Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ From Here to Eternity ❯ Gonna Party Like It's 1999! ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kat: I can't fucking see my reviews! I WANT TO SEE MY REVIEWS!!! DAMMIT!!
Naruto: Calm down. Honestly.
Kat: SHUDDUP, FOO. Wow… third update in three days! I'm so proud of myself! This chapter sucks, just so you know. Okay. Off you go.
“I can't believe I let you talk me into this,” Sasuke said sourly, slamming the car door, and crossing his arms.
“Oh, come now, Little Brother,” Itachi said with a smirk, jamming the keys into the ignition, and starting the car. “You know you wanted to.”
“Are we picking up Gaara and Kankuro?” Sasuke asked, ignoring his brother's comment.
“Yes.” Itachi then rolled down all of the windows, opened the moon roof, and turned on the music as loud as it could go. He backed the car out of the driveway, and sped off down the street.
“Ever heard of a speed limit?” Sasuke hollered over the blare of the music, and the rush of the wind.
“I SAID, `EVER…' Oh, never mind…” Sasuke muttered, sinking as low in his seat as he could go. The music was weird, but then again, Itachi liked weird music.
It was Friday night. The dreaded party had finally reared its ugly head on Sasuke Uchiha's doorstep. Needless to say, the teen was not happy about this at all. This did NOT tickle his fancy.
After about five minutes of the God-awful, ear-deafening music, Itachi turned it off, and stopped the car.
“Here we are,” he said, turning off the car. “Be a dear and go get our guests.”
Sasuke chose, yet again, not to respond to his brother. Instead, he kicked open the car door, and stormed out onto the front porch of the Kaze house. He paused a moment to compose himself, then reached up, and rang the doorbell.
After a moment, the door was pulled open, and Sasuke was greeted by the painted face of Kankuro Kaze.
“Oh, hey Sasuke. Hang on, I'll get Gaara and then we can go,” Kankuro said. He started to leave, then said, “Uh… You wanna… come in, or something?”
“Sure,” Sasuke said coolly, shrugging. He stepped over the threshold, and onto the ceramic tiles. Kankuro turned, and walked over to the stairs.
“GAARA! MOVE YOUR ASS! WE'RE LATE!” the dark haired teen bellowed up the steps, cupping his hands around his mouth. He rolled his eyes, and walked away from the stairs, into what Sasuke assumed was the kitchen. “You eaten yet?” Kankuro called from the kitchen. Sasuke assumed he was speaking to him.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“No prob,” Kankuro said, returning to the entrance, now shoving a black kitty-eared hat onto his hair. “GODDAMMIT GAARA, COME ON!”
“JUST A MINUTE!” was the reply from the darkness above the stairs.
“Dweeb,” Kankuro muttered, resisting the urge to rub his eyes and mess up his face paint.
“Uhm… Kankuro…” Sasuke said. “If you don't mind me asking, what's up with the paint?”
“Oh, this?” Kankuro said, pointing to his face. “It's Kabuki make-up,” he said, casually.
“Ah. Of course,” Sasuke said, nodding like he had any clue what he was talking about.
“Kabuki,” Kankuro said, rolling his eyes, “is a type of theater from ancient Japan. They didn't have masks; they just wore make up. I think it's kind of cool.”
“I'm here,” said a voice from behind Kankuro, who jumped, and spun around.
“Jesus Christ on toast, Gaara! How'd you get down so quickly?”
“I don't know. I just did,” Gaara said with a shrug. “Hi, Sasuke.”
“Uh, hi.”
An uneasy silence ensued, until Kankuro finally said, “Well, let's go! Can't keep Itachi waiting, can we?”
Sasuke widened his eyes, realizing he had forgotten all about Itachi.
“Yeah. Right,” he said, pushing open the door, and stepping out into the cold night air. Kankuro and Gaara followed him out to the car. “Kankuro, you want shotgun?” he asked, pointing at the car.
“Why, yes, I do,” Kankuro said, laughing. He pulled open the car door, and slid inside. Sasuke and Gaara climbed in the back.
“Good evening, Kaze family,” Itachi said pleasantly. “Will Temari be joining us at the party?”
“Yup,” Kankuro said, adjusting his seatbelt. “She left early to `hang with Summer.'”
“Ah.” Itachi started the car, and, Sasuke noticed, didn't turn on the music or roll down the windows.
“Oh!” Kankuro said. “Before I forget, we have to pick up Naruto.”
“What?” Sasuke snapped.
“He lives… ah… where's he live, again?”
“Howls' Apartments,” Gaara said quietly. “It's on Main Street.”
“I know where that is,” Itachi said, nodding. He sped the car away from the Kaze house, and turned onto the main road. “So… how's school going, Gaara?” he asked, glancing up in the mirror. Gaara shrugged, not looking up from the back of Kankuro's chair.
“Are you in any of Sasuke's classes?”
