Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-Four ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-four:


Then, Kurama suddenly screamed so loud and painfully that shivers rippled down everyone's spines, including Gaara, who stared at Kurama with an evil grin. What he saw next, however, caused his eyes to widen in shock.

Kurama's eyes glowed gold, and fangs began to grow before Gaara's eyes as Kurama gritted his teeth. Once human nails lengthened and sharpened. Red hair became streaked with silver.

Kurama's smirk was so cold and heartless that Gaara felt his heart stop temporarily.

In a voice not his own, Kurama spoke, "I no longer have any more sick chakra… I can attack you with my REAL chakra now…" A laughter that sent chills down spines erupted from Kurama's mouth, silencing all in the arena.

Neji, who had come from the hospital almost completely healed, stared at who was suppose to be Kurama, but had turned into a completely different person.

Sarutobi stared at Kurama in shock. `Is this his more demonic side? Will he go on a killing spree?' he worried to himself, although his rational side told him that Kurama had pledged loyalty to him, and wouldn't betray him.

"Foolish boy," Kurama said, a cold smirk forming on his face as narrower golden eyes examined him. "Even with a demon trapped inside your body, you are still weak," Youko said.

Gaara's eyes widened, and he jumped back away from Kurama, who wasn't even Kurama any more. How did he know about Shukaku?!

"Pathetic… absolutely pathetic," Youko said in the deep and cold tenor instead of Kurama's alto. "To believe that I was actually having difficulty fighting you, when you cower in fear at the expression on my face," Youko said, smirking cruelly.

`What's wrong with Kurama?' Neji worried to himself, watching as `Kurama' acted with an entirely different personality than normal. `What happened while I was at the hospital…?'

Gaara swallowed as he saw the killer intent in Youko's eyes. He'd never seen it so strong and aimed at him before… even with the hatred of everyone towards him. Narrowing his eyes, he prepared himself for anything to come.

Youko smirked. It was nice to get his frustrations out for once, which his more human side wouldn't allow… Time to kill. Running forward with increased speed, Youko appeared right in front of Gaara, scaring this shit out of him. Smirking darkly, he stabbed forward with his nails, planning on impaling Gaara on them. The turquoise-eyed boy didn't move quick enough, and got the hand right in his shoulder.

Screaming in pain, Gaara sent his sand after the retreating redhead. Blood-lust over took him as he ordered his sand to kill Kurama, and drink his blood.

Youko was having fun. Dodging the sand with a feline grace that no human could achieve, he made his way back to Gaara, intending to strike him again. Even with the armor of sand, Youko was strong enough to crack through it and get in a wound. Smirking, he snuck behind Gaara and attacked his spine.

Gaara dodged the attack to his spine, just barely able to deter it to right beside the intended spot. Even Gaara knew that a blow to the spine could end his killing. Growling, he called his sand to him to create a barrier. The sphere of sand.

Temari and Kankuro's eyes widened at this new twist. "He's forgetting the plan!" Temari bit out to Kankuro, not caring if Shikamaru or others overheard.

Sarutobi watched the match as it progressed, keeping an eye on Kurama's incredibly fast movements. He was almost as quick as a jounin now… and that was peculiar. When had Kurama been so powerful? He was practically a genuine genius, more so than even Hyuuga Neji and Uchiha Sasuke… Kurama was their most powerful genin, and was far beyond even the ranking of chuunin. But, perhaps that was to be expected considering he was a demon? He'd lived 3000 years, so he SHOULD be powerful, right?

Orochimaru, hidden in his disguise as Kazekage, was staring at the match with something akin to shock. Kurama would make a PERFECT body if ONLY he hadn't been after the sharingan to copy jutsu! This frustrated Orochimaru, because he wanted both of them… `You will become my servant, Kurama, whether you like it or not,' he decided in his head, licking his lips with a hungry look in his eyes.

