Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Espionage ❯ Kyuubi Returns ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Sasuke is a spy for Shinobi Inc. and is sent to guard the #1 hyperactive blond of Konoha High School, Naruto Uzumaki. He finds out later that Naruto has two personalities and both are driving him crazy, but for two different reasons.
Parings: `Naruto'/Sasuke/Naruto, Iruka/Kakashi, Neji/Ten-ten, Gaara/Neji 
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
Chapter 4: Kyuubi Returns
Hot tongues entangled together in their clouded moment of lust. He groaned as he ran his hands through the other's dark hair. The taller boy replied by sliding his eager hands inside his shirt, touching and caressing every place he could possibly reach in their position.
He began to gently rub his knee against the raven hair teen's lower region, and a throaty groan was felt through their kiss. The blond smirked and began to move a little more firmly. The other boy had a death grip on his waist as he resisted the urge to moan in pleaser.
You tease…” the taller boy said after they broke anyway from their kiss.
You wouldn't have me any other way, Sasuke.” Naruto replied with a smirk before diving in once more to get a taste of the young Uchiha…
Naruto jumped so high, he nearly fell off the bed his was laying on. `Wait…a bed? But I was just in the park…' He thought about what had happened before he frowned at the memory. `I blacked out again. I told those stupid punks not to mess with me. I hope I didn't kill anyone…' Naruto realized that he wasn't at the park or at his house. He looked around to see if there was anyone around. He was met by an empty room with only a large bed, a desk with a laptop on it and a nightstand.
The Blond was about to remove the blanket laid on top of him when the knob on the door began to turn and the door opened revealing the last person Naruto wanted to see right now.
“You're finally awake, dobe.” He said in his you're-a-loser-I'm-so-much-better-than-you voice.
Naruto stared at him for about ten seconds before he quickly turned away and pulling the blanket to cover part of his face. His cheeks were a vicious shade of red as he thought about the dream he had only a few seconds ago. `Why did it have to be him?'
“Are you okay?” Naruto blinked in surprise. The way Sasuke had said that it almost sounded like he was worried.
“Yeah. I'm just a little dizzy.” He lied. He looked around. “Where are we?”
Sasuke closed the door behind him and sat at the other end of the bed. “You're in my room. I found you unconscious in the park and brought you here because no one answered when I rang your doorbell.” He explained.
“What were you doing in the park so late?” Naruto asked with suspicion. What are the odds of Sasuke being the one to find him in a park at ten at night?
“What were you doing in the park so late?” he countered with a smirk, sensing Naruto's frustration.
“For your information, I was running late getting home and going through the park was the shortest way. So there! Now, why were you there then?”
“…It's none of your business.” He replied causing Naruto to glare.
“That's not fair!”
“Yes it is.”
“I told you why I was there!”
“But you didn't have to tell me, dobe.”
“…” `Damn...'
“You should get dress and go home. It's almost midnight.” Sasuke said as he got up from the bed to walk over to his computer chair were there were clothes hanging off of.
Naruto pulled the blanket off of him to see that he only had his boxers on and quickly began to put all the pieces together. `He finds me unconscious late a night and takes me to his house. I wake up mysteriously in his bed. It's almost midnight. I'm practically naked right now. This could only mean one thing…'
“Oh my god! You bastard! You tried to rape me!” The blond accused. “I can't believe that I almost lost my virginity to you of all people.” He would have continued to rant on if a pair of pants hadn't flew straight into his face.
“Shut up, dobe! I didn't try to rape you.” Sasuke snapped, a slight blush on his face at the mention of him raping Naruto. “What makes you think I would want to rape you anyway!” he continued as he threw Naruto's shirt towards him as well.
“Well if you wake up in a bed that you know didn't belong to you almost naked, you'd think someone raped you too! Why am I naked anyway?”
“You had a few bad wounds on your body. I took the time to fix them. If you would have looked more closely at yourself instead of assuming the worst, you would have seen the bandages.”
Naruto looked at himself and sure enough, there were bandages on his arms and stomach. “Oh…” was all he could say.
“Dobe.” Sasuke muttered before walking towards the door in order to give Naruto some privacy as he dressed.
“Wait.” The taller teen looked back, slightly annoyed at the blonde. “…I wanted to tell you…thanks.” Though Sasuke didn't show it, he was surprised that Naruto had said thank you to him.
“Whatever. I couldn't have just left you there anyways.”
Naruto gave a little smile. He knew that was the closest thing he would get to a `your welcome' from Sasuke. “Now get out so I can put on my clothes!” The blonde ordered, causing Sasuke to lift one of eyebrows slightly.
“You seem to forget that this is my house, idiot. Don't order me around.” He replied coolly.
“Well do you want to watch me get dress? If you wanted to see me naked, you could've just asked.” Naruto grinned at Sasuke's shocked face. He had never seen Sasuke show so much emotion as he did now. `He seems jumpy… I wonder what happened to him…'
“Just shut up and get dressed!” He snapped, quickly walking out of the door and slamming it shut behind him. Sasuke leaned against the closed door as he silently cursed himself for losing his self control. `I can't let that one little kiss freak me out' Sasuke completely ignored the fact that it was anything but a `little kiss'
Sasuke went downstairs into the living room where Neji was sitting on the edge of the couch as he leaned over the coffee table, writing something; Sasuke assumed he was doing homework. “How is he?” The brunette asked without looking up.
