Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Twenty-Nine ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Twenty-Nine:

"OMOTE RENGE!" Lee called out, and they impacted on the ground with a huge crash.

Lee slowly pulled himself away from Kurama, who lay motionless on the ground. "Did I win?" he asked himself.

Hayate was about to say that Lee was the winner when Kurama twitched and began to slowly stand.

Kurama's eyes were shadowed as he stood and turned to face Lee. `That… really… hurt…'

Lee watched as Kurama reached into his hair and pulled out what seemed to be a blade of grass.

Exercising incredible control over his evil chakra to keep it from killing the plant, Kurama turned the grass into a long and sharp sword.

Lee's eyes widened, as did everyone else's in the room. Moving lightening fast, Kurama attacked Lee.

Lee dodged the sword to the right and tried to curve around to Kurama's back. The redhead was faster than that, though, and Turned around quickly to slash at Lee. Lee sustained a cut across his cheek from his close dodge backwards.

Kurama followed Lee and stabbed him in the shoulder. Letting go of the blade, Kurama smirked. He had him. Using his chakra, he made the blade of grass grow quickly to encompass Lee's whole body except his face.

Lee's eyes widened as he stared down at his immobile body. Looking to Gai, he saw him nod his head. Using sheer force of power, Lee ripped through the grass and jumped back a ways.

Kurama's brow furrowed when he saw this. When Lee sat down and started taking off his weights, Kurama raised an eyebrow. `So he wants to take the fight to the next level?' Kneeling, Kurama also took off his weights… well, the ones that GAI gave him. Throwing them to the side with ease, he stretched and cracked his spine and neck.

Lee threw his weights to the side and got back into taijutsu stance, as did his adversary.

They stared eachother down for a while before Lee made the first move. Bursting forward with speed even faster than before, Lee smirked. Attacking Kurama with many kicks, Lee frowned when Kurama was still able to keep up with him, although the redhead was slightly slower. `When did he get this fast? How much has he been increasing his weights?' Lee thought to himself.

Kurama frowned slightly. The fighting was getting irritating, really, and boring. He just wanted to get this over with and take a long nap. He hadn't had a good amount of sleep since he had been blasted by that bastard Zaku. And that `Omote Renge' had HURT like a bitch. He was sore all over, and the weights he hid on his body were starting to slow him down. Lee was gaining an advantage over him, but Kurama wouldn't let him win.

Lee's eyes widened when Kurama suddenly kicked him away.

Kurama's curse seal chose that moment to react, and Kurama's eyes widened as he grabbed at his neck. `Why does it hurt so much more than usual? It's stronger now… when did that happen? Why? How?' Kurama thought to himself, trying to force the curse back as the green leaf-like markings made their way across his face for all to see.

Sarutobi's eyes widened, as did Anko's, when they saw the markings. "When did Kurama…" he muttered to himself.

Orochimaru's eyes widened in pleasure. The boy would have made a perfect body, if it had not been the sharingan he was after. He noticed that the boy was having trouble controlling the seal.

Lee was warring with himself. He knew that in a real battle, he should have attacked Kurama while he was weak, even though it wasn't very honorable. He didn't know what to do since this was just a preliminary… Frowning and mind set, he mentally apologized to Kurama. `I'm sorry…' Lee ran forward and started delivering many blows to a weakened Kurama, planning on finishing the match.

Pain. Kurama felt much pain, and Lee wasn't helping, hurting him so much physically. With so many distractions, Kurama couldn't concentrate enough to force back the strengthening curse seal.

Lee punched Kurama in the chest and winced when his fist hit a metal plate. His eyes widened when another thought occurred to him, `Is he wearing even more weights?' Doubling his efforts, Lee knocked Kurama back. Delivering a strong kick to his stomach, he sent Kurama flying back into the wall. Again.

Kurama sighed in relief when the attacking stopped for a moment, although he was one big bloody bruise, focusing his mind, he tried to force the seal back. To his shock, it wouldn't recede, like it had previous times so easily. `Could… could Orochimaru be here? Could that be the reason it has become so much stronger?' he thought to himself, pained. Grunting, he pulled himself out of the wall, his youko instincts QUITE angry with the seal that so held him back.

Orochimaru's eyes widened when he saw Kurama's forehead start glowing, the bangs lifting to reveal a glowing red shape. If one had looked closely, they would have seen the shape look like an angry fox.

