Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ 1923 ❯ Act 3: Cat Fight and Great Shiny Teeth! ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Mou, I don't own Naruto, but maybe one day! When I get enough pocket change :3
Warning: Major OOC (but I think you've all noticed that by now :P), intense rivalry and very bright teeth.
Minna, sorry this is kinda late! You see…I went to a sleepover…then went to a party the next day…and yeah…
“” means speech
`' means thoughts
//.// means long periods of thoughts
-bold- means author inserts
italics means emphasized speech
“YOU ARE WORKING WHERE!?” The two waitresses yelled at the same time, making everyone's head turn towards them in the diner.
They both looked at each other, a little miffed at their synchronicity. But immediately turned towards Naruto again, demanding an answer.
They both looked at each other, a little miffed at their synchronicity. But immediately turned towards Naruto again, demanding an answer.
“It'll only be for a little while.” The blond waved his hands in front of him. “I'll be coming back after 3 and a half months.”
`Besides…' Naruto added in his mind. `who were the people that demanded I give compensation for the suit. Geez…'
`Besides…' Naruto added in his mind. `who were the people that demanded I give compensation for the suit. Geez…'
Ino and Sakura stood contemplating this, then suddenly glanced at each other and grinned.
Sakura pushed Naruto down into a chair and Ino started massaging his back. The pink haired girl even grabbed a stool and propped his legs up.
“Naruto, Naruto, have I ever told you how manly you are?” Ino said in a sugary sweet voice.
“Oh yes, not to mention dashing and handsome?” Sakura added, coating her words with honey. “The perfect Joe Brooks(1).”
Naruto blinked.
“Such a man as you should not go work at such a wonder- I mean awful place like that!” The pink haired waitress continued.
“Yes, yes. You should leave that kind of work to me!” Ino cut in.
“No…I would gladly go in your place. I'll take care of the payment for the suit; you can just rest for 3 months!” Sakura glared at Ino and then smiled sweetly at Naruto.
The blonde girl harrumphed. “Anyone would agree that I would be a much better choice.”
Sakura grabbed the blond's hands. “Naruto! You gotta choose me! This is my chance…” The pink haired girl lifted her head towards an imaginary ray of light. “My chance for a fairy tale romance!” Sparkles and stars suddenly appeared around her.
“Baloney(2)! What makes you think Mr.Uchiha would like you? He'll fall head over heels for me in one glance!” Ino clasped her hands together and went into her own dream world.
The two girls turned towards each other and threw daggers with their eyes as electricity sparked between them.
A while later…Naruto quietly crawled away from the `fight cloud of arms and legs'. He got up and sighed, it was his last day working here at the diner and it was already off to a bad start.
The blond went off to another side of the diner (away from the girls) and began taking orders. He stopped in front of Table 4 where a man wearing a brown suit was sitting.
The blond went off to another side of the diner (away from the girls) and began taking orders. He stopped in front of Table 4 where a man wearing a brown suit was sitting.
“My name is Naruto; I'll be serving you today. What can get for you?”
“I think I just lost my appetite for food,” The man grinned. “I'd to have you instead.”
Naruto rolled his eyes but chose to ignored him, “A cup of noodle juice(3)? Coming right up.” He walked away before he could protest.
The blond went around, taking orders from everyone, getting an occasional remark now and then.
The blond went around, taking orders from everyone, getting an occasional remark now and then.
Suddenly, he felt the familiar sensation of someone groping his bottom.
Uttering a string of colourful curses in his mind, Naruto now began to think that maybe working at the Uchiha mansion wouldn't be so bad after all…
The blond boy crossed the street, his pocket carrying the last paycheck from his job at the diner. Naruto turned around to look one more time at the brightly lit restaurant. `Well, I sure won't miss all those perverted men! At least at the Uchiha mansion, I've only got 2 perverts to deals with.'
He walked passed a row of shops; a bakery, a toy store, the place that sells ugly overpriced shoes…
“READ ALL ABOUT IT! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Orochimaru escaped prison!”
Naruto froze as he recognized the blaring voice of the very much overenthusiastic paperboy somewhere close by.
`Eh-he, well, maybe I'll just take another route home today.' The blond said to himself as he quickly deterred into an alleyway.
`Eh-he, well, maybe I'll just take another route home today.' The blond said to himself as he quickly deterred into an alleyway.
Naruto broke into a light jog, `I'm not running away, course not! I'm just…exercising a bit.' But, just to be sure, he glanced behind him to check for any green-clad boys.
Now this is where Naruto made his mistake, with his head turned, he could not see the bright green warning symbol ahead of him.
Now this is where Naruto made his mistake, with his head turned, he could not see the bright green warning symbol ahead of him.
He had bumped right into Rock Lee himself.
The paperboy righted his cap and looked down at the fallen figure.
The paperboy righted his cap and looked down at the fallen figure.
“NARUTO ol' chap! I haven't seen you in AGES!” Lee broke into the hugest grin possible.
The blond raised his arm up to shield against the bright shine. `Jeezus! What does he use on those teeth! That outta be labeled `a danger to society'!'
“Oh don't be SITTING down now, you MUSN'T get lazy!” Lee latched on to his arm and dragged Naruto up and dusted him off.
“Naruto! Have you been well!?!” He squeezed him into a hug.
“Are you doing enough EXERCISE? Exercise is IMPORTANT!!! We must maintain our YOUTHFUL VIGOR!”
“Are you doing enough EXERCISE? Exercise is IMPORTANT!!! We must maintain our YOUTHFUL VIGOR!”
`Can I die yet?' Naruto fought for air.
