Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-Five ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-five:


"The only one that I've ever been afraid of the time that I have lived…" Kurama began, coming out from behind his tree. "Would be a demon named Karasu."

Gaara stared at Kurama, who's wardrobe had changed to the white garb, revealing his weighted arm guards in the process. Pure silver hair drifted in a non-existent breeze. Silver fox ears atop his head twitched, catching every sound. Gold eyes glowed with malice.

Kurama's body was now as tall as a full grown adult's, toned, and his skin a far paler shade than usual. He was in his humanoid demon form, Youko Kurama. A smirk lit his face as he saw the surprise on Gaara's face. "Surprised? I would have thought our previous match gaveyou the hint…" he said in a sultry low tenor, his appearance practically oozing sex.

A shiver went down Gaara's spine, and he grinned insanely. "Finally… I will have the match that I have been waiting for… A match to prove my existence…" he said, a crazed look in his eyes.

Youko only smirked and jumped at Gaara. The two met mid-air, Youko's claws cutting through Gaara's transformed arm. (In Yu Yu Hakusho, Kurama doesn't use his claws, but in my story, he does what I want him to, k? K.)

Gaara landed on a branch opposite Youko, holding his arm. "This pain… If I defeat someone strong enough to hurt me and utterly destroy them… I will feel an ever greater sense of existence!!" Gaara yelled

Youko only smirked and slipped into a martial arts stance.

"More! I want more! Hahaha!" Gaara yelled insanely, sand forming into a demon tail.

Golden eyes narrowed at the hideous sight. `This demon really needs to get a fashion sense…' came the rather human thought. `He will not defeat me…' Youko said to himself, laughing softly.

Gaara jumped at Youko, his gigantic tail sailing behind him.

Youko's eyes narrowed. `He is faster than before… But I'm still wearing these stupid weights,' he thought to himself darkly with a smirk. Jumping to avoid Gaara, Youko blinked at the huge chunk the demon boy had taken out of the tree where he had just stood. Spinning around mid-air, he watched as Gaara's transformed right arm stretched to snag onto tree branches and sent him flying backwards… Right into Youko's next attack. "GOUKAKYUU NO JUTSU!" he called out, blowing fire at Gaara. Golden eyes widened the tiniest bit when Gaara came straight through the flame without a scratch. `Shit. I may have to get serious with this brat.'

"DIE!" Gaara shouted, his eyes wild.

Youko blocked the blow by crossing his arms. The force sent him flying backwards, breaking through tree branches. Youko spread out his awareness of the trees and made them grow to catch him and slow his movement. Once he had come to a complete stop by the net of branches, he jumped onto a branch closer to Gaara to get a better look at the demon boy. "If you think I'd let a little whelp like you kill me, then you'd better think again," Youko said, eyes glowing dangerously.

Gaara jumped at him, claw extended, when suddenly Naruto appeared and kicked him away.

Youko watched as Naruto landed near him. "I didn't need your help, brat," he said, eyes half-lidded.

Naruto made a face. "WELL YOU'RE GETTING IT!!"

Youko blinked in surprise.

Naruto froze and took another look at Youko. "Wha… what the hell…" he managed to get out, pointing at Youko.

The silver kitsune only rolled his eyes and pulled the kid out of the way when Gaara went to attack again. "You can help if you want to so badly, but don't get yourself killed like an idiot," Kurama said passively.

Naruto grinned before blinking. Tilting his head to the side, he reached for Kurama's ears. "Are those real?" he asked, rubbing one.

Youko growled at Naruto, baring his fangs to tell the brat to back off.

Naruto jumped back, eyes wide. "Whoa… freakish…"

"I will kill you both…" Gaara said, his left arm transforming as he spoke.

Making a face, Youko watched as Naruto made a hundred or so kage bunshins. "WE'LL SEE WHO LOSES!! ALL RIGHT GUYS! ATTACK!!" All two hundred or so kage bunshin jumped at Gaara at the same time. They went into formation for Naruto Rendan.





"NARUTO RENDAN!!" the Narutos shouted, half of them or so kicking Gaara at the same time.

However, Gaara was not so easily defeated, and he jumped after the real Naruto, aiming to kill.

Naruto grinned and created another kage bunshin. Jumping off the bunshin's back, he did a little ping pong trick from one bunshin to the other, and was quickly behind Gaara. "THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN!" Naruto said, shoving a kunai with an explosive tag up Gaara's ass.

Youko winced. That had to hurt like a bitch.

Gaara whacked Naruto away from him, unaware of his impending dooooom.

Naruto smirked as he flew through the air, muttering, "Boom."

The exploding tag blew up, surrounding Gaara in smoke.

Youko winced yet again. THAT had to hurt like a bitch.

`Damnit. He hit one of my weak spots. I can't move!' Gaara thought to himself in annoyance, almost his entire body that of the badger demon, Shukaku.