The green markings of the curse seal on Kurama's forehead looked like they were being eaten away by the red symbol that was slowly turning into a brilliant gold colour. Tentrils of gold and green leaked off of Kurama's form, and the green designs on his body quickly receded to the curse seal marking, which glowed an angry purple.

Kurama smiled when he felt the comforting warmth of his youki and chakra. Reaching into his hair, Kurama pulled out a blood red rose and turned it into the rose whip with a flick of his wrist. Petals flew across room in a beautiful display of tranquility.

Lee jumped back when Kurama came at him with incredible speed. Before he knew what had happened, he was completely wrapped up in the spiky whip which dug hole in his skin, completely disabling him.

"The match is over, Lee. Forfeit, or I will cause your body more damage than I already have," Kurama said, half in the voice of the youko and in his human voice, which sounded quite odd together. Flecks of gold had entered his emerald irises as well, and Kurama relished in the feeling of his natural power.

"The match is over. Winner, Kurama," Hayate said after a moment.

Kurama immediately released the whip and changed it back into a rose then a seed in an instant and placed it in his hair once again.

"That was a good fight, Kurama," Lee said with a smile before he collapsed to the ground from all the holes in his body.

Medic-nins rushed out onto the arena to take Lee away.

Kurama smiled and reluctantly sent his chakra and youki back to his forehead to prevent it from being tainted by the angry curse seal. His bangs drifted back down to cover his forehead as the marking faded to red, then blinked out to black. With the energy no longer fighting for dominance, the curse seal tried to take over again, but Kurama forced it back with ease after being mostly healed of injuries because of his youki. `That was a tough match,' he thought to himself as he made his way back to his teammate and sensei.

Orochimaru frowned. What was that energy that Kurama had released? HOW had the boy released it? He needed to find out and eliminate it as soon as possible, else the redhead would not become his servant. Orochimaru smiled cruelly as he thought up a plan…

"That ends the preliminary rounds. The final exam will occur exactly one month from today. Train hard to become chuunin," the Third said.


Kurama sighed as he removed his dirty Chinese outfit. It really was filthy, as was the rest of him, after the long second exam and prelims. Throwing the filthy pile off cloth to the side, Kurama started the painful process of removing his weights. After removing everything but his chest and back plate, Kurama winced. Removing the metal that had been almost permanently set into his skin would hurt like a bitch.

Taking a deep breath, Kurama undid the straps and sweatdropped when the weights stayed on with nothing to hold them up. `Wow… they're stuck in rather far…' he thought so himself, grabbing the plate on the front and pulling it off with a jerk. A low his of pain escaped his lips as he dropped the heavy weight onto his futon. If he'd dropped it onto the floor, a dent would have been made, and Kurama didn't have the time to pay for the damage at the moment.

Reaching back, Kurama winced when he lightly touched the weight. This one was jammed in far more efficiently in the place right below his two shoulder blades. Taking it into his hands, he pulled. It didn't come out, and caused him terrible pain.

Collapsing onto the ground, Kurama squeezed his eyes shut and gathered his resolve. Reaching back again, he ripped it off, holding back a scream. Letting it fall the short distance to the ground, he ignored the loud thump that the weight made.

Groaning, Kurama crawled over to his futon and slipped under the covers. Laying down on his stomach, he fell asleep instantly.


Kurama slowly opened his eyes to meet the shining sun. Grumbling a few curses under his breath at the overly cheerful source of light, he pulled himself out of bed with a hiss at his injuries. Looking down on himself, he saw not only the dent in his chest had filed out some and was completely bruised a dark purple, but there were also many other half-healed bruises all over his body from Lee's punches and kicks. On the bright side, his youki had partly healed them and they didn't hurt as much as they should.

A low groan escaped from him as he pulled himself out of bed and went to have a shower without even putting on any thing for the trip to the bathroom. He vaguely remembered seeing a wide-eyed Kakashi staring at him, but that wasn't important at the moment. What was important was that he had a nice, long, relaxing shower to sooth his sore body.

Turning on the water, Kurama made sure it was a just the right temperature before pulling himself into the shower. Sitting down in the middle of the spray, he relaxed his muscles and tried to ignore the aches and pains that covered his whole body. Lee really did an excellent job of putting him out of commission for a while. And since Kurama didn't have his youki to heal him quicker than normal, he was stuck healing at human speeds.

Cursing under his breath, Kurama pulled himself up and started washing his hair and gently washing his body. Once he was done, he sighed in relief at the feeling of cleanliness as he turned off the water. Grabbing a towel, he gave himself a rub down and then hung the wet thing up to dry.

