward a ways until she was just out of Gaara's danger zone and stopped.

The bloody-haired boy was currently waiting to see what his weak opponent would do, and wanted to play with her for a little while.

Summoning up her chakra, Hinata also called forth the part of her mind that she laid all her problems on. Calling that buried anger to her at the way her father treated her, the way her younger sister was going to be the heir, how she was practically disowned by her father. All that buried anger came forth in a tidal wave, and Hinata focused back on the present with a new view on things.

Speaking in a loud and clear voice that none had heard before, causing eyes to widen, Hinata said, "You are within the range of my Hakke." Sending chakra to her legs, she bust forward and rather impressive speeds, bypassing all of Gaara's sand and going in for the kill. She could see the tenketsu. She could actually see them!

"Two hands, four hands, eight hands, sixteen hands, thirty-two hands, sixty-four hands!"

When she was done, Hinata slowed down, which proved to be a mistake. Gaara's sand, which was still moving to the shock of both Neji and Hinata, hit her hard away from Gaara, sending her crashing into the wall, leaving a slight dent.

"Impossible…" she said, slipping into unconsciousness as she slid down the wall.

"Winner, Gaara."

A group of medic-nins ran and put Hinata on a stretcher and took her away.

Kurama looked thoughtful as he watched her go. "That was very brave of her. She overcame her fear and shyness. Could she always do that Hakke attack?"

Neji shook his head, eyes still slightly wide from the battle. "No… she was entirely unable to see tenketsu at all. She was useless as a Hyuuga, and her father was not pleased with her. In fact, her younger sister is taking over role as heiress because Hinata is incompetent… or WAS incompetent…" Neji said thoughtfully.

Kurama nodded his head and did a mental tally of who had fought. His eyes widened when he realized who was next.

"Next match…"

Minamino Kurama vs. Rock Lee

Kurama and Lee turned to look at eachother, excitement shining in the green beast of konoha's eyes.

"YES!" he shouted, giving the thumbs up to Gai, who returned them.

"That makes two matches with teammates against eachother. How unusual," Kurama commented softly.

The two made their way down to the arena and stood across from eachother.

"Let the match begin," Hayate said, coughing.

Lee immediately launched himself at Kurama at high speeds. Throwing a fist, he was surprised when it connected with Kurama's face and sent him flying into the wall, cracking the stone like a spider-web design. "YEOW!" Lee shouted, blowing on his fist. "Now I know what Kyo meant by your face being as hard as metal! What kind of milk do you drink?"

Kurama let himself slide to the ground and chuckled. "Actually, I'm not that big of a fan of milk."

"Really?" Lee asked, grinning as he slipped into Gai's taijutsu stance and prepared himself for Kurama.

Kurama was standing by the wall one second and in Lee's face the next. Sending out a fist, Kurama serenely fought Lee with the grace of water. It didn't even look like fighting, it looked like a dance with one experienced partner and the other just doing the moves so they worked well enough without needing to be graceful.

The two of them crashed fists for a while before beginning to use their feet. Kurama kicked out at Lee's stomach, but the boy turned sideways and grabbed the leg. Spinning quickly, Lee sent Kurama flying into the wall.

Kurama quickly pulled himself out of the dent his body had created. "That's the third time you've thrown me into the wall. I think it's about time you did," Kurama said with a smirk. Moving quicker than most genin could even see, Kurama nailed Lee in the chest and sent him almost through the wall.

"Ouch," Lee said, stone crumbling around him as he winced and pulled himself out. "You've got a kick. Wow," Lee said good naturedly, although he was starting to feel it now. `How does Kurama go flying into walls and coming back without a bruise at all?'

The truth is, since Kurama has that strange weight on his back and front, it digs in and hurts like a bitch.

-Master need help?- Shinrin asked. (Don't even ASK why I keep forgetting about him, I'm NOT going to answer.)

-Ah… no, Shinrin. Why don't you go keep Neji company?-

-Okay Master!-

The little bit of silver crawled out of Kurama's hair and jumped from there onto Neji's shoulder (that was a long jump ppl). To say the least, people were surprised and wondering what the hell the silver blur was.

Lee ran at Kurama, but before he quite reached him, he disappeared and reappeared behind him. Lee kicked Kurama in the center of his back, sending the red haired boy stumbling away, wincing.

`That REALLY fucking hurt…' Kurama thought to himself. `He kicked the WEIGHT. THE FREAKIN WEIGHT! That damn thing jabbed into my back and… DAMN, that hurt.'

Lee swallowed when he saw the look of revenge in Kurama's eyes.

Kurama disappeared from view, and the next thing Lee knew, he was being slammed around quite harshly.

Eventually the two pulled away, both breathing a little harder than before. Lee turned to look at Gai, asking for permission.

Gai nodded his head.

Lee grinned and got ready for Omote Renge (Initial Lotus). Unwrapping the bandages on his arms, Lee released the First Gate. Next, he ran at Kurama with incredible speed and kicked his jaw upwards from below. Kurama went flying into the air with wide eyes. Then next thing he knew, Lee had wrapped him up in bandages, and they were both flying towards the ground at an alarming rate.


Have any questions? Feel free to ask in a review!

Ain't I nasty with cliffhangers? MWAHAHAHA!!!!!