Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Deeper Than Blood ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Discalimer: I don't own Naruto.

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Dear Diary,

The girls in my class are SO annoying. Theyre totally in love with my brother. All they talk about is Sasuke this and Sasuke that. And you know what’s really sad? They don’t even KNOW him like what a prick he can be sometimes. All they care about are his looks.

Ok, so not ALL the girls in my class are in love with Sasuke.(Thank goodness).Hinata's pretty nice but she's always so shy and quiet. It's hard to get her to open up. Tenten's pretty cool too. She's REALLY good with weapons. Thanks to her, my aiming has improved a lot. And I think she’s got her eye on a certain Hyuuga. cough cough

Sasuke's always picking on me cuz I hang out with guys. Well at least they can put up a decent fight. Speaking of which, I'm doing pretty well at the Academy. Ok so I'm pretty good at ninjutsu and genjutsu, but I kind of suck at taijutsu. Sasuke promised me he'd train with me but right now he’s too busy worshipping Itachi. sigh

There's this thing that I just can't seem to figure out. Ok so there's this guy in my class, Uzumaki Naruto and everyone seems to avoid him like a fly. I don't understand why. Ok so the guy's kinda stupid and he can be pretty annoying. But if you ask me, I think Sakura and Ino are WAY more annoying. It's just so sad sometimes to see him all alone. I asked Itachi cuz he seems to know everything and guess what? He wouldn't say anything and just adviced me to stay away from him.

Thats it for now,


P.S. I've been having these really weird dreams about a phoenix.

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Dear Diary,

Today, the hokage actually came into our class!! Isn't that cool or what? He did this presentation about the village, it's roles, and all that stuff. Then we actually got to ask him about being a hokage, what it's like, what you do, etc....

Then, after school, when everyone else left, I saw him with Naruto. I was actually there in the classroom because Iruka-sensei wanted me to stay behind and help him with something, so I was waiting for him. Anyways, I kind of eavedropped of their converstaion. It turns out that Naruto's an orphan. Poor guy. So I kind of got caught eavesdropping and totally embarassed. Then the hokage said he wanted to meet me, the youngest Uchiha.

The conversation was pretty normal at first. He asked about how I was getting along with my new family, and such. But just before he left, he said somehing which really caught my atenttion. These were his exact words to be precise.

"The Uchihas are a powerful clan. They are proud of their lineage and do not take in or mix with outsiders for that will taint their bloodline. For the Uchihas to have taken in a child, the child must have been something very special indeed. And now I see that you are definitely something special."

There goes the end of my very weird day,


P.S. I think Sakura and Ino are acutally STALKING Sasuke!!!!! Creep much?!??!