Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Forget Me Not ❯ Forget Me Not II ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Forget Me Not II.
By xoxBra's Unrequited Romancexox.
Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto.
My heavy eyes open to the sound of you sobbing. Sobbing uncontrollably, you slam your pale fist onto the bed. The bed doesn't even move, let alone crinkle.
“Sakura,” I moan, slowly ascending from the place where I was sleeping, propping my heavy body up on an elbow.
“I can't touch him,” You cry softly, and I down to the being that's sleeping next to me.
I smile as our son sleeps peacefully, his little chest going up and down.
“I hate this, Sasuke-kun, I want to be with you, with our son,” You cry and move over to me. I wrap my arms around you, feeling your light weight and cold being. I know you can't feel me, you can't feel anything but I guess having my arms around you calms you somewhat.
“I know, but until Tusnade finds anything you can't,” I whisper.
“I know…”
“Why do you stay?” I ask, suddenly. You seem shocked; damn I didn't mean to offend you.
“What do you mean, why do stay? Don't you want me here?” You quiver out. Dammit, I did.
“No, No, I want you here, I can't raise Naoki by myself,” I say, “I just want to know why you don't go to heaven.”
“Because, I have unfinished business,” You smile and run your ghostly hand over our sons cheek and smile when he stirs, “He can feel me,” You smile.
“There has to be something?!” I cry, in disbelief.
“I'm sorry, Sasuke-san, but theirs nothing… except…”
“Tell me!” I yell impatient.
“There's a jutsu, to bring people back, but no one's ever done it. It's like alchemy see, most of the time it's like equivalent exchange, and you exchange something of the same value for something of the same value… See you want a life…”
“So I'd have to give up mine I breathe,” I sink onto her desk, head in my hands and thinking hard while Naoki sleeps peacefully in Tsunade's arms.
“Maybe… I did read that one person brought their entire clan back to life… Don't go getting idea's,” Her eyes narrow and she sends me a warning glare, “And only paid a fraction of the cost, loosing his left arm and two fingers on his right hand.”
“I'm not getting any ideas, I'm only getting Sakura back,” I say, and then sink my head back down into my arms.
Sighing I lift myself up and gather my son from Tusnade, “I'll have a think,” I say, although I already know the answer.
She nods respectively and I walk out the door with my son the-extremely-heavy-sleeper draped over my shoulder.
“Sakura?” I call out to you when I enter my house, you can't leave the premises, I guess people would be shocked to say at the least that I have a ghost looking after my son.
“In the kitchen,” You say and I walk into the kitchen, it fills with sun light, although today has been cold and cloudy.
“Hello, Sasuke-kun,” I hear an older female voice coo. I look up and my eyes are blinded by the light, I squint to see even a blur of a figure, but I can't see a damn thing. Naoki starts to cry in fear as he didn't really want to wake up to light.
“Sakura?” I say again and hear you giggle.
The shining aura stops abruptly and I stare in disbelief.
“Hello, Sasuke-kun,” The older woman says again.
She has long raven hair like my own, warm yet dark eyes, a pretty face, she maybe only 37-38, a long, sleek, slender figure with gentle but calloused hands, arms and legs. I instantly know who it is…
“Mo-Mother?” I croak out and she smiles warmly.
“Hey, my little baby,” She says softly and embraces me.
Her ghostly figure is cold, but I feel somewhat content in her arms.
“Sasuke-kun,” She whispers sweetly in my ear, “You've got your self a lovely girl, honey, and your father and I are proud.”
I smile warmly as she touches my face then slowly, my beautiful mother disappears from my sight and I'm left with my ghostly girlfriend and our son wide awake in my arms.
You smiles as I look at you, and I smile back warmly, seeing your eyes somewhat glow. You make your way over and look at Naoki, then back at me. I feel you're cold lips brush against mine rhythmically. It feels good, but the feeling doesn't last, slowly salty tears stream down your pale face.
“I miss you so much…” You weep.
I can't do anything… Seeing as I have Naoki in my arms.
“I love you,” I whisper, “I'll never forget you.”
“I love you too, I'm glad you keeping your promise,” You whisper back and smile slightly. I try to hold you, but you slip away just like my mother only a second ago.
“I'll bring you back, okay, tomorrow; I'm going to see Tusnade!” I yell, I have no idea why, but you seem to be getting further and further away.
You nod, and then turn to the light, “I'll be back soon okay?” You whisper, not looking at me. Then you turn around and give Naoki and me almost an apologetic smile and disappear.
Wow, thanks for all the reviews I'm glad you all like it. As I said I will continue, but it was a HUGE decision, to do that.
Please review this chapter, and I'm sorry if updates take long, I've got half yearlies on and it's not pretty….