Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ Saving The Girl Part 1 - Seperated ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The room was almost completely pitch black on lit by the light the shown through the cracks in the door. Hinata looked around quickly for a way, but the only opening was a small narrow window the was halfway sealed off by bricks and a small slip of paper she could only guess was a trap. It didn’t help that she was tied up.

She could see only one other person in the room, the shadowed figure of a small child no older then seven who had backed themselves into the corner when Mina had opened the door to throw her in. The child must have been frightened of the older girl to have backed away so quickly, But that also meant that they weren’t tied up!

“Um. . .Excuse me” Hinata started to get the kids attention. She seen the small child look in her direction and gave a friendly smile. “Your hands are free right?”

The figure turned around fully, nodding they’re head, “Y-yes”

Hinata listened to the timid voice, it was definitely a little girl. “Can you untie me, please?”

The girl bowed her head in apology. “I can’t. she’ll get mad. . .”

“B-but I. . .Never mind. . . I under stand.” Hinata bowed her head as well. It wouldn’t do her any good to beg the child, it would probably cause the child to start ignoring her completely. “Um can I ask why you’re here. At least?”

The girls head came up again, surprised that the teen wasn’t angry. “I-I‘m not sure, Mina brought me here a while ago but never said why.”

Hinata looked at the girl closely, she couldn’t see her very well but they way she avoided eye contact and kept her head bowed , it seemed like she was afraid of making her upset. She offered a small smile to the child even though she knew she couldn’t see. “What’s your name?”

“. . . Mina will get upset with me. . .” the girl didn’t bow her head this time but instead turned to the side watching the shadows passed by as people walked threw the halls outside.

Hinata, looked at that shadows for a moment wondering who could’ve been out there, Mina probably. She looked at the door its self for a moment before giving the girl another smile. “It’s okay.” This wasn’t good, if her only chance to escape wasn’t going to help her, how would she get back to Naruto and the others?

“Why are you here?” the small girl asked Hinata, watching as the older female looked at her surprised. Did she say something wrong?

“I was on a mission, You see Mina stole something from my family and It’s caused quite an amount of alarm for my Village.” Hinata explained to the girl. Maybe if she befriended the girl, the girl would release her. But. . .she couldn’t just use someone like that, It wasn’t right.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” the girl said, “ I know Mina’s not very nice, but. . .”

Hinata shook her head, “I know, It’s fine.”

The girl smiled and moved closer to Hinata, yet staying out of reach just in case. “um. . .I know it’s not fair, but what’s your Name?”

Naruto stood in a defensive position out in the middle of an open field. His jacket that now had varies rips and tears had been discard a while back, the rain had made it heavier then normal and the missing pieces of fabric gave little protection from the rain, It was only a hindrance now.

The blond shifted sliding his feet across the muddy earth and grabbing on to the foot that was aimed for his head. He pushed the foot up and aimed a kick of his own only to have his enemy repeat the same action, Instead Naruto used the lift to his advantage and flipped back to put some more distance between the two.

He could hear Neji and Sakura fighting their own enemies. Their grunts of pain seemed dull in comparison to the constant blows that were being exchanged with the enemy and himself. There was even a point in time where he was complete deaf to Sakura’s warning shouts.

He was frustrated, worried, annoyed and feeling very, very Angry. He could only remember two other time that he was this angry. The first time was when His friend had left the village in a search for more power. The second was when the Akatsuki had killed Gaara. Now Hinata Had been Captured and He didn’t know were she was. He didn’t know if she was alive or dead. If she was fine or if they were interrogating her or forcing information out of her.

He had endless amounts of faith in her strength, but he was scared for Hinata and he was so angry at himself because it was his fault he couldn’t blame anyone but himself he couldn’t even blame the guy he was fighting with. He should have been more alert to what he was doing.

Originally it was him who was supposed to have been captured, but Hinata had gotten in between him and the abductor. In a flash she was gone and Neji had lost sight of his cousin. The man who was standing before him gave them the opportunity to get her back, if they stopped chasing after them.

Naruto didn’t remember initiating the battle. He didn’t remember anything until Sakura had showed up and saved him from being attacked from behind, and calling him a moron for not watching his back. Like he wasn’t already hating himself.

He took a deep breath and ran at the man, His arm pulled back as he drew near. Just as he got him the man smirked getting ready for something, Naruto caught the look last minute and skidded to a stop.

The smirk turned into a grin. “What’s wrong kid lose your nerve?”

“I don’t know what your talking about”

“I guess it is hard to lose something you never had. . .”

