Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-Two ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-two:


Disclaimer: The entirety of the Naruto/Neji battle is not my work, and I take no credit for it whatsoever.

"The Hyuuga destiny of hatred."

The two combatants stared at eachother.

Kurama frowned. `Is he going to tell Naruto exactly what he told me?' he thought to himself. `I still think that the possibility of a misunderstanding between Neji and the main house leader is quite high, especially with the way that Neji's eyes glowed with hatred whenever he mentioned the main family…'

"The Hyuuga Main family has a special ninjutsu that's been passed down… It's a… curse seal jutsu."

"Curse seal jutsu?" Naruto repeated, eyes widened.

"The curse of the mark represents `A bird in a cage'. It is… the symbol of being tied down to an inescapable destiny.

Naruto was shocked.

Neji moved to remove his hitai-ate, and showed Naruto his forehead.

"W… what?" Naruto mumbled, staring at the seal. "That mark is…"

"One day when I was four… I had this horrible seal carved into my forehead through that curse seal jutsu. That day, a grand ceremony was taking place in the leaf. A shinobi leader from the cloud country, which had been warring with the leaf for many years, had arrived to sign an alliance treaty. But at this ceremony which everyone attended, from jounin to genin, one clan was missing. That was the Hyuuga clan. Because that was the important day, that the Hyuuga heir turned three. Hinata-sama's third birthday." Neji looked up to the stands and glared at Hiashi. "My father, Hyuuga Hizashi, and Hinata-sama's father over there, Hyuuga Hiashi-sama, were twins. But Hinata-sama's father, Hiashi-sama, was born to this world first… A member of the main family. And my father, the second son, became a member of the branch family. When the Hyuuga first daughter grew and became three, I was turned into `the bird in the cage', because of this curse. As a Hyuuga branch family member." Neji said, a frown on his face, eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why… is that necessary…?" Naruto asked. "Why do you need that weird mark to distinguish the main and branch families?"

"This mark on my forehead is not simply a decoration. This curse seal is the absolute fear of death given to the branch families by the main family. With a simple secret hand seal, the branch member's mind can be easily destroyed… death is just as easy, of course. And this curse will only disappear after death, sealing up the ability of the Byakugan along with it."

Naruto's surprise was evident upon his face.

"The Hyuuga house is a clan that holds great advanced blood. Those that go after those secrets are incalculable. So, with this jutsu, the branch family is allowed to live only to protect the main family. No disobedience is allowed by the main family. It's an effective system, created to eternally protect… the advanced Byakugan blood of the Hyuuga.

"And, that incident occurred… My father was killed by the main family."


"One night, Hinata-sama was taken by someone. Then, Hiashi-sama quickly took care of it. And killed him. It was dark, and he was wearing a mask… who do you think it was? He was… He was the cloud country shinobi leader… who had just signed the alliance treaty. It became clear that he was after the Hyuuga secrets from the beginning… But the cloud country, with one of their leaders killed in the failed plan, made demands of the leaf for breaking the alliance. Of course, the leaf and cloud bickered back and forth… it almost came to war. But with the leaf wanting to avoid war, they made a backdoor deal with the cloud."

"Deal?" Naruto questioned.

"The cloud wanted the Hyuuga main family's advanced blood and the Byakugan… They demanded the corpse of Hiashi-sama. And the leaf agreed to their wishes. And war was safely avoided. Thanks to my dad… who was killed by the main family to replace Hyuuga Hiashi's corpse."

Naruto was shocked.

"Hehe… To escape this horrible curse… There's no method but death. They were twins, their strength was virtually the same… born first… born second… Destiny was decided just by that. And this fight… your destiny was decided… The moment I became your opponent. Your destiny is to lose to me. There's no doubt."

"We won't know until it's over!" Naruto shouted as Neji placed his hitai-ate back on his forehead. "I don't know how much it hurt that your dad was killed a long time ago, but… Thinking that destiny is all decided because of that is a huge mistake!"

