Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Thirty:


The Neji/Kurama lemon will be arriving soon. Well… when I feel like giving you all a break [insert smirk].

Kurama was on his way to the hotsprings. It would be the best way to relax his tired muscles after all that fighting during the second part of the Chuunin exam.

However, his plans were disrupted when Kakashi appeared as he was just about to go out the door.

"Hokage-sama requests to see you," Kakashi said lazily, hands in pockets.

Kurama sighed and walked back to his room to ditch his bathing stuff. There when that flipping idea out the window.

"What about?" Kurama asked calmly with half-lidded eyes.

Kakashi shrugged. "How should I know?"

Rolling his eyes, Kurama left the house and jumped to the rooftops. `What could he possibly want?' he wondered absently to himself as he shot from roof-top to roof-top.

In no time at all he arrived, landing on the balcony with no sound whatsoever. Walking through the doorway, he blinked when he was grabbed from behind, a kunai to his throat.

Kurama was completely relaxed and composed within the harsh grip, waiting for the one behind him to make the first move.

"Release him, it's all right," the Third said, sitting at his desk, puffing away on his pipe.

The ANBU behind Kurama released the calm boy and watched as the redhead walked to the Hokage's desk.

"You wished to speak with me, Hokage-sama?" Kurama asked in a smooth voice, no expression portrayed on his face.

Sarutobi nodded his head and motioned for the ANBU to leave the room. After they did, he turned his attention to the one he hadn't seen since his arrival almost half a year ago. "Something has come up that will concern you in the near future," Sarutobi said, taking a long drag on his pipe. "The one called Orochimaru, who gave you that curse seal, is at large, and is out to kill me," he stated calmly with the weary look of an aged man.

Kurama blinked. That was something he hadn't heard yet.

"And so, since I may die during the Final Exam or afterwards, I need to ask you a question," the Third paused, watching Kurama's non-existant reaction, "If I die, will you pledge allegiance to the next Hokage as you did me?"

Kurama stared at the Third. He may die? That hadn't occurred to him before. "I will do whatever you wish, Hokage-sama, I am your tool to use or destroy," Kurama said calmly.

The Third was surprised. Oh, he knew that Kurama was far older than he seemed, and had lived the life of a demon for many years, but this maturity he had not expected to this level. "Yes, that is true, however, a dead man's word means nothing," Sarutobi said, his expression turning dangerous.

Kurama blinked slowly before lowering his head and saying calmly, "I will serve the Hokage as his or her tool for the rest of my life, Hokage-sama, regardless of who that is."

Sarutobi smiled and relaxed back into his chair. "Ah, that is good. Oh, and Jiraiya, you can come out now."

Kurama blinked as a man with strange markings on his face appeared out of the shadows with a grin. "It's good to see you again too, Sarutobi-sensei."

`Sensei?' Kurama thought incredulously to himself. `Interesting…'

"Jiraiya, I have a favor to ask of you."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow and waited for the old man to continue.

"Like I said before, I will most likely die soon. I'm sure you don't wish to be the Hokage, so you should go in search for Tsunade to be the new Hokage after the Chuunin Final Exam. Take Naruto with you, and train him during the trip. However, the favor that I ask of you, is that you take Kurama with you and train him as well."

"WHA?!" Jiraiya shouted, his expression the wide-eyed toothy `wtf' look from the manga.

Kurama snickered behind a hand and smirked.


"Kurama is not a brat. As far as I'm concerned, he IS a chuunin, or above that level. He is quite capable of following orders without question as well, so don't you go complaining to me that he's a brat," Sarutobi said calmly as if he dealt with Jiraiya acting like an idiot every day.

Kurama at that point was laughing softly, his eyes holding a warm twinkle. Speaking softly, he asked with an amusedly raised eyebrow, "Why don't you start bitching AFTER I make your life a living hell?"

Jiraiya blinked and stared at Kurama with a dumb look on his face. (Isn't it incredible how much he and Naruto resemble eachother?? O.O)

Sarutobi shook his head. "Aren't you acting more your age today," he commented lamely.

Kurama only smirked with his arms crossed before taking a bow. "Thank you very much, I'm here `till Friday!" He laughed softly at the expressions on their faces.

"So, will you take him with you or not, Jiraiya?" Sarutobi said after recovering.

Jiraiya looked to actually think seriously on it before shrugging. "I s'pose it'd be all right. The two can train together."

"Oh, and before you go, I think you should know a few little secrets about Kurama. Should you or I tell him?" the Third asked.

Kurama blinked before shrugging. "No reason I can't tell him. To put it simply, I'm not from his dimension and was lead here half a year ago by a little fox. I got trapped here and couldn't go back through the cave from whence I came. Kakashi found me out in the forest and brought me here."

Sarutobi coughed, and Kurama sweatdropped.