“A few.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes, and bit his tongue, to keep from saying something very rude to his older brother. He couldn't risk getting kicked out of the car when he was so far from his house.
“Here we are; Howls' Apartments,” Itachi said, pulling into the parking lot. “Gaara, care to do the honors?”
The redhead shrugged, and pushed open the door to his right. He slid out of the car, and gently pushed the door shut. Then he disappeared up the stairs.
“Talkative little fellow, isn't he?”
“More so than usual,” Kankuro said, nodding.
“Nice Kabuki make up, by the way.”
Sasuke closed his eyes, and sank as low as he could into the heated seat.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
“Oh… thank… God…” Gaara breathed, collapsing against the railing, once he was sure the ones in the car could no longer see him. He had barely made it out of that car alive, he was so embarrassed.
`Why am I feeling like this?' he thought, as he walked down the hall to Naruto's apartment. `It's so strange… I've never… felt like this before… about anyone.' He was thankful for the chilly breeze that night, or else the deep red that no doubt graced his cheeks would remain.
He stopped at the dark green door with the brass number `16' on it, and knocked with a closed fist. The door was almost ripped off of its hinges immediately, and the familiar blond head of Naruto was suddenly grasping Gaara around the ribs so tightly that he was sure that they were snapping.
`I'm getting hugged WAY too much lately,' he thought, rolling his eyes.
“GAARAAAA!!!” Naruto squealed. “THERE YOU ARE!! I'm going, Iruka!” he called over his shoulder.
“Okay, bye!”
Naruto pulled the door shut with a `SLAM!', and began to drag Gaara down the hallway back to the stairs.
“Jeez! I thought you'd NEVER show up! I mean, you said you'd be here at seven, and it's what, 7:04? 7:05?” Naruto rambled, walking down the stairs, his hand still grasping Gaara's arm.
“Dammit, Naruto, lemme go!” Gaara snarled, wrenching his arm from Naruto's grip.
“Okay, okay, no need to get testy,” Naruto said, stepping off the stairs to the cement sidewalk. “Where's your car?”
“Not mine. Sasuke's older brother's.”
“EH?!” Naruto exclaimed, freezing up in surprise. “Itachi Uchiha is taking us to the party? WHY?”
“Because. Sasuke is going, too,” Gaara said, pulling open the door on the red car, and making a sweeping motion with his hand. “Well?”
“Uh-uh. No way am I sitting next to Sasuke-bastard Uchiha,” Naruto said firmly, crossing his arms, and looking very much like a four-year-old who had just been told that he couldn't have any cookies.
“Naruto, get in the fucking car before I scoop your eyes out with a spork,” Gaara hissed, his eyes taking on an oddly devilish look. Naruto felt quite frightened, and slid into the vehicle without any further complaints. He sat himself comfortably in the very back row, and buckled his seatbelt. Gaara got into the second row, next to Sasuke.
`Damn damn damn damn damn,' Gaara thought, feeling a blush grow, and very glad for the cover of darkness.
Sasuke took one look at the twisted look on Gaara's face, and thought to himself, `I guess he doesn't like me very much.'
Itachi caught sight of the two distressed teens in his mirror as they pulled away from the parking lot, and said, with much flare,
“Goodness, they way you two are acting, it looks like you've got a dirty little secret!”
Gaara's head snapped up, his eyes wide. Sasuke clenched his fists with suppressed rage.
“Itachi…” he said, his voice dangerously low, with a warning undertone.
“No kidding! Gaara's been acting like he's having a forbidden love affair for the last four days!” Kankuro laughed, adjusting his hat.
Gaara's upper twitched.
“Ooh, maybe we could do a play about that!” Itachi said perkily, looking over at Kankuro as they stopped for a red light.
“Yeah! Haku can be the girl,” Kankuro said thoughtfully. “And Zabuza can be the really tall, muscely guy she's having an affair with!”
“Dramatic romance!”
“Oh, I was thinking tragedy.”
“That could be better. One of them could die!”
“Or become horribly disfigured!” Kankuro shot in. Gaara leaned up as close to Kankuro's neck as he could get, and hissed,
“I CAN kill you, you know.”
Kankuro visibly shivered.
“Oh, come on, Gaara, I think it's funny,” Naruto informed them from the back seat.
Itachi giggled.
“Kid's got a death wish,” he said, glancing knowingly back at his own younger brother, who was now shaking with fury.
“Naruto…” Sasuke hissed, after attempting to count to ten, but forgetting what came after four, “do you wish to die alongside my brother?”
Naruto just started laughing.
Suddenly, Itachi gasped, and jerked the car to a sudden halt. Everyone was slammed forward against their seatbelts, which they were all wearing because they were smart.
“Ow…” Kankuro moaned, rubbing his neck. He was not wearing his seatbelt in the right place when Itachi stopped the car. “Itachi, what the fuck was that for?”