"You're hopeless…" Neji said, activating his Byakugan and running at Naruto. He landed an open hand to his chest and sent Naruto flying backwards. "Examiner, it's over." Neji scowled. "Heh… damn loser…"

Naruto's eyes shadowed at being called a loser. "Don't run away…" he ground out. "I won't run… I don't go back on my word."

"Heh… I've heard that one before…" Neji said, smirking.

Up in the waiting area, Kurama frowned. Why was Neji being so negative? Was this was he was usually like when Kurama wasn't around? This cold, emotionless, cruel? The thought was something Kurama had never considered before… but Kurama knew he wouldn't be able to change anything, and that Neji needed to learn to let go of this animosity on his own.

There's no way… I'll lose… To a coward who's always whining about destiny," Naruto said, his face and body a wreak.

"An ignorant brat like you shouldn't be lecturing… People are born burdened with a destiny they cannot oppose. YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE BURDENED WITH A SYMBOL YOU COULD NEVER RID YOURSELF OF!!!"

Naruto's eyes shadowed as images of people hating him flashed before his eyes… the demon fox, Kyuubi… all the hatred he felt from the villagers… the hatred… the fox… "Yeah… I can…" Naruto said, his expression utterly serious, a smirk on his face. "And? So what?"

Neji glared at Naruto.


"Heh… your 64 opening points are closed… you won't be able to use chakra for a while, how can you fight? In the end, you and Hinata-sama share the same destiny!"

"SHUT UP!! Stop using that Byakugan to decide and act like you know everyone's destiny!!"

"Then prove to me that what you are saying is correct…"

"YEAH! I'M DEFINITELY GOING TO DEFEAT YOU… AND PROVE THAT!!!" Naruto said, determination written all over his dirty and worn face. `Damn it! But I can't feel any chakra…! Feels like when I used it all up during the training!' His eyes widened when it hit him. His mind flashed back to when Jiraiya told him of his two types of chakra. `Yeah… The nine-tails' chakra…' Closing his eyes in concentration, he shouted in his mind, Stupid fox… Lend me your power!!

"Enough talking, examiner… I'm going to go at him intending to kill! If you want to stop it, then go right ahead."

"HAAAA!!" Naruto shouted, his hands in the position of focusing chakra. `I can't lose this time!!'

"It's useless… your points have been pressed."

"HAAAA!" `I must…'

"Can I ask you one thing? Why do you go against your destiny so much?" Neji asked, a smirk on his face.

"Because… I was called a loser."

Neji's eyes narrowed slightly, before widening at the sight he witnessed.

Naruto summoned forth the chakra of Kyuubi, cuts and bruises disappearing.

`I'm… Impossible… Chakra is flowing out… what's going on…?' Neji thought, watching with his Byakugan eyes as the chakra flowed outwards from a swirl in his stomach, going to the rest of his body. `Who…' Neji saw the chakra swirl out and form into a strange creature, causing him to take a step back, eyes wide. `…Is he?'

On the sidelines, Hiashi thought, `No way… this chakra is…'

The chuunin, spiky, exclaimed, "Impossible! His opening points have been pressed!!"

The Kazekage's eyes widened at the site.

Gaara's eyes widened in shock at sensing the energy…

`The feelings of this chakra… it's definitely the nine-tails… when did he learn…!' Sarutobi thought to himself from where he sat.

Five streams of chakra that looked to be tails flew out from Naruto's form. Debris was pushed away from where he stood with the wave of energy pulsating from his form. "Here I come!!" he said, his expression serious.

Neji was shocked, and held up a hand to block his face from the flying rocks and dirt.

The tails of chakra wrapped themselves around Naruto, the energy flowing into his small frame.

`It's wrapping around him… what is that? That's chakra?' Neji thought, Byakugan eyes still activated.

The genin in the stands were shocked at the display of power from the dunce.

`Incredible power, like during the training…' Naruto thought to himself as the raw chakra ripped up the ground a bit, `…But more!!'