Youko narrowed his eyes as he watched what was happening. Gaara had withdrawn all his sand to create a sphere of sand… an ultimate defense. Running forward quickly, he went to attack the sand when spikes suddenly jutted out and caused him to dash backwards and skid across the ground to a stop. Growling slightly, he pulled out his rose whip and flicked it at the sand with multiple slashes that were mere flashes of light. When he was done, he saw no changes aside from his whip's thorns were dulled to nothing. Turning it back into seed and placing it in his hair, he crossed his arms and eyed the sand. A smirk darkened his face when an idea came to him.

Yusuke's spirit gun had come to mind, which was a pure reiki attack. If he used the same principals of Yusuke's gun, he should be able to make an energy attack that could break through the shell. Holding his hand out to his side, he started powering pure youki into, making it shine a brilliant gold. The power pulsated, causing all who watched to stare at it in awe.

Neji activated his Byakugan to see an impossible sight. Kurama had placed raw… energy… in his hand! It wasn't chakra… but what was it? It was completely different… and far more powerful.

Forcing the energy surrounding his arm to the palm of his hand, he focused it into a tiny golf ball-sized sphere. Looking at his hand, he smirked at his handiwork. It would take up a bit of youki, but it was well worth it if it broke through that shell of sand. Smirking, he moved his hand forward so the palm was facing the sphere of sand. With a flash of malice in his eyes, Youko set the youki ball free, and it flew through the air as fast as a bullet, piercing through the shell with a loud boom that sounded exactly like a nearby thunder clap.

The resulting explosion sent bits of sand flying everywhere, blowing off two foot whole in diameter.

Kankuro's eyes widened. "No way! Gaara's absolute defense was…"

Temari was pale, sweat dripping down her face as she whispered, "It can't be…"

Their instructor mumbled with eyes wide, "Impossible…"

Youko looked inside and narrowed his eyes when he saw a golden eye with a four-pointed-star-like pupil. A scream of pain reached his ears from the hole in the sphere, and he smirked evilly. Gaara had sustained quite a large hole through his shoulder, no doubt.

The sphere collapsed, revealing an angry Gaara clutching at his wounds.

Just then, feathers began to fall from the sky as a genjutsu was activated. The audience began to fall asleep, as did a few genin, except for those who formed their hands into a dispel seal.

A smoke bomb went off, drawing Kurama's attention to it. His eyes widened when he saw ANBU move into action. Green eyes narrowed as he stared at his surroundings, his hair completely red again with no trace of silver streaks.

It had begun.

Snakes at the walls of Konohagakure began their destruction, destroying the wall and attacking the village.

The ANBU went into action, and the two shinobi that stood beside Kazekage were cut in half with ease.

A blur jumped out of the smoke, which was revealed to be Kazekage with a kunai to Sarutobi's throat.

The two shinobi that were cut in half landed on the roof, and four shinobi jumped from the pieces. They stood at for corners on the roof, and brought up a shield of fire before the ANBU could reach Kazekage.

Down in the arena, Gaara's teammates landed beside him.

Kurama looked around himself with calculating eyes, wondering what the hell was going on. He turned his attention to the sand nin, who were having a conversation.

"Gaara, the plan…" their instructor began, before stopping.

"I knew it…" Temari said.

"What's wrong?" Kankuro asked.

"He's experiencing the side effects. It's impossible to continue now! What do we do? Do it without him?!"

Bofuu (I think that's the intructor's name) thought for a moment before saying, "Abort the mission."

"What?!" Temari exclaimed in shock.

"You guys take Gaara and retreat."

"What about you?!" Temari asked.

"Damn…" Kankuro mumbled.

"I'll join the battle. GO!!"


The two of them jumped off, Gaara being carried by Kankuro.

Kurama frowned, mumbling obsenities under his breath.

Genma asked, "Is the leader of this party… Orochimaru?"

"Who knows? Let's just join the fun," Bofuu said.

"What's going on?" Kurama asked, eyes narrowed and far from happy.

"Sorry, but the chuunin exam is now over. You go pursue Gaara and the others. You're far beyond chuunin level… If you're a leaf shinobi, then make yourself useful," Genma said.

