Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Forty-nine ( Chapter 49 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland
Chapter Forty-nine:
It was barely lunch time, yet Tsunade was already sick of the mounds of paperwork on her desk. If she'd known the Hokage had to do THIS much paperwork, she would never have accepted the proposition. Rubbing at her temples, she groaned softly. This called the attention of Shizune to her.
“Are you are right, Tsunade-sama?” she asked as she added another pile of paper to the pile.
“Just tense,” she said, rubbing at her neck with her hands.
Shizune silently walked up behind her and began giving her a massage with chakra. She worked out all the knots of a grateful Tsunade and proceeded to get rid of her headache. “Maybe you should take a break if it's this stressful?” she suggested softly.
“I would love to, but if I did, the pile would only get bigger,” she grumbled. Shizune nodded and began to leave. “Shizune. Thank you for the massage,” Tsunade said with a smile and got a smile in return.
“I see that things are normal around here,” a voice said from somewhere to Tsunade's right. The Hokage turned her attention to the intruder and had the shock of her life. Kurama stood there with his arms crossed and a smirk upon his face. He looked just as he did three years ago, except that his hair was a little longer. Beside him was a young man with blond hair and intense blue eyes. His mouth was covered by a black mask, and he wore black cargo pants, a black net shirt, and a black jacket that was left open at the front. Naruto had his headband around his waist as a belt to keep his pants up, and Kurama had his tied around his left bicep.
“Nice to see you again, obaa-chan,” Naruto said with amusement in his eyes, and Tsunade could swear he was smirking.
“Brat,” Tsunade said with affection, grinning at the two. “I thought you were going to be gone for five years, not three?” she asked with curiosity in her voice.
“We were. However, some things have come up, and Naruto is a very quick learner. He is not done training, but he will be shortly if I have the time to finish with him. What brought us back to Konoha is this: the Akatsuki. From spying on them during Naruto's training, I can say that they will begin their operations within a month or two. I don't know what the operation is, but I know it has to do with the demon vessels. Do you know anything I don't, Hokage-sama?” Kurama asked politely.
Tsunade's expression was serious. “They want the demons. However, we don't know what for.”
Kurama nodded his head. “What is the status of our previous teams?” he asked.
“Team Gai have stayed together, even with you gone. I have been training Sakura, so that's left Kakashi doing missions.”
Naruto frowned. “What happened to Sasuke?”
A dark expression crossed Tsunade's face. “Uchiha Sasuke is a missing-nin. He betrayed the leaf three years ago and ran to Orochimaru. A team consisting of Hyuuga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Akamichi Chouji, Inuzuka Kiba, Rock Lee, and Aburame Shino were sent after him. If the team from Sand, consisting of Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro, hadn't shown up when they did, then we could have lost half of them, for two were in critical condition and two others had nasty injuries. The sound four were killed, but Sasuke still managed to escape.”
Naruto had a dark and closed off expression, while Kurama had one of mild surprise. “So he was power hungry for some reason and decided to get it the easy way? Somehow that doesn't surprise me. Genius-types rarely work hard for what they have, so they aren't used to putting effort into things when push comes to shove,” he said flippantly.
Tsunade looked surprised. “What type are you?” she asked.
Kurama smiled. “I'm a genius-type. However, with all my years of experience on the battlefield and in life, I find training hard for things a nice change. Naruto is a hard-working-type, yet is still a genius in his own way. If you give him something really hard to learn and give him time, he'll figure it out quickly. Take the Rasengan for example. He figured out the first two steps quickly and only needed my help to get his chakra control better to make it perfect. It took him a week. I learned it within three days, but that's not saying much for someone who's been working with youki for a couple thousand years.”
Tsunade blinked. “What's youki?”
“Where I come from there are two types of energies. Reiki and youki. Reiki is spirit energy. Youki is demonic energy. Chakra is a combination of spirit energy and physical energy. Demons don't have reiki and humans don't have youki. Unless of course it is a hanyou. However, a hanyou comes from a human and demon parent having a child. So while Naruto and I control both chakra and youki, we're not hanyou. I am the spirit of a demon inside a human body with no human soul in it, and Naruto is the host of Kyuubi's soul and chakra,” Kurama explained to a surprised Tsunade.
