Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Foolish Games ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Foolish Games

Chapter One

Dedication: This is for Marissa, who sees who I really am and loves me anyway, and to Saph, who just needs to come in terms with Hannah.

Author's Note: It's Marissa's fault, really, why I have my sudden and unexplained obsession with Kakashi. Hear that, Riss? It's your fault! So let's not throw hissy- fits every time we RP because we know neither of us can have Kaka-san!

Disclaimer: I've only seen 9 episodes of Naruto, and since all were in Japanese with English subtitles, so it's only natural I don't know who owns the show.

Note: Inner Sakura is active when Sakura is thinking.

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Sakura skipped gaily along the path, her lithe body tight with energy from a long night's sleep. She had specially washed her rose- colored shinobi dress for today, and her forehead protector gleamed to a mirror finish. Today was the day to commence her plan. Today was the day she would get Sasuke to notice her.

She realized that it would not be easy, and that her schemes usually failed, which is why she planned exhaustively for a month at least. No variable could foil her flawless strategy.

"Ohayo Naruto- kun!" She greeted upon entering the clearing, waving and hoisting her bag up her shoulder simultaneously.

Naruto, who was sprawled on the damp early- morning earth, sat up with a jolt. His Sakura, his love, who barely acknowledged his existence in a positive manner, had just greeted him, with no hint of a forced smile or masked sarcasm! He glanced over at Sasuke and basked in his slight frown and cloaked confusion.

"Ohayo, Sakura- chan!" the blonde greeted with equal intensity, bounding over to meet her. Sakura gave him a friendly hug, which was far too prolonged for her but too short to Naruto.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, trying to make sense of the situation. Where was his over- enthusiastic hello, his unwelcomed hug? But it was good, he decided, as he didn't want, alone need, any signs of unrequited puppy love.

They waited for about an hour, the sun slowly gliding across the cloudless blue sky, the morning mist fading, now replaced with midday heat. Sakura and Naruto chatted of the intolerable tepidity and gossiped of other student's `private' lives, while Sasuke leaned against the trunk of a weathered oak to escape the smoldering sun.

"Ohayo, Kakashi- sensei!" Sakura beamed when their teacher entered the clearing.

It took Kakashi a moment, standing in the sun's irregular torridity, eyes drifting from Sakura and Naruto to Sasuke, to answer. "Ohayo, Sakura."

Naruto grinned broadly. "It's a really hot day, isn't it, sensei? What are we going to do to train?"

The heat must be getting to their heads. Kakashi decided. There's no other explanation. "I hope you guys didn't bring a lunch like I asked." 2 pairs of heads shook from side to side, while the third just stared. The jounin sighed and took the large bag off his back.

"Today," He grunted, opening the sac, "You're going to spit watermelon seeds."

"N- nani?" Sakura sputtered. The heat must be getting to his head. She thought. There's no other explanation.

But Kakashi had already dumped the large, elliptical fruit onto the earth. Using his kunai, he sliced out three large wedges and handed each to a student. "This is a lesson of focusing chakra. Find a target such as a tree trunk or a large rock and walk back five paces. Concentrate your chakra to your cheek muscles and tongue. Once you have a good grasp on five paces, move back a step and continue. Your goal is 100 paces by nightfall. Are there any questions?"

"Ire, sensei." Naruto shook his head.

"Good." The jounin seated himself on a large rock in the shade and pulled a tangerine- covered book from his pocket. "Begin."

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Lady Celestia: I think this is the first non- YYH story I ever posted.

Buffanatic13: Go you.

Lady Celestia: Well thank you. I was inspired for the seed spitting thing from the other night when my brother and eye went to Eatin' Park with our granparents. Devin went to the salad bar and when he returned he brought a slice of watermelon and a bowl for the seeds.

Yusuke: That's very interesting. Can I go home now?

Lady Celestia: NO, SO STOP ASKING.

Yusuke: Geez, okay. You don't need to yell in my ear.

Lady Celestia: *glowers*

Buffanatic13: Read and Review!