Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-Three ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-three:


Kurama jumped out of the way, eyes serious as he contemplated a way to defeat Gaara. `He uses sand. That's his main weapon. I must find a way to get past it and attack him directly. Get rid of the sand…' an idea popped into his head and he smirked coldly, eyes glowing with lust… for blood. "Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" he called out in a deeper voice than usual, spitting a huge amount of fire from his mouth, instantly turning all sand into warped glass.

Gaara only smirked and turned the ground beneath him into more sand. He sent it after Kurama again, this time; however, it became a clone of him and attacked with taijutsu. Kurama smirked, made a quick few seals, and made four bushin of himself. Disappearing in the smoke, he made it look like he had only created three others besides himself. Hiding himself on the other side of the arena, behind Gaara, he watched as his bushin avoided attacks from Gaara and made it look like they actually tried to attack. Smirking, he formed the seals for his Water Whirlwind no Jutsu. The tornado formed silently behind Gaara and attacked him without him being aware of it at all.

Gaara disappeared inside the water, it trying to cut his skin. Smirking, he used his sand to blast the little water tornado apart.

Kurama frowned. It hadn't worked. His skin didn't have a scratch on it… Why was that? Deciding to find out, he attacked Gaara from behind with a kick to the back of the head. Gaara flew forward a few feet before his sand caught him. Now that Kurama had his attention, he attacked him with the taijutsu Gai had taught him. Throwing an incredible amount of power into a punch that was blocked with Gaara's arm, his eyes widened. Cracks had appeared from the punch, and a few shell-like pieces of sand fell off, leaving skin beneath. `So that's it… he has an armor of sand…' Eyes narrowing, he disappeared from view with his speed.

The next thing Gaara knew, millions upon millions of shards of glass were flying at him with incredible speed. Smirking, Kurama exercised incredible speed to appear behind Gaara and kick him straight into the wave of glass shards.

Gaara had to close his eyes, and his patience was wearing thin. He wanted blood. Now. Growling, he landed on his feet and turned around quickly to face Kurama… who wasn't there. Growling again in annoyance, he summoned his sand to him.

Kurama tried to attack Gaara with a punch, but the sand merely shot up and formed a half-shell to block the attack. Jumping back, he formed another plan. Reaching into his hair, he pulled out a rose. "Rose whip!" he called out, transforming the rose in his hand into a long green vine with many long, sharp thorns all over it. Smirking coldly, he merely watched as the sand turned into another Gaara. Running at the Gaara, he flicked his whip through the air.

To Gaara's absolute shock, Kurama's whip sliced through his sand like butter, and the redhead continued on through the sand with incredible speed, dodging any attacks that were meant for him. Once he reached the real Gaara, he failed to notice as the ground beneath him turned into sand and captured his feet. He came jerking to a stop… in the middle of a forest of pieces of angry sand.

Paling slightly, Kurama used his whip to cut at his bonds, but it was no use. The sand came in like a fist and punched his cheek. His head whipped back, and Kurama castigated himself for his inattentiveness. `Kawarimi no Jutsu!' he thought in his head, instantly replacing his body with a log.

Kurama was at the far end of the arena, wanting to put some distance in-between the two of them. `This isn't good… I can't get too close to him or he'll catch me like that again…'

Lee had just arrived, and he watched the match with curious eyes… The only reason he was late was because he slept in… Lee sweatdropped at the memory, but was still glad that he hadn't missed his teammates fight. It had come as a shock to him when he'd first seen both Kurama and Gaara in the Arena, duking it out. It was quite obvious that Kurama wasn't fairing as well as he would have liked. `You can do it Kurama!' he thought with determination to himself.

The fight had been interesting thus far. Kurama was using incredible skill to try and outwit Gaara, and Lee was impressed. `He will definitely make it to Chuunin…' he thought to himself.

"Ah, so you finally decided to show up, Lee," Gai commented, a small smile on his face.

"Yes!" Lee said.

"So this is your little look-alike, Gai?" Kakashi commented boredly, still watching the match.

Gai made an indignant sound and went into a long lecture about… well… nothing in particular really. Definitely nothing anyone with a brain would want to listen to, but then again, since when did some people have brains?