Moving with incredible speed increased by the Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto shot behind Neji, in the air, and chucked three shuriken at him.

Neji used the Kaiten to stop the shuriken. Stopping the spin of chakra, he snatched the shuriken out of the air and chucked them right back at Naruto, who easily jumped out of the way with his incredible new speed.

`His speed has increased?! What's going on?' Neji thought, pulling out a kunai, as did Naruto. They both shot their Kunai at eachother, then jumped after the kunai at their opponent. The kunai bounced off eachother, as did their owners right after them. Both slid to a stop.

Naruto shouted out, "HEY!! You're confident in close combat, right?!!" Naruto jumped at Neji, what the Hyuuga had previously said about him not becoming Hokage and what not flying through his head. His chakra literally tore up the ground as he ran at Neji. "I don't know about this Hyuuga destiny of hatred or whatever, but if it's too much for you, then you don't have to anything anymore," Naruto stated as he was about to make impact with Neji.

`Oh no… Kaiten…' Neji thought, activating Kaiten right before Naruto hit him.

"When I become Hokage… I'LL CHANGE THE HYUUGA!!" he shouted as their chakra connected.

The resulting explosion sent energy flying outwards, as well as smoke and bits of rock. Two bits of smoke were thrown away from the explosion in different directions, landing 12 feet away from the crater in the ground. Smoke cleared, and two craters on opposite sides of the big crater appeared. A hand appeared out of one…

And none other than Hyuuga Neji crawled out, coughing harshly. The weary Hyuuga walked towards Naruto's little crater, where the blond lied unconscious.

"Loser… Sorry, but… This is reality."

Neji eyes widened, however, when Naruto shot out of the ground underneath him and nailed him in the chin, sending him flying up and backwards. He landed on his back a few feet away from Naruto.

"Guh… my body…" Neji mumbled.

The Kage Bushin of Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke and revealed the hole Naruto had dug.

"Ugh… to quickly use Kage Bushin in that situation… your main ninjutsu, eh? How careless of me…" Neji got out, his body quite injured and bruised up.

"I… I failed the academy graduation exam three times."


"That's because, unluckily for me, the ninjutsu test on the final exam was always decided as… my weakest ninjutsu."

"…!" Neji stared at Naruto.

"The Bushin no Jutsu… was my worst ninjutsu. Destiny can't be changed, blah blah. Stop whining about stupid crap like that. Since… you're not a loser like me."

"Heh," Genma said to himself. "Winner! Uzumaki Naruto!!"

Slowly clapping started up in the crowd, before it turned into a roar. Comments like, "That was incredible!!" "That was great!!" "Great fight, shrimp!!" could occasionally be heard through the noise.

Naruto stared in surprise before grinning and giving the `V for Victory' sign (otherwise known as the `peace' sign). Naruto stared running around the arena, blowing kisses like the idiot he was.

"Whoa! He won! Seriously? I had assumed he was a lame-ass type like me…" Shikamaru said up in the waiting area.

"Lame-ass type?" Shino commented.

"Everyone's cheering him. He's totally a kick-ass type. Plus, I probably can't beat him, how depressing…" Shikamaru said.

Sarutobi thought to himself, `Naruto… to be able to use the nine-tails power… and to control it in a stable state… since when could he…? Did Kakashi teach him this?'

Before the medics could arrive, Genma said to Neji, "Heh… even a captured bird… If it's clever enough, will try to open the cage with its beak. Never giving up its desire to freely fly in the sky."

Neji didn't say anything, but contemplated the match.

"This time you have lost," Genma said.

(Officially the end of copying… for now)

Kurama smiled softly before disappearing from waiting area and appearing in the sky to fall down to Neji's side just as the Medics began to carry him away. He landed gracefully, exercising perfect muscle control. With graceful movements that held an underlying deadliness, he leaned in to whisper in Neji's ear. "I will come by to see you later, rather than accompany you now, for my match is next."

Neji smiled softly and nodded his head slightly. He disappeared to Kurama's sight as the medics took him off to be treated.

