Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ Saving The Girl Part 2 - Through The Door ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sakura sprang up for her seat as the doors busted open and her teacher called out for her. “Over here!” She yelled threw the crowd throing an arm in the air to wave to her mentor. She had just gotten back and was surprised at how many people were in the hospital waiting room. It was like going shopping in the middle of the day with a big sale going on.

Tsunade spotted the girl in the crowded room and walked over to her. “Good your still here. We need to talk immediately.“ The older woman placed a hand on Sakura’s shoulder to make sure she didn’t go anywhere as she turned around. “Shizune! I’m leaving you in charge of this for a bit! Call in extra help if you need it.” She turned back around and started walking forward, her hand dropping back to her side as she started to lead the way, her student walking behind her.

It was difficult to weave their way through the overrun hallways. Sakura was already gritting her teeth in frustration at being knocked around too many time. “Jeez! This is a hospital not gossip central! Either go to the waiting room or leave!” she shouted, scolding two girls who where just standing there talking and blocking the hall. The girls gave her an irritated look but left silently. “What’s going on around here?”

Tsunade sighed dramatically. “There was an attack on the village. It happened only a few hours before you returned. We fought them off perfectly but there were a few wide ranged attacks and a few explosions, a few civilians were injured. So naturally there whole family comes to see how there doing. But the younger ones are just so. . .I don’t know what to call it. They just think they can stand in the hallways and talk about there lives.”

“ You haven’t yelled at them?”

“Too busy yelling at the curious children to be worried about the chatterbox teens.” she said exasperated. It was painfully obvious that she was tired and exhausted from her job.

Sakura Gave her a worried look as she was once again bumped into. “I could come in and help out tomorrow. Would that help?”

Tsunade paused and shook her head negatively. “As much as it would help I think I have something of more importance for you. I’ll be assigning a new team to find Hiashi, Hinata and Naruto after we talk. I want you to go with them. “ Tsunade stopped by a door. “But first we need to discuss the situation so far. “ She stated opening the door and letting Sakura in first.

The room was a normal looking office. A large wooden desk with a cushiony chair that matched two others. A shelf filled with medical books and supplies. On the desk were two pictures. There was an elderly couple who stood behind a younger couple, the young woman of the couple held a baby. The whole family had an arm around someone. Another picture on the other end of the table only portrayed the elderly woman. Obviously it was the older mans office. Sakura looked over at the older female curiously.

Tsunade caught the curious look and gave a sly smile. “My office isn’t in really good condition at the moment, this is one of the medics offices. They were so kind as to lend me their office. “ She said sitting in the chair behind the desk.

‘That poor man’ Sakura thought.

“Now, Sakura, start from when you arrived”

The pink hair girl nodded. “Well. When I got there Hiashi was already missing and they had already started fighting. Naruto wasn’t really paying much attention, he was so angry. I tried to get his attention when some one was sneaking up behind him, but He didn’t hear me. I started running for him but Hinata beat me to it, the enemy used some kind of chakra looking rope and Instead of it hitting Naruto It got Hinata. Then she was handed to someone. The person ran off and the guy blocked off Naruto’s way . A few words were exchanged when Naruto tried to get her back but I couldn‘t hear.“ She explained, trying to remember anything of importance maybe a clue or something that would help find out where Hinata was.

Tsunade nodded and started writing, “What happened after that. You said Naruto disappeared.”

“Right well after we beat them, Naruto wanted to go and try to find Hinata, but Neji and I thought it would be better to comeback here and report in. especially since we didn’t have any leads. Neji went on ahead and I talked it through with Naruto. He said he agreed , but when we started on are way back. . .I looked away for one second and he was gone.” Sakura sounded angry by the time she finished . Her arms crossed over her chest in irritation.

Tsunade remained silent as she finished writing. “At least we can safely assume he’s looking for Hinata. But he‘s still putting himself in danger going alone. What’s that brat thinking?“ She said slamming her pen down. Taking up the same position as her apprentice, however her glare was a tad bid more fierce. ’I need a drink’ She thought as she stood. “Well Sakura I suggest you head home and get some rest, you leave in a few hours. I send some one to get you .”

“Yes ma’am” She said standing up as well and heading out the door still glaring. ’Naruto dead when I find him.’

The young girl watched Hinata with a look of worry as the older girl struck the door repeatedly. She had been at it for a while now, ever since her ands got free. She hadn’t moved from her position once, she was so determined to brake threw that door. However her chakra filled palms were hardly making a dent and the girl was getting tired.

