Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Anbu Administration High ❯ New School, New People ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“It's about time we got out of this hell hole” said the raven haired boy.
“YEA!!” said the other with a hyper active grin. He then started looking down and said“but. . . . . I'll miss you buddy” and a sad smile painted on his face.
The Raven haired boy started to feel sad but didn't want to depart this way. “Hey, cheer up its not like as if we are never going to see each other, its just going to be a couple of weeks, AND think about it, we won't be going to this anymore, but we'll be in the same High School again next year” he said so rapidly, trying to be nice, which was not in his nature.
The other boy cheered up at these words and replied with a “HELLS YEA!!” and continued. “I guess I'll be seeing you next year. See ya!” and he started walking. And with his back turned he started saying “come back alive, don't get eaten by all the girls!”
And at this, the Raven haired boy turned smiling and started walking in the opposite direction and answered “you can bet on it! You just make sure not to explode eating too much of that ramen!!”
They each chuckled and continued on their own path.
Summer came and left.
The two boys didn't see each other until the beginning of school.
They were each leaving extra early in hopes to find each other and brag about everything that had happened during their summer.
They didn't know what room they were in. They didn't know anyone in the school except for the raven hair's older brother, Itachi.
Itachi was taller than Sasuke and had raven hair just like Sasuke's except his hair was long. He wore a lot of dark clothes and had redish eyes with three dots in them, yet Sasuke's eyes were so dark it would lead you to think they were black.
“Yo Sasuke, do you even know what class Naruto is in?” questioned Itachi. He sat in a chair looking around the house from his distance to make sure that everything was in place and examining the house so as to know how he left it. Ever since they were young he has had the major responsibility of the house due to their parents dying in a car accident and all their family living so remote.
“NO! I told you a million times. I don't know what class Naruto is in, or the teacher. Heck. I don't even know the principle!”
“So are you ready yet?” asked Itachi.
And as soon as Itachi had finished his sentence, Sasuke appeared, coming down the stairs with his book bag. Itachi gave him a nonchalant look and said “who are you dressing up for?”
“My reputation” said Sasuke.
Itachi acted as if he didn't hear him and got up picking up his book bag and headed towards the door. Sasuke was already used to these reactions ever since they were young, so he just followed his brother closing the door behind him and picking up speed to catch up.
“Dad!” he screamed.
“What Naruto!” Screamed Yondaime.
“What time is it?”
“7:54” he then chuckled to himself knowing Naruto would rush at the sound of this because classes started at 8:00 am.
“WHAT!” Naruto started to rush from room to room, then to the kitchen. He immediately stopped and looked at his dad's grin, then at the time and froze. His hair was all messed up, his shoes untied and his book bag was being dragged. It never bothered Naruto when his dad played games with him, so he just responded with a smirk.
“Do you want breakfast?” his dad asked.
“Do you want ramen?”
Naruto stopped and began to think. “Yeah” he said “just not now”
When finished fixing himself, he put on his book bag and looked at his dad with a puzzled face.
“Do you know where the school is at?” he said with a fake chuckle.
Yondaime started tapping his head with a finger to make Naruto worry and surely he did.
`GREAT! Now what' Naruto thought to himself.
“Yeah” said Yondaime.
“Yes I do” replied Yondaime.
“You sure?”
“Honto Ni really?
“Yes! Now hurry and get in the car” said Yondaime as calm as ever.
Naruto went to the car willingly with a very hyper mood. He went in and turned on the car to not waste time. He then sat in the passenger seat and looked at the time.
`7:05……… IM ON TIME!'
Yondaime came out locked the house and got in the car and in a few minutes they had arrived.
`Only 5 minutes passed'
As Naruto starts to unbuckle his seat belt, Yondaime began to talk.
“You and Sasuke try to not get into fights…”
“Dad! We. . .”
“I know, I know. I just don't want you two to get kicked out again” responded Yondaime with a passive yet worried tone and Naruto calmed down.
“have a good day!!” he said a bit more loudly as Naruto stepped out the car and waved as he was walking towards the front of the school.
“Ok” murmured Naruto to himself.
He started walking towards the front of the school and looked up at a sign to his right just before the entrance, `Welcome to Anbu Administration High'.
`Same thing, different place' he thought.
He looked around to notice that the place looked deserted.
He went inside and showed his school program and went in. He felt totally lost as he walked in. He saw a teacher passing by and looked at his program to see his first class then called out to the teacher for directions. She stopped and led him to his class but there was no one there so he just stood there to wait. Minutes seem to go by like hours. As time passed more people came in. Then he looked around and actually saw very few people.
No Sasuke or Itachi in sight.
He looked around again to see if there was anyone he could try to start a conversation with. He leaned back on a wall and started his search for a new friend. Before he could start, he heard a couple of girls talking but did not look to see their faces to make it seem as if he wasn't hearing them.
“Who's the new boy?” said one girl.
“I don't know, I've never seen him, must be a new kid, but he sure looks like my type” giggled a second girl.
“Let's go over and meet him” said a third girl.
“Let's not, because…” another girl started talking, but Naruto lost interest in the girly conversation at this point.
`Wait a sec' Naruto thought `maybe I could talk to them' but then he started getting chills of going to talk to a group of girls. `A group. Not one. Not two. A group. If only they were scattered it'd be easier' Naruto gave a loud sigh, catching the girls' attention again without knowing.
So he has no other option but to direct his attention to the two guys a couple of yards away from him, wondering whether they were the type to talk to someone they didn't know.
A tall guy with brown/brunette hair but not too long, yet in a pony tail.
`He seems pretty laid back' thought Naruto.
Another tall guy with black long hair, in a pony tail as well, with whitish round eyes and a know-it-all face.
`Must be popular amongst girls' he thought.
He chuckled to himself at the thought of `another Sasuke'.
He stood straight and folded his arms to think.
`They do seem like the only cool ones here'
As he was about to approach the guys, someone tapped him on the shoulder.
“Excuse me?”
I was going to write more but knowing me the chapter would never finish in `time' 0_o.I want to hear the bad and good comments
p.s. in some high schools in New York we use IDs, but if a student doesn't have one and they are new to the school then they show a paper called a program which has his/her classes in it