Yes, that comment was intended for Lee. Now, don't take me wrong, sometimes he's cute, but he likes to listen to Gai preach too much.

Lee hung on to Gai's every word, stars in his eyes as he listened to his idol preach about unimportant things.

Kakashi, like anyone with half a mind, was completely ignoring Gai, and when the green beast finished, he turned and asked, "What did you say?"

This caused Gai to face-fault horribly and fall over.

Lee went to his sensei's aid, placing a cold wet cloth on his forehead.

Naruto watched the match with intent eyes. This Kurama was very strong, perhaps even stronger than Sasuke. He also didn't seem to be a pompass ass, like Sasuke. Naruto made a face at that thought and watched the redhead's graceful movements. How had the green-eyed boy managed to achieve such muscle control? Usually only jounin moved with any grace, although most didn't.

Sasuke watched in anticipation. Either of those two shinobi would be perfect opponents for the next round, and he couldn't wait to find out who would win.

Kurama gritted his teeth as he dodged another assault. The sand was getting too quick for him… Jumping back to the edge of the arena, he quickly removed both the weights that Gai had given him, and the ones he had bought recently. Throwing them to the side, he smirked when their weight dug a small trench into the ground until they stopped moving. Down to 2020 pounds (the weight of his hidden weights that no body knew about), Kurama bounced on the balls of his feet, feeling much lighter already. Losing around 500 pounds that quickly just did that to a person. Heh.

Running forward with his increased speed, he shot behind Gaara before the boy knew what was happening. Kicking Gaara in the back, and cracking right through the gourd on his back, Kurama smirked when the sand was too slow to protect him.

Gaara went sailing through the air, his face contorted in fury as he struggled to control his trajectory to land properly on the ground and not face first. Landing in a cushion of sand, he scowled. He cold practically feel the cracked sand armor on his back falling off. Glaring at Kurama, he prepared to do his first jutsu. Performing the correct seals, he called out, "Sabaku Kyuu!" (Desert Coffin).

Kurama eyes widened when sand came up around him and completely encompassed him before he could move a muscle. `I'll… suffocate… if I don't get out of here!' Calming his racing heart with practiced ease, he focused on a plan.

Sarutobi's eyes widened as he watched as Kurama was swallowed by the sand. Watching the battle intently, he wondered how Kurama would get himself out of that tight spot.

Naruto watched in shock as Kurama was trapped by the sound. `He might die!!' he thought to himself in shock.

Meanwhile, Kurama had formed a plan and was smirking demonically. This would be entertaining, his more demonic side commented with a smirk. Closing his eyes and focusing his mind, he used his evil chakra to make a bamboo stick in his hair grow outwards with incredible speed, piercing through the shell of sand.

Kakashi's eyes widened, as did everyone else's, when many green bamboo sticks suddenly shot through the sand and turned it into a gigantic pin cushion.

The bamboo moved like it was a live, tearing away at the sand with its deadly angle-cut ends that were sharp enough to pierce rock.

The sand was pushed back, revealing Kurama in the center, the bamboo growing from his hair. This was an eye-opener, for sure. Kurama retracted the bamboo to his hair in an instant before it ate up all his sick chakra. `If only I had my youki, only then would I be able to control plants for a long period of time, because my youki can actually SUPPORT the plant.' Swearing many profanities in his mind, Kurama narrowed his eyes on the outside and slipped into a martial arts form from his own world.

Jumping at Gaara with incredible speed that almost competed with a jounin's, Kurama slashed at Gaara with a long bamboo rod. Jumping back when the sand came at him again, he smirked and held the bamboo pole with the tip pointing at Gaara. Using his sick chakra, he made the pole grow at an incredible speed, driving it straight through the barriers of sand to stab at Gaara, who was forced to jump away to dodge.

Instead of bothering to retract the pole, he simply made it cut itself off. The part that was cut off, without a source of chakra, turned back into a tiny stick. (if you haven't noticed by now, I'm calling the chakra Orochimaru's curse seal tried to poison Kurama's chakra with `sick chakra'. Okay, now that we got that cleared up.) Narrowing his eyes, Kurama calculated another move. It seemed he would have to use another jutsu out of his rather small arsenal. Sighing, he formed the proper seals for Thunder Strike no Jutsu (made up).

