Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Forget Me Not ❯ Forget Me Not ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Forget Me Not
By: xoxBraxox
I collapse onto the ground, panting hard, scrunching the eyes from the pain that's racking my body. Violently I rip the kunai out of my torso and replace it with my hand feeling the warm, sticky blood slip through my calloused fingers.
My ears prick up at the sound of the snake sannin talking outside my room, probably to Kabuto, telling him not to heal me because I've been a bad little boy.
I don't give a toss, I'll kill him one day along with that little worm then I'll kill my brother.
My eyes shift to the window, it's dark and it's starting to rain. Slowly I haul myself onto the uncomfortable rock that is my bed. I love the living conditions here… So much.
He should take care of me, that stupid snake, he wants me as his little `living container' or some crap.
I sigh as I try to think what I had planned tonight. I smile when I remember and make my way to the window and jump out inconspicuously.
I stop; I stop in the forest, kilometres away from Orochimaru's recent head quarters. I look around the dark and damp forest and a flash of light snaps my head back with a smile.
I'm face to face with eyes, big beautiful eyes that look at me shyly. I smile and make my way over to the tree where you're hiding.
Without even thinking I wrap my arms around your waist and capture your lips tenderly in mine. I feel your hands wrap gingerly around my neck. I know you shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous and if it ever got out that you, Sakura Haruno was secretly meeting me, the Uchiha who had left the leaf village, betrayed them to train with an S-class criminal, we would both be in a lot of trouble. Also if Orochimaru or Kabuto caught us, they'd be extremely happy that they had leverage to get me to do anything. Maybe one day I'll tell the world what you mean to me, but not now, defiantly not now in these conditions.
I break away and look at your beautiful face, at eighteen years of age you look beautiful, a soft complexion, full lips, shining brilliant eyes and silky long pink locks.
You take time to look at my face, heh, my bloodied and battered face, touching it slowly and softly moving from my cheek, down my jaw line to my chin, making a trail of blood. You look at me in sorrow and I guess you can only imagine what hell I'm going through.
“Come back… Tonight… With me…” You whisper and I'm shocked, in the few of our meetings you never had talked, too busy kissing me I guess. You voice is sweet and angelic and I decide I want to hear it more… So much more.
“I can't,” I whisper putting my hands next to your head.
A stick snaps and you flee, I pull you back by the wrist and you look back at me in fear.
“Stay, no one's there,” I try to calm you; although I can still see the doubt in your eyes but I pull you back into my embrace.
I stroke your hair softly and hear you breathe in my ear. You squeeze my shoulder blades and I can feel you look around our surroundings, scanning for chakra and tense up when you hear the slightest sound.
“How's my house?” I ask, breaking the awkwardness.
“Um… Good, I guess,” You answer softly.
“Are you living there now?” I smile and whisper in your ear.
“I have no where else to go, Sasuke-kun,” You say, you said my name, the sweet ring when you say my name, I could melt.
“I'll be back there soon, okay?”
“Hmm Okay,” you nod your head on my shoulder, “You promise you won't forget?”
“I won't forget…”
Orochimaru falls back in surprise and I smile in victory.
“You're getting old, you're getting weak,” I spit landing another punch into his gut. The snake coughs up blood then wipes his lip.
“Don't get so cocky,” He hisses, then lifts him-self off the ground, popping his knee back into place with a sickening crack.
I smirk as he comes back at me; landing a punch in his stomach again he stumbles back. I see from the side line Kabuto shift uncomfortably, it must be torture to see me finally beat his master; it must be really be killing him.
“Heh, this is stupid, I'm going back to my quarters,” I spit and walk out the door of the enclosed training area, although I stop when I'm just out of seeing range.
“Lord Orochimaru,” I hear Kabuto say, I'm guessing he's racing over to heal the snake's wounds.
“He's ready,” I cough when I hear this, I'm ready?! How can I be ready?! I'm not! I don't wanna be ready! I start to panic, I start to sweat and run off in a north-easterly direction.
I'm so skilful; I've done this hundreds of times, well not really. But the hidden leaf village has had a horrible guarding system these days, well I guess ever since I left.
But that's what makes it so easy to slip into my house then out, just to see you.
