Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ From Here to Eternity ❯ The Man With the Plan ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kat: Hi, all! … OUCH! SUNBUUUUUUUURN!!! I got sunburned SO VERY BADLY at Wild Waves yesterday. I'M IN PAIN!!!! OW!!
Naruto: Wimp.
Kat: Bite me, small boy!
Naruto: … What?
Kat: ^_^ Enjoy, SaGaa fans! -waves flag-
I hate them I hate them all I want to KILL HER THAT BITCH HOW DARE SHE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT in front of the ENTIRE CLASS oh my GOD oh God oh God I can't believe it I can't believe her I can't believe she said that in front of the teacher that horrible fat ass drill sergeant teacher and Naruto and even Sasuke I can't believe it I never did anything to her oh God and now he's going to call and Dad will be angry and I don't want him angry anymore because it hurts bad enough now
(not cutting.)
(not again not now fight it fight the pain don't remember don't remember)
That's what it felt like.
Gaara was breathing easier now that he was out of the school. He was in his room, now, the comforting cold of the switchblade in his hand. The door was shut, and he had jammed a chair in front of it to prevent any unwanted intrusions. He had the music on as loud as it could go, and his curtains were drawn. His light was off, and the only light in the room came from his digital clock.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
“Goddammit, Gaara!” Temari's high-pitched squeak punctured his the throbbing beats of the music. “Turn your fucking crap off! I have friends over!”
Gaara opened his eyes.
“Gaara! I'll bust this door down and KILL YOU, I MEAN IT!”
Gaara stood up from the bed, switchblade in hand, and turned off the stereo. He heard soft footsteps walk away from his door, down the hall, to Temari's room, where he heard a door slam. He smiled, and went back to his bed.
Yashamaru wasn't here. He was supposed to be here when they got home from school, which was an hour ago, but he wasn't here. Kankuro had yelled, `Thank God, freedom!' and run off to his room, and Temari had dragged her friends up to her room, leaving Gaara alone.
He liked it that way.
At that moment, the phone rang. Its piercing tone reverberated throughout the house, and Gaara's head, where his headache had somewhat decreased over the last half-hour.
“I got it!”
That was Kankuro. He was coming out of his room, and going down the stairs. Why he didn't just use the phone in his room was beyond Gaara. The red head got up from the bed, and went over to the door. He pushed the chair out of the way, creaked open the door, and listened.
“Hello? Oh, hi, Yashamaru! No, we're all fine.”
Gaara crept to the top of the stairs, and listened to the one-sided conversation.
“Yeah… Okay… Saturday morning? Okay. All right. No, no, it's fine, we'll be fine. Right. Uh-huh. Love you too, bye.” There was a `click', as he hung up the phone. Gaara heard his footsteps as he came heavily up the stairs, almost crashing into Gaara.
“Wah! What the fuck! …Gaara, what are you doing?”
“What's wrong?” Gaara asked, staring intently at Kankuro's face.
“Nothing… Yashamaru's just not going to be able to get here until Saturday morning.”
“… Is Dad coming home?”
Kankuro's face softened.
“No… Not until next month, remember?”
“Y-yeah. Right.” Gaara turned to go back to his room.
“…Nothing. Never mind.”
“Okay.” Gaara returned to his room, and put the switchblade back into it's hiding place, inside the box that he kept under his bed, along with every note that he had ever received, be it from friends or family, the macaroni-covered picture Temari had given him when she first started second grade, and he was in first, the small black figurine that Kankuro had given him for Christmas a few years ago, and the most important thing, his mother's necklace. His `diary' was in there, too, but he hated calling it a diary. It sounded so girly.
He dropped the switchblade in, and shoved the box back under his bed.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Sasuke entered his house, and was swept with warm relief from the biting cold of outside. It was surprisingly cold for this time of yeah, and Sasuke had forgotten to bring a jacket with him that morning. As he walked down the entrance hall, past the dining room, then past the TV room, he noticed something that did not tickle his fancy.
Itachi was already there, and he had brought his entire group with him. This included half the football slash basketball team, and the entire girls' volleyball team.
“Damn it,” he hissed, trying to make his pass by the room as unnoticeable as possible. No suck luck.
“Hey, Itachi,” one of the football players said. “It's your little brother.”
“Oh?” Itachi looked up. “Hey, Sasuke. Want to hang out with us?”
“We're, like, going to the mall!” one of the girls swooned. It was none other than Sakura Haruno, pink hair, short skirt and all.
“No,” Sasuke said coldly. “No I do not.”
“All right then, suit yourself,” Itachi said. “We're leaving in five minutes,” he informed him, then resuming his conversation with Shisui.
“Like I care,” Sasuke muttered, storming up the stairs, down the long hall, and into his room. He dropped his bag onto the ground, then flopped, very undignified, onto his bed. He let out an angry sigh into his pillow, then lay there for a while, until he could no longer hear voices downstairs.
“Thank God…” he grumbled, sitting up. He picked the remote up from its usual place on his bedside table, and turned on his TV, but he didn't really watch. He couldn't focus on anything, until his thoughts turned too the redhead, Gaara. He hadn't even seen him after shop was over. The smaller boy had practically RUN out of the school, which Sasuke sort of regretted. He had wanted to say `Hi' or something.
Oh well. There was always tomorrow.
It was just before third period on Tuesday when Kankuro felt something jabbing him uncomfortably in the arm.
“Kankuro,” Itachi asked placidly, poking his fellow junior in the arm.
“Are you going to Summer Haruno's party on Saturday?”