“He'll live, unfortunately.” Sasuke replied dryly, taking a sit in the nearby armchair.
They sat in silence until Neji finally looked up at him. “So are you going to tell me what happened to him?”
“Later. I want Kakashi here as well so that way I don't have to explain more than once.”
As he finished his sentence, they both heard sounds coming from the stairwell. “Hello?” the blond called out, unsure where anyone was; after all, he was never in this house before. He heard Neji's unmistakable voice call out to him in a near-by room and followed it.
“Hey, Neji.” Naruto gave a huge grin as he greeted his friend. The brunette gave him a nod of acknowledgment, a small but noticeable smile appearing on his face. It didn't matter how staid a person was; Naruto was always able to warm them up with his goofy grins. “I'm leaving now. Thanks for letting me stay here. See you at school Neji, bastard.” Sasuke, also known as bastard, rolled his eyes at Naruto's childish name-calling. “Hn. Dobe…” he responded, not realizing he was name-calling himself, thus completely contradicting himself.
“I'll walk you to the door.” Neji offered. He got up from the couch and walked with Naruto to the front door. Sasuke watched as the two left the room.
`Now, how will I tell Neji and Kakashi what happened without telling them that?'

Naruto…” The taller man groaned as the blonde straddling him nibbled on a sensitive part of his neck.
I wanted to do this since I first saw you.” The blonde whispered in his ear after he left an impressive love bite on the raven's neck. He shifted in the chair so that their privates rubbed against each other. “You turn me on so much.”
The other teen began to thrust upwards for more friction. “Dammit, Naruto! I won't be able to control himself if you keep on like you are.” He complained, trying to restraint the wanton boy on his lap. The blond kissed him long and hard as he continued to rub against the other boy. “Fuck it!” He gracefully stood and he picked up the blond, who wrapped his leg around the taller boy, carrying him to the bed nearby.
Naruto gasped when he felt the extra weight of the boy on top of him. Wanting more contact, he locked his legs around his waist, making sure that he didn't move away. “I want you now.” Naruto have whined, half moaned. “Please. I need you.”
The raven haired boy gave a deep, sexy chuckle. “Not yet. Be patient, Naru-chan.” He chided playfully as he ventured lower, undoing the blond's pants along the way. When he finally reached his destination, he looked up with a smirk. “I'm not done playing with you yet.”
Gods, Sasuke!”
Naruto snapped his eyes open when the sound of a loud, annoying beeping woke him up. He laid there, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes to get himself together after sleeping. He sat up, remembering the dream he just had, then looked down on his bed.
“Damn! Not again!” He shouted as he stared disbelievingly at the wet spots on his boxers and bed sheets. “This is the fourth time in three days!”
How is it that Naruto has had four wet dreams in three days, you ask? Well, Naruto decided to take a nap on the couch after school one day. You can imagine his embarrassment and anger when he found out that he had a wet dream just by taking a quick nap.
“Damn that Sasuke Uchiha! He even annoys me in my sleep, the only time I can escape from him presence!” The alarm continued to ring as Naruto forgot to turn it off. “Shut the fuck up already!” He yelled at the innocent alarm and to show his displeasure, he threw the stupid thing across the room where it smashed to pieces when it made contact with the floor.
`Great! Now I have to wash another load of sheets and clean up the pieces to the alarm.'
“Naruto, what the hell you doing up there?” He heard his adopted father yell from downstairs.
“I fell.” He lied.
“Be careful next time. People are going to think I'm abusing you if you start getting bruises.”
Naruto got up from bed and took the bed spread off. He walked off to the laundry as mutters of curses came out of his mouth. “This day is going to suck.”

And he was so right.
Naruto would get jumpy whenever Sasuke's name was mention. Every time he saw the Uchiha walking down the hall, he desperately tried to find another route and avoid any contact with the other teen.
It got even worse in Health class. Naruto was sitting right next to a very talkative Sakura who would not shut up about a certain dark haired teen. Naruto's eye twitched with each statement.
“Doesn't Sasuke so handsome today?” Twitch.
“I wish I had all my classes with Sasuke. That way I can look at him all day.” Twitch, twitch.
“I wonder where he lives. I would go visit him every once in a while. I bet he'd like that.” (Yeah right…)
“Should I ask Sasuke to the homecoming dance? Or maybe I should wait for him to ask me. I've noticed that he's been looking at me a lot lately.” Sigh. “We would make such a cute couple.” Snap.
“Would you shut up already?” The blonde shouted, causing the entire class to hush and stare. “Would you stop talking about that stupid prick Uchiha? Yes, we understand! He's handsome, he smart, he's athletic, he sexy as hell, he's the plague of many wet dreams, we get it! I say screw him! If it weren't for him-” Naruto stopped his ranting to notice that everyone was watching him. “Never mind.” He finished, sitting down at his desk, pretending that nothing happened.