I visit my house I guess occasionally, you live there now; I said you could, Ever since your parents accidentally died on a raid to our village. You had no where else to go, I came back one night and found you crying on the street. Your house had been burnt down when your mother and father died and for the first time in my life I felt that someone else knew how it felt to loose everything. You didn't have any money, any belongings all you had was the skills as a medic and your job at the hospital. I didn't hesitate to give you the keys to my house, not that I needed my mansion anymore, I loved my house, even if my whole family was murdered on the premises but I handed it over to you anyways.
I guess you were happy, but confused as well. I spent the night at home with you just to confirm that I wanted you to live in my house, on your salary, an apprentice medic it would have taken you months to buy another house.
I guess that's when we realised that I guess we had something there. You never seemed the same after that, you grew somewhat timid when with someone you didn't know although the same bubbly, happy cherry blossom I always knew when around Naruto, Ino, Kakashi, Tusnade or anybody else you knew.
I look around my dark house, it's clean and livable. Exactly how I like it. I make my way to my room, the tables are dusted, bed made, heh my books still there from last year, must finish that damn thing one day.
I guess your not home yet, working at the hospital on day shifts. I touch the wound on my arm and smirk… I need a doctor.
----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
I balance with ease on the window sill of your office; slowly I open the door and slip inside.
Your office is nice, to say at the least. Flowers on your bleach white desk, obviously from Ino, I can tell by the way the purple is arranged with the yellow. Papers are neatly arranged on your desk and books in shelving. I smile at the knick-knacks you've collected, Naruto's demon tooth, Ino's ribbon, a small dog with read eyes, a page from Kakashi's book on how to make people fall in love with each other. Obviously that was used with getting Hinata and Naruto together. I laugh.
I'm just settling in when I hear someone approach your office. Is it you? Or someone else? I pray it's you other wise I'll be in crap.
You're looking down at papers as you walk in, I sigh in relief feeling my stomach relax again.
“Sakura?” I say, and you look up.
And scream.
Instinctively I press my hand over your mouth, after a second you calm down and I remove my hand.
“S-Sasuke?” You whisper.
“The one and only,” I smirk.
“W-What are you doing here?” You ask putting down the papers.
I pout, “I got hurted.”
You laugh, I love your laugh I decide, “I can't heal you with chakra, okay, it'll have to be common old antiseptic and bandages,” You say and close the door.
“Better than what I get from Orochimaru,” I say and sit up on your desk while you grab some antiseptic and bandages.
“Are you staying?” You whisper as you dab a yellow piece of cotton on a cut on my arm.
“… I wish....” I whisper, “Sakura-Chan?”
You look up; I guess you know it's important; I barely ever call you Sakura-Chan.
“Yeah,” You hum.
“I'm scared to go back,” I whisper, god I'm so ashamed I said that.
I feel you tense, “Why?” You whisper.
“H-He said I was ready…” I whisper and move my hands to your hips, touching them gently with my finger tips.
“You don't have to go back, you can stay here now, obviously if he thinks your ready then you must be strong enough,” You say, that does make sense… But I have to avenge my family.
“No,” I say firmly back.
“Okay,” You're unaffected by my statement, exactly what I want.
“I'll go back tomorrow and I'll kill him,”
“Can you take your shirt off?”
I pull my dirty black shirt over my head and reveal old wounds, scars and fresh bloody cuts. I shudder as the cold stinging liquid touches an open wound. Masterly you clean the many wounds on my chest and torso and check for internal bleeding then wrap my body up in bandages.
“Now, go back home, and I'll be home in forty-five minutes to an hour, okay?” You whisper, moving your hands up to my shoulders.
“Don't order me around Sakura, I could walk right out now and expose us both,” I smirk. I guess I'm only half joking, I wouldn't do that but I really don't like people ordering me around.
“I'm sorry, Sasuke,” You whisper, I smile and pull you in closer. We are only a few centimetres apart and looking each other in the eyes. I tip my head, part my lips slightly and smile playfully. You only look up to me with those big innocent eyes.
I move my bandaged and bruised hand up to your head and entangle my fingers in your strawberry hair. I feel your hands wrap loosely around my neck, being careful to not disturb my wounds or touch my curse mark. You don't like touching my neck, I guess it's partly my fault. When I let you have my house, in our, eh, eh, sealing of the deal you trailed down my neck and kissed my curse mark. The pain was unbearable, so much in fact I grabbed your wrist and pulled myself away from you and collapsed in agony.
