Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ 1923 ❯ Act 4: Maid's Dress and the not-so-Great Bathrooms ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I will work hard in school. Then I'll become rich and famous. Then I'll buy Naruto! It's all part of my awesome plan, mu-huhu.
Warning: Frilly maid's dress, dirty bathrooms and an angry blond.
A/N: Wow! Thank you for the reviews everyone, `tis a bit overwhelming! I was planning to reply to everyone, but now it looks like I won't be able to keep up.
Gomenasai, but it looks like I won't be replying much anymore. If you would like a reply, please indicate so on your review. Otherwise, I'll only reply if there's a question being asked. Sorry everyone -bows-.
Gomenasai, but it looks like I won't be replying much anymore. If you would like a reply, please indicate so on your review. Otherwise, I'll only reply if there's a question being asked. Sorry everyone -bows-.
Er…yea. My chapter is not particularly long as I said it would be, eh-he. Forgive me! Recently I've been pretty busy with schoolwork, plus I'm finding it harder to just sit down and type. Don't worry though, I'll see this through till the end.
Please continue to leave me reviews, they really do help motivate me. It's about the only thing that's keeping me going.
Please continue to leave me reviews, they really do help motivate me. It's about the only thing that's keeping me going.
On with the show!
`You have GOT to be kidding me…' Naruto held up the dark blue frilly thing.
-Now let's rewind a little bit and see how Naruto got into this little predicament-
So it was this morning, you see. A lovely morning at that, the sun was out, birds singing, cats yowling over at Mrs. Norris' house.
Naruto got up,
freshened himself,
ate breakfast
and gathered up his stuff.
Then a carriage came in front of Naruto's apartment to pick him and his luggage up.
It was all fine and dandy, though the driver had to slightly drag him out (as he kept saying goodbye to all the parts of his apartment).
The ride was uneventful.
They arrived.
He unpacked.
Kakashi greeted him.
He copped a grope. Naruto retaliated with a slap.
It was going well indeed.
Naruto could handle this, no problem. The 3 and half months will be up in no time.
Naruto got up,
freshened himself,
ate breakfast
and gathered up his stuff.
Then a carriage came in front of Naruto's apartment to pick him and his luggage up.
It was all fine and dandy, though the driver had to slightly drag him out (as he kept saying goodbye to all the parts of his apartment).
The ride was uneventful.
They arrived.
He unpacked.
Kakashi greeted him.
He copped a grope. Naruto retaliated with a slap.
It was going well indeed.
Naruto could handle this, no problem. The 3 and half months will be up in no time.
Now…the blond wished he hadn't spoken so soon as he looked at the blue frilly maid's dress. He should have known something was up.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I HAVE TO WEAR THIS?” yelled a blushing Naruto.
“We have no men's uniform that are your size, this is the only thing that will possibly fit you.” Replied a smirking Sasuke. “You'll have to wear that until I order a men's uniform with your measurements.”
“B-But! Why can't I just wear normal clothes?”
“Because you're working for me; Sasuke Uchiha, one of the most influential and richest man in the country and I can't have my employees looking like a slob.”
“Why you, you…GAAAHH! Come on! I wouldn't even mind wearing an oversized men's uniform! Just anything but a dress!”
“Anything…you say?” Sasuke looked him up and down slowly as to seemingly dress the blond in something much…`worse' in his mind.
Realization dawned on Naruto face. “NO! I take that back. Okay, I'll wear the stupid dress.” He grumbled. “But that uniform better get here soon.”
Satisfaction showed on Sasuke's face. “Good, now go get changed.”
“Yes, now. It's your first working day after all.”
Grumbling under his breath, the blond hung the dress on a nearby chair and grabbed the hem of his shirt to pull over his head.
“Uzumaki…what are you doing?”
“Changing.” Naruto looked at him innocently.
Now this was unexpected. Not that Sasuke was complaining…he looked over and took in the slender toned back that looked surprisingly soft. Disappointingly, the blond kept his underwear on.
Sasuke shook his head. `No. I can't come onto him yet.' The dark haired man reminded himself. `I have to wait until he willingly gives himself to me, then the end result will be much more satisfying.'
By this time, Naruto had already managed to get the puffy white pants on and was currently pulling the blue dress over his head. It slid down and the blond smoothed out the fabric.
Sasuke noticed the bodice was left unlaced in the back, well, he'll have to fix that. He went over, gathered the strings and started pulling them together.
Sasuke noticed the bodice was left unlaced in the back, well, he'll have to fix that. He went over, gathered the strings and started pulling them together.
“H-hey! What are you doing?” Naruto felt the tugs and wheezed. “I can't breath, you bastard!”
“Hn.” He smirked.
Sasuke finished tying together the strings, then tied the maid's cap on his head and stood back to inspect his handy work.