And just at that moment, Gaara's true form was revealed. With a small boom, a full grown demon took his place in the forest. Onlookers stared in shock at the sight.

Youko's eyes narrowed. "Shinrin. Time to come out."

-Yes Master!- Shinrin exclaimed jumping onto Youko's head.

"I want you to change into a giant form of what you are right now. The same size as that demon over there. Okay?" Youko asked, not taking his eyes off of Shukaku.


-Yes Master!- And with that said, Shinrin jumped off Youko's head, his body growing in size at an increased pace. Soon the silver fox was the same size as a surprised Shukaku, Youko upon his head along with Naruto.

"We have our work cut out for us, Naruto. Do you have any summons that can help you?" Youko asked, conveniently forgetting that he was a DEMON talking to a human like nothing was wrong in the world.

However, Naruto didn't seem that disturbed at all by Kurama's new appearance, and he nodded his head. "Yep!" he said, a grin on his face. Summoning forth the chakra of Kyuubi, Naruto jumped off Shinrin's head while finishing seals, bit his thumb, and slammed his hand into the air beneath him. With a burst of smoke, the toad king, Gamabunta, appeared.

"What? What are you doing summoning me, brat?" Gamabunta boomed out in annoyance.

"You said you'd make me your underling! You protect your underlings, don't you? Isn't that the way of the family?!" Naruto asked, his eyes the big circles that the manga artist of `Naruto' is so famous for.

"Perhaps, but I haven't made you my underling yet! We haven't gone under the sake ritual!" (Don't know what else to call it, my bad.)

Naruto facefaulted. "I'M NOT OLD ENOUGH TO DRINK!!"


Making indignant noises, Naruto gritted his teeth.

"A fox? Do you expect to defeat me with such a creature?" Gaara in Shukaku's form laughed out.

Gamabunta turned his attention to the gigantic fox beside him, quirking an eyebrow in surprise.

"Why not?" Youko asked, a smirk on his face as he coordinated his mind with that of Shinrin. Before Naruto knew what was going on, Youko's body was sinking into Shinrin, the two of them becoming one.

Gamabunta's eyes widened at this. Suddenly, Shinrin's body came to life, the once green eyes flashing blood red. `A battle between three demons… yet this silver fox is different than Shukaku and his host, and Kyuubi and Naruto… I cannot distinguish if there is both a demon, AND a human…'

"If you think you're so tough, badger, why don't you prove it?" The fox asked, a toothy smirk in place.

Gaara manifested on Shukaku's head, preparing to do a fake sleep jutsu.

Gamabunted's eyes narrowed as he watched. "If the medium falls asleep, then the demon will be in control…"

"WHAT?" Naruto asked, as Shukaku suddenly laughed in pleasure.

"YES!! I'M FREE!! WEEE!!! TIME TO KILL!!" Shukaku laughed in sick pleasure, jumping at the gigantic fox.

The fox retaliated, dashing forward with surprising speed to bite Shukaku's neck to take a chunk out of it.

Gamabunta realized the seriousness of the situation and yelled out, "Okay kid! I'll officially make you my underling, so let's work together to beat this thing before we get fried!"

Naruto grinned. "Right Boss!"

Youko glanced over at Naruto and the giant frog, red eyes narrowing as he watched the frog pull out his sword and jump into the frey. Jumping on the badger demon's back, Youko kept Shukaku in place with his teeth, arms, and tail.

Gamabunta swung his sword, and just barely managed to cut off Shukaku's arm.

"HAHAHA!! I WILL ENJOY KILLING YOU!!!" Shukaku laughed, his eyes holding an insane glow. Turning his huge body rapidly, he managed to send the fox flying off of him.

Youko skidded to a stop a ways away. `Shit, this isn't turning out good. This body isn't powerful enough, even fused with my youki. The only thing that'll be of any real help… would be my true demon form… Not this body.'

-Master, what do you want to do?-

`I don't know… Shinrin… There are too many possibilities… But… I suppose it would be best if I go back into my natural form…'

-Okay Master!-

And with that said, the fox disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving Youko out in the forest somewhere, where no one could spot him.

Gamabunta charged again, but had to jump away when Shukaku sent huge balls of wind flying at him. Retaliating with balls of water, he managed to take out all but one wind sphere. It hit him hard, and he winced. "Damn… Can't get hit too many times with those…"

"NARUTO!" Youko yelled out, flying through the air and landing gracefully upon Gamabunta's head.

Naruto turned his attention to the demon beside him. "What?"

Youko smirked. "I have a plan, but I'll need your summon to get as close to this badger demon as possible. Will you help?"

Naruto blinked, thought heavily for a moment before nodding his head. "Okay Boss! Get as close to Gaara as possible!"

"Okay, brat."

Youko allowed himself a small smile when he saw Naruto's look after being called a brat. Wiping the smile off his face, he prepared himself as Gamabunta ran at Shukaku. Jumping off when Gamabunta connected his sword, Youko stealthily landed next to the sleeping Gaara, Shukaku unaware of his presence. Pulling out a seed, he planted it into one of the grooves on Shukaku's body. Smirking darkly, he quickly jumped back onto Gamabunta before the toad pulled away.

