Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ Moonlit Walk Part 2 - Friendly Advice ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto

Step 4 - Moonlit Walk Part 2: Friendly Advice!

The desert was silent and the only thing that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the three Ninja hiding behind a sand dune.

“Holy crap that chick is strong.” Kiba commented out loud angrily clutching his forearm trying to stop the bleeding.

Sakura glared at him. “She’s not that strong. You just ran in without thinking!”

“Well she was just standing there so-“

“You didn’t think she might have planned something! Did you grow more stupid over the years or what?!” She yelled wanting to whack him over the head but not able to because over the blond who was in the middle.

“Hey not all of us are bookworms!” Kiba yelled back in a failed attempt at self defense.

Sakura growled to her self, chancing to take a peek over the sandy hill.

The woman was standing there waiting patiently for them to make their move, a smirk plastered on her face. Sakura had to duck down quickly as the older woman threw a shuriken at her. “We need a distraction. She’s too patient to rush in on her own. I don’t think she’ll fall for a clone either . . . ”

“What if one of us goes out then the other two jump in while she’s focused on one. It’s simple and there’s only one of her so it should work.” The brunette suggested leaning his head against the sand behind him.

“Good Idea. Sakura you go.” Naruto said quickly looking over at his friend.

“What?! Why the hell should I go? Why not Kiba he’s a dog he should be used to running around.”

Kiba tuned a death glare on the girl. “I’m not a dog you stuck up little bi-”

“You finish that and your dead dog breath!” Sakura snapped using Naruto’s insult from before

Naruto shook his head. “Sakura you’ve trained with granny Tsunade you’re the best one at dodging out of the three of us! That’s why you should go.”

Sakura sighed and looked Naruto in the eyes. “Fine, but you owe me lunch when we get back home.” Sakura didn’t give Naruto enough time to refuse before she jumped up and out onto the field, dodging the attacks.


Hinata stood hunched over her hand on her knees as she breathed heavily from exhaustion. The enemy was defeated but Hinata had overdone it wanting to fight by herself.

Shino had stood to the side waiting in vain for the young girl to come to her senses and let him help. Apparently he had misjudged the girl. He thought for sure she would have needed help but apparently Hinata had grown even more strong then he realized. Somewhere in his mind he knew she did it for Naruto, she was always trying to improve her self even if it was to only gain the slightest amount of praise. Usually when the blonde saw her fight he would cheer her on and shout out in a hyper voice ‘Way to go Hinata!’ and that one shout of praise was enough of an award for the girls efforts. At least to her it was.

Hinata walked back over to her teammate smiling wiping the trail of blood off her cheek, wincing when her hand grazed over the cut.

Neither one said anything as they checked the enemy for anything suspicious. They took whatever scrolls they found along with a few weapons, just incase then started walking off going back the way they came.

“Shino . . . do you think the others are doing okay?” Hinata asked looking down to the ground her bruised hands coming together in another session due to her shy nature.

Shino kept his hands in his pockets not even bothering to look over and try to read her movements. “Why wouldn’t they be?”

Hinata lifted her head and smiled. “Your right Naruto will be fine.” She piped up happily her voice holding a vast amount of faith.

This time Shino did look over at the girl, eyebrow raised. “I thought you were worried about ‘the others.’” He said slowly watching as Hinata’s face light up a bright red and stammered trying to find the right thing to say.

“So do you ever plan on telling him?” the male asked turning back to the dry scenery. “You’ve been harboring feelings for him since the academy. You don’t tell him soon he might find someone else. It’s not like you’re the only girl that’ll fall for him, there will be others and if you don’t speak up soon you’ll never get a chance.”

Hinata listened to Shino. She knew it sounded a little harsh but he was just looking out for her, and to him that meant telling the truth no matter how hurtful it would be. “Well ever since we had lunch he never really talked to me after then, but . . . ”

Hinata trailed off as she remembered the smile he gave her as she ran up to her house. She felt a fluttering sensation in her chest and she smiled the rest of the night. Even when her father argued about her love for the blond.

“It’s been three weeks.”

“I know . . . but I think . . . I think that maybe . . . ”

Shino inwardly sighed as the girl trailed off again and kept walking, Hinata following right behind him a small smile on her face.

“Cha! Beat that!”

Naruto and Kiba looked at Sakura blankly staring as they watched her cheer in victory. They looked down at the bloody woman who was knocked out cold. Apparently they had over estimated her hand to hand combat skills. It seemed the girl worked her chakra the same as Sakura did but wasn’t any match at dodging.

The enemy used smoke bombs and projectiles as distractions and then would throw a few punches while the opponent was distracted and then retreat quickly. And come to find out the girl wasn’t all that good at defense and it took Sakura literary one minute to take out the enemy.

Kiba leaned closer to Naruto so that the raging female couldn’t hear him. “Is she always like this violent?”

“No, usually she keeps her violence up to her inner self.” Naruto responded watching as his teammate walk over to them leaving Kiba to wonder if the pink haired girl had a mental disorder of some kind.

“Well that’s take’s care of her. We should head back to Shino and Hinata.” The girl stated cheerfully wiping some of the dirt off her shorts.

Naruto nodded. “Yeah they’re probably finished too.” He said while thinking about wether or not they were ok. He was sure they would be. Naruto thought back to when he had seen Hinata fight remembering every match she was in. Then there was that mission they had went on to find that bug she fought those people by herself. The blond looked forward into the desert, shaking his head. Of course she was fine, she was strong willed and besides she had Shino with her. He wouldn’t let anything happen . . . right?