Lee suddenly let out a gasp. “You look THINNER mate!” The boy pushed and prodded his ribs. “I do believe you LOST weight! BLIMEY, We MUST get you to a doc'!”
“You haven't eaten ENOUGH! Just look at you, thin as a twig!” Lee began shook the poor boy. “How can we FIX THIS, don't worry ol' chap! Lee here will make you BETTER!”
“AYE, I KNOW! Lee will treat you a WHOLE chicken! You MUST eat a WHOLE CHICKEN! No no no, that's not enough…A WHOLE PIG! Or even a WHOLE COW! What do you think mate? I bet you're STARVING! I will put some MEAT onto your bones YET! I won't let my dear friend STARVE! Your YOUTH now rests one LEE'S hands! Boy oh boy, can I bear the pressure? What if I can't do it? What if I FAIL this task?” Lee broke off, muttering to himself.
“AYE, I KNOW! Lee will treat you a WHOLE chicken! You MUST eat a WHOLE CHICKEN! No no no, that's not enough…A WHOLE PIG! Or even a WHOLE COW! What do you think mate? I bet you're STARVING! I will put some MEAT onto your bones YET! I won't let my dear friend STARVE! Your YOUTH now rests one LEE'S hands! Boy oh boy, can I bear the pressure? What if I can't do it? What if I FAIL this task?” Lee broke off, muttering to himself.
Naruto started backing away, taking small steps and watching for the next outburst.
The blond sprang back, “Uh…I just remembered Lee, I have some very very important matter to attend to. Extremely urgent.” He backed away. “How about I take a rain check for that?
“RHATZ(4)! Got to mooch(5) already?
“Pos-i-tive-ly(6). Sorry…uh…mate. I'll make sure to stock up on food at home and we can run together next time.” Naruto made a mental note to himself to that he would avoid him like the plague.
`Bumping into Lee = absolute death'
`Bumping into Lee = absolute death'
“A'righty mate! I'll hold you to your word! Aye, before ya leave, why not buy a Konohaville Weekly?! MAJOR news ol' chap, that serial killer fellow ESCAPED from a pinch(7)! Ya know, GOT to keep up with the times now!”
Left with no choice unless he wanted his ears talked off, he unwillingly bought one of those useless rolled up pieces of paper. `I hate reading, never liked English class.'
Lee shouted his goodbyes as Naruto walked (well…more like ran) off. He flashed another one of his famous smiles, almost blinding a few people walking by.
In front of a red-bricked apartment complex, a middle aged man wearing a straw hat was busy watering his potted plants. He was humming along to a tune from the radio that could be heard coming from his open window. He stopped for second to take off his hat and wipe off the beads of sweat on his forehead. The brown haired man glanced along the street and noticed a certain blond coming his way.
“Naruto! You're back!”
“Hiya Iruka! Yup, I just finished my work. I'm going up to pack now; since I need to be over there tomorrow morning and all.” He broke off, grumbling under his breath.
The elderly brunette looked worriedly at him; he had gotten the news 2 days ago when he received a phone call from a representative of the Uchiha Automobiles. Not quite believing what the girl on the other end was telling him at first, it took nearly her 20 minutes to calm him down and explain the situation to him. Iruka still could not believe Naruto's stroke of bad luck. Three and a half months working for a stranger! He was going to be worried sick.
“N-Naruto, are you sure you're going to be alright there? I mean you can just call it off, I'm sure you'd be able to come up with the money another way.”
The blond looked up to see the evident worry etched into Iruka's face. His landlord (and also former teacher back in school) always had a soft spot for Naruto. Mainly because he had no parents and the kids liked to tease him for his girlish looks. Naruto deeply appreciated the kindness and care, he thought of him as the only family figure he has.
“Heh, don't worry Iruka.” The blond assured him with a smile. “It's only for 3 and a half months, nothing bad'll happen. I'll pay back the debt and be back before you know it!”
Iruka exhaled slowly and smiled back. “Alright, keep to your word then.”
“Honour bright!(8)”
“And if anything happens to you or anything goes wrong, you let me know.” Iruka's pleasant face went somber and a dark cloud loomed over him. “I'll make sure Mr.Uchiha will wish he'd never heard of the name Umino.”
Somewhere on the other side the town, a certain dark haired man sneezed.
-End Act 3-
(1) Joe Brooks - perfectly dressed man
(2) Baloney! - Nonsense!
(2) Baloney! - Nonsense!
(3) noodle juice - tea
(4) Rhatz! - How disappointing!
(4) Rhatz! - How disappointing!
(5) mooch - to leave
(6) Pos-i-tive-ly - affimitive
(7) pinch - arrest/ an arreset
(8) Honour bright - promise/ I promise (an older term, used more in 1900s)
(6) Pos-i-tive-ly - affimitive
(7) pinch - arrest/ an arreset
(8) Honour bright - promise/ I promise (an older term, used more in 1900s)
Yes, I know its short….>_< ahhhh! Sorry guys, made you wait so long for such a short chappie. I will try to make the next one much longer!
However, to make up for it; I did draw some fanart for this fic. Check it out! (Don't forget to take out the spaces and brackets)
However, to make up for it; I did draw some fanart for this fic. Check it out! (Don't forget to take out the spaces and brackets)
Naruto: http: // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48522795 /
Sasuke: http: // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48523222 /
Kakashi: http: // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48523423 /
Sasuke: http: // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48523222 /
Kakashi: http: // www (.) deviantart (.) com / deviation / 48523423 /
My next set deadline is Fri, Feb. 16. 2007
Please look forward to it!
Much love,
Much love,