Kurama smirked darkly and said, "I planned on it." He phased out of sight and appeared again on the walls of the stadium. Two sound shinobi came at him.

Genma gritted his teeth and was about to go and help him when with a blur of motion, blood, body parts, and guts went flying in all directions, painting the wall red. His eyes widened as he watched Kurama jump off, leaving the mess behind.

Kurama smirked and licked blood from the side of his mouth. The coppery taste filled his mouth, and his eyes flashed gold. A fang showed through his smirk as he dashed through the trees after Gaara and his little friends.

(Disclaimer: everything written of Sarutobi and Orochimaru is not mine, but the manga's.)

"So Gaara was useless…" Orochimaru said, still in his disguise of Kazekage. "Your foolishness has caused the leaf to fall further and further behind… I have won."

"Heh… It's not over till it's over… I thought I taught you that," Sarutobi said. Orochimaru ripped the mask from his face as Sarutobi finished. "Orochimaru!"

Meanwhile, with Kakashi, he was protecting Sakura from sound ninja. "Sakura, you have a talent with genjutsu. I want you to wake Naruto and Shikamaru up, okay? I want them to track down Kurama and help him out with Gaara. You and Sasuke will remain here and stay out of trouble."

"Why do you want Naruto to help Kurama? Why not Sasuke?!" Sakura asked.

"I have my reasons, Sakura, just do as I say please. Most likely, people from the sand and sound have already entered the village. With more than the basic four man small team, you lose speed and it becomes harder to remain hidden… You learned that during the patrol drill at the academy, right?"

"Oh! Yeah… But four people… who's the third and fourth?"

"This will only be a three-man team. The third…" Kakashi paused and said, "Summoning no Jutsu!" a small dog appeared. "This guy, Pakkun, will be able to track Kurama down by his scent.

"A little doggy?!"

"Don't call me a cute little doggy," the dog said in a rather deep voice for one so small.

`Cute… I didn't say cute!' Sakura crawled behind the seats up to Naruto and nullified the genjutsu on him.

"Wha? What happened, Sakura-chan?"

"I'll tell you later, so get down!"

"HUH?" Naruto said, completely lost.

Sakura stared at Shikamaru before here eyes narrowed in irritation.

Pakkun bit Shikamaru's ankle and he sat up. "OWWW!!"

"You were able to deflect the genjutsu too!! Why were you playing possum?!" Sakura asked him angrily.

"Bah! Forget it! I didn't want to be attacked, and I couldn't care less about Kurama."

Pakkun responded by chomping down on his hand.


A sound ninja came behind Naruto when he asked what was going on. Gai came to their rescue and punched the sound-nin straight through the wall.

"Now! Naruto, Shikamaru, your mission is to find Kurama, join up with him, and get to a safe location immediately. Now, escape out this hole and go!"

Shikamaru sighed and dragged a confused Naruto out with him.

Shino disappeared to follow them.

"Oh! So that's what happened!!" Naruto exclaimed as they ran through the forest.

"Yeah. But why the hell do I have to do this?!" Shikamaru asked in irritation.

"They're Kakashi-sensei's orders! Naruto exclaimed.

Suddenly Pakkun angled off to the right. "Hey you two, pick up the pace! Eight, no, nine are following us!"

"What?! Already?! You gotta be kidding!" Shikamaru said.

"They're closing in on us quickly, but it doesn't seem like they know where we are exactly."

"Shit! They're probably all beyond chuunin, if they catch up with us we're dead!" Shikamaru said.

"Shit! What about an ambush?!" Naruto suggested.

"No! It won't work. Two things are essential before an ambush can be carried out. First, the fleeing must know exactly where the enemy is. Second, they have to find places to hide that will cause maximum damage. So it's impossible, because these shinobi were trained by someone from konoha. They are hunters, who have studied the geography of the land and have practiced combat! Plus, we only have an idiot, a dog, and a guy who's better at running away than fighting, me! Compared to them, we're inexperienced and not as well-trained. We're completely at a disadvantage. There's only one thing we can do…"

"What's that?" Naruto asked, all ears.