“So I am technically talking to a demon right now?” Tsunade asked.
“Not exactly. I grew up in this body as a human child will, so you could say my personality is kind of split for the most part. When I change this body to my true demon form or humanoid form, my demonic tendencies and personality come to the surface more noticeably. Demons aren't just rampaging beasts, however. Take Kyuubi for example, Orochimaru summoned him and tried to control him and look at what happened. Kyuubi went berserk and attacked Konoha. I've spoken to Kyuubi now that he is sealed, and he is angry with Orochimaru because it's all that snake's fault that he's trapped within a human. Once I talked with him and got Naruto and him in a mutual agreement, he was quite an interesting person,” Kurama said with a slight smile.
Tsunade nodded her head and said gravely, “That still wouldn't change the minds of the fools in the village and council, however. They still want Naruto banished or dead. It has been quite the experience these last few years to get them to keep their mouths shut.” A lot of anger and irritation had sneaked into her voice during the last bit.
Kurama sighed. “Imagine what they would say if they knew I was a demon without a human vessel to control me,” he said with a smirk.
Tsunade smirked right back. “It'd scare the shit out of them, that's for sure.”
During the conversation, Naruto had carefully kept his expression blank. He knew the villagers hated him and always would. Not that he cared. After all, he had his precious people and that's all that mattered. However, it seemed his list had become one name short with the betrayal of Sasuke.
“So, Tsunade, what are our orders? Do you want us to go back to our previous teams?”
Tsunade shook her head. “First of all, I'm not sure if you knew this before you left, Kurama, but you are already a chuunin. With your killing Kabuto, however, I'm in serious doubt that that reflects your skills adequately. So, I will be making you a jounin. As for Naruto, I'm afraid that you'll have to wait till the next chuunin exam, though I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours,” Tsunade said with a smile. Naruto nodded with gratitude in his eyes, and Tsunade assumed he was smiling.
“Who will Naruto be doing missions with?” Kurama asked.
Tsunade looked thoughtful. “Well, I don't suppose Naruto can decide if he wants to go back with Kakashi and Sakura as a team or join up with someone else. Ne, brat?” she asked with a grin.
Naruto returned the grin (not that she could see it) and thought about his options. He could always join up with one of the other gennin teams. He didn't really want to go with Kakashi again. After all, the jounin hadn't really taught him anything in the past except for tree climbing. If he went with Kurama, though, then they could finish their training and do missions together… “I would like to go with Kurama.”
If Tsunade was surprised that he didn't go with Kakashi, she didn't show it. “Very well. Kurama, is there any one in particular you want on your gennin team besides Naruto?”
Kurama blinked. “Well, I'm not sure who would need my tutelage in particular. I would like to take on Neji. From what I've seen, Gai hasn't really taught him anything because Neji is so focused on his family's jutsu. I would like to remedy that because I'm the only one he listens to. As for Lee, I think it would be good if Gai could give him personal attention. He certainly deserves it at this point. As for any other gennin, I'm not sure if their teachers would be willing to give them up or break them up. It might be good for them to have new teammates, though.”
Tsunade nodded. “If I were to give you Neji, who do you think would be good for the third?”
Kurama thought for a moment. It suddenly hit him. “Hinata.”
Tsunade's eyes widened in shock. “Why Hinata?”
Kurama smiled brightly. “Well, for one, Hinata has no confidence whatsoever. Being with Naruto will remedy that. For another, Neji used to hate Hinata and although that has toned down a bit, he still doesn't like her. Hinata's weak at the family jutsu, and I will have Neji work with her while he trains.”
Tsunade frowned slightly. “Two Byakugan on one team?”
A shrug. “It's necessary.”
“Okay,” Tsunade said with a shrug of her own. “If you think it will help her, then I have no objections. I will inform the jounin and gennin involved of the changes. I'll inform you of the meeting place of your new team later,” Tsunade said in a clear dismissal.