“I don’t think your going to get through the door. . .” the girl stated sadly, feeling sorry for the older girl.

The Hyuuga shook her head quickly and started wailing on the door more quickly, forcing more chakra out. She had to keep negative thoughts like that out of her head. She could do this she just needed more chakra. The gentle fist was supposed to be more of a defensive style, so without and extra boost did little damage to door sealed shut by chakra.

The girl grabbed one of Hinata’s arms before it hit the door. She took a hold of Hinata’s hands and brought it up so Hinata could see it. “Your hands are bleeding, your breathing becoming labored and you look exhausted. Your going to kill yourself acting like this. At least take a brake. . .rest a little. “

Hinata paused looking at the girl. She could hear the concern in her voice. She was worrying the girl she could tell, not just by the tone of voice but the look in her eyes. The look all kids get at one time or another, a scared look, not for herself but for another.

Hinata’s arm dropped down to her side as she looked at the girl for the first time. She only slightly wondered when it got brighter in the room. The girl’s face was mostly hidden under long tan hair and her green eyes held a timid gleam and were starting to tear up. Her posture was slightly akward since she sort of shrunk into herself in a protective manner.

Hinata had recognized that look right away. She saw it every time she looked in the mirror. The girl was almost the same way just a little bit more confident in herself then Hinata was.

Forgetting that her hands were bloody she took a hold of the girls hands in a reassuring gesture, and bent down to eye level. “I-I’m sorry I can‘t. I have to get out of here and finish the mission. Every second I stay locked in here the closer they get to opening that scroll and the closer Naruto and the others get to being hurt. I would be much calmer if I knew what was going on out there, but being here I can only assume they need my help.” She said barley above a whisper, she couldn’t bring herself to say it to loud. What if they really did need her help? And she was sitting in this cage doing nothing, what kind of friend would she have been then? What kind of girlfriend?

Blushing at the thought she stood up and took her position in front of the door. She took a deep breath and continued attacking the door. The girl tried to grab onto Hinata’s arm again but the older girl swerved it to miss and made contact to the door.

“But. . . Hinata. . .” the girl said, her voice cracking.

“No! I can’t give up!” she shouted hitting the door more fiercely, trying to ignore the child. She didn’t want to make the girl cry. She felt bad for doing it but she didn’t have a choice she had to get out of here one way or another.

The girl backed away from Hinata until she was against the was. She sighed heavily and slid down to sit on the went ground. All she could do was watched Hinata until the older female passed out or actually got though the door. Which ever came first.

Hopefully it was the latter. . .

A branch creaking under the pressure from a foot was something that comforted a ninja. It let the person know they had calculated the distance properly and landed safely on the branch. However snapping sound that followed was never a good sign and a ninja who had experienced this situation could tell you it was followed by pain. At least one ninja could anyway.

Naruto had calculated the distance just find but failed to take in the braches condition. Which was dry, old, dead and cracked. Obviously it had been over used. Wincing, he stood up and looked down at the branch and back up to the tree. Groaning, he jumped up onto a more sturdy branch. If the trees here had been jumped on before then maybe there was a chance he was going the right way.

Of course there could there was an even larger chance that maybe he was going the completely opposite way and the way he was heading was leading him some where completely unrelated to this mission. He took a moment to look around cautiously. He didn’t have the power of the Byakugan or Sakura’s extensive knowledge on Genjutsu so stumbling into someone’s trap was a high possibility if he was careless. “But, I don’t really have a choice. The only clue I have that could lead me to Hinata is the direction the kidnapper went in. . . I’m starting to regret killing that jerk.” He said frustrated and started moving forward stopping every now and then too survey his surrounding and take note of anything suspicious.

A good while of time had passed before he came to an immediate halt.

There was smoke. A line of it that stuck out from the trees and traveled up high before it blended in with the clouds. It looked about fifteen yards ahead a bit off to his right. In a hurry he moved forward but stopped. He couldn’t get a head of himself. He had to remember that there could be unsacred conflict if he attack the wrong people. Unnecessary injuries to join the ones he already had.

Of course he had been reckless in the past, jumping into fights on feelings alone not stopping to think about the consequences or the fact that he might rush straight into his own death. It had always been like a second nature to follow his instincts. What exactly made him stop and think now?

