Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Breakaway ❯ Chapter 2: Passing Through Hidden Village Of Rain ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A.N: Sorry for the lateness, but care mind the gramma and spellings
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to a creator called Masashi Kishimoto And Inuyasha's demons
Chapter 2: Passing Through Hidden Village Of Rain
The weather was lusting with clear blue skies which remained Kyubi of what he once were and once of his simply being, in the sky there were not a single cloud in sight in once for a while Katsu could see distress and openly of Kyubi as each time he looked up the sky.
“Bow…?” Katsu purred at Kyubi who was sitting on his shoulder all the time.
“Nothing Katsu, I was wondering where is those pesky demons were.” Kyubi lied it all make sense, Katsu was a young fire-fox but he could sense that Kyubi was distressed and distracted by something but once that reached the end of the forest and into another neighbouring area lightning stuck down by a inch in front of Kyubi.
“Half-demon Kyubi, it's time you forfeit your lands to me!” A snake-demon hissed looking down he see that where the lightning had been melted into marshes, the snake clearly used a type of arid.
“Not today snake, I have other things to do than just play with you all day.” Kyubi said walking passed the demon-snake, Katsu could sense that this would risk Ino's life so a bright flaming ball engulfed him and he turned into a big cat this make Kyubi stopped and turned around.
“It seems like your little Kitty had other plans.” The snake-demon snarled turning it head towards Kyubi as he flexed his claws, than Katsu picked up Ino in amazing speed and yanked up towards the skies and lifted than Kyubi's navy-blue eyes turned red as the soil and gravels was moved as Kyubi changed into his beast form.
A beautiful white fox with yellow stripes on all of his nine tails curled up, his red eyes faded into sky-blue eyes looking at the snake that enlarged itself both were as large as the trees now and were able to be seemed in the tall forest area.
“I guess you get your wish come true…” Kyubi snarled uncurling his nine tails as it stranded out towards the sky, the blue skies now darken but angry clouds; lightning and thunder clashed down making a dense and large craters into the field where they stood. Trees had been knocked down by the two beast's movement.
“So it had been ten years since I first saw your true beast form, I wonder if I make you mad you would turn into the enraged red fox.” The snake asked looking at death, while Kyubi smirked.
“If I turned into a red fox, it meant doom to all who see me!” Kyubi roared out as the sky blanked out like in sudden flash the snake only witness the disappearance of Kyubi than there were clones of him everywhere and now we see the snake-demon was on the down bleeding. The snake's head was gone maybe Kyubi beheaded it, and thrown a yard away from them the scales on the snake were tattered and broken the white fox turned back into his human form and gave a final look at the no headed Snake-demon and walked off to find Katsu and Ino there not far in the field on the crops Kyubi see Katsu's large cat form and on him was the white-yellow haired girl.
“Kyubi…What appeared?” Ino asked looking at Kyubi as he approached towards them.
“A snake-demon challenged me, that pathetic reptile knows what's coming to him but he ignored it and he had his life cut short; we don't have any time to be wasted.” Kyubi said walking towards the village, at this rate Ino was sleeping on Katsu's back Kyubi was giving worried.
“Bow…Bow, new!” Katsu whined looking at Kyubi's worried expression, as he stopped as Katsu kneeled next to him as Kyubi nervously picked up Ino in a piggy-back style and walked off; Katsu smiled turning back into his kitten form and leaped onto Kyubi's back while he drifted of to sleep his claws were fixed onto Kyubi's white robe as he was approaching the village many people would just look and walked off it's not every day you would see a man wearing `out-of-date' traditional clothing in the streets.
“Aww…Look here, a young man are helping carrying his exhausted wife.” An old lady cooed as Kyubi frowned by the word `wife' it's not like he was married or something like that but when that approached a school with four lines vertically and next to it was an inn/motel/hotel and opposite of it was a restaurant when he was about to walked in someone called him.
“Hey, when a Leaf ninja came here?” A young boy asked looking at Kyubi, he turned and looked at him coldly this should sent deadly shrives up his spine for the moment as he came towards the counter as the storekeeper walked up to him.
“Hello young man, what could I do for you?” He asked looking at the long blond haired man, as he looked up at him.
“Could you buy and take away here?” Kyubi asked looking at the man of the store, he mere nodded as this appears Katsu woke up while Kyubi went to his slash and pulled out a wallet and laid it on the table as Kyubi overed some food and two bottles of water.
“It's about seventeen dollars and ninety-five cents.” The man said as at this moment Katsu pulled out the exactly same amount of cash in the wallet, tugging the zipper and pulled it back into Kyubi's slash as the man looked at Kyubi weirdly at this brief moment Ino wake up and realized that she was sleeping against Kyubi.
“Kyubi you could let go of me now.” Ino said Kyubi barely said anything as he released his arm around her knees as she landed against the timber floor.
“I never seem a cat like this one, you two must be from Leaf right?” The manager said handing Kyubi the food and water, as he grabbed it and looked at the manager.
“No, I'm from a foreign place not far from here…She is from Leaf, and this is Katsu he is a rare kind of cat that are nearly extinct.” Kyubi said turning around as Ino bided the man and followed Kyubi out the door, walking towards a clean field Kyubi sat down below a tree not far from here as Ino followed suit; Kyubi opened the food wrap for Katsu as he eat slowly.
