Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ 1923 ❯ Act 5: A Dinner Meeting and a Creepy Redhead ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I have this suspicion, you see. I think Kishimoto made Sasuke and Naruto kiss just to get more fangirls to buy his manga and gain its popularity. I will reveal this heist and expose Kishimoto's true objectives! -cackles evilly- Unless of course he gives me Sasuke and Naruto…
Warning: Much flirting, lovin' in the pantry, and a creepy redhead.
Five days have passed now since Naruto started working at the Uchiha household. The blond was slowly getting used to the routine around here, it wasn't so bad. Of course, it would have been better if Sasuke would stop hitting on him every chance he gets (it would have been even better if Naruto could get his cheeks to stop turning red and his legs feeling like jelly every time).
There was also the crazy butler, whom Naruto recently found out had a peculiar past-time.
It was on Naruto's second day at work, he was out watering the flower garden (cursing the Uchiha) when he happened to glance by the pool and spotted the butler lying on a lounge chair. Oh, this would have been perfectly acceptable if he was not…futzing…NAKED! Naruto almost gouged his eyes out and his scream vibrated the whole Uchiha mansion. Needless to say, the nice cold water that was meant for the flowers ended up all on Kakashi.
There was also the crazy butler, whom Naruto recently found out had a peculiar past-time.
It was on Naruto's second day at work, he was out watering the flower garden (cursing the Uchiha) when he happened to glance by the pool and spotted the butler lying on a lounge chair. Oh, this would have been perfectly acceptable if he was not…futzing…NAKED! Naruto almost gouged his eyes out and his scream vibrated the whole Uchiha mansion. Needless to say, the nice cold water that was meant for the flowers ended up all on Kakashi.
Yes, it definitely could be better.
But today is different, today Naruto is happy! All through the morning he had a bounce in his step and a grin from ear to ear. There are two things Naruto was looking forward to today:
The men's uniform that was ordered for him is getting picked up right now.
Iruka is coming to visit him today.
Naruto whistled a random tune loudly as he dusted the various sculptures in Living Room #2. `He couldn't wait to see Iruka!'
Standing at the doorway, the maid called TenTen called out to the blond, “Naruto, your uniform just arrived. Master Sasuke wants you to go to his room to try it on!”
Letting out a whoop, the blond abandoned the duster and ran out the doorway, saying a quick thanks to TenTen on the way.
The girl just shook her head, yet couldn't help but smile. In the beginning, all the servants were hesitant to approach Naruto, since they knew that he was just a toy for the Uchiha. But his bright smiles and bubbly nature soon won them over and they all loved the blond now.
The girl just shook her head, yet couldn't help but smile. In the beginning, all the servants were hesitant to approach Naruto, since they knew that he was just a toy for the Uchiha. But his bright smiles and bubbly nature soon won them over and they all loved the blond now.
Sasuke fingered the fabric of the new uniform and waited for Naruto to get here. During the few days he has been here, the raven haired man has taken even more interest in the blond. He thought of his cute flushed face, the brilliant blue eyes and the rare dazzling smiles… Sasuke shook his head and steeled his heart.
`but no matter how good he may seems, they're all the same. All the same…
`but no matter how good he may seems, they're all the same. All the same…
I need to play the game to the end. I can't let myself fall into my own trap.'
Naruto raced up the stairs and banged open the door to Sasuke's room. “I can finally get out of this stupid dress! Where is it? Where is it?”
The Uchiha was sitting on his mini-sofa, a package opened right beside him. He smirked when he saw the blond rush in.
The Uchiha was sitting on his mini-sofa, a package opened right beside him. He smirked when he saw the blond rush in.
“Eager to get undressed, are we?”
“Oh, dry up(1).” The blond dismissed him and eagerly grab the contents of the package.
To Sasuke's delight, Naruto changed in front of him again, revealing that delicious looking body.
“Ah…pants feel sooo good.” He looked down at his attire, and that's when he noticed the frills—the line of frill down his white dress shirt. `What?! That's not part of the uniform!'
“Do you like my little personal touch? I think it's rather creative, adds a little…feminine feel to it.” Sasuke now got up and walked slowly over to Naruto until he was right up to him. The Uchiha traced a slender finger slowly down Naruto's chest, brushing through each frill.
Naruto hoped he didn't stutter too much. “I-I'm not a girl.” He backed up with wavering steps.
