Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-One ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-One


Next match: Shino vs. Shikamaru

Shikamaru sighed. It was so troublesome.

Shino said nothing as the two of them watched the others leave the arena. Once everyone was up in the waiting area, Genma got ready to start the first match of the Chuunin Final Exam.


Shino and Shikamaru stared at eachother, no expression whatsoever on their faces (for different reasons, of course).


Neither moved.

Shikamaru stared at his opponent, examining what he knew of him. Forming a few quick seals, he tried to use his shadow to capture Shino.

It didn't work of course, but that wasn't the point of the exercise.

Shino dodged the shadow easily, keeping an eye on how far it could stretch. Seeing it stop after a time, he mentally measured the shadow's length and sent his bugs to work. They tried to sneak up on Shikamaru, but he didn't allow that, knowing that Shino used bugs.

Jumping back, Shikamaru kept an eye open for bugs, not wanting to lose this early on in the fight even IF he was a lazy ass. Retreating back into the shadows of the arena, he devised a plan. His hands took up the traditional `Shika-thinking' hand-posture. Yes, I just made that up. I dunno what it's really called, but that's OBVIOUSLY not the point. So, Shika-chan made his hand posture and concentrated on a strategy.

Meanwhile, Shino was wondering what the hell Shikamaru could POSSIBLY be doing. So, he sent a female but to Shikamaru to keep track of him.

Shikamaru opened his eyes after a while, a plan formed in his mind. Throwing a kunai, he aimed for Shino, who merely jumped to the left to avoid the weak attack. Eyes narrowed behind black glasses, he sent his bugs out after Shikamaru by the swarm.

The shadows hid Shikamaru's smirk as he sent out his shadow to connect with the bugs and make its way to Shino, whose eyes widened in realization behind his glasses and he jumped back.

Shino was about to call another attack when he froze, body unable to move. Glancing down with his eyes, he saw his shadow connected to Shikamaru's… who had suddenly appeared behind him.

Shikamaru grinned lazily, putting his hand up. "I forfeit."

Everyone in the entire arena face-faulted. Guess they didn't expect THAT, ne? But then again, you didn't expect this match to be so damn boring, but I'm TIRED, so don't complain. The matches that MATTER will be worth it, so don't worry.

"I'm almost out of charka, and holding you in place much longer will deplete whatever I have left."

Genma rolled his eyes. Unmotivated brats these days… "Winner of the first match, Aburame Shino."

Shino only shrugged and made his way back up to the waiting area, Shikamaru trailing behind a ways… quite a ways, the lazy ass.

"Next match…"

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Hyuuga Neji

This fight will be (basically) copied from the manga. I'm too lazy to even TRY to write a different version, but what's the point anyway? I want to save my strategies and ideas for the fights that MATTER. Like that Kurama/Lee one. That one was good, no?

Naruto grinned. Finally he'd be able to show that pompass ass who's better.

Kurama smiled at Neji, silently wishing him luck. The white-eyed prodigy of the Hyuuga clan offered a small smile in return.

Naruto jumped down from the waiting area onto the arena floor, waiting for his opponent to make an appearance.

Neji made a less flashy appearance, merely walking down to the arena floor, a determined look upon his face.

Naruto grinned.

Neji remained expressionless.

"Second match… BEGIN!!" Genma shouted, jumping back away from the competitors.

Neji slipped into the Hyuuga taijutsu, Byakugan eyes activated and ready to go.

`Tenketsu… chakra opening points. If Neji presses them right, I'm screwed. I can't get too close to him, this'll have to be long-distance fighting…' Naruto thought to himself before forming his hands into the seal of Kage Bushin. Creating four more clones of himself, they all pulled out kunai and got ready to fight.

Neji examined Naruto's clones with his eyes. `What? The chakra is divided evenly between the five Narutos… Kage Bushin? Impossible, someone of his `caliber' could never perform that hard a jutsu… yet it seems he did… interesting.' "In truth, there is only one real body. I will find you and finish you off."

"Stop acting so damn tough. Come and get me if you have the guts!" the Narutos said in unison.

"Stop disrespecting me!" they said, each a different word, before charging at Neji with their kunai.

Neji merely caught the first two's heads and flipped himself over them all, landing with perfect precision. Spinning his body, he landed kicks with each foot on the other two Naruto. Seeing with his all-seeing Byakugan two Naruto coming from behind, he reached back and stopped their kunai with ease. After elbowing them both in the chin, he shot around and nailed them in the chest with two open fists. They flew backwards, disappearing in puffs of smoke.

Only the real Naruto was left at that point.

"I hear you want to become Hokage? Give up on that, you'll never be Hokage. It's impossible," Neji said, a smirk on his face, Byakugan still activated. "I can figure it out with these eyes… Talent is decided at your birth… You could say that everything is decided when a person is born."


"Then… are you saying that anyone can become Hokage through hard work? Only a handful of shinobi are chosen as Hokage."

Naruto was silent.

"Look closer at reality! Those that become Hokage are born into that destiny. You don't become it by trying. It is decided by Destiny. People must live within their own unchangeable flow…" Neji said, a scowl on his face.

Naruto was wide eyed, not saying a thing.