Kurama's chakra began to change into electricity, crackling around his body in a halo of yellow. Focusing the electricity to his right fist, he watched as it lighted up his surroundings. Smirking demonically at Gaara, he shot at the turquoise-eyed boy with a fist crackling with electricity, not unlike the Chidori, although not as powerful.

Slamming his fist through the walls of sand, he went straight for Gaara. Nailing the boy dead center in the face, Kurama smiled at his small victory as the electricity shot through Gaara's whole body, paralyzing him momentary and screwing around with his nerve pathways.

Kurama, about to finish the match, didn't account for the sand, and ended up just barely dodging a lethal attack to his heart. Again. Sweating at the close call, he watched in annoyance as Gaara was set standing by his sand, which now operated his body.

Gaara would have smirked at Kurama's irritated expression, IF he had any control over his body.

`I've got to take him out before he can recover from that attack,' Kurama thought to himself with narrowed eyes. `The question is… how…'

Gaara didn't give Kurama the chance to do anything before he sent an incredible amount of sand after Kurama that kept attacking him with sharpened blades. Kurama had trouble dodging the sand, and began sustaining numerous bruises and cuts. Scowling, Kurama tried to jump back and get some distance in-between them, but Gaara just kept turning more and more dirt from the ground into sand.

Dodging many more attacks, Kurama glared at Gaara, who was beginning to recover from the attack of electricity to his system. `Damnit!'

The attacks of sand kept Kurama occupied just long enough. Gaara ordered his sand to temporarily strike Kurama down.

Kurama took a hit to the back and crashed into the ground. Before he could regain his footing, the sand covered him as Gaara shouted, "Sabaku Sousou!" (Desert Graveyard). Kurama took a deep breath before the sand completely covered him. Closing his eyes, he focused on his surroundings. To his shock, the sand started to push inwards, intending on crushing his body until it was nothing but a mangled heap of bone and flesh.

Taking a deep calming breath, Kurama gathered his strength. He knew that the plants wouldn't be able to help him this time, because the sand was far too dense and close to his body for that to work. Gathering his chakra around his body, he shoved it outwards suddenly, literally blasting the sand around him out in all directions. Landing on the ground with a huff, Kurama tried to stay on his feet. He was running out of sick chakra… Then an idea hit him. Smiling, Kurama ran at Gaara with the intent of fighting hand to hand.

Gaara glared at Kurama, quite angry with the redhead's stubbornness to live.

Kurama attacked Gaara with taijutsu again, and this time, they both went at it without the sand interfering.

Gaara threw a punch at Kurama's stomach, nailing the redhead in the chest and sending him back a few feet.

Kurama came back at him with a deadly punch to the face that was chakra-enhanced, cracking his sand armor quite thoroughly.

Scowling, Gaara kicked at Kurama's head, but the green-eyed boy just dodged the attack and came at Gaara from behind. A well-placed punch landed itself between Gaara's shoulder blades, sending the sand boy sprawling forward, trying to regain his footing. Kurama didn't let him, however, and soon he was face first in the ground, the sand swirling angrily about him.

Kurama pulled out his rose whip and slashed the sand away temporarily, and had just enough time to jump on Gaara's back and dig him farther into the ground before the sand went back to the boy's aid.

Gaara pulled himself from the ground and looked at Kurama, who was breathing heavily and weak from chakra loss. Smirking, Gaara, unbeknownst to Kurama, replaced his body with a Suna Bushin, to come at him from behind.

Kurama sensed Gaara behind him just in time to turn around and receive a spear of sand in his gut.

Time froze in that moment as people stared in horror as Kurama received what could easily be a lethal wound.

Kakashi was about to jump into the arena to save Kurama.

Sarutobi stared in shock.

The genin were horrified as they saw the pain contort on Kurama's face.

Then, Kurama suddenly screamed so loud and painfully that shivers rippled down everyone's spines, including Gaara, who stared at Kurama with an evil grin. What he saw next, however, caused his eyes to widen in shock.

End chapter. MWAHAHAHA! Yes, it's short, I've only been writing the whole damn thing for this one god damn scene, and I'm tired of dragging on the match for your entertainment. However, you must admit that it is my best match ever, ne? ne? lol. Luv ya all!