"Right, right, I was getting to that part. Anyway… I'm not human. I'm a demon who died in the demon world from my realm and went into the human world to join my spirit with the fetus of a pregnant woman. Before my mother saved my life, I was just like any other demon, hating all humans and believing them to be disgusting creatures. I'm not like that now, of course. My demon name is Youko Kurama."

Jiraiya stared at Kurama. "You mean… you ARE a demon? It's not like you had a demon sealed inside you since birth?"

Kurama nodded his head. "Yes, I AM in all senses of the word, a demon. I have my memories, my powers, my beliefs, and the mentality of a demon, aside from the fact that I actually like most humans now."

Jiraiya stared at the boy who stood before them so calmly. "How old are you?"

Kurama blinked. "Well, it depends on what you mean by that question. I was around 3000 years old or so before I was killed. I lived in the human world for 16 years, and then I was transported here and was brought back down to the age of 11."

Both Sarutobi and Jiraiya stared at him. "I didn't know you were THAT old…" the Third said with a bit of sweat trailing down his temple.

"I am."

Jiraiya blinked again before asking, "What kind of demon are you?"

Kurama blinked. "Kitsune."

Both Sarutobi's and Jiraiya's jaws literally dropped to the floor. "Nani? What did I say?" Kurama asked, blinking cutely.


"He's just like Naruto," the Third said, his expression serious. "Perhaps he could help the boy to harness the powers of the demon?"

Kurama frowned. What were they talking about? Naruto? That blond kid?

"Perhaps he could…"

"Will you take him with you, Jiraiya?"

"Of course," Jiraiya said, his expression completely serious. (Am I the only one to notice how absolutely COOL he is when he's serious? [Off in happy-land])

Sarutobi nodded his head, a smile touching his lips. "Thank you, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya nodded his head before turning to Kurama. "After the Chuunin Final Exam, I will come find you. We will go and look for Tsunade then," he said, his face still serious (COOL!!!).

Kurama nodded his head and left the office to go home.

When he got there he sighed as he saw the time. Already half of his day had been taken up, and he really needed to train! Frowning he looked down at his weighted limbs. He need to add more of the weights Gai had given him during the trip to Stone. How many pounds was that so far? 1200 something? Thinking back, he remembered that it was 1020 when Gai started hardcore training… and Kurama had added on a few times after that so… that was… what… 1100 pounds? Around there, probably. He needed to add another fifty, his speed was too great for a normal genin even with the 1100 pound weights. Sighing softly, Kurama forced himself to go back to the weight guy he went to before… what was his name? He couldn't remember.

Searching around the area he remembered it to be in, he smiled when he saw the sign. Walking into the store, he immediately spotted the owner.

"Ah, I see you're back again," he said with a smile.

Kurama only grinned slightly and asked him to make wrist and ankle bands with a total of 100 pounds for him.

The man nodded and pulled Kurama around back for fitting. Once they were done, Kurama paid for it and sweatdropped when he saw the state of his purse. Empty. That sucked. He'd have to go nail Kakashi for more of his allowance. "Money makes the world go `round," Kurama commented to himself as he walked home with the two wrist and two ankle bands in a bag.

The next day he put the bands on and grinned when his speed slowed down considerably below even Naruto. Now he would have to push himself even harder. He'd also have to get a new form of weights made soon, because the amount of metal on his person was rather… unbelievable.

Making his way to his team's training spot, he smiled when he saw Neji there. "Neji!" he called, smiling.

The white-eyed boy turned to look at Kurama with emotionless Hyuuga eyes that seemed to soften slightly at the sight of the redhead.

"How long have you been training for?" Kurama asked with a smile.

"Not very long," Neji said looking at the craters his Kaiten had created.

Kurama smiled and went off to a more secluded part of their training ground after waving to Neji. Finding a comfortable area, he started punching the trees, trying to keep his punches in perfect form. After a while, he started to get sloppy, but he forced his body to keep the punches accurate. With one final punch, he cracked the tree in two, causing it to fall towards Kurama, who effortlessly dodged it. Moving away from the damaged tree, he stared doing his pushups, situps, and other various excercises.

That was how the month before the Final Exam went, with constant training and Kurama adding weights until he got up to 1500 pounds. He was quite proud of himself about that, but he knew that even without his weights on, there was no way he could match some of the more powerful shinobi out there.

The Final Exam arrived, and all participating genin arrived at the arena well before it was time for the exam to begin. None wanted to be late and disqualified (except maybe Shikamaru, but we all know he's just a lazy ass).

The Third started his little opening speech, which Kurama paid almost no attention to, and then Genma was given the signal to start, although one of the genin still weren't there. Guess who the pompass ass was? None other than Uchiha Sasuke (not that I don't like sasu, I just think he's a little screwed in the head, really).

But enough about that. The first match was revealed to be…

Shino vs. Shikamaru

You know, people, I'm really too lazy to actually write a really good battle scene for this and the next one, so don't bite my head off, please. I'll try my best, but I'm tired right now, and I'm goin to bed. Oyasumi nasai!!