Your soft fingers play with the roots at the back of my hair and I move in a bit closer, letting our lips touch for a moment before I pull away. I hear you cry in protest but I dismiss it as nothing.
I let you go and get up, making my way to the window.
“I'll see you at six,” I say as I open the window letting the crisp evening breeze flow through the heated and now stuffy room. The wind pick up my hair and it dances in the air majestically.
You smile.
“Don't forget,” I say.
You giggle, “I won't.”
I hear the unmistakable noise of my front door open and your high heels step in. Its half past six and I put down my book to see you.
“Hey, Sasuke,” You breathe as you see me and flop down on the lounge, exhausted.
“You stayed over time, and used your chakra,” I state and feel your head. It's cold out side and it'll be a miracle if you don't get a fever.
“Hmm,” You close your eyes.
“That wrecks the whole evening I had planned,” I smirk as you open your eyes.
“Don't tease, Sasuke-kun,” You say and I kiss you quickly and tenderly on the lips.
“Go to sleep, I'll get take out, and I'll wake you up,” I smirk again, lets see what you do to that.
You lie down and relax for a second, only a second.
“What?! No! You are not going out! You'll be killed!” You grab my wrist and pull me back with tremendous strength.
“Heh, I know, I'll just make something here,” God I love being a teme, it's so much fun.
“Arigato,” I hear you sigh as you close your eyes and slump into the lounge.
“Aishiteru,” I breathe back but I doubt you hear me.
The leaves brush my bloodied skin as I move swiftly in the forest, tracking down the one I need to kill. Adrenaline rushes through my body as I feel myself getting closer.
“Foolish little brother,” I hear someone hiss on the back of my neck.
I snap my head around and come face to face with my scared brother. I through a punch to his head, imagining the sensation of his skull breaking under my fist. Unfortunately this doesn't' happen as he catches my fist with ease. I through another and it gets caught as well.
“Foolish. Little. Brother.” He says again, “I am not the one you worry about now.”
I become enraged, how dare he mention you?!
“Shut up!” I yell and break from your grasp, pulling out a kunai.
“You tell me to shut up… Because you don't like what I'm saying,” He cocks his head to the side.
“Isn't that obvious?” I spit back.
“Hmm, it is, but also you tell me to shut up because you know I'm right. I'm the least of your worries now Sasuke-kun, my dear little brother,” He says and moves out of attacking range, I'm barely aware of it.
“You should go back to the leaf village, now. We will continue this at a later date.”
“NO!” I cry as I see his figure fade away before my eyes. I fall to the ground and punch it hard. Small tears of frustration fall onto the ground. Then I look up. I finally get what he said, Sakura… He was taking about you…
I get up and bolt to the hidden leaf village.
I slip in again and make a beeline towards the hospital, I have a feeling you're there… But it's a bad feeling.
“Hey! You, surrender your self!” I hear someone call, I look over to my left and see a buff but short man, red hair and dressed heavily in armour and vests calling at me. I pick up the pace and he follows me.
“Shit,” I breathe as I try to lose him in the narrow ally ways of Konoha, but I am only followed by more people, some peasant villagers, others skilled ninja, some only see me as a dot, some sometimes graze my skin with sharp blades.
The feeling in my stomach tightens; like I'm missing it and I make my way back to the hospital and burst through the door.
Screams fill the building and everything goes fast. I hear the woman scream when she sees me that a murderer is in the hospital and some of the ninja's that are following me garb hold of my arms and try to pin me down. I shake them off easily, slamming their bodies into the wall and hearing the agonising cry of agony out of their mouths as their bones snap.
I run up the hallway, knocking over papers, people and equipment as I go. Suddenly I'm pulled back.
“Get the hell out of our village or I'll kill you right here, right now,” I hear someone hiss in my ear.
I crane my head around off the wall that I'm pinned down to and get a good look at who's holding me.
“T-Tusnade,” I say in disbelief and am pushed against the wall harder.
“One more time Uchiha, out now,” She hisses.
“Sakura,” I say and immediately feel her grip loosen, I smirk and pry myself out.
“Sakura, “I say again, “Where is she?”