“There is one more thing I'd like to talk to you about,” Kurama said with a slight question in his voice. At Tsunade's nod to continue, he did so, “Considering the amount of trouble Naruto gets into regularly, I would like to have a medic-nin on the team incase someone sustains an injury that can't be healed by normal means. Hinata would be the best choice, but I can't have her being the weak link on the team because she wouldn't focus as much on the team training. Therefore, I would like to request that you train me to become a medic-nin. Since I am a quick learner and you are so busy, it would be better if I could pass it on to Hinata when she is ready. Do you disagree?”
Tsunade looked thoughtful for a moment. “My training with Sakura has ended, so I don't see why I can't train you. It would be advantageous for someone as powerful as you to be able to heal people as well. The lessons will begin tomorrow in the evenings from 6 to 9. That is the time that both of us are the least busy, I presume?” Tsunade asked.
Kurama nodded and offered a smile. “Thank you, Hokage-sama.”
“Just call me Tsunade, Kurama. You make me feel old,” Tsunade said with a slight quirk of her mouth in a half-smile.
“Is the anything else?” Kurama asked. At Tsunade's negative, he gave her a slight bow before he and Naruto disappeared. Tsunade blinked at them, as they hadn't poofed out like normal. They just… disappeared. Shrugging to herself, she took out a scroll that had teams on it and made the changes she would initiate later that day. After doing so, she looked it over.
Maito Gai:
Rock Lee
Minamino Kurama:
Hyuuga Neji
Hyuuga Hinata
Uzumaki Naruto
Sarutobi Asuma:
Akimichi Chouji
Yamanaka Ino
Yuuhi Kurenai:
Inuzuka Kiba
Aburame Shino
Haruno Sakura
Hatake Kakashi:
Tsunade sighed. With Shikamaru gone from Asuma's team, it wasn't much of a team before. Shuffling a few papers, she thought for a moment. When Shikamaru was with them, however, they were too lazy to do anything… maybe it would be good if they went with Gai. He would get them to work hard, in the very least… However, Lee was on a completely different level than the other gennin, and it wouldn't be fair. So, she decided to put a new graduate on the team and leave things as they were. Calling for a messenger, she asked the man to call Gai, Kakashi, Kurenai, and Asuma to her office.
Kurama flipped backwards to dodge a series of kicks and punches. One landed on an unfortunate tree, cracking it in half. “You're definitely improving, Naruto,” he said with a smile as he did a series of complicated movements to slip through a barrage of kunai.
Naruto smirked although it was hidden by his mask. “Glad you think so, Kurama,” he said calmly as he barely missed Kurama's cheek with his claws. The chakra there, however, didn't miss.
A bead of blood slipped down from the minor cut and pooled at the corner of his mouth. Kurama licked it away and brought out his own claws. The sparring match proceded with a series of slashes and jabs, and the two of them caused eachother slight wounds. Using his (still) superior speed, Kurama slipped behind Naruto and held him in a lock with his claws to the younger boy's throat.
“I yield,” Naruto said, wary of the sharp nails even though he knew Kurama would never actually threaten his life.
Kurama let him go. “Do you want to go to Ichiraku before I go visit Neji?” he asked with a raised brow.
Naruto grinned beneath his mask. “Yes!” he said, a lot quieter than he would have three years ago.
“What?! Kurama's a jounin??” a shocked Kurenai exclaimed.
Asuma stood to the side with a cigarette in his mouth looking like he could care less.
Tears streamed down Gai's face in happiness. “THE POWER OF YOUTH!! KURAMA IS ALL GROWN UP!!! What do you say to THAT, rival?!” Gai shouted enthusiastically at Kakashi.
Kakashi looked up from his book. “What were you saying?”
Gai's (monstrous) eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME, RIVAL?!”
