Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Wish Upon a Shooting Star ❯ Meeting Kisa ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
K.A- Hiya I hope you enjoy the next chapter in 'A Wish Upon a Shooting Star
(Lee pops out of no where)
Lee-Yosh! Your flames of youth burn brightly Angel!
(rush towards each other)
K.A.- Lee
Lee-ANGE L!!!
Readers-Get on with it
(Grins and jumps into Lee's arms)
K.A.- Lee-kun say the disclaimer
Lee- Yosh! Kunoichi Angel does not own Naruto.
K.A.-(starts crying into Lee's shoulder)
Lee- there,there you do own the plot and Nanashi and any other OC's
K.A.-(Brightens up) Your right and noone can use them without my permission

Chapter 3- Meeting Kisa

"I can't believe he's late Shikamaru," Sakura groaned in exasperation.
Naruto was at least 40mins. late, and he had never been late before.
"Troublesome," Shikamaru muttered before he replied nonchalantly," You guys had Kakashi as a teacher, one of you was bound to pick up his tardiness."
Sakura opened her mouth to retort when Naruto dropped out of the sky at her feet.
"Sakura-chan, help me," He whimpered as a pack of rabid fan girls approched. He hid in a nearby bush.
The leader skidded to a stop in frout of her, her eyes in a hormone-induced craze.
"Which way'd he go," She hissed dangerously at Sakura and Shikamaru.
Sakura sweatdropped and pointed to the Hokage Monument. The girl nodded and ran off with the others following. As soon as they were out of sight, Naruto popped out of the bush and took a leaf out of his hair.
"Sorry I'm late," he shrugged and walked out of the gate.
The others ran to catch up.
------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
It's been 3 days now since the team of Jounin left Konoha, and Shikamaru and Sakura were nearing the brink of insanity. It was nothing but silence the whole trip. Naruto had not spoken a word at all, and to top it all off he was completely oblivious to his teammates mental states. Which were totally unstable. Shikamaru had resorted to talking to himself and currently Sakura had reached her limit and burst.
"GOD DANG IT!!!!!!! SAY SOMETHING ALREADY NARUTO," She screamed causing the surrounding birds to scatter.
Naruto jumped and spun around to face the pink-haired girl.
"Huh? Did you say something Sakura-chan," he asked innocently.
Sakura screamed and lunged at the blonde, but thankfully the appearance of 2 patrolling ANBU stopped her from inflicting serious pain to our favorite 1# Knuckle-headed Ninja.
"Who goes there," one of spoke loudly causing Sakura to stop in her tracks.
The nin was obviously a girl. She wore the normal ANBU outfit and her mask was one of a cat. She had black hair.
The other seemed to be another girl and she too wore the normal outfit and her mask was one of a falcon. She had red hair the color of Gaara's.
Naruto chose this exact moment to wake out of his daze.
"My name is Uzumaki Naruto and these are my teammates; Haruno Sakura and Nara Shikamaru. You've probaly already noticed that we are Konoha nin. We were hired by Mizukage-sama to elimanate the threat to his 7 year old daughter."
The team walked up to the Kunoichis and handed them their idenification.
The red head looked over them and handed them back.
"Very well. Hakunochi-sama is expecting you," turning away from them she beckoned them to follow. "Follow me," she commanded and the other ANBU left.
They walked over to a rather large gate that was obviously under a genjutsu.
They walked into the village and followed her to the Mizukage's office.
As the ANBU opened the door, a blur rushed out and tackled Naruto to the floor.
A little girl was sitting on his stomach grinning like a maniac. She had light lavander hair and dark purple eyes. She wore a black ribbon in her hair and a black frilly dress.
Sakura squealed in delight," Cuuuute!"
Shikamaru smirked.
"Hiya! My name's Kisa Moruna. My Papa's the Mizukage!"