Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Collection of Naruto Yaoi Drabbles ❯ Hokage Blues ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I woke up at 3 in the morning, wrote this in 5 minutes, then went back to bed. I have no idea what inspired it, but humor me and read it anyway. Contains mentions of SasuNaru.
Tsunade was pissed. No, she was beyond pissed and that was never a good thing. When she got mad…well let's just say that things and people nearby tended to end up broken. So when Naruto woke her up at 7 a.m. in the morning - an ungodly hour by her standards - she desperately hoped for his sake that he had a good reason. Unfortunately for her, finding out that reason would require that she listen to him rant and yell about the problem and she was nursing a very nasty hangover. Well, best to try and listen anyway she decided.
“Stupid bastard Sasuke! Wouldn't listen - I told him to slow down…”
On second thought, maybe it would be a better idea to just have a drink before Shizune showed up and she would have to hide her stash again. Yes, that was a good plan. Taking her sake set and bottle from the newly-installed hidden compartment in the desk - her greatest achievement yet as Hokage in her opinion - Tsunade poured herself a drink and glanced over at the oblivious blond.
“Always has to have it his way and never takes no for an answer-“
Damnit, he's still going on and with no sign of stopping. Being the sensible woman she was, Tsunade decided to approach the problem logically.
Now the problem was obviously about Sasuke, as usual, but it sounded more serious than normal. Wait - weren't Naruto and Sasuke dating now? Or at least sleeping together? Yes, they were, she distinctly remembered Jiraiya showing her a picture of their activities. That old perverted bastard even spied on his own students for his `research'…not that she hadn't enjoyed it secretly mind you. Ok so to recap, Naruto and Sasuke were dating, they had a fight, and - of course! It was so simple, why hadn't she thought of it sooner?
“Why don't you and Sasuke just have some makeup sex Naruto? That will fix whatever fight you had.” Tsunade interrupted, feeling proud of herself for solving the boy's problems without actually having to hear them.
“What?! Haven't you been listening to a thing I've said at all old hag? The problem is that Sasuke and I were having sex and he was too rough! And now it hurts like hell to walk and Kyuubi won't heal me because he's a sadistic asshole! I came here hoping you could give me something to help with the pain.”
Shit. Now feeling extremely stupid and embarrassed, Tsunade quickly pulled a bottle of painkillers - the very same brand she used for her own hangovers - from her desk and threw it at the blond, yelling for him to get out. The blond muttered a quick word of thanks, complete with calling her an old hag one more time, and left the office.
Finally relieved that she was free to drink in peace, Tsunade poured herself another glass of sake and was just about to take a sip when a piercing cry erupted from the doorway.
“Tsunade-sama! I don't believe you - drinking this early in the morning! A fine example you are for the shinobi of this village. How did you manage to smuggle that in here anyway? I swear, sometimes you are so impossible! Are you even listening to me? Tsunade-sama…”
Poor Tsunade sighed as Shizune took her drink away and replaced it with a stack of paperwork. Great; now she had no sake, a pile of work to do, and she had just given away her last bottle of painkillers and had no way to ease the throbbing headache she had developed. What a wonderful morning in Konoha…
Poor Tsunade…I'm so mean to her. Oh well, she'll survive. But I won't unless you leave a review.