“Deer,” Itachi said, pointing out onto the road.
Indeed, the large, majestic animal had stepped out into the road mere moments before Itachi stopped the car. Its large, doleful eyes studied the car for a moment, then, with a flick of it's tail, it scampered off into the woods beside the road. Gaara raised his non-existent eyebrows. He hadn't realized they were this far out of town already.
Kankuro closed his eyes, and sighed.
“That could've been messy,” he said, pulling off his hat. “Everyone all right?” He turned, and looked into the back seats.
“You look scary as hell with that make up, Kankuro,” Gaara said, shaking his head.
“Why, thank you,” Kankuro said. “Full speed ahead, Mon Capitan-o!”
“You got it, Babe,” Itachi laughed, revving the engine, then bursting out of their stalled position so quickly that everyone was slammed BACKWARDS this time.
“Goddammit, Itachi!” Sasuke cursed, rubbing his head. “Why can't you drive like a normal person?”
Itachi giggled, and swerved the car into the other lane, then back into the right one, then left, then right.
“Uh oh! Don't blink!” Kankuro laughed.
Gaara dropped his head into his hands and sighed.
At that moment, Itachi slammed on the brakes, sending everyone flying forward in their seats again.
“Thank you for flying Uchiha Airlines, please gather all your belongings, and exit through the nearest door,” Itachi said, pulling the keys from the ignition.
“Shut up, Itachi,” Sasuke groaned, rolling his eyes, and sliding out of the car. Then he realized how far away from the house they were. “Why'd you park so far away from the house?”
“Just in case,” Itachi said, pressing a button on the keypad that made the car lock. “Gentlemen, shall we proceed?”
Kankuro laughed, and offered out his arm, which Itachi linked with his.
“Brothers…” Gaara moaned, rubbing his temples, and following them.
“Wow,” Naruto rambled. “I've never been to an actual party before! Are they fun? Is there drinking? Are the cops gonna come?”
“Why do you think we're parked so far away?” Itachi called from ahead.
“Oy…” Sasuke sighed.
“This should be quite interesting,” Gaara mumbled.
“So… Gaara…” Sasuke said.
“Do you… uh…” Come on, man! Think of something to say! “Do you play any sports?”
“Oh.” Sasuke mentally flinched at the harsh reply.
`Damn, he really DOESN'T like me,' he thought.
Meanwhile, Gaara was having a similar dilemma.
`He might want to talk to me later…' the other half of Gaara's mind said.
`LIKE HELL HE WILL! He's probably starting to HATE YOU ALREADY!'
Gaara felt a weight dragging down on his shoulders, and he slowed his steps. Then, Naruto, still rambling to no one, bumped into him from behind.
“Whoops, sorry Gaara.”
He was met with silence.
The Haruno house was big. That's really the only way it can be described. It was big, and the front lawn was covered with cars.
When they had first entered the huge house, they, or, rather, Sasuke, was swamped by all the rapidly talking females who were literally THROWING their scantily clad selves at him. Sakura Haruno had shoved her way through the mass. She was dressed in a pair of tight, tight, TIGHT pants, and a tube top that was held up by hope and prayer. She had wrapped her arms around Sasuke's neck, and screeched,
Sasuke's eye had twitched. He pushed Sakura off of him, and crammed his way through the group, trying to get away. He got as far as the snack table. They followed him.
Gaara forced his anger aside, and decided it was best for him to make himself scarce.
He headed into the kitchen. He heard once that no one hangs out in the kitchen. He was wrong. There was a group of people standing in a circle, probably doing some sort of drug deal, as they parted away from each other the moment Gaara entered the room. He frowned, and tried to leave, but as he did, someone pushed a white, smoking marijuana joint in his face and said, “Wanna smoke?”
Gaara had declined, saying that he preferred his marijuana “fresh.” The guy had nodded, and said, “No worries, man.”
The music was loud, low, and throbbing, and the scent of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol was nauseating and intoxicating. There were people everywhere, even, to Gaara's displeasure, in the bathrooms. There were people making out in the bedrooms, and people smoking and drinking in every other room in the house. Gaara vaguely wondered what had happened to Naruto, but pressed the thought aside.
After being knocked down by some drunken senior for the umpteenth time, Gaara finally decided to go out onto the back porch and hang out with the half-drunk depressed people.
It wasn't until after ten o'clock when things started going horribly, horribly wrong.
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Kat: Okay. There you go. OH EM GEE CLIFFHANGER!! -flutters hands- I lost my fucking library book. I'm really, REALLY pissed off, because now I have to pay the fine, and I LOVED the book! `The Perks of Being a Wallflower', by Stephen Chbosky. (I think that's how you spell it.) Go read it. It's REALLY good. REALLY, REALLY good. But it's also REALLY mature.
Please review. It eases my suffering. I hope I can at least SEE them, this time…