Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Wish Upon a Shooting Star ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

K.A-Hiya! This is the 1st chapter of my story “A Wish upon a Shooting Star”. I hope you enjoy it!!!!!
Disclaimer: See last chapter
Chapter 1: The Mission
Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Nara Shikamaru stood in front of Tsunade. She was sitting in her desk, with Shizune and Iruka behind her.
“I have called you here for a mission, obviously. You are to travel to the village hidden in the mist. The Mizukage's 7 year old daughter has been threatened by rogue ninjas. They appear to be about low to mid Chunnin level so it should not be much of a problem. Report to the front gate at 9:00pm tomorrow. Dismissed!”
The 3 Shinobi nodded and left the room.
Tsunade slumped in her chair, worry etched onto her face. Naruto had not spoken once!
“Iruka,” she questioned. She turned towards him.
“Hai, Hokage-sama?”
“Do you know what is wrong with Naruto?”
Iruka smiled knowingly.
“Noticed huh? Don't be too worried. He gets like this week of the year.”
“Would you mind telling me why?”
“15 years ago Naruto had a huge problem with bullies. 2wks, after his 6 birthday, a particular violent bunch of boys got a hold of him and started to beat him up. No one had ever stood up for him until that day. A new family had moved to Konoha and their 6 year old daughter, Nanashi, chased the boys away from him. She took him to her mother, Kachiko, a medic-nin, and she healed him. When Kachiko found out that Naruto had been kicked out of the orphanage on his 6th birthday she insisted that he stay with her. Nanashi and Naruto became attached at the hip and you would never find one without the other. 2 years later, the only family Naruto had ever known was being forced to wave. Kachiko said that she would not leave without him and stated that he was part of the family. The elders refused and had to, quite literally, pry Naruto from Nanashi,” Iruka bit out the last part with hatred.
Tsunade was momentarily taken aback by the amount of hatred radiating from the man before her and then smiled.
“Do you know how much you act like a father to that boy?”
Iruka chuckled,” Your one to talk. Nobody else would be able to call you `Baa-Chan' and survive with all 4 limbs.” Iruka looked down and smirked. “ Oh, and I think your hands are betraying your calmness.”
Inside of the hokage's grasp was her 10 pound lead weight in three pieces.
“Heh, I'm going to go destroy a couple trees,” she muttered and walked out the door.
Shizune followed. “Tsunade-sama! Remember your blood-pressure!”