Kankuro frowned. Summer Haruno, older sister to Sakura Haruno, senior, and resident pretty girl, was one of the most popular girls in the school. She was also Temari's best `friend'. So if Kankuro went to Summer's party, that would in turn piss the hell out of Temari. Kankuro liked this idea.
“Yeah, I think so. Why?”
Itachi frowned.
“I've gotten about ten invitations that I honestly do NOT want, but I decided I might as well go if everyone else is. But I don't want to be there with people whose sentences must include the words “beer”, “boobs”, and “football”, or “boys” “shopping”, and “boy bands”.” He looked up at the taller teen.
“Are you trying to say that you want me to go with you?”
“Yes… I guess.”
Kankuro turned the idea over in his head.
“Okay. But you have to drive.”
Itachi was outraged.
“Why ME?”
“You have a nicer car than I do.”
Itachi paused, and tapped his chin.
“Oh, fine. Kankuro,” he said, “is there any way that you could drag your brother along with you?”
No way in hell.
“Yeah, maybe. Why?”
Itachi crossed his arms.
“I want to get Sasuke to socialize a little bit, and I want to bring him to the party, but there's no way he'll go without someone else his age there, besides Sakura and Ino.”
“Ah. In that case, I'm sure Gaara would be positively delighted to go.”
No he won't What the hell are you saying, you puppet-using fool? Gaara would gnaw his arm off before going to a snooty party like that!
On the other hand, if he could convince his brother to go, that would drive `Ri to possibly kill them both, she'd be so irritated. Hmmm…
“Yeah. Defiantly bringing Gaara now,” Kankuro mumbled.
“Oh, nothing. Uhh… The party's at eight, right? How `bout you come by at… I dunno… seven fifty?”
“Sounds perfect.” Itachi grinned. “I'm designated driver, so don't worry about the punch being spiked.”
“I never do,” Kankuro laughed.
“All right! See ya later,” Itachi said with a wave, then he bounced off.
Kankuro smiled, then turned, and hurried off to class.
“Oh Gaaaaaaaraaaaaaa…!” Kankuro sang out as he entered the Kaze household later that day.
“What?” the redhead snarled, not looking up from the TV. He was seated on the couch, feet on the coffee table
(don't you ever ever EVER put your feet on the coffee table again or I swear I'll beat you I'll beat you so bad you'll be standing up for a week)
and his legs and arms crossed.
“Well,” Kankuro said, seating himself next to his brother. “You know that party on Friday night at the Haruno place?”
“Yeah,” Gaara said slowly, suddenly suspicious.
“Well,” Kankuro said again. “I was wondering if you planned on going.”
“No fucking way.”
“Oh, come on, Gaara!”
“Why the hell are you so interested in that Haruno bitch's party?”
Woah. Easy, there, buckaroo.
“Because Itachi Uchiha said that Sasuke was going but only if someone his age was going and Itachi wants you to go so Sasuke won't be alone and-“
“Woah, woah, wait.” Gaara put his hands in the air. “Sasuke is going?”
“Yeah, but only if you go.”
Gaara considered this for a moment.
“All right. I guess I'll go. What time does the party go till?”
“I dunno.”
“Any parental supervision?”
“Doubt it.”
“Will there be drinking?”
“Drug usage?”
“Most likely.”
“Can I bring Naruto?”
“Then I'll go.”
“YES! YES! THANK YOU, GAARA! I LOOOOOVE YOOOOU!!!” Then Kankuro threw his arms around his brother and squeezed until most people's ribs would crack.
“Kankuro… you let me go NOW or I swear I will KILL YOU…!”
Kankuro released Gaara, stood up, and flounced to the stairs, prepared to make several phone calls. But then, the phone rang.
“Creepy,” Kankuro muttered, turning, and going into the kitchen. He picked up the cordless phone from its stand, and said, “Hello, Kaze residence.”
“Hello. Is Mr. Kaze available?”
“Speaking,” Kankuro said. He always took the calls that sounded like telemarketers, which, in this case, it did.
“Yes. This is Gaara's teacher, Captain Morino. I would just like to inform you that Gaara has a large disrespectful attitude, and he showed it in my class. He was extremely rude.”
“Ah. Well, thank you… Captain… Morino. I will speak to him about that immediately.”
“Thank you for your time.”
Dial tone.
Kankuro hung up the phone, and walked back into the room, where Gaara had sunk down as low as possible into the couch, and had his knees drawn up to cover his face.
“You're gonna tell dad, aren't you?” he said miserably. “You're gonna tell him that I mouthed off to that dumb-ass teacher! Stupid teacher… He was awful! And I didn't even do anything!”
“Shut up, already, Gaara! I'm not gonna tell anyone!” Kankuro said. “Jeez. Why would I? I owe you for the party, right? Well, now you can't back out. You HAVE to go to the party. I'm not going to tell dad, but you HAVE to go to the party. Got it?”
Gaara looked up.
“All right. As long as we're clear,” Kankuro said sarcastically.
“Thanks, Kankuro.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Kankuro said, turned, and disappearing up the stairs.
He had a few phone calls to make.
Okay. The Harunos are having a party. Sakura's older sister is Summer. Yeah. That was really random and spur-of-the-moment, but I like the idea. Gaara's going to the party. -evil grin- I wonder if Itachi'll get Sasuke to go. -eviler grin- This chapter got a little weird, but I liked it.
Kat: Eh. Could have been better. -winces- God… I'm gonna die. I have a volleyball game tomorrow, and I've got the worst sunburn I've ever had on my shoulders at this moment. -sobs- IT'S SO AWFUL! Please review… I am, like so many others, a review whore.