Tsunade stared at the very strange scene before her and shook her head. She would never get used to Gai's weirdness… She silenced the noise with a hand slammed down on her desk. All eyes turned to her (two of them from watching Gai). “Inform your students of the change immediately tomorrow. Kurenai, please stop by Haruno Sakura's house to tell her of the change and your team's meeting spot. Also tell Hyuuga Hinata of her changed teams and that Kurama will be by later to tell her of the meeting spot and time. Gai, tell Lee of his private training with you, and tell Hyuuga Neji the same as Kurenai is telling Hyuuga Hinata. Asuma, your team will have to wait a while until a new team member is chosen. Kakashi, you will begin doing jounin level missions tomorrow. Any questions?” she asked. Receiving silence, she dismissed them all and sent a messenger to fetch Kurama.
They were just finishing their supper when Kurama was called away. Naruto's only response was to shrug as he paid for their meal and make his way to his old apartment, wondering if it was still his. To his hidden surprise, no one seemed to recognize him. This, for some strange reason, only made him more uncomfortable. He felt like any moment someone was going to start pelting rocks at him.
Arriving at his apartment rather quickly, Naruto used his old, slightly rusted key to open the door. To his surprise, he came face to face with Iruka, who seemed to be leaving after having... cleaned his house??
“Naruto! You're back!” Iruka exclaimed in surprise with a smile on his face.
“Iruka-sensei…” Naruto said, trailing off as he looked around his spiffed up apartment.
“Ah… I hope you don't mind, but I've been taking care of it these past three years for when you come home… Can't have you living in a dump, now can…we?” Iruka trailed off when Naruto grasped him in a firm hug. “Naruto?” he questioned, returning the hug with a small smile.
“Arigatou… Iruka-sensei,” Naruto said softly, his eyes watering slightly. It was small, thoughtful things like this that reminded him how much he cared for his precious people.
Iruka's smile grew. “You're welcome. Want to go for Ichiraku? My treat?”
Naruto pulled back and nodded, his eyes closed slightly in content and happiness. Just then, Iruka noticed all the changes Naruto had undergone. His hair was longer, and framed his face. He wore all black and a face mask, and his headband was used as a belt to hold up his cargo pants. His black jacket had a few pockets and was open at the front to reveal some of his chest covered with netting. He also seemed more… reserved… and calm, like he was perfectly comfortable with the way things were going.
After leading Naruto out the door, Iruka locked the door behind him with a spare key. Together they made their way to Ichiraku, Naruto not wanting to mention the fact that he'd already eaten. As they walked, they talked about how things had gone the past three years, what they'd been doing, and anything else that came to mind. Iruka was rather surprised that Naruto only had a few bowls through the course of the evening, but didn't mention it because he enjoyed just talking with Naruto. Once it got rather late, the two said their goodbyes with promises to get back together again soon. Naruto headed home with a content smile on his hidden face.
“You wanted me, Tsunade-sama?” Kurama asked as he phased into existence in the Hokage's office.
Tsunade his her surprise at his sudden appearance and nodded. “I would like you to go to the Hyuuga manor and inform Hyuuga Neji and Hyuuga Hinata of the change in teams as well as the place you're going to meet in the morning and the time. Since Kakashi no longer has a team - and Naruto was originally from Team 7 - your new team will be called Team 7. Your training grounds are also number 7. Any questions?”
“When is the next chuunin exam?”
“That has yet to be decided. Because of incident at the one where you were promoted, there have been only two since. Only a few long time gennin passed, and none of the ones you are familiar with. The next one may be within a few months or half a year,” Tsunade said gravely.
Kurama nodded in acknowledgement and promptly disappeared.
Tsunade shook her head and went back to her paperwork.
“Hinata-sama?” a soft, yet firm voice spoke through the door of the heir to the Hyuuga clan's rooms.
“Y-yes?” Hinata replied softly.
“There is someone who requests to speak to you and Neji-sama waiting with your father in the meetings room,” the servant said.
“T-thank you,” Hinata said just as softly as before. Looking back at the scroll in front of her, she sighed. It was a scroll on medical jutsu, but she had only learned a few of the easy techniques on it so far. Rolling it and hiding it among her other general scrolls, she left the room after making sure she was presentable.
When she arrived in the room the servant mentioned, she was quite surprised. Neji was already there, as was her father and… Kurama?? In a JOUNIN vest?! Quite confused, she sat down at the table away from both her father (who was at the head of the table), Neji (who was opposite her), and Kurama (who sat opposite her father).
