Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Smear of Orange ❯ Job Offer ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: sessylover4ever 
Weeks after being pursued an offer of employment arises.
IF you would like to continue reading please find the story on as this sites inability to keep up with its self prevents me from uploading the rest of the story.
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Fantasy /
Drama /
Angst |
Type: Yaoi |
Uploaded On: 01.26.2011 |
Updated On: 01.24.2013 |
Pages: 4 |
Words: 5.3K |
Visits: 229 |
Status: Work In Progress
Disclaimer: I have always wondered if there was a point to these things. I am obviously not making any money off of this story. I do not own Naruto. I do own the plot.
Summary: Seeing in black and white wasn't so bad; at least then the world was just one big place of emptiness. The whole thing lonely where everyone could feel like him; but when a smudge of colour appears where black and white dominate how is he supposed to act? Sullen by a smear of ignorance by a defiant plain, bright, displaced orange.
Content: Stuff unsuitable for children.
"A smear of Orange."
Thoughts / Sarcasm
Written to:
Hide and Seek, Speeding cars, The moment I said it: Imogen Heap
Bat for lashes : Glass
"A Facade upon a facade is just a crack within the truth."
“Flames fell into orbit to hold eternally two heavenly spirits that just wouldn't seem.”
Especially not with Sakura... That thought had occurred almost a week prior from the current day.
Mixing blue of a most beautiful kind stared out of a dirt stained window, the twin orbs of cerulean lifting to the darkening sky. The grounds were still wet without the opportunity to dry. The clouds parted their silver body and wept misery upon the unsuspecting world once more.
The owner of the blue twin hues noted that the rain had started the very night he had left and had yet to let, the blond male's nose pulled back as it crinkled. Deep and even shallow creases marred his once flawless flesh making him look unattractive, yet, oddly not too unattractive.
His tan face reflected within the translucent glass made him pause a moment as he had caught a glimpse of himself. He was a beauty, or rather he was very handsome; he could admit that but surely it would fade. He would soon age and turn into a withered old man and everything he once held would slip through his fingers like ribbon.
Slumping his shoulder's the blond proceeded to let out a gentle sounding sigh, he sat perched upon the window's custom seat. Delicate finger's pressed against the coldness of the hard glass and as soon as the heat from his body reacted to the cold of the window a light fog curled around their tips. Pulling his hand down he dragged them through his reflection and without hesitation the fog followed close behind. The image of his face became streaked with finger tip fog, the vision of beauty marred within the windows dirty glass.
His eyes were focused but not upon his face, instead he was focused upon the world beyond his hallowed looks. The rain had begun to pitter upon the window's pane; the gentle pattering began to lull him gently. Blue hues closing as he listened carefully. The room was dark, the lights having been turned off; it was silent besides the distant hum of the refrigerator and the pattering of rain.
His blue eyes opened once more to stare out beyond the dirty glass and onward to the world holding despair within its heart. With his eyes he silently began to pick it apart detail by detail.
The Earth reeked of death as it slowly died; the scent of overflowing sewer's filtering through the vents as people scurried around in their busy and rushed lives. The more he picked apart things the more dismal they seemed, he sure could put a spin of drama in just about anything.
Twin cerulean's diverted to the blond's lap, his fingers running along the spine of a composition note book. His other hand tangled around his pencil before he began to tap it against the stark blankness of the paper.
Ideas… Ideas… Ideas were infinite. It was merely a meager task of searching a specific one out harnessing it and then placing it within a specific line of worlds that would be both beautiful and simplistic.
Ideas… were like jewelry, if one was too tacky or perhaps too gaudy one could simply throw it back into the bargain bin for another browser to come along and purchase. If one idea was too simplistic, outdated or even overly elaborate it could be clearance for sale. The newer more polished and primped ones would be placed on a pedal stool for one to take, use, reuse, and overestimate.
Personally, he preferred the gaudy ones; the ideas that were too awful to be placed into anything worthwhile yet he always seemed to be able to accomplish the impossible. These ideas were usually the most pure or the darkest of the rest and something he could easily worked with.
An idea came to him as he was musing; the sound of pencil marks moving against paper filled the air around him as he began to write the swimming thoughts that constantly churned within his head. Each forming a well scripted and well thought out line, it seemed almost too simple when placed upon paper.
He sat there for hours writing all the thoughts that seemed to flow so naturally, the fogged smears had long since disappeared and soon he let a faint smile claim his lips. Carefully his fingers traced the surface of smooth paper as he prided himself on his accomplishment and just when he was in the middle of his musings he had been rudely interrupted by an incessant rapping.
First it was a couple of knocks, and then three more followed, four, and more until whoever it had been had decided to just simply take it upon themselves and waltz right in. Intruding their presence in what he had unknowingly dubbed his silent sanctum. The blond gritted his teeth slightly as the intruders interrupted him with rather loud destitute, his face pulling back as his lips formed a scowl.
“And to what do I owe this pleasure?”
A slight chuckle of amusement floated to the young boy's ears, apparently he had struck a funny cord within the taller of the two intruders; squinted eyes filled with a light laughter settled in the blond's general direction. With a rather charming grin that seemed to be hidden beneath an unusually large scarf. The tall intruder came up with a fierce cheerfulness and plucked the boy up into a bear hug, much to the blonds' displeasure.