Hyuuga Hiashi also left… to explain what really happened to Hizashi to his twin's son. (if you don't know what happens here, then just email me and I'll tell you. Right now I'm going on to the next match.)

"Gaara of the Sand! Come down to the arena!" Genma said, since Kurama was obviously already there.

Kurama turned sharp emeralds to eye Gaara, who returned his serious look in kind. (note to all readers, the Gaara/Kurama lemon I wrote has nothing to do with this plot, and is merely a side lemon for the pleasure of you all.)

Gaara got a freaky look on his face, and Kurama blinked at the severe killing intent he sensed coming from the turquoise-eyed boy.

Up in the waiting area, Temari thought to herself, `This isn't good, Gaara hasn't been like this for a while…'

Kankuro spoke, "Gaara… about the plan, do you under-"

But he was cut off by a pale and sweating Temari. "Don't talk to Gaara…" Kankuro's eyes widened in realization as Temari finished her sentence. "Or you'll be killed!"

Gaara slowly made his way down the stairs.

While Gaara was taking his sweet, time, guess who decided to show up?

With a whirl of leaves, Kakashi and Sasuke appeared in the middle of the arena. Looking around himself, Kakashi asked, "Are we late?"

Kurama chuckled, drawing Kakashi's attention to him. "No Kakashi, you aren't late. It must be the end of the world, considering you are on time for once," he said with humor in his voice.

Kakashi reached back and scratched the back of his head. "Eheh. So it's your match, ne, Kurama? You're against Gaara?"

Kurama rolled his eyes and elbowed Kakashi in the side. "Baka. Of course it's my match, why the hell else would I be down here?" he said, taking on an annoyed expression as he acted out of character with the man that always tried his patience.

"Ah, right," Kakashi said, sweatdropping.

Kurama turned his attention to the black-haired boy… who was currently glaring death at him. Raising an eyebrow, he leaned in close and got in Sasuke's face. "And what would a cutie like you be doing glaring at me?" Kurama asked in a high voice that sounded incredibly like a girl's. Winking at Sasuke, he pulled back and enjoyed the shocked look on the ass's face. `Now that's more like it,' Kurama thought to himself with a smirk.

Sasuke soon returned to glaring, and walked towards the stairs to get to the waiting area, leaving Kakashi behind.

Kakashi, noticing his student leaving, wished Kurama good luck and waved.

Kurama only smiled, before turning his attention to the quickly approaching Gaara. `You know, that look on his face is quite close to insane… or IS insane… and I have to fight this freak? God, poor me. Might as well get serious about this, so I don't get killed by this little murderer.'

Gaara and Kurama stood across from eachother, Genma ready to give the signal to begin.

Kazekage commented, "I hear this boy is strong. Who do you think will win?"

The Third Hokage turned his attention to his guest. Turning his eyes back to the match, he went over everything he knew about each of them. Smiling lightly, he said, "Kurama will win. I have no doubt." `A demon container versus a true demon… isn't it obvious who will win? Kurama, even with the curse seal hampering his abilities, should be able to defeat Gaara.'

"That is bold to say, you must have much confidence in this boy," Kazekage said.

Sarutobi glanced at Kazekage, not entirely trusting him. He knew something fishy was up, and that Orochimaru was probably here somewhere… if not sitting right beside him. "Yes, I am confident that he will win."

Kurama eyed his opponent. Gaara was not someone to fool around with. Eyes narrowing in a calculating manner, he prepared himself for whatever the boy threw at him.

"Alright, both of you. You ready?" Genma asked. Receiving a look from Kurama, he decided to just start the match. "Right… BEGIN!" he shouted, jumping back and out of the way.

Gaara released the sand from his gourd and it attacked Kurama instantly. Part of it formed into a long spear, aiming for Kurama's heart.

What do you think of the fight so far? I plan on doing a good job on this one, so I hope you all like it. This damn chapter is 9 pages long, so don't complain about it being short, this is one of the longer flippin chappies. (grin) Later!