“Naruto! Come on were not waiting on you forever!” Sakura yelled waving at him to hurry up.

“Oh sorry you guys I was just-”

“Spacing out like a moron?” Kiba cut him off smirking.

“I wasn’t spacing, I was thinking! There’s a difference!” Naruto shouted at the smug man.

Sakura gave a Naruto a shocked look. “Sense when did you start thinking?” She asked, giggling when the blond scowled. “Naruto what where you thinking about anyway?”

Naruto paused in his grumbling and looked back up at Sakura. “Well I was just wandering if Hinata was ok . . . I know Shino’s there but what if he’s not strong enough to protect her and they get . . . in. . . . to . . . trouble. What?” Naruto trailed off as he watched Sakura’s small smile brake out into a huge grin and Kiba started smirking. “W-what?”

Sakura kept grinning, remembering every time the boy started spacing out him knew he had to be thinking about something happy. He was smiling quite frequently and “ . . . Naruto?” Sakura asked


“You’ve been going around grinning like an idiot for the pasted two weeks wouldn’t have anything to do with Hinata, would it?” She asked slyly watching the boy’s face turn slightly red.

Naruto gulped, he knew he was blushing, he just didn’t know why. “Why would she have anything to do with me grinning?”

“You know Sakura.” Kiba started facing the girl with a teasing smirk. “I just so happen to bump into Hinata and Naruto two weeks ago, they were walking together, Naruto walked her home.”

Sakura resisted and urge to giggle. “Aw! I didn’t know you could be so sweet Naruto!” She exclaimed clapping her hands together in a happy gesture.

Naruto’s face had increased in color and was nearly close to rivaling Hinata’s own blush. “It was late! I just wanted to make sure she got home ok!”

“Naruto your blushing . . . ” Sakura stated in a sing song voice, poking one of his cheeks with her finger.

Naruto swatted her hand away scowling. “You would be to if you were being made fun of!” He shouted getting ready to stomp off.

Kiba grabbed his shoulder holding him in place and smirked. “Face it you like her!”

Naruto nearly fell over from the accusation. He turned around facing the brunette. “What kind of crazy idea is that?!” He asked offended.

“Naruto think about it. You’ve been thinking about her frequently not to mention you worried about her even though you have faith in her. Just think.” Sakura said calmly all hints of teasing gone.

Naruto looked at her and Kiba. Did he really like her? He thought back on that night they had dinner. He remembered the way she blushed when she said he had enjoyed his company the sensation in his chest after she told him. The way he got tongue tied and couldn’t think of anything to say. How for the past two weeks’ he kept remembering her adorable smiles and blushes, her timid nervous stutters when they first started talking that day all the way down to the cute gestures, she made with her hands.

Naruto felt himself grinning again. “I. . .I. . .” once again the boy was lost for words. He was really confused, when did he start liking her, he thought he liked Sakura . . . well that was a couple years ago, but he never really talked to Hinata before that day. How does one start liking some one anyway? “I’m confused!”

Sakura gently laughed at the blondes out burst. “That usually does happen, Naruto.”

“Yeah not everything in life is as simple as you.”Kiba remarked hoping to get the blond focused on something else so he didn’t have a mental brake down.

Naruto shook his head. “ It doesn’t matter! She wouldn’t go out with me anyway.”

As soon as the words left his mouth Naruto felt a huge pain in the back of his head. Clutching his head. He looked up and into the fiery eyes of Sakura. “You’re a Complete Idiot Naruto!” She yelled whacking him again, this time he ended up on the ground in the fetal position . . . that’s what you did when bears attack right? Well except at that moment Sakura looked more like something you would see in one of those scary monster movie.

“That girl’s been into you since we were twelve! What are you Blind!”Sakura yelled again hitting him one last time for good measure.

Naruto looked up at Sakura in surprise. “What? You mean ever since Iruka’s classes?”

Sakura gave an Irritated groan. “I can’t believe I’m friends with you. Naruto she likes you a lot and, she’s shown it on more then one occasion. I mean she follows you around a lot, not to mention she always brings you flowers when you’re in the hospital, she blushes like a mad man when you’re around her.”

“And she passed out once when you got too close.” Kiba added smirking again watching as Naruto gave him a confused glance. “The time in the hospital before we all went on that mission, when you were hanging on the ceiling . . . ”

Naruto’s face lit up. “ Oh yeah I remember, I was trying to see if she had a fever and then she just . . . fell. I thought she was sick.”

Kiba stood to the side with a blank stare. ‘Is he really that oblivious?’ He looked down to Akamaru who was whining, watching the scene of Naruto getting abuse by Sakura.

“Naruto you should ask her out, you know on an official date! After we deliver the scroll in Sand you can take her to one of the places there, it’ll be different and probably a bit more exiting going some place new rather then the same old things back home!” Sakura said excitedly practically bouncing in her spot.

Naruto gulped nervously. “Are you two sure about this? How do you ask somebody out anyway?! What if she doesn’t really like me? You guys could be wrong.”

Sakura once again glared at the boy, pulling him up by the front of his shirt. “Naruto, If you and Hinata haven’t gone on a date by the time we get back home, not even lady Tsunade will be able to heal you!” She said viscously letting go of him, and adjusting her gloves threateningly.

Naruto Nodded eagerly. Why did he have to get placed on the team with the psycho, right now he’d even take shino over the scary woman in front of him.

Sakura smiled innocently at his nod. “Good now let’s go find Shino and Hinata.” She said spinning around and started walking. Kiba followed her quickly a bit spiffed that the blond had chosen to hide behind him until he was positive that the Pink haired banshee as he liked to call her was cooled off.