"Only one… The only destiny that every person shares… is death…" Neji said, his face glazing over with slight sadness with a frown. Thoughts of his father crossed his mind as he spaced out.

Naruto stared at Neji, eyes wide as he contemplated the complexity of Neji's life.

Up in the crowd, Hiashi thought to himself, `Those eyes… he still holds a grudge against the main family…'

"SO WHAT?!! I'M NOT GOOD AT GIVING UP!!!" Naruto shouted, hands forming a seal. A group of Kage Bushins appeared behind and beside him.

"I'm not stupid," Neji said, eyes activated again, "I already see through your attack pattern."

"BAH!! I TOLD YOU TO STOP AUTOMATICALLY DECIDING THINGS!!" Naruto shouted, quite pissed off at that point. All the Narutos charged Neji, who merely narrowed his eyes in concentration. "DAMNIT!! CAN'T CATCH HIM AT ALL!!" Naruto shouted in frustration as Neji continued to dodge.

`I told you I'm not stupid,' Neji thought to himself, `The true body is… I know where it is!!' Neji went after a Naruto that was standing to the back slightly, not attacking as many times.

Neji shot out of the crowd of Narutos, attacking a spot on Naruto's chest with two fingers. "Fearing having your points pressed, one body is doing the least amount of attacking," Neji said, a smirk on his face, "The more you attack, the clearer it becomes."

The group of Narutos behind Neji disappeared with a puff of smoke as the one Neji attacked coughed out blood.

"That's why I told you it was useless," Neji said, eyes determined.

"Heheh… That's why… I told you… To stop automatically deciding things," Naruto said with a grin no his face, blood dripping from his chin. He disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"NO WAY!!" Neji exclaimed, turning around quickly to see two Narutos jumping at him.

"YES!!! GO NARUTO!!!" Kiba shouted from the sidelines.

Naruto-kun…" Hinata said softly.

The chuunin with spiky hair from the `genjutsu on the room number' chapter in the past was shocked, and stared wide-eyed out at the arena.

`Anticipating what I was thinking and purposely having one clone stand out…?' Neji thought to himself in surprise.

"I'M COMING AT YOU… WITH EVERYTHING I GOT AND ALREADY PREPARED TO DIE!!!" Naruto shouted, his fist poised for a punch.

Neji's eyes widened as both Narutos came at him, fists raised.

Both Naruto landed their fists on each side of Neji, triumphant grins on their faces. Their eyes widened, however, when chakra began to release from Neji's body, just as their fists were about to connect.

Neji initiated kaiten, spinning his body and chakra.

Naruto flew back from the blast. The kage bushin disappeared in a puff of smoke and the real Naruto skidded to a stop, staring at Neji in the middle of his little crater. `What… what that?!'

Neji smirked confidently. "You thought you had won?"

Genin in the crowd had mixed thoughts.

`That was Kaiten, the Heavenly Spin…' Hizashi thought to himself, eyes narrowing in thought.

"It's over… You are within the field of my Hakke," Neji said, closing his eyes.

Kurama's eyes widened slightly as he watched the match progress. `Is he really going to use that so early on in the tournament? Naruto is really giving him that much trouble?' Kurama's eyes narrowed slightly as he examined Naruto. He could sense no demonic chakra from him, yet… He had incredible stamina…

"Gentle fist style, 64 hands of Hakke," Neji announced, slipping into the correct stance.

"Hakke two hands!"

"Four hands!"

"Eight hands!"

"16 hands!"

"32 hands!"

"64 hands!"

Naruto was blasted back with the force of it, crashing into the ground and sliding backwards a few feet.

"I have hit 64 points on your body, you can no longer stand."

Naruto groaned in pain.

"Heh… Is it painful? Stay on your knees before a power you cannot change and realize your worthlessness. Having your dreams come true through hard work, is an illusion," Neji said, watching Naruto suffer.

Naruto managed to open an eye to look at Neji. `Damnit…' he thought to himself.


Shocking everyone in the stands, he slowly pushed himself off the ground.

"What?" Neji said, frowning as he watched.

"I told you," Naruto said, dirty, sweating, and in pain. "I'm not good at giving up!"

`This guy… impossible…'

Naruto wobbled where he stood, breathing harshly.

"Quit already… Continuing won't change anything. I have no grudge against you…'

"S… SHUT UP!! WELL… I DO!!" Naruto shouted in determination.

"…" Neji paused. "What do you mean?"

"Why… why, if you're this strong… Why, with those eyes that can see everything… did you mentally attack Hinata, who was trying so hard?" Naruto asked, eyes barely open as he tried to cling to consciousness.

"That's none of your business."

"Insulting Hinata, automatically deciding she's a loser!! Main family… Branch family… I don't know what the hell happened… But pieces of shit like you who call other people losers… I WILL NEVER FORGIVE!!"

"All right… Fine… if you are gonna go that far, then I'll tell you… the Hyuuga's destiny of hatred…"

Repeat: Disclaimer: The entire fight between Naruto and Neji was copied word for word from the manga (missing a few bits here and there, though) and I take no credit for the match at all.

Evil cliffhanger, though, right? It's what I'm good at!! Hehhehll the Narutos charged Neji, who merely narrowed his eyes in concentration.