“Hinata, Neji, it has come to my attention that both of you are switching sensei,” Hiashi said calmly, looking at each in turn. “Kurama, please explain.”
Kurama nodded calmly. “Naruto and I left three years ago to train outside of Konoha. We have returned early for reasons I am unable to verify. Because of certain events before our leaving, Tsunade-sama thought it necessary that I be named jounin, as that is my skill level. She gave Naruto the choice of who he wanted to continue training with, and he chose me. Because I have already trained him privately for three years, I wished to take on students the same age as him to have my own gennin team. Tsunade-sama granted me the choice, and I picked Hyuuga Neji and Hyuuga Hinata as my two other students,” he explained slowly and calmly, no emotion betraying his expression.
Neji's expression remained emotionless except for a tiny bit of surprise hidden in his eyes. Hinata did her best to hide her confusion and surprise, but she knew she didn't do a good job.
“May I ask why you chose two Hyuuga as your students?” Hiashi asked emotionlessly.
Kurama remained silent for a moment. “Neji shows promise as a genius, yet he could go so much farther if he tried different forms of training. I have a unique training regimen that may increase the effectiveness of his use of the Hyuuga Taijutsu. Not meaning to be rude or disrespectful, but I have also noticed that the Hyuuga rarely broaden their skills beyond Hyuuga techniques. This is a severe disadvantage in the battle field. If someone had a technique or defense that made the Hyuuga techniques useless, then that Hyuuga may be utterly defensless.”
“The Hyuuga have no weaknesses,” Hiashi cut in, obviously not pleased.
Kurama resisted the urge to let his eyebrow tick in annoyance. “I have developed a technique that renders the Byakugan and all the Hyuuga styles useless.” Hiashi's eyes widened slightly. However, before he could say anything, Kurama continued. “I'm not saying this to make myself feel superior to you. The Hyuuga styles can have huge effectiveness in battle. However, if my students were to meet someone in battle who has a technique similar to mine, then I would have to narrow my focus to protecting them and leave Naruto to do the rest of the fighting. I will not allow that to happen,” Kurama said firmly.
Hiashi looked thoughtful for a moment before asking, “And Hinata? Why did you choose her?”
Kurama prepared himself. “Hinata-san has no confidence. She is shy and timid. Obviously you have not tried to remedy this yet, and so I will do so for you. I'm not saying this to verbally attack you, Hyuuga-san,” Kurama said at the indignation on Hiashi's face. “It is the truth and I want Hinata to be successful in her career as a ninja.”
Hiashi didn't say anything for a minute before he finally nodded his head. “Very well. I have no qualms with Neji and Hinata being your students. Thank you for telling us personally,” he said with a small bow.
Kurama gave a polite bow as well and waited until Hiashi had stood before he did as well. “You are welcome, Hyuuga-san,” Kurama said to Hiashi before he left the room. Turning to the two gennin, Kurama smiled. “Neji, Hinata-san, the please meet at training ground 7 at 6:30 tomorrow morning.”
“Kurama, before you leave…”
Kurama turned his attention to Neji, who looked annoyed. “Yes?”
“You and I have some things to talk about,” he said with a firm expression.
“Eheh…” Kurama said with a sweatdrop. “Of course… Where would you like to talk?”
Hinata watched the exchange with a little confusion as Neji walked up to Kurama and said something too softly for her to hear. Kurama nodded, and the two of them left the Hyuuga manor together.
Once Kurama and Neji had reached the small lake they had visited during the festival a few years ago, Neji slammed Kurama against a tree and kissed him brutally. After pulling away from a flushed Kurama, he asked angrily, “Why didn't you tell me before you left for three years?! I found out from Gai! How could you do that to me?!”
Keep it Neji/Kurama
Have Neji die and make it Kurama/Naruto
Any other suggestions
Make note that this is just a pole to see what you want. What I choose in the end may not be the same as the majority.
Thank you very much for participating and thank you all for the wonderful reviews!!!
-Toki Mirage-