Naruto clenched his hands, blushing under his intense gaze.
Naruto clenched his hands, blushing under his intense gaze.
`C-cute…' Sasuke shook his head. `No, no…I mean, he just looks better in a dress than anybody else before…even the girls…what am I thinking…I mean, this will make it easier to the play game, yea, that's right…but he still looks so cute…no! Stop it!'
“Something wrong?” Naruto tilted his head and looked at Sasuke who seemed to be having an internal battle.
Sasuke snapped out of his daze and straightened up, he immediately took on his usual demeanor and tone of voice. “Nothing. I was just thinking how you look much better in a dress than in those rube-like(1) clothes you always wear.” He gave another one of his trademark smirks.
“Why you...bastard!”
The dark haired man walked up to Naruto. “Tsk. Tsk. Looks like I'll have to train you better.” He leaned in to whisper into the blond's ear.
“In this household, you call me…master.”
“In this household, you call me…master.”
“Master my butt. Who does he think he is.” Naruto grumbled under his breath.
Kakashi smacked the blond's head with his book.
“Pay attention now Naruto, I don't want to do this twice.” Though he immediately put his nose back into the book.
“Not only do I find out that I'm working for a dominating bastard, but also that the butler is a porn novel fan. Just what have I gotten myself into?” Naruto muttered dejectedly.
“Did you say something?” Kakashi looked up from his orange book.
“Nothing.” The blond sighed.
“Good.” The silver haired butler walked down the hallway and pointed into a room. “This is the 2nd living room. Mostly it's not used, but Master Sasuke likes to rest here sometimes. Make sure you clean and dust it at least once a week.” He didn't even look up from his book.
“Next we have the dining room, this is where only Master Sasuke eats (when he is not in his meetings). He specifically requested you to join him for his dinners; however, you are to serve him as well.”
Naruto just crossed his arms and pouted.
Kakashi turned around to look at the blond, he smiled, the visible eye turning into a crescent.
“What?” Naruto inquired.
“Just thinking how cute you look in that dress. Though…you probably look just as good with it off.”
“Just kidding. Just kidding. Don't get in a lather(2).” The silver haired man waved his hand and went back to his book. “This is the kitchen…” he pointed to a closed door. “Our chef is French, so you might want to brush up on your francais.”
“Down here is the dinner hall, dinner meetings for the company are held every month. You'll help set up and clean after each meeting.”
Kakashi went down the hallway, commenting on each room: The 1st living room, the music room, the lounge, the recreation room, and yes…there was a ballroom. They continued like that for the 2nd floor and the 3rd floor. Naruto met some of the other maids and work-hands along the way, they paused to introduce and greet one another. Though, Naruto always felt like they whispered behind his back when he turned to leave.
The pair then went to the backyard where the silver haired butler introduced the pool, the stable, the horse track, tennis court and not to mention the prize winning gardens.
“The bastard sure is an egg (3).” Naruto
Kakashi clapped his hands together. “Well! That's it for our tour, let's get you to work. Hmm…how about you start by cleaning all the bathrooms?” The man grinned behind his mask, his monocle glinting.
Correction; a pervert and a sadist
Naruto stretched and massaged his tired arm muscles. He had been working for the whole day cleaning those futzing bathrooms, Kakashi seemed to have forgotten the little fact that there was 7 of them. Not to mention, master Sasuke seemed to tease and flirt with him every time they bumped into each other, which surprisingly was a lot. `Damn sadistic butler, stupid smirking bastard' He grumbled and walked towards his room, ready to conk out on the bed.
So caught up in his fatigue, he rounded the corner and bumped right into someone.
-Naruto seemed to have a bad habit of doing that lately-
“For crying out loud(4)! Watch where you're going!” the man he bumped into shouted.
Naruto winced as landed on the floor. `Great, now my ass is gonna be sore too.'
He looked up to see the person he bumped into, the fella looked to be the same age as him. He had shaggy hair, shaggy clothes, even a shaggy…slouch? Jeezus, he just plain reminded Naruto of a dog. There was another fellow behind him, he wore some sort of shaded spectacles and his shirt collar was way oversized.
He looked up to see the person he bumped into, the fella looked to be the same age as him. He had shaggy hair, shaggy clothes, even a shaggy…slouch? Jeezus, he just plain reminded Naruto of a dog. There was another fellow behind him, he wore some sort of shaded spectacles and his shirt collar was way oversized.
The said man looked down. “Hey, aren't you that new kid the Uchiha is pla-”
He was cut off by Spectacles Man who had clamped a hand over his mouth.
He was cut off by Spectacles Man who had clamped a hand over his mouth.