Naruto glared at the man, it was obvious that he was trying to taunt him into an attack. The sad thing was it was starting to work, and that guy knew it.

The man smirk again, his stance relaxing into a pose of arrogance. “First you almost get killed and then your friend gets kidnapped from you ignorance. . .some ninja. . .”

“Where is Hinata.” The blonde demanded.

Laughing the man started making his way over to Naruto grinning. “Now if I told you that, I’d get killed, that wouldn’t be any fun…”

Naruto put one foot back to brace himself in case the man attacked. “Then I guess your going to die either way. “ he snarled waiting for the guy to get close enough to attack.

“Mina‘s right you know, you two won‘t last.“

The blonde blinked a few times at hearing the name, before he recognized the man. “You? Your that guy from the dinner party!

“How does a smart prudent little girl end up with such a volatile imbecile. She’d be better off getting married to some one of her own class, or perhaps someone who could actually protect her. . . “ the man jeered, watching in amusement as his words seemed to have an effect on the younger boy.

Naruto growled viscously before leaping at the man, brutal attacks once again being exchanged.


“and fuzzy caterpillars, fireflies, lizards, oh and Horses. I had this one horse, I found him in the forest when it was still just a pony. He had been attacked , I convinced my father to bring it home and then me an mommy nursed it back to health. I played with him everyday, I named him Berenger.”

“Sounds like a good name for him” Hinata commented smiling at the girl, who was now smiling back.

“Yep! He died living by that name, You see about a year ago, a bear wandered on to our property, and I was out playing with Berenger and the pony my older sister got for her birthday. The bear attacked us, Berenger had driven the bear off but, the wounds he got were deep, and even though we cleaned him up and everything they got infected.”

“Sorry. . .for your loss.” Hinata said quietly, “But At least you know he loved you, to defend you like that.”

The girl nodded. And went silently for a while, her fingers skimming over the dusty floor, tracing small doodles into the floor. “My father once told me that, love, is infinite, that you could love some one so much that you wouldn’t think twice about dying for them if it would save them. “

Hinata looked at the girl stunned . The child wasn‘t even twelve yet and she was already talking like a old woman who gave advice to her grandchildren some kind of advice for the future. Even though the small child might not know exactly what those words meant yet, Hinata had the feeling that the girl was catching on to the meaning faster then she should.

“that’s why your trying to get out isn’t it, because your friends are out there, in danger.” the girl looked down to the floor again.” I can tell your worried, they way you looked around the room every second, that’s how mommy looked when she knew father was in trouble.”

Hinata kept her eye’s on the girl waiting patiently for the girl to continue. However the silence grew longer and longer until Hinata finally gave up and went back to thinking of an escape.
Naruto flew back as a foot connected to his side and sent him flying several feet away. He hit the ground with a small thud and rolled a few times before trying to stand up. He winced in pain as he got up, putting a hand to his side. Something was definitely cracked.
He looked over at the others, Neji had his opponent completely frustrated. The unknown man was obviously having a hard time trying to land a hit on the Hyuuga. A glance in the opposite direction gave him a glimpse of how Sakura was doing. He wasn’t sure how she got or why she showed up, but he was thankful. Especially since she was keeping her opponent on his toes her chakra boosted punches that were starting to overwhelming him.

“If I where you kid I’d be a little more worried about myself, didn’t you learn anything from earlier?” the man stated, laughing arrogantly at the child in front of him. His laughter was cut off by a kunai stabbing him in the shoulder.

“I don‘t need to be lectured by someone like you. ” Naruto spat out, throwing another round o kunai straight a the mans chest.

The man jumped up to avoid the projectiles, but failed to register the blondes movement before he was sent flying back into a tree, the tree snapping in half under the pressure. Groaning he stood up and looked up just in time to block a punch that would have surely broken his nose if it connected. Another punch was thrown this time aiming for his stomach, he almost fully dodged it, but it ad still grazed him close enough to feel a slight sting but not enough to do any real damage.

Naruto gritted his teeth angrily. None of his attack were making any contact Mina’s fiancé was putting all his energy into not getting hit and it was so infuriating. If he could just land one good hit, he knew he could take the guy out. It certainly didn’t help when he guy jumped out of reach and attacked back with a long ranged chakra attack.

The chakra was shaped like little arrowheads and were shot out eleven at a time. It was tough to dodge them since the would turn slightly to follow Naruto before vanishing a few seconds later. Naruto waited for another attack, but sighed and slouched slightly when nothing came, his side was really starting to effect him.