"Did it work?" Naruto asked as he braced himself for Gamabunta's landing.

Youko nodded his head. "All you need to do now is wake up the kid, Naruto. I'll take care of the rest," he said in his tenor voice, his silver hair blowing in the wind.

Naruto nodded his head. "Okay Boss! Go in for another round! I'm gonna wake Gaara up!"

"Right!" Gamabunta said, his froggy eyes narrowing as he jumped forward, sword held forward. They connected, and at that precise moment, Naruto jumped off and punched Gaara in the face.

The sand boy woke up with a start.


Gaara glared at Naruto, sending his sand after the surprised boy.

Gamabunta protected Naruto with his tongue and pulled him away from Gaara. "You're turn, fox," he said, looking up at Youko.

"Right." Youko sent his youki out to the seed he planted on Shukaku and activated it. The growth rate was incredible, and even Gamabunta found himself amazed at Youko's skills. The vines covered the entire form of Shukaku and Gaara. Even the demon boy's sand couldn't help him as the vines covered the entire form of Shukaku. Then, to both Naruto and Gamabunta's surprise, the vines in certain places pulled tight, while in other places, loosened. The sight was spectacular as pieces of sand from Shukaku's form burst forth from the loose places, sending sand in every direction.

When Youko deemed his work done, he recalled the vines in a second, planning on retrieving the seed later. After all, it was from the Makai, and was well-known for the strength of its vines and hidden thorns and blades. Yes, blades. No wonder Shukaku burst, no? Anyway…

Gamabunta let loose a sigh. "My work here is done, brat. See ya," he said, disappearing in a puff of smoke, leaving Naruto to fall to the ground.

Youko grabbed Naruto and landed gracefully, eyeing the form of Gaara on the ground. Sighing, he disappeared into the trees to let Naruto deal with Gaara as he wished. Looking down on his stomach, he winced. He'd forgotten about the stomach wound he received from Gaara during the exam… Sighing, he knew that as soon as he turned into a human again, the blood flow would increase. At the moment, in demon form, the blood was blocked by his youki, which was trying to heal the wound. Sending the majority of his youki to his stomach, he watched as it healed slowly. It seemed that Naruto's rate of healing would always be faster than his… Then an idea struck him. Why didn't he learn one of the healing ninjutsu there had to be out there? That was an idea…

Naruto stood shakily on his feet, watching as Gaara stood from the ground and glared at him.

Thoughts of his childhood running through his mind, Gaara stared up at the sky listlessly.

"The pains of being all alone…" Naruto began, eyes pained and blood and dirt all over his pace, "It's so great… You're feelings… I know them so much it hurts…"

Gaara's eyes were wide, mouth open as he stared at Naruto.

"But I have precious people now… I won't let you hurt them… Even if I have to kill you… You won't touch them!" Naruto said, pupils slitting.

"Why… why do you go so far for others?" Gaara asked, uncomprehending.

"They saved me from that lonely hell and acknowledged me…"

`So that's why he's strong…' Gaara thought.

Youko watched from the trees as Gaara's teammates jumped down to stand by him.

"That's enough… I'm done," Gaara said, and was picked up by Kankuro and Temari, then taken off.

Naruto stood there, watching, before swaying on his feet. Youko caught him before he tipped over and fell. "Will you be able to walk?" Youko asked.

Naruto shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "I think I'll be okay. What about you?" he asked, turning his head to look at Youko's face.

Youko managed a small and weak smile. "If I continue to burn up youki as I am now, I'm going to faint. I can't maintain this form any longer, and if I'm not careful, my curse seal will regain chakra and attack my chakra and youki while it's weak…"

Naruto blinked. "So… you have, like, 3 chakra sources or something?"

Youko nodded. "Something like that. When I use the curse seal until there is no chakra left to attack my REAL chakra, then I can use it, or my youki."

"So… where's your chakra go and that youki stuff you're talking about?" Naruto asked as they started making their way back to Konoha at a slow rate..

"A strange seal in my forehead," Youko said, showing the glowing gold fox symbol that took up a good three centimeters square.

"Whoa…" Naruto said.



"Can you get me back to Konoha?"


"I'm almost out of youki… and when I go human again…"


Youko's form started to change as Naruto watched with wide eyes. First the silver hair turned red, then the gold eyes largened slightly and changed to an emerald green. The fox seal turned red before blinking out to inactive black.

Naruto's nose twitched as he smelt… blood. Looking around, he saw Kurama's stomach suddenly start bleeding like a river, staining his entire front in seconds. Eyes wide, he turned his gaze to Kurama's eyes, which were pained and half-lidded, fighting to stay conscious. "Don't worry," Naruto said, determined not to lose someone who was so akin to him, "I'll get you to Konoha."