Gazing at himself in the mirror, Kurama winced at how terrible he looked. Yellowish brown bruises were all over his body, and his chest and back were one big purple bruise, and looked horrible. The dent on his back had almost completely filled out during the night, and all that was left was purple.

Sighing softly, Kurama grabbed a dry towel and wrapped it around his waist. Opening the door, he exited the bathroom only to hear the doorbell ring. Frowning when he saw no Kakashi going to answer the door, Kurama sighed and walked towards it. Once he was there, he opened the door in a smooth motion with half-lidded eyes.

He was met with his team, who blinked before their eyes widened.

Kurama looked down on himself and kept the calm look upon his face. They had quite obviously seen his half nudity as well as the many bruises littering his body, as well as the mega bruise on his chest.

"May I help you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Gai blinked before stating, "We came to check on you…"

Neji and Lee were still staring at Kurama's chest and the huge foot by foot purple bruise on it.

"Indeed," Kurama said, his brain not entirely working properly that morning.

Neji rolled his eyes, pushed Kurama inside and turned the boy around. After doing so, he forcefully led Kurama to his room, shutting the door behind him.

Gai and Lee remained at the door, blinking at the scene.

Kurama blinked as Neji turned him around with serious eyes. "What caused those two bruises?"

Blinking again, the Minamino drawled, "Isn't it obvious?"

Neji made an impatient growl and forcefully pressed Kurama against the wall. "No it's not obvious, Kurama, so please, enlighten me," he said sarcastically.

Kurama sighed a long suffering sigh and dropped his towel, causing Neji to back of with wide eyes and cheeks tinged pink. Walking over to his dresser, Kurama expertly hid his secret weights (which were discarded by the futon) with his comforter. Pulling out a casual black shirt and pants, he slipped on some black boxers before pulling on his clothes. After doing so, he walked back over to Neji, pushed him out of the room, and went to the kitchen.

Being the expert at everything Kurama is, and as vain as he is… Anyway, being the great thief that Kurama is [coughs], he managed to get Neji to completely forget about the question by sneaking in a lick on his neck when Lee and Gai weren't looking.

Well… I guess that didn't really include being a master thief… so… being a master SEDUCIST, Kurama… well… you get the point already.

"Why don't we all go for lunch? Gai's treat," Kurama said smoothly, and Lee cheered while Gai just `jaw-dropped'. Heh. Kurama smirked as he pushed everyone out of Kakashi's house and lead them all to a great restaurant he'd found a while ago.

And so the distraction worked really well, and Kurama managed to keep them completely occupied. Then, without warning, he said that he was going off to train and left them there with a puff of smoke.

Kurama sighed as he looked around himself. He really needed to learn some more jutsu… and that's what he was going to do. Around him were rows upon rows of scrolls and books. They really were a wonderful sight… had his chest and back not been hurting so much that he wanted to go on a fucking rampage. Lee kicking that metal plate into his chest was definitely NOT the best thing in the world to happen to him. Picking up a scroll on fire jutsu, Kurama started reading through the basics.

Later on that night Kurama decided to finally go to bed. He'd been memorizing jutsu all evening, and was quite confident that he knew enough about them to get them to work. All he needed to do now was try them all out tomorrow to make sure they'd work.

After arriving at home and greeting Kakashi, who was reading Come Come Violence at the moment, Kurama had a nice long shower and went straight to bed.

The next morning, to Kurama's relief, his bruise wasn't as sore, and seemed to be healing quite nicely (although it was still healing at slow human rates).

As Kurama sat up, he groaned. His body was sore as hell, and the muscles were horribly tight from over use. Getting a brilliant idea…

He decided to go to the hotsprings!!

I'd like to know your opinions for this next little bit of fun:

1) Kurama will go with Naruto and Jiraiya for the heck of it.

2) Kurama meets Gaara one day training. You can pick a lemon or mental battle for this one, I'm feeling lenient to you fans. [Grins]

3) The Kurama/Neji rated R lemon you've been waiting for. Yes, R, that means no really deep stuff. Sucks, don't it? But I don't want this story deleted so too bad fer you.

4) Or… I ignore the whole Tsunade episode and write many boring chapters of Kurama doing nothing in particular.

Vote for what you want. HOWEVER!! I will only CONSIDER what the vote brings. Even if, for instance, number 3 wins, I might not use it. I'm just seeing what you all think.

Ciao! Luv ya all!