Naruto got up and rubbed his behind. “Sorry for bumping into you like that. Mr…”
“I'm Kiba!” The Dog Man had managed to pry Spectacle Man's hand off his mouth. “This wet blanket(5) here is Shino.” He pointed to the man behind him, who was still silent.
“Nice to meet ya all, I'm Naruto. Do you fellas work here?”
“Nah, not really. We work over at the Uchiha's auto factory, but we stay here `cause he like to keep all his workers together.” Kiba grinned. “I've heard about you from the other servants; Naruto, you're the one who soiled the Uchiha's favourite suit, eh?”
“Well…it was really an accident…” Naruto scratched his head embarrassingly.
“Ha! Would of liked to have seen that though! The Uchiha covered in coffee… Hahaha, that slays me!(6)” Kiba slapped his knees.
“But seriously…” He stopped laughing and peered closely at Naruto. “I heard `em talking about how much you look like a gal, but this is too much.”
“But seriously…” He stopped laughing and peered closely at Naruto. “I heard `em talking about how much you look like a gal, but this is too much.”
Naruto's eyes disappeared into his bangs and his face darkened.
Kiba continued. “I ain't never seen no other boy got a figure like yours…”
Naruto clenched his hands and a dark aura surrounded him
“Why, you look better in a dress than all the other gals in this place.”
Naruto's whole body trembled, sparks started flying out from him.
“Hell, just stick on some bubs(7) and you'd be the real McCoy (8).”
Shino tried to warn Kiba, he really did. But the poor fella just kept on talking, oblivious to darkening killing aura in front of him.
With a mighty scream, Naruto unleashed a powerful punch right into the man's face. To this day, we can still see the dent in the wall where Kiba slammed into.
With a mighty scream, Naruto unleashed a powerful punch right into the man's face. To this day, we can still see the dent in the wall where Kiba slammed into.
Huffing, Naruto walked past Shino, heading towards his room for some much needed sleep.
Shino's shoulders vibrated, and laughed softly. “That was the bee's knees(9).”
-End Act 4-
(1) Rube - unsophisticated, country bumpkin
(2) Don't get in a lather - Don't get so worked up
(3) Egg - a person who lives the big life. Bet I got ya fooled there XD, it doesn't literally mean an egg, hahaha.
(4) For crying out loud! - we still use this phrase nowadays right? So self-explanatory?
(5) Wet blanket - a solemn/serious person, sorta like `party-pooper'
(6) That slays me - that's funny
(7) Bubs - breasts
(8) Real McCoy - genuine item
(9) Bee's Knees - awesome, terrific. XD I just HAD to make Shino say this, that phrase is sooo him. You know…the bug thing and all :P
(2) Don't get in a lather - Don't get so worked up
(3) Egg - a person who lives the big life. Bet I got ya fooled there XD, it doesn't literally mean an egg, hahaha.
(4) For crying out loud! - we still use this phrase nowadays right? So self-explanatory?
(5) Wet blanket - a solemn/serious person, sorta like `party-pooper'
(6) That slays me - that's funny
(7) Bubs - breasts
(8) Real McCoy - genuine item
(9) Bee's Knees - awesome, terrific. XD I just HAD to make Shino say this, that phrase is sooo him. You know…the bug thing and all :P
Notice the lack (or very little) of slangs words in Sasuke's speech. I kinda figured that Sasuke wouldn't be the type of person to say twenties slang as he is `sophisticated', hehe. The same with Kakashi, but more so because he is older and doesn't bother to keep up with the times.
A/N: Alright everyone, I think I have all the chapters planned out. It'll probably be around 10 chapters or so, give or take.
From now onwards, the tone will probably get a little more serious. I'll be introducing some drama, hope that's ok with everyone.
I also have a little poll I want to do…Would you guys like a lemon or no lemon? Now, mind you, I am not experienced at writing lemons, so it'll probably be not too descriptive. I'm also going to have a hard time fitting it into the story, so I might just do it separately if you guys want it.
Please let me know, thanks.
From now onwards, the tone will probably get a little more serious. I'll be introducing some drama, hope that's ok with everyone.
I also have a little poll I want to do…Would you guys like a lemon or no lemon? Now, mind you, I am not experienced at writing lemons, so it'll probably be not too descriptive. I'm also going to have a hard time fitting it into the story, so I might just do it separately if you guys want it.
Please let me know, thanks.
I have more fanart! Check them out (remember to take out all spaces and brackets):
Sakura: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48941289 /
Ino: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48942210 /
Lee: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48943370 /
Iruka: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48943562 /
Naruto in Maid's Dress: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48945592 /
Ino: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48942210 /
Lee: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48943370 /
Iruka: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48943562 /
Naruto in Maid's Dress: http (:) // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48945592 /
Next update: Fri. February 23, 2007