“I know that.” The raven hair man matched the steps.
The blond's back hit the wall and he gulped. Naruto's blue eyes looked up to meet the deep ebony ones, it advanced towards him; slimming down as eyelids slowly dropped. The blond could now feel the other man's breath, and his gaze involuntarily dropped down to Sasuke's mouth. His lips were slightly parted and radiated temptation, but they stopped short a centimeter from Naruto's own lips.
“This looks good on you…Naruto.” Sasuke said in a barely audible whisper, emphasizing the last word.
`He said my name…He said my name! He never calls me by my first name.' And that's when the blond's face heated up to the colour of a tomato. He looked down at Sasuke's lips again—the ones that practically screamed kiss me!.
`So close…just have to move forward…' Naruto began closing his eyes subconsciously.
`So close…just have to move forward…' Naruto began closing his eyes subconsciously.
Suddenly, the Uchiha pulled away, smirking. “Well, the uniform seems to fit perfectly. Excuse me now, I have a meeting to prepare for.” With that he walked out of the room with a wave of his hand and a small chuckle.
Naruto didn't how long he slumped against the wall, gawking at the doorway. `What just happened?'
He finally let his legs collapse and slowly reached up to touch his lips.
He finally let his legs collapse and slowly reached up to touch his lips.
`Great, I think I'm gonna be permanently stained red.'
Kakashi was getting ready to go out sunbathing again. He checked to make sure he had everything, and was just about to head out the door when the doorbell rang. A little bit annoyed, he went to open to door to say that the Uchiha wasn't available. But before he could open his mouth, his eyes fell on a very good looking man, whose brown hairwas tied in a ponytail and wearing an open shirt that exposed his chest.
“Er…I'm looking for Naruto?” The brunette nervously fiddled with one of his buttons.
The silver haired butler snapped out of his drool-like state. `Looking for Naruto? Must his former teacher he keeps talking about. Iruka, was it? But I'd never expected him to be this cute…I can't let this chance slip away!'
“Naruto is…uh…milking the horses right now. Why don't I show you around until he's done.” Kakashi grinned behind his mask.
Iruka gawked and blinked confusingly at him. “Milking the horses—”
“Uh, right this way!” Kakashi quickly pulled the brown haired man in, trying to cover up his little blunder.
“Hmm, that's funny. I could have sworn I heard the doorbell.” Naruto said as he peered at empty lobby.
“Toi!” Shouted the plump French cook behind him. “Alles avec moi!” (Translation: You! Come with me!)
The cook grabbed him by the collar and uttered a string of French that Naruto could barely understand, his curled moustache wavering with his speech. He was saying something about…a meeting and…preparations. The blond scrunched up his face, trying to think of what he was forgetting…`Oh! The dinner meeting! Wait…'
“No! I can't go yet, Monsieur Mangetout. Iruka hasn't arrived yet! I gotta wait for him—”
“Non! Tu dois aider!”(No! You need to help!)
“M-Mais!” (B-but!)
The cook dragged Naruto toward the kitchen, despite his protests. He was kicking and trying to pull away, though it was in vain for the French man had a strong grasp on his collar.
“Naruto, can you get the butter out?” TenTen called out from the other side of the kitchen.
“Plus de assaisonnement, Nazuto!”
“Last minute guest, we need one more set of cutlery, can you get that Naruto?”
The said blond lowered his eyelids, `why do I suddenly have the feeling of déjà vu?' Nevertheless, he hurried to get all these things, all the while keeping an ear out for the doorbell.
“Naruto! We're out of flour, can you run to the pantry and get some?” A maid called out.
“Sure.” Naruto immediately dropped the pepper grounder, spilling the whole thing on the chicken. The cook shouted and babbled incoherently in French, but Naruto was already out the door.
The pantry was located a few feet away from the kitchen door, it was a mini sized room and contained almost every storable ingredient imaginable on earth. Suddenly a loud thump sounded from inside the pantry, and the blond jumped. `A r-rat?'
Naruto placed his hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath and opened the door.
Naruto placed his hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath and opened the door.
Lets just say it certainly wasn't a rat.
Iruka laid on the floor, without a shirt on. Kakashi was on top of the man, also shirtless, his hand on Iruka's groin. The two were making out like no tomorrow, making muffled moans and running their hands all over one another. That's when the light came streaming onto them, making them break apart to see who it was.