He couldn’t tell you exactly, but it was some type of fear. Not the kind of fear one got when facing an opponent who was twice you strength and ten times more powerful. He’d been there and done that. No It was just some type of inner voice that was holding him back from thinking too rashly. Some kind of unheard whisper in the back of his mind telling him to be more submissive in his actions and it definitely wasn’t the Kyuubi.

He took a deep breath and moved forward, slowly. As he got closer to the smoke a building started to show through the trees. It was wasn’t like kind of building he had seen before. It was around the size of the Hokage’s mansion, only a bit smaller. From what he could see it was divided into three sections, only connected by a narrow walkway that lead from one wing to another.

Once he felt he was close enough he stopped and knelt down one the branch to inspect the building. He couldn’t name the materials it was made out of though, it wasn’t made out of bricks or wood like he usually saw. It looked like a ceramic clay, but the coloring was a pinkish orange and white swirled like marble. Was it some kind of foreign material?

Naruto took a kunai out and held it for a minute trying to decide weather or not to actually throw it. If he did throw it, it could alert anyone inside. If that happened then how many people would he have to face? And what of there rankings, how strong would they be? On the other hand, if it didn’t cause an up roar then what where the chances of Hinata being inside the strange place. If she wasn’t there then how far away was she, was he going in the wrong direction or maybe she was nearby.

Naruto growled in frustration. How could one little course of action cause so many question. It was either going to cause a fight or it wasn’t, either Hinata was in this alien place or she wasn’t. that’s al there was to it. Standing up with a bit more confidence then he actually had Naruto threw the Kunai straight into the building.

There was a tense moment as the projectile flew straight ahead, the blonde teens eyes trying to take in the whole scene, just incase he had to move quickly.

However all the tension faded when the metal object hit the building with an high pitched echoing noise, only to bounce of and land in the grass with a small thud.

That was odd. As hard as he threw it, it should have been able to go through steel.

The blond jumped out from his hiding place and made his way over to the place slowly, still looking for any signs of an ambush. He made it to his kunai in one piece and looked up were it should have went through. However there wasn’t anything but a small barely noticeable dent. He took his fist and knocked on it experimentally.

“Solid?” He asked out loud, glancing around quickly. How could it have been solid there were doors and even though they were boarded up there were windows.

If there was only one door for each building how was he supposed to get in? there would definitely be someone inside if there wasn’t any one outside. These people were too confident, so the must have had something up there sleeve. It wasn’t safe but what other choice did he have?

He stuck close to the wall as he made his way to the door. The whole area creeped him out, it wasn’t just the structure of the building or the fact that everything seemed to quite. It was just a chill that ran up his spine, warningly, telling him to turn around and run. That this place was dangerous, deadly. He was never too good at listening to those voiceless signs and the door was practically right in front of him.

Besides, That would not go over so well with Tsunade when explaining why he ran of to play hero and returned without the princess. He thought of just what he would say to.

“Oh right, well you see Granny, I went ignored Neji and Sakura’s advice to go save Hinata, because I was scared for her. But you know when I got to the door I got this cold creepy chill up my spine and the whole surrounding area was just too freaky. So instead of going in to save Hinata I decided to be a pansy and run for it.” he whispered the excuse to him self and snorted at it’s stupidity. “Yep. They would definitely make me Hokage after that one. Who doesn’t love a leader who’s afraid of his own shadow.” he mumbled sarcastically as stopped right next to the door.

He grabbed a hold of the doorknob the chill increasing. He shivered in fear and took a deep breath. “Hinata you better be some where in here.” he said before pushing the door open, making sure to stay on guard.
The door creaked as it opened, the creaks echoing into the darkness of the entry way. The whole place was dark only small cracks in the boarded up window gave any source of light. It wasn’t enough to show anything clearly but it was just enough to let him know where something was.

From what he could see there were small pillars that lined the walls. Something sat on top of each one, but he couldn’t tell what they were. He walked down the narrow halway about seven feet before he bumped into something. Of course he jumped back immediately the kunai pulled back ready to throw. He strained his eyes trying to find out what he bumped into. It didn’t work out to well, all he could see was another another pillar like stand. Naruto looked at it suspiciously and reached his hand out to it, feeling around on the surface.