“What’s the matter brat, getting tired from a little bit of running. “ the man asked, as he stood up straight like he was showing off how much energy he had left.

It didn’t make any sense to Naruto. They both had been injured equally and he could tell the man was slightly worn out but Naruto felt like he wanted to pass out. “Ha! I’m not even close to done. “ shaking off his tiredness, he ran straight for the man ducking down to avoid a punch aimed at this head and leapt up, ramming his head into the mans chin.

He heard a cracking noise and wondered for a second if maybe he broke something, but he could only hope he did watched the man fall back and clutch his jaw in pain. He walked over to the man and pulled him up by the front of his shirt. “You have more of a chance of staying alive if you tell me were Hinata is. “

The only response Naruto received was the man spitting a mixture of saliva and blood in his face.

Hinata had been sitting there for a while staring out the window with unfocused. At first the girl in the corner thought she had given up and was sulking but the older female had given a small hint of a smile

The little girl observed Hinata as she silently watched the rain fall from the dark grey clouds or how she seemingly listened to the rain hit the muddy earth. The older girl kept looking threw the window and the longer she stared the darker her eyes got.

The child sitting in the corner wasn’t as wise as the words she told the girl earlier, but she wasn’t blind.

It wasn’t what the older girl was listening to, it was what she was listening for. She was listening for any sign of her friends. Hoping that they had found their way there to get her out of the pitch black room. “You really think they’re going to come for you?” she asked quietly, as she moved to sit next to the female ninja.

Hinata jumped slightly at broken silence and sudden movement. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.” She said looking over at the girl.

The girl shook her head and looked out threw the small window, it really was getting dark. “Never mind. Your friends what are they like.” she asked curious about the people coming for her.

Hinata looked out the window thinking a moment before she spoke. “Well, all of my friends are very. . .different from each other. They argue with each other a lot but, they’re always there when you need them. Their loyal and you can really depend on them if your in trouble. Almost all of them are always competing with someone.”

“Yes but what about the ones that are coming to save you.” She asked, it seemed that the girl had a lot of the friends.

“Oh, well. . .” Hinata stopped for a second not exactly sure who or how many people were coming for her. She wasn’t really aware to how difficult the mission was from the outside. “Well I know Neji will be looking for me. Neji’s my cousin, He’s very. . .confident, we actually didn’t get along when we were younger. He resented the fact that I was from the main branch in our family, and because I was so weak he thought I didn’t deserve to be in the main branch. He’s very talented in our families style, he always has been.” Hinata said with a smile which faded quickly. “Although it’s a little sad, he had taught himself almost everything he know. But it also makes me proud to be relates.”

“I see, what about the others?”

“well the only one I’m sure will come looking for me is, Naruto.”


The smile was back, and possibly even more happy then any other smile the girl seen on the konoichi . “Yes, He’ll come for me. . .even if he’s told not to”

The child gave a impish smile. “You like him. . .” she said teasingly, and laughed as Hinata’s face started glowing. “Does he like you?”

“I-I. . .well he, um. . .that is we’re date-dating, so I hope he. . .”

“But you said he’d come for you even if it was-”

“Y-yes but he would come for any of his friends.” she said trying to regain her composure. She could have sworn that she was getting over this. She took a few calming breathes and ended up blushing again when she saw the look the girl was giving her. A look that told Hinata, that the little girl about Hinata’s feelings for him. She looked away from the girl and back out the window trying to keep her blushing in control. “Yes I like him. . .we’re dating or at least trying to. . .but I can’t tell if this is going to work or not and. . .I don’t know what he thinks. “ why was she doing? Talking to a little girl about her love life, their were plenty of girls back home she could have talked to about this. “’I’m sorry. This isn’t your problem. . .I shouldn’t. . .

The girl shook her head. “No I asked, besides sometimes it’s good to hear a strangers opinion. Besides, I can tell you it won’t be easy. My parents would get frustrated when mommy was alive, because they barely had time together. You see my mom was an Anbu captain and a medic so she barley had time to be with father and me. When I was younger They seemed frustrated and sad all the time, some times dad would cry if mom was late coming home from a mission., but it got better as time passed. ”

The Hyuuga heiress sighed and leaned her back against the dirty stone wall. “So you really think it will get better for us?” she asked and watched the girl nod. If her father could handle the fact that his wife was never around and always in danger, maybe Naruto and her could figure things out as well. “your father must have really loved your mother to go threw such a difficult relationship.”