Naruto's eye's widened and stood in frozen shock. Then came the blush—it started from the tips of his toes and went all the way to up to the roots of his hair.
“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Naruto's scream reverberated through all 3 floors of the mansion.
`I'm scarred for life, scarred for life. I'll never forgive Kakashi, that futzing cuddler(2)! Taking advantage of Iruka like that.' Naruto thought angrily in his head.
It had taken a whole hour for everybody to calm Naruto down and assure him that Kakashi was not `raping' Iruka. By that time, the said brunetter man had turned quite red and was very much embarrassed by the whole situation. Kakashi offered to take him home, but Naruto protested and one of the chauffeurs ended up with the task. As soon as Iruka was out of the door, Naruto almost launched at Kakashi with a bread knife, everyone practically had to tie the blond down in order to stop him from castrating the poor butler. It wasn't until Naruto had stopped shouting a few hours later that they finally untied him and let him return to helping out in the kitchen.
Though Naruto had stopped screaming out loud, that does not mean he was not shouting in his head, yelling obscenities meant for a certain silver haired butler.
Though Naruto had stopped screaming out loud, that does not mean he was not shouting in his head, yelling obscenities meant for a certain silver haired butler.
“Naruto, you sure you can handle this?” TenTen stood beside the blond, waving a hand in front of him.
“Huh? Oh yea, ab-so-lute-ly.”
“Alright, don't drop the dishes. Remember, always place the food on the table with your wrist facing the guest and your elbows away from them. Set it gently, don't make any sounds. Keep your eyes lowered, but not too much. Don't talk. Don't cough. Don't sneeze. Don't make unnecessary movements. Got it?”
Naruto's eyes swirled, `Holy geez, am I not suppose to breathe as well?' But he nodded anyways.
“Ok, this is the hors d'œuvre. I'll take the cart in and when we get there, we'll both hand them out.” With that TenTen pushed the cart filled with plates of prawn filled `vol au vents' out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Naruto followed suit, straightening his back and hoped that he wouldn't mess up. A lot of important businessmen will be here tonight, Naruto certainly didn't want to look like a fool in front of them.
They both entered into the elegant dining room, lit by a crystal chandelier. Men dressed in fine suits were sitting along the long table chatting quietly to one another. Sasuke was sitting at the end, talking to a red-haired man sitting on his left.
TenTen stopped the cart off to the side, she handed Naruto two plates and grabbed a couple herself. They began handing out the appetizers.
`Wrist towards, elbows away. Wrist towards, elbows away.' Naruto repeated over and over in his head. `Keep head lowered, don't look up.'
However, while he said this in his head, he felt the prickly sensation that someone was watching him. It wasn't Sasuke, because he was busy talking to his guests. Naruto sneaked a peek up, and his eyes met green ones; it was the redhead. Immediately, the blond got a shiver down his spine, he quickly looked down again.
However, while he said this in his head, he felt the prickly sensation that someone was watching him. It wasn't Sasuke, because he was busy talking to his guests. Naruto sneaked a peek up, and his eyes met green ones; it was the redhead. Immediately, the blond got a shiver down his spine, he quickly looked down again.
“Choice bit of calico(3) you got here, Uchiha.” The redhead kept his eyes trained on Naruto making him very uncomfortable. Then he lowered his voice so that only Sasuke could hear, “this will be fun.”
The raven haired man momentarily flinched, so slight was the movement that no one caught it but Naruto. He hardened his face and set it to an unreadable expression.
Sasuke ignored the comment and turned towards his other guests and raised his arms, “everyone, please help yourselves.” This signaled the beginning of the dinner.
TenTen nudged Naruto in the ribs, making him snap out of his confusion. “Something wrong?”
“Oh…no, I'm fine.”
All the servants were lined up against the wall, waiting for the guests to finish their hors d'œuvre so that they would bring them the next entrée. Naruto made sure to keep his eyes lowered so he would not meet the redhead's gaze again.
“Say, isn't Sasuke becoming the spitting image of his brother?” A middle aged woman with large bubs(4) said out loud.
“I agree, getting to be just like Itachi.” Another man replied.
“Got his business skills too.”
“Indeed, I remember he was even younger than Sasuke right now when he was running this company!”
“You don't say.”