Of course Sakura wasn't letting him off that easily.
“Don't you ever talk about Sasuke like that again, Naruto!”
Naruto grumbled to himself as he rubbed the bump on his head given to him last period. He stared out the window, completely ignoring the teacher up front who was lecturing about two-column proofs. (And he wonders why he's failing Geometry…)
From his seat, he saw the track directly in his view. He noticed that there was a class outside already running. Naruto nearly growled when he saw that Sasuke was one of the students running the track. He wanted to growl even more when he noticed that said boy was more than a half a lap ahead of everyone else.
`This is a conspiracy against me! Even the window mocks me by flaunting Uchiha's perfect self in front of me!” Naruto turned his attention back to the teacher. `I just need to ignore him. I won't be bothered by him if I don't notice him.'
It was a great plan for the first ten minutes, but Naruto's short attention span lead his eyes back to the track. Naruto gave a squeak at what he saw.
Down on the track, was a shirtless Sasuke still running. Naruto eyes followed him until he stopped to rest, placing his hands on his knees and bended over, giving Naruto a lovely sight of his ass. Naruto sat in a trance staring at the rear ended of the Uchiha until he felt something dripping onto his lips. He wiped it off to examine it and realized it was blood.
Holding his nose with one hand, he raised his other hand. “Excuse me, sir. Can I go to the nurse? My nose is bleeding.” When the teacher gave him a pass, he rushed out of the room like his life depended on it.
“Damn, I hate hormones! What's the point of them? They come in the most inconvenient times and they make you life hell!” He muttered angrily as he wiped most of the blood from his face. “I can't believe I got a nosebleed just by looking at his abs and ass, albeit very nice abs and ass, but abs and ass nonetheless.”
As he walked, he noticed the plaque of his (wet) dreams turn a corner. He was still shirtless and Naruto was able to see his chest even closer than before. He attempted to pick up the pace to reach the nurses office but he started to feel dizzy.
“Wah-” He tried walking forward, but he couldn't and almost fell forward. He leaned against the wall for support. `I'm blacking out again. But, why?' Was he's last thought when darkness overtook him.
Sasuke turned on the shower and played with the knobs until the water as just right for him. He finished his two mile run before any of the other students in the class and Gai-sensei, impressed with the teenagers speed and stamina (You are an inspiration to all youth Sasuke Uchiha!), permitted him to go to the showers early as everyone else finished. He placed his sweaty clothes to the side and stepped into the stall.
Sasuke closed his eyes, feeling the water fall against him. He opened his eyes slightly when he heard the shower door open but chose not to look to see who it was. It was probably someone who finished early like he did. He ignored the person for about two minutes until he realized that the person had yet to turn on one of the showers and had grown extremely quiet.
Sasuke's body tensed as he rather felt than heard the person behind him. Instincts finally kick in and Sasuke attacked, swinging his arm back to catch the person in the neck with his clench fist. He almost hit his target when a hand grabbed his on coming blow only inches from the target. Sasuke was about try again, but pressed against the wall by a body with one arm above his head and the other being held against the wall by his captor.
“Quiet or someone might hear.” A voice whispered in his ear, causing him to shudder. Sasuke turned his head as far as he could. He first noticed the blond, spiky hair.
“Naruto?” He flinched in pain when he felt the blond squeeze his wrist tighter.
“Care to try again?” He voice hissed. He looked again saw the angry red eyes of Kyuubi.
“Kyuubi? Why are you out?” Sasuke asked Naruto other personality. He almost sighed in relief when the hold on his arm was let go. Even though his hands were free, the body continued to stay pressed against his.
“I couldn't possibly tell you that.” He admitted. “I just remember taking over and seeing you looking so damn sexy with no shirt on. I figured if I got turned on with only your shirt off, imagine the hard-on I would have with you naked.”
Sasuke tried to keep his blush down. He felt like a lovesick school girl whenever Kyuubi talked to him. `Must he be so blunt?' Sasuke actually did blush when he felt the body against him shift and a something hard was pressed against his leg. “Kyuubi, get off of me. What if someone sees us?”
“Then they'll be getting one hell of a peepshow for free.” The blond replied. He spun Sasuke around so that he could see Sasuke's front. He chuckled when Sasuke covered up his important parts.
“Kyuubi, seriously we-” he was interrupted when Kyuubi smashed their lips together.
“You're wasting time arguing with me.” He cupped Sasuke's hand that was cupping his privates. “So enjoy yourself a little.” He connected their mouths again. Sasuke was reluctant at first before he finally gave in to the other teen, willingly opening his mouth for the other to enter.
`Why does stuff like this always happen to me?'

I'm so sorry it took so long to update! Finals came up and I attempted to study and then I had to start new classes after winter break and being the idiot I am, I decided I wanted to be in all honor class so I have about one easy class.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed for this Fanfic! I'm so happy and surprised that people actually like it. Usually I wouldn't have all these reviews for just the first four chapters. You guys make me feel so special!