"Someone needs to stay behind and pretend to ambush them. In other words, a decoy. And that decoy, will probably…" he trailed off, not willing to finish the sentence.

However, Naruto got what he meant. "Die," he finished.

Shikamaru nodded his head. "So who's gonna do it?"

"Well… I guess I'll-"

"I guess I'm the only one who can do it," Shikamaru said, snagging a tree branch and stopping. "Besides, Kagemane no Jutsu was originally a jutsu used as a delaying tactic…"

"They're coming closer!" Pakkun said.

"Shikamaru won't betray us…" Naruto said, his eyes trusting.

After a while, Pakkun announced, "They've stopped moving!"

"Yes! He did it!" `Shikamaru, you'd better be alive and catch up to us!'

Back with Shikamaru, he was running out of chakra and was about to be killed when Asuma poofed into existence behind him with the ninth sound-nin hanging from one arm.

"I finally caught up with you," he said, smoking his cig.

"Asuma… why…" Shikamaru exclaimed.

The sound were about to attack when Asuma took them all out with ease. `You did good Shikamaru… but, for the time being you're done…'

Shikamaru plopped down on his ass and rested.


Temari and Kankuro stopped, swearing under their breath.

Kurama's green eyes were emotionless as he said, "You cannot escape."


"Kurama's stopped moving… but there's still a little ways to go!"

"All right!" Naruto exclaimed, grinning.


"I'll be your opponent!" Kankuro said, removing his doll from his back. "Temari, take Gaara and go!"

"Right…" Temari mumbled.

"No…! I'll be your opponent!" Shino said, hands in his pockets.

Kurama nodded his head and watched as Temari took off.

"Kurama-" Shino went to explain how he had tracked Kurama when he was interrupted.

"Yes, yes. The bugs. I know," Kurama said with a smirk at Shino's surprised look. "I'll be on my way now," he said, phasing out of existence.

Shino and Kankuro began their fight.


Gaara made a noise as Temari carried him and jumped through the woods.

"Oh! Gaara, you awake?"

"Temari, put me down…"

Temari stopped and put Gaara on a branch. He clutched his head. `The thing that was inside Gaara's body is about to awaken! I've got no idea when it's going to fully emerge… This is bad… I'm alone out here… I can't handle that THING alone…'

"Temari… Scram!" Gaara said, a freaky expression on his face.

Temari was pushed away, and collided with a tree.

Gaara narrowed his eyes and glared at Kurama, who stood calmly on a branch not too far away.

"I don't know what your motive is, but I will protect the village from you. And…" Kurama smirked, his eyes glowing amber, "I want to see what the demon you host looks like."

Temari's eyes widened. `How does he know?!'

Kurama watched as strange lines crawled over the side of Gaara's face. His eyes widened slightly when the right side of Gaara's face morphed, as did his right arm. Kurama stared into the star-pupil he had seen before, fear climbing up his spine, which was soon followed by the thrill of the fight. `He is my opponent… Perfect,' Kurama thought to himself as his body began to change as well. His hair became streaked silver and his eyes narrower. His irises literally glowed as a smirk grew on his face.

Gaara jumped at him with his demonic arm, planning on taking him out. His arm carved into the tree, creating an explosion of dust.

Kurama hid behind a tree not far away, waiting for the opportune moment.

"Are you afraid of me?!" the monster yelled, "Kurama!!"

Kurama's eyes narrowed while Temari's widened.

"Afraid of my existence!!"

Kurama thought back to all the times he had fought as a demon in the Makai, a master thief and killer. He thought back to all the powerful demons he'd faced… and had come out alive. A picture of Karasu came to mind, and he shuddered at the thought. "The only one that I've ever been afraid of the time that I have lived…" Kurama began, coming out from behind his tree. "Would be a demon named Karasu."