Though Sasuke was skilled at hiding his emotions, Naruto could tell he was not pleased. He shoulders shook slightly and he was clasping his hands a bit too tight, making the veins on his hands stand out and his knuckles to turn white. All the while, his face never betrayed his inner feelings.
“Say Sasuke, how long is your brother going to be overseas?”
Naruto was surprised at the monotone manner of his voice, wondering how he can keep such a perfect mask on.
“I'm not sure. For quite some time I think, maybe even until his retirement.”
“Oh that's a shame, he was such a good businessman. Konohaville won't be the same without him.”
A sudden flash of anger shot through Sasuke's eyes, though he quickly covered it up again.
“Yes, a shame.”
The sun had set for a few hours now, all the guests have left and the dinner had been cleaned up. Sasuke sat in the study, sorting through some documents for his company. An incandescent lamp lit his large magahony desk, giving off a warm glow and casting shadows on the wall.
The door opened and Naruto walked in, carrying a tray of herbal tea and biscuits.
“Hey bastard, brought you tea.”
“Mhhn, just set them on the desk.” Sasuke didn't even look up from his papers.
“You know, I might not have known you for very long. But from what I can tell, you're no god; you need rest too.”
The Uchiha went on writing, not even giving a reply.
Naruto crossed his arms, a little miffed that he was ignored. “Say…I didn't know you had a brother.”
The pen stopped.
Glad that he got the Uchiha's attention. Naruto placed his hands on the desk and leaned a little closer. “Why do you really get so angry when someone talks about him?”
Sasuke's head snapped up and faced the blond, his dark eyes flaring. “How would you feel if you were told how similar you are to your brother? All the time, everyday of the week. People not complimenting you because they expect you to follow in the footsteps of your brother?” His voice was growing fiercer and louder. “They don't even see me! I am just Itachi's little brother! Sasuke's only successful because his brother was, that's what they all think! I am just a shadow! A SHADOW! They can't see me…” Sasuke's ebony eyes bore into Naruto's blue ones, holding them there for one breathless moment.
Suddenly realizing that he said too much, the raven haired man quickly turned away and went back to writing on his documents.
“Ne…” Naruto started, his voice soft and curiously serene. “I don't have any real family members, so I don't like whats its like to have a brother. I think it'll be nice though, to have someone who is strong and kind, that you can count on and look up to.” Naruto continued on, slow and soothing. “I've never met your brother, so I don't know what he's like. But…I think….your family shouldn't determine who you are, that no one else should give you you're identify. You are unique and special, different from anybody else around you. Anybody that says otherwise is blind.” The blond finished with a little laugh, “even if you are a bastard.”
The pen stopped moving and Sasuke slowly lifted his face up to meet Naruto's.
The light from the lamp reflected off Naruto's eyes, making them shine a shade of breathtaking blue. His blond hair illluminated, framing his face with locks of gold. And he was smiling, a warm, tender smile that seemed to radiated a light of it's own.
Sasuke's heart suddenly thumped, and an unfamiliar warmth spread thoughout his body. He did not know what happened or why, but at that moment he didn't care about anything else but keeping that smiling image of the blond forever imprinted in his mind.
-End Act 5-
(1) Dry up - shut up
(2) Cuddler - one who likes to make out
(3) Choice bit of calico - attractive person (supposedly referring to a female, but we'll make an exception :P)
(4) Bubs - you should remember this one; breasts
(2) Cuddler - one who likes to make out
(3) Choice bit of calico - attractive person (supposedly referring to a female, but we'll make an exception :P)
(4) Bubs - you should remember this one; breasts
Right, about the French. Excuse me if it's incorrect, I have no French-speaking abilities whatsoever. I asked my sister (who is in Grade 4 French-immersion) how to say these sentences, so blame her if it's wrong! X3
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the longer chappie. Now I give you some disappointing news.
I've caught a cold yesterday, so I feel terrible. My eyes are all watery and I have a major headache, so I've decided to take a week off of writing this fic (gomenasai!). I hope you understand though. I will continue writing next week, so please continue to support me!
This pup asks for reviews, so that she can feel better :)
I've caught a cold yesterday, so I feel terrible. My eyes are all watery and I have a major headache, so I've decided to take a week off of writing this fic (gomenasai!). I hope you understand though. I will continue writing next week, so please continue to support me!
This pup asks for reviews, so that she can feel better :)
Next update: March 8, 9 or 10 (depends on my cold).