“Come now, is that any way to greet your father?”
With a look that only he could accomplish he looked at the male dawned `father' and gave a rather loud snort.
“Oh, beg pardon sir, I did not mean to displeasure you with my sarcasm.”
Cerulean hues rolled wildly in their sockets, his arrogant sarcasm coming about like a bull out for the kill. Placing a hand upon the male's head he pat the gray almost silver locks as if he was paying heed to a child done good. The man deemed father seemed to take the hint and let the blond down, much to his satisfaction. A triumphant grin placed upon rounded lips.
“You should mind your tongue.”
Placing his hands upon his body he began to straighten his clothing before lifting his face to cast a rather narrowed glare towards the female companion of the male. Her voice had been sharp but his glare, sharper as she faltered a bit.
“I still haven't forgotten last week if you really want to continue.”
She blushed a petty pink before narrowing her eyes and then sighing in heated frustration, turning away from him she moved towards the dining room table and took a proper seat while the blond walked into the kitchen and their father joined her. Propping himself up against an open fridge he rummaged around for something to drink forgetting entirely that he should be more `hospitable.'
Sighing softly he pulled out a jug of Oj and a few glasses before making his way over to them. Setting the Oj before them with a rather large thump he gave a half smile half grimace. Here was the part with small talk… something he was never really good at, even as a child… or at least he assumed so.
“So… um, how's the new job?”
The gray haired male began to pour himself his own glass of juice as the blond sat there looking rather uncomfortable, his fingers fidgeting with his half full glass.
“Its going good. You know…”
He stared at the man, the blonds' lips parting as he drowned the other out and began to look rather… bored. He didn't really care; he just humored them for the moment. After all, it was a visit… right?
“… and I think we're really getting somewhere with him.”
Snapping back into reality the blond wiped his mouth slightly before taking a sip of Oj, somehow he felt like what the other said was important but at the same time, he honestly couldn't care less.
“Uh…huh… What are you here for again?”
The blond wondered a moment if this was answered in the long explanation about the others job but couldn't for the life of him recall.
“Ah… well, I'm actually here to offer you a job.”
Naruto's nodded his head in slight acknowledgement, not that he was actually going to go through with any proposals the man had to offer... Especially not after the last one; he shivered unconsciously before taking another sip of his juice. Inquiring about the position though, Naruto's sought only to humor the old man.
“And I would be doing what exactly?”
“Writing; the job is for a lyricist. I need you to write songs. The pays great and you'll be working with the number one band of…”
He began to drown the other out as he continued on with his description of said band, none of which gave him any real clues as to what genre. Popular? That could mean someone out of the top ten of each genre; narrowing it down to over 50. His fingers began to pull heavenly notes from its travel around the rim of his juice glass, his blue eyes locking on with his father's own and as he stopped he spoke sternly.
The man grinned… A bad sign.
“You'll see.”
“I have conditions.” Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly.
“I assumed so.”
“If I don't like it I walk. Understand?”
He quirked a delicate brow towards his father; that seemed as if it was entirely too easy for him. The man was up to something and he wanted to know what it was. Azure eyes turned towards Sakura, who up till now had been rather quiet as she fingered the glass juice. He smiled at her his lips parting to let him speak once more.
“So Sakura… This band… I'm sure you know who they are.”
She looked up with a slight nervousness. Her green hues were rather plain having little to no appeal. Her body was rather average as well but those were not the features that made her alluring. It was her face that drew you in, not to mention the god awful pink of her hair. He never understood that… She had a delicate feminine face; her skin was unnaturally flawless in its beauty. Pale and smooth and soft much like a baby's. She was plain, so painfully plain but in that plainness was a beauty all her own. He smiled unnaturally sweet while waiting for her to spit it out before she cleverly changed the subject.
“You know Shino's wanted to meet you for awhile. Every time I mention you he always says something about never having met you.”
She held up her hand as if to put some sort of emphasis to her words and with a small nod Naruto acknowledged her. Lately he had noticed that her personality seemed to have mellowed out something he could only imagine was because of this new lover of hers… Shino? Yes… that was his name. After an hour of `catching' up, sarcasm, and quite a few awkward silences he thought it best for them to be leaving.
Pointing to the door the blond grinned faintly. “The visit was lovely but if you have nothing more to say there is the door. Don't let it hit you on the way out. Bye, bye. See ya later.”
Quoting one of his fondest children type movies he chuckled softly standing tall with a hand resting upon his hip. Of course he got protest, something about not spending more `family' time together. The thing was… Naruto wasn't a family person; he didn't really care much either way. Though he did hold a fondness for the two he sometimes wondered if they were really related, but none of that really mattered at the current.
He brushed his thoughts off before retuning back to his window seat once more. They had left at his request, and though they had been nothing but a bother a deep sense of loneliness settled into the room. The silence returning and only the sound of the constant pitter patter and the refrigerator's buzz reflected.
He sighed and looked back to the world beyond this silent one. He watched as they entered their respective cars and drove off. He watched until he could not see them any longer and with another heavy sigh he began to get back to work, contemplating, contradicting, condescending and collecting his words together.