Paper. He felt paper, a book of paper. He grabbed the book off the stand and brought it up close to his face trying to read what was written on it. He let out a frustrated sigh. “They need to invent a flashlight jutsu or something. This is ridiculous!” He held the book under his arm and moved around the stand and continued to bump into everything in the room. Chairs, tables, statues hutches with valuable glass, and vases that were probably one of a kind pieces art.

He was definitely going to look into that flashlight justsu.


The child was looking at the older girl in awe. The bright glowing chakra that surrounded Hinata’s arms faded slowly as her arms fell to her sides. Hinata herself stood at the doorway, looking out into the dark hall. The door laid on the ground broken into pieces. She smiled relieved and took a step forward and fell.

The girl stood up quickly and ran to her side. “H-Hinata? Are you okay?”

Hinata struggled slightly, pushing herself up. “I. . .I’m fine. I’m just a little worn out, I used up too much chakra. “ she said standing up using the wall to support herself. She had to keep going, she had to find the scroll and her friends. Or at least get out of this place. She looked down at the girl and saw the worried look again , she just smiled and started walking. “I’ll be fine. Really. ”

The child watched the girl walk another few steps before falling. “Hinata. . .Maybe I could go find your scroll and your friends and bring them to you. “

“No, I can do it! “ She said quickly, getting up again. She couldn’t put the girl through that much trouble. She had to help the girl not the other way around. She should get the girl out of here before she did anything else, but she didn’t even know where she was. She looked over at the girl, didn’t she say she knew Mina. Not directly but it was hinted right? “Do you know the way out?”

The girl walked over to Hinata and nodded. She started to help Hinata support herself. “I do. But it’ll take a few minutes to get there.”

“As long as we get out of here. ” She said, silently accepting the help from the girl. “I need to find somewhere to hide until I regain some chakra.”

The girl started leading her down the hall, trying to support Hinata the best she could. However being both small and weak, it didn’t work out as well as she would have hoped. “Once we get out side I can take you to the caves. It’s like a giant maze, it’s really easy to get lost, but I’ve been going to them since I was four so I know my way around them. “

“Good we’ll Hide out there for awhile. Then I’ll come back for the scroll and you can stay-”

“No, You’d only get lost trying to find the scroll. This place is a lot bigger then it looks on the outside. Plus it might be hidden underground and if that’s the case you’d die of starvation before getting out.” The girls steps faultered slightly when Hinata’s foot got caught on a piece of uplifted concrete, but she held the older girl up. “I’ll help you find it, but you have to promise that you will wait till your fully rested before we come back.”

Hinata leaned against the wall so the child didn’t have to much of her wieght on her shoulder and to try and catch her breath. She was really worn out. It was difficult to take even one step. “I promise.” she murmured, not really wanting to wait so long, but the girl was the only one who knew her way around here. “I’ll wait till my chakra’s fully restored before I come back, but you have to promise me that you won’t try and do anything on your own.”

The girl stopped and looked up at Hinata, a small guilty blush on her face. “What make you think that I would?” She asked curiously, trying to cover up her plan.

“It’s the way look. I used to look that way a lot. When I was younger I wanted to prove that I was worthy of becoming a ninja, so I would do things others wouldn’t think I would. I still try to prove my worth. But sometimes I think that it might not be worth it, because one wrong move and I’m back at where I started. “ She took a moment to let go of the girl to test herself. She took one step and supported herself with one hand against the wall and started walking again, the girl right behind her arms out stretched just incase. “Most of it was because I wanted to prove myself to my friends and family. Then there was Naruto, I tried to show him what I could do but He always ended up saving me or trying to keep me motivated.”

“I think, you’ve already proven yourself to everyone. . .I think it’s just you who keeps seeing your flaws. Most people go threw that. My mother was always dissatisfied with herself even though my father thought she was perfect Everything from the way she cooked dinner to the way she threw a punch. Dad was always worried about her when she would go on missions because of that. She wouldn’t come home until the mission was fully completed even if she got killed in the process. If she got injured even a little scratch she would over work herself training when she got back, because the fact that she got hit meant it didn’t go perfectly. If it wasn’t perfect she wasn’t perfect.” the girl explained grabbing onto Hinata’s arm when she stumbled forward.

Standing up straight Hinata gently pushed the girl away. “Maybe. . .but you still haven’t promised.”

The girl gave a quick laugh and nodded her head once. “I promise.”

They both continued walking, forward the girl leading the way. The girl looked back for a second before she spoke. “My. . .My name is Takara.”