The big breasted godaime just looks at me as if she was so sorry. No, No it can't be… No…
“SAKURA! WHERE'S SAKURA?!” I yell again, still no response. No, No that can't be right, you're not… You can't be…
“Sasuke, keep your voice down… I- I,” She tries to calm me.
“WHERE'S SAKURA?!” I yell making my way out of the office and down the hall. The ninja's pursuing me are ushered away by Tusnade as I stalk down the hall.
I check every room, every room until I see you, until Tsunade takes me by the hand.
“You won't find her here Sasuke-san,” She says softly and leads me to the north wing of the Konoha hospital.
I'm taken down hallways, hallways after hallways. They all seem the same. Until I walk into one with one room at the end. I feel my stomach tighten as I run into it.
It's you.
I can't breathe… My hands shake as I touch your frail form. Why… What…. How…
Nothing runs through my mind as I look at the sight in front of me. You're beautiful satin strawberry hair is covered in blood; your clothes and flesh are ripped and torn. I shudder as I place my hand on your cheek.
“What happened to her,” I whisper.
“ I- I don't know, Sasuke, we assume Orochimaru,” She says.
“No- No, I killed Orochimaru last night,” I shake my head.
“She's been like this for the last day, Sasuke,” She says and moves to put her hand on my shoulder.
“No, No!” I yell, we were so careful… So careful… I should have let you go those many months ago… You were right, there was someone there but I was blinded by you and now I'm paying for it.
“I'm sorry Sakura-Chan,” I whisper, sinking down and taking your hand, “It's my entire fault… I'm so, so sorry.”
“Sasuke, you can stay… The night…” I hear Tsunade say to me, I'm too shaken to say anything so she just walks out the door.
“Sakura... Aishiteru,” I mumble, the tears rolling down my face and sinking into the stiff white sheets.
“Aishiteru… S-Sasuke-kun,” My head snaps up and I see you smiling weakly, blood trailing down your lip. Your brilliant eyes shine up at me, but I can see the pain thee concealing.
“Sakura, who did this to you?” I ask trying to keep calm, but I'm choking back the tears.
You smile and touch my face gently, `It doesn't matter' you mouth.
I know why you think it doesn't matter, and I won't accept that as an answer.
“Aishiteru, Sasuke, get me out of all this, please… I d- “ I cut you off as I rip only one of the many contraptions out of you.
You smile as I gather you in my arms, wrapped in a white, blood stained cloth. You pull yourself up to kiss me, and do it quickly. I move my hand to your lower back as support, but you break away quickly. You're breathing heavily and wince every now and then. I take your hand gently and move it up to the base of my neck, and move your finger tips over my now unseeable and unfeelable curse mark.
“You-You killed him,” You breathe looking up at me. You pull away and shiver.
“Just last night,” I smirk, “So don't worry about revenge.”
You look at me and turn away, I bring your face back towards mine and you wince and start to shiver uncontrollably.
“Sasuke-kun,” You say, I can see the tears pricking your eyes, “Stay with me.”
I'm fighting back the tears, but small one's trickle down and land on your cheeks, mixing with the blood.
“I'm not going anywhere,” I whisper back, wiping the tears off your face and moving the thin blanket around you.
“I have to get out of here… “I hear you moan and I'm more than happy to comply.
I balance you with ease on one arm while I pull up the window with the other. I step out and the wind picks us both up. It looks like something out of a movie, actually, the biggest cliché ever.
“We're we going?” You smile as you hold onto my neck with the amount of strength you have left in your body.
“Anywhere I didn't go with you before,” I say back and skilfully jump into the air, letting the air push my up higher, so I can make it to our destination in a few skip, leap and jumps.
I land softly on the delicate cherry blossom trees outside of Konoha. You smile as the cherry blossom buds get stuck in your hair and mine.
You laugh, but then cough… Out blood. I frown and get comfortable on a sturdy branch and you snuggle into me.
We don't talk for what seems like hours. I listen to your breathing and note the changes, every breath scares me.
You cough and then wipe your lip, I look down to see your eyelids close and then open again. Tears roll down my face and I wrap my arm tightly around you frail waist.
“Aishiteru,” I whisper and hear you whisper it back slowly.
“S-Sasuke, I'm sorry,” You say.
“There's nothing to be sorry about,” I choke back, wiping your face, “Sakura Uchiha.”
