Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Lasting Love ❯ Sakura's New Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: this is just a trial story, I just want to see my potential as an author on Media Miner, and I just thought of a prompt (which is the story title).
Title: A Lasting Love
Author: Amaterasu Takahashi
Pen Name: Party Girl
Anime: Naruto: And you'll have to wait and see who the main couple is!
Rating: M for mature content
not a lot of chapters!
A Lasting Love
Sakura Haruno, a pink haired girl of 18 years old, sat looking out the window of her apartment, observing all of the people who were strolling or playing in the park. She had lived in the US for only a short time, two months to be exact, and she didn't really have that many friends. Yes, she was going to school full-time, but no friends yet. Since she was from a wealthy family, she was able to afford an apartment, and didn't really have to worry about living expenses. She was only worried about living away from the love of her life, Sasuke Uchiha. He was still back home in Japan, not wanting to come to America to study because he has his own business to run, and he didn't want to be away from it for long. He was also a lot smarter than she was, and she didn't want to marry him and be as dumb as she was now. He told her that she was as smart as him, if not smarter, but she didn't want to listen. She wanted to be able to prove it to herself, and to him, that she really was smart. And being the wife of a rising business man entailed being really smart. “And if I happen to learn anything about being a good wife while I'm here, I won't complain!” Sakura said to the empty room, laughing quietly.
She sat there for a little while longer, pushing off her paper that she had to write a little longer. “Sasuke hasn't called yet,” she said, looking at the picture that she had taken of the two of them before she had left. “I wonder when he will, or if I should call him first.” She walked over to her phone, looking at it, not sure of what she should do. “Call him or don't call him?” Not wanting to overstep any boundaries, she went to her computer and started typing her paper, trying to get Sasuke off of her mind. She was actually really involved and engrossed in her paper when her IM screen popped up, telling her that someone was on and wanted to talk to her.
She looked at the screen name, and was happy to see that it was blondebitch1, Ino, one of her best friends from her high school days. Her eyes scanned the page, and saw that Ino didn't miss her, just wanted to “check up on you, making sure that you were behaving.” Sakura smiled.
blondebitch1: just so you know, i don't miss you at all! i just want to make sure that you're behaving and keeping your `vow' to sasuke! you know, he won't be happy to know that you're cheating on him behind his back!
cherryblossombeauty: don't worry, ino! i am! how are you?
blondebitch1: fine, not that you would care or ne thing! u've been gone forever, and u haven't tried to contact us at all! what's ur prob?
cherryblossombeauty: nothing! i've been swamped!
blondebitch1: sure! that's what u want us to think!
cherryblossombeauty: seriously!
shikamarusgirl has joined the conversation!
thegirlofhisdreams has joined the conversation!
thegirlofhisdreams: hey! how are u sakura?
cherryblossombeauty: i'm fine, hinata. how are u? how are you and shikamaru doing, temari?
shikamarusgirl: we're fine. i have exciting news for you! we're having a baby!
blondebitch1: OMG!
thegirlofhisdreams: really? cool!
cherryblossombeauty: r u serious?! and im halfway across the world! not cool! but congrats!
shikamarusgirl: thank u how's school going?
cherryblossombeauty: it's okay, but i wish that i wasn't so swamped half of the time. if fact, i'm in the middle of typing up a paper that's due in a week
blondebitch1: i'm sorry, girl. i feel ur pain!
cherryblossombeauty: so…ino, how r u and choji?
blondebitch1: well, actually, we're engaged…
cherryblossombeauty: seriously? that's awesome! hinata, don't tell me u and naruto are engaged, too?!
thegirlofhisdreams: actually….we r….
cherryblossombeauty: man! now i need to come home! so, when's everyone getting married?
thegirlofhisdreams: Christmas vacation…
blondebitch1: spring time….
Sakura was in the middle of responding when her phone started ringing.
cherryblossombeauty: hey guys, i gotta go. my phones ringing, and i need to answer it. talk to you soon!
blondebitch1: bye!
thegirlofhisdreams: bye!
shikamarusgirl: bye!
Sakura signed off and went to go answer her phone. “Hello?”
“Sasuke!” she squeeled into the receiver of the phone. “How are you?”
“Fine. How are you?” Sasuke asked.
“Good. I was just thinking about calling you, but I didn't know if you'd be in or if you'd be out doing something, so I figured that I would hold off a little.” Sakura said, going to sit in her seat by the window.
“Even if you can't reach me at home, you know that you can leave a message for me! I'll return it!” Sasuke said. “I was actually calling to tell you that I have a business trip and it's where you are. I was wondering if I could stay with you…if it's okay with you.”
Sakura blushed, remembering their last night together. It was their first time sleeping together and she was sad that it had happened then they had been separated. “Sure! If you want to come here and stay with me while you're in town, then you're welcome. You should know by know that you're welcome anytime that you want to come visit me or if you're in town and need a place to stay.” She mentally told herself to shut up because she was rambling.
“Cool. Thanks.” Sasuke said. “I'm leaving in the morning, and I should be there before night time falls.”
“That soon?!” Sakura shouted, surprised.
“Yeah. Did I forget to mention that? Will it be too much trouble for you?” Sasuke asked, not sure if he should still come.
“No! Please, come! I'll be waiting for you.” Sakura said, wanting and needing him to come and visit her. She needed him to be close to her right now.
“All right. Well, I better go. Last minute details to arrange and everything.”
“All right. I love you, Sasuke.” Sakura said, trying to hold back her excitement. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
“I love you too.” Sasuke said, hanging up the phone after those words.
Sakura hung up the phone, instantly thinking of what needed to be done in order to get ready for Sasuke's visit tomorrow.
`I can't believe that Sasuke's really coming to visit me tomorrow!'
The end of chapter 1! Let me know what you think!
Amaterasu Takahashi