The little girl looked at Hinata blankly for a second before speaking. “Would you leave Naruto just because you hit a bump?”

“Never! I. . .I don’t think I could ever even think about it, I’ve felt strongly about him for so long and to finally have him know this and actually ask me out, How could I possibly turn him away.” Hinata started looking out the window again, spacing and watching the rain come down and started to drizzle inside to room and travel down the wall in tiny lines. “ I mean I would like it if he was a little bit more. . .romantic but just to have him hold my hand or hug me the way he does, It’s more then I ever hoped for. I don’t think he completely understands that much about relationships or romance and things like that, but I don’t think he has to.”

Mimicking the older girls actions of leaning against the wall and looking out the window the smaller girl placed her hands behind her head and gave off a more arrogant posture the before. “why’s that?”

“Because even if he’s not the most romantic person, He’s caring and thoughtful, and he’s compassionate and . . .” Hinata started blushing again but she kept staring at the rain not even trying to hide it.

“As long as he tells you eventually that he loves you right?” the girl grinned watching the rain started to fall in patterns, becoming light one minute and heavy the next. “You know Hinata, those seals are just made out of paper and ink. . .”

Hinata’s head turned to face the girl swiftly, trying to figure out what the girl was talking about. But the girl just kept grinning and staring at the window. Hinata followed her eyes suspiciously finally landing on the water the started coming threw the window.

Sakura and Neji had already took out there opponents and Stood their in the middle of the rain, stuck between wanting to kill there teammate and wanting to comfort him.

Thanks to the older males words, Naruto had ignored all reason and killed off the last ninja, there last source of information. The chances of them sending out more distractions were extremely slim, especially if the enemy knew that Leaf was out of clues to lead them to the scroll. So now they were back to square one, and minus two ninja.

Sakura sighed and started to make her way over to her frustrated friend “Naruto. . .W-”

“I know, I blew it!” Naruto snapped cutting Sakura off, “I just. . . We need to Keep moving, We have to find Hinata.”

Naruto started to take off before Neji grabbed a hold of his arm. He ignore the boys glare and stood firm. “I don’t think so Uzumaki. We need to get back to the village and inform the Hokage about our failure to retrieve the scroll.”

“Dammit what about Hinata! Are you just going to leave her behind! “ he yelled pulling his arm back. “She’s your family aren’t you worried at all!!”

Neji glared at the blonde before turning his back on him, “Sakura, I’m going to head back, will you take care of Naruto.”

Sakura nodded at the Hyuuga watching him take off she put a comforting hand on Naruto shoulder. “Naruto I know your scared. You don’t know were she is or her condition , but we need to smart about this. We don’t know have anyway of finding out where she is and running around in unfamiliar territory in the rain will not help.” Naruto looked at her from the corner of his eye, a hint of defiance lingering in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but she beat him to it.

“Naruto, Remember when Sasuke abandoned leaf to follow Orochimaru? Remember how I wanted to go with you guys when you went after him. I couldn’t go. It wasn’t just because Shikamaru didn’t have time to somehow place me in there or that Lady Tsunade didn’t assign me to go, cause I could have snuck out and went on my own. It was because I knew I wouldn’t of been any help. . .and right now Naruto, aside from running around aimlessly looking for her what can you really do? “

Naruto turned around fully, his eyes still locked on to hers, “I. . .I . . .I could . . .Maybe. I just. . .”

Sakura gave him a sad but relieved smile, she knew he understood by the fear that had replaced his rebellious glared. He was getting more smart by the day. “Come on Naruto Lets head back. “

Naruto nodded . “Fine, and not that I‘m not grateful or anything but why are you here. ”

“Oh, Well Tsunade had found out who exactly stole the scroll and sent me out as an extra precaution. Those people that you told me about the ones at the Hugo’s party, They had taken scroll. The girls boyfriend claimed to be in Anbu, but even though it was just his word and there was no proof. . .”

“Granny thought it couldn’t hurt, right?” Naruto half asked finishing the explanation for her.. Shaking his head he picked up his shredded jacket, silently mourning over it’s injured state, Before taking off Sakura right behind him.

Sakura followed after him predicting the outburst to come, and how their friends were going to have to keep them occupied until they found anything regarding this mission. Kiba would probably yell at Naruto for getting Hinata captured and her and shino would have to keep them separated for a while. Neji would probably avoid them for most of the time so he wouldn’t be much of a problem. Looking up at the sky she noticed the rain was staring to let up, but it was starting to thunder. Sighing she looked back down, and stopped.

Where was Naruto?