You smile, “I-I like it, Sakura U-Uchiha,” You splutter.
“An Uchiha, my Uchiha,” I whisper stroking your hair softly.
“You have to promise me one thing…” You almost whisper. I feel your weak hand clutch my bloody shirt and pull me down to whisper it.
“Pl-Please… F-Forget me… Not…” I hold you tightly as I feel your hand slip down off of my shirt and to your side, “I'll always love you,” You say.
“Please, don't leave me, Please!” I cry as you smile weakly and close your eyes.
“NO! SAKURA!” I cry, tears flowing down my face freely, “Sakura! SAKURA!”
You smile slowly and touch the bottom of my shirt, I hold you tightly against my chest… I hear you breathe in my ear weakly and sigh my name.
You were the one to save the Uchiha clan… And I didn't want anyone else but you. How did this happen? How the hell did this happen?! I shudder and clutch you limp body, you're gone and there's nothing I can do, I'll never see you're beautiful face again, I'll never hear your laugh again, your brilliant eyes will never shine and you're soft lips will never caress my skin again.
My beautiful Sakura Uchiha…
I cry your name but it falls onto deaf ears. I clutch your body to my chest and the tears flow down my face and I sob hysterically.
“SAKURA!” I scream out.
“Sasuke… Sasuke… She's gone…” I hear some on coo and try to pry my hands off me.
“No!” I yell back, escaping from Tusnade's grip. Don't ask me how I know it's her hands, `cos I don't know.
“Sasuke, there's nothing you can do now,” She says again, but this time I loosen my grip and she removes your body.
Slowly she wraps her arms around me and embraces me tightly. I unashamedly cry on her shoulder, letting grief consume me.
“Sasuke…” I turn my head around to see Hinata and Dobe.
Naruto smiles sadly and places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently.
“I'm sorry Sasuke, you deserved to have something in your life,” He says and he wipes small tears away from his eyes.
“I'm sorry Sasuke-san,” Hinata says quietly to me, I only nod and turn away.
I touch the picture of us when we were 13, in team seven and I fell tears prick my eyes.
“S-Sasuke, can you come here for a second,” I hear another person say. Bloody hell why can't they leave me alone?!
I turn away from your desk and see Tusnade, she ushers me to follow her and I do.
I follow her down a hallway and to the back of a green room that I've never seen before. Tubes run around the room and weave in and out of small capsules full of liquid.
“What is this place?” I ask.
“Hmm,” Is all I get as an answer.
“Tsunade! Answer me!” I raise my voice.
“Be quiet Sasuke, it's an infant ward, to care primarily for infants that hadn't had nine months in their mother's womb, Sasuke,” She says and I'm shocked… No that can't be right.
“Sasuke, “ She goes on, “You have a son.”
“WHAT?!” I cry in disbelief.
“You have a son, follow me please.”
I follow Tsunade to the back of the room and my eyes rest upon a small being, lying soundly in his crib, his beautiful emerald eyes look up at me and his lips curve into a smile. I pick him up out of his crib and rest him on my shoulder. He giggles as he's bounced up and down.
“He's a cutie,” Tusnade smile, “Well, I'll get going, Sasuke,”
“Yes,” I say back.
“I-If you don't think you can handle this, I'll put him up for adoption, just tell me okay?” Im appalled to even think that, I would never let an Uchiha be raised with someone other than another Uchiha, it's unthinkable.
I notice that Tsunade had left before I hold the tiny infant up in the air.
“He's beautiful, isn't he Sasuke?” You purr in my ear sweetly.
“He is…” I say back still looking at our son.
I feel you cold hand on my shoulder.
“Are you staying?” I whisper.
“Uh-huh,” You whisper back and I turn my head to look at you. Your pretty face and brilliant eyes look back at me.
“I can't kiss a ghost can I?” I say, somewhat sad.
“I wish… I wish you could, but I'll always be here eh?” You smile back.
“Can I bring you back?” I ask, “I can't raise our son by myself.”
“I don't know…”
Uh, what a long haul! Wow, I got a bit teary in the dying scene but meh; I was thinking about just letting Sakura die but I wanted to kill off Sasuke too, the problem was that because it was in Sasuke's POV I couldn't just say…. And then I died.
But oh well, I quite like it.
Please review and tell me if you want more chapters!