“Kyubi what are we doing here?” Ino asked looking at Kyubi as he handed her the food.
“It's another four days of walk from here to Leaf, we should rest before continuing…I don't want the same thing happening to us, when that snaky attack us when we are not at our fullest.” Kyubi said opening his meal, sniffing it before take a bite out of it. After all the food, Kyubi put it aside as Ino watched the fields during her bottle of water; Katsu was taking a nap but than Ino caught Kyubi looking at her.
“What is it Kyubi?” Ino asked looking in those navy-blue eyes, as he shook his head.
“Nothing is wrong, I'm just wondering about the demons and my life.” Kyubi said closing his eyes lending against the tree.
“When you said you meet a Genin once, where is it from?” Ino asked trying to start a conversation with Kyubi; he opened his eyes and looked at Ino.
“Well, the Genin is a male…I think he is from some place named Konoha, he never really said much about it.” Kyubi shook his head muttering about some boy who always so loud,
“Beside, after we are rested up we are started to head towards Leaf okay?”
“So he is from Konoha, that's where Leaf is…” Ino said making Katsu woke up as Kyubi stood up growling at someone.
“Come out, I know you are here!” Kyubi said looking around, as he broke a twig of the tree behind him and throw it towards the intruder; it comes out be a man with an umbrella with his headband of four vertical lines.
“Ino Yamanaka, from Leaf…Why are you doing here…?” A dark haired man said looking at Ino, as she pulled out two Kunai Knifes.
“Aoi, why are you here?” Ino asked looking at the man who were once a Leaf Ninja but because he used someone's hand to steal two scrolls.
“He is here to greet us, once a traitor to Leaf wanting to steal two scrolls using his student's hands…Am I right about that?” Kyubi asked looking at the man as his eyes widen looking at the long blond haired.
“How do you know, I suppose you are not a Ninja but how you know?” Aoi hissed looking at Kyubi.
“I got my sources, no matter what's you next plan is my `sources' would know.” Kyubi said that got Aoi angry as his twisted his umbrella around as needles spilled around the place, Katsu had now turned into a fire-cat and snarled at Aoi as Kyubi pulled out his rusted katana out.
“Yang, the Sword of Darkness and Death…A sword that could kill over thousands of demons in one slash; are you ready to see the fury of this weapon…Demon Spears!” Kyubi shouted as the whole blade turned into pure diamond as Kyubi slashed at Aoi diamond crystal spears came out heading towards the man but than a roar was heard. Katsu and Kyubi turned their attention towards the source and see a demon which looked like a tree, Kyubi throw his robe to Ino. “Kyubi, you punk…Half-demon come out…!” The tree-demon roared out stomping onto the mountain side,
“Half-demon, you had killed my brothers and sisters before now I'm going to avenge them!”
“Ino stay under this, I guaranteed this is a safe spot.” Kyubi said as leaped up towards the tree-demon and the two started a fight, Kyubi landed onto Katsu's back as Kyubi waved his `Yang' up in the air as there was a swirl of black clouds above them; he slashed his sword aimless down as yellow-thunders and lightning clashed down towards the tree slicing off his branches, green blood spattered onto the green grass below.
“I'm dying than I would take you with me!” The tree-demon roared out while its mouth gathered green-bluish beam into it as it released it towards Kyubi. He jumped off of Katsu and headed towards the beam, as Katsu stay where he is.
“I'm afraid you are going to die alone, Backslash!” Kyubi called out as the blade generated demonic power into it's metal ware as Kyubi lusted out another beam come towards the unprepared tree-demon as it sliced thoroughly down the demon revealing it was chopped into halves; more green blood flooded the field as the tree there laying on the field was a tree slice into halves and it was showing it's starch. Kyubi turned towards Ino, and see that Ino and Aoi had started a fight together, the robes was on her that's for sure but when needles spilled down on her Katsu attacked by clawing at Aoi as he leaped away and disappeared, as Kyubi approached Ino who removed the robe revealing she was unharmed.
“Kyubi, what's the meaning of this?” Ino asked handing Kyubi his white robes as he slip it back on.
“It's heavy protected, when someone wear it they no long be harmed and would be protected unless if it was removed from them but it had the power to heal them when they are wearing it.” Kyubi said looking at Ino seeing she's understand when Katsu turned back into his kitten form and landed on her head,
“It seems like Katsu like you…A lot, you must be a gentle spirit because Katsu only leaped on them if they are gentle or pure.”
“I guess, but Katsu we are going towards Leaf Village and I would show you everything around there.” Ino said towards Katsu who meowed in response than she turned towards Kyubi,
“Kyubi what about you stay in Leaf Village, it's very peaceful and quiet; the villagers are very kind and helpful when you get to know them.”
“Ino, I don't know…” Kyubi started but than Katsu growled at him making him smiled,
“If Katsu wanted to go there that much than, we would stay but if anything happens to it I won't be held responsible.”
“Okay, than it settled.” Ino smiled loving at Kyubi as he returned it, to Katsu he sees that the sky-blue eyes a shining again like when they first met.