Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Genma's ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers, Warnings, A/N in chapter 1

"Ah, Genma. You are a special Jounin," Tsunade stated, this was old information. Genma merely blinked. "You write good reports, well thought out, thorough." Tsunade pushed the filed around her desk, making sure that Genma could see that it was his last year's worth of mission and assignment reports. She pulled out his most recent reports, the ones from standing watch.

He could see that there was another stack of reports on the corner of the desk, Raido, Kotetsu, Morino, Mozuku, Kakashi, Akame, Kurenai, were ones whose author's names were visible. He had a sinking feeling in his gut, the think that they all had in common...

"I'm assigning Haru to you. You'll have to watching him constantly until he's proved that he's not a danger to Konoha. You'll be taken off dangerous missions for the time being. I want you to take care of Haru, his caretaker and jailor. Also I noticed that it was you're turn to start training a team of academy graduates, there is a class graduating in several weeks, but the time that they are mission ready, Haru will be allowed to stay by himself in all likelihood. Also you will be sharing this duty with Raido, this seems advantageous in the event that you are needed for a mission Haru will already be used to Raido and there won't be a problem. You will still be mentoring Nara Shikamaru if he has any questions, but his final mission and mission report prove conclusively that there is no further need for supervision on B rank missions. Once the assessment on Haru’s abilities has been completed, you may need to train or teach him. That was part of the arrangement that was worked out. Don't worry part of Haru's day will be spent with me as we work to improve medic-nin training and skills, he will also be taking a turn at the hospital dealing with injured people, especially wounded nin. He'll be spending time with Neji during that time, being instructed on various aspects of Konoha rules and regulations for the Nin. You will be responsible for feeding, housing, and watching over him. If you have any problems feel free to contact me. This is a highly risky venture, but I'm counting on you to keep Konoha safe."

Genma stared at her. He was speechless. "Why? Why me?"

"Because you talked to him. Because you noticed that he needed food and got his chronic food shortage taken care of. Most importantly you were the one who brought him back to the village; therefore he's your responsibility. Do your accommodations have an extra bed? If not one can be provided for your residence. He'll get out of the hospital tonight and accompany you home, his hands and feet have finished healing along with his ribs so he's capable of walking around and...You seem to have a problem Genma."
Genma stared at the Hokage. "You assigned him to me because I noticed he was hungry?" Genma was pissed, he had to take care of that brat, he should have let him starve.

"Amongst other reasons," Tsunade said she was amused by Genma's reactions; she was hoping for but wisely abstaining from betting on amusement stemming from this assignment. She thought that Haru would do great things. He reminded her of the Yodaime, Naruto reminded her of her brother but his father... he was more than dreams and raw power, He'd had finesse, talent, brains...sheer genius, he'd had charm and style. Haru reminded her of Sarutobi's student so much, or at least the potential was there. It would be a game worth watching, she could only hope that her desire wouldn't cause irreparable damage.

"Pay...?" Genma inquired, this wasn't a standard job, the rates that those paid were pretty clear cut depending on mission type, complexity, length, dangers involved there in... This was a complete unknown.

"Special combat level on the chance that I made a mistake and he's not only dangerous but that danger is against us and you have to risk it all to bring him down," Tsunade knew it was a tall order, one that Genma couldn't really refuse.


"That's right I forgot you don't cook, and from my discussion it seems that he'll be requiring a lot of food until he's fully recharged which may take months." Genma was aghast, months? Why would he need months of eating like that? Genma felt sick at the thought of eating that much food. Tsunade continued, "I'll have a large amount of food delivered to stock your pantry today and if you give me the name of a grocery store, or if you don't I'll select on and have Kotetsu drop by with the name. I'll establish a line of credit, which will be paid by the housekeeping budget of this place, since he is in effect my guest." Genma wasn't happy with that answer but it was the best he could hope for. "In addition once he starts working in the hospital and with me he'll collect pay, if you choose to eat out a portion of that can be covered by the budget I'm going to set aside for him. I'll talk to Raido later today when he gets back from his mission. It's now time for you to collect Haru. Did you need me to provide that extra bed? If not then you may leave unless you have further questions you'd like me to ask." Genma shook his head and left.

"Ready?" Genma walked into the room, Haru was sitting in the chair that he'd occupied for the last few nights. He was outfitted to go outside, provided with a jacket, shirt, pants and shoes. It seemed odd that all the items of clothing would be black, Genma didn't much like that, he'd have to take Haru out shopping, if they were going to be living together, Haru would not be allowed unrelieved black clothing. The bandages on his hands were gone, the piercing still in place, he didn't have any gear, but he'd been handed a roll of money and a list of instructions and items to buy and how to care for him, suggestions of things and behaviors based on people observation and conversations with Haru.

"We need to get you some gear, let's get moving before everyone closes." Genma turned and walked out of the room, he didn't turn to see if Haru was following, he could hear his footsteps, they had an odd cadence to them.

Genma lived on the other side of town between here and there was the center square and market, it'd be closing up but not empty when they got there. Genma found that walking fast wasn't an option, Haru ambled along, apparently his legs weren't as good as new, they were merely healed, Genma changed his mind, they'd go to the clothing store first then get something to eat, he may like the ration bars, but his friends would kill him for visiting that on other people. Genma matched his steps to Haru's, but the time they made their way to the store, the majority of the shops were closing.

"Okay, we're going to stop and get you some clothing, and then we'll eat. So hurry up and choose a few items to wear." Genma said as they walked into the store. Genma didn't hear Haru, not breathing nor walking... He turned to see that Haru was still in the doorway, his eyes dilated, breathing funny Genma walked back over and shook him by the shoulder. "Haru, Haru! Snap out of it!" Genma watched as Haru blinked and looked at him. "Problem?"

"Uh, no. can't be that difficult...I need money to shop..." Haru looked at Genma, "Do I have money to shop?"

"There's enough to shop don't worry about it, the Godaime gave me money for your use...have you ever gone shopping before Haru?" Genma asked when Haru twitched violently he knew that he'd hit the nail on the head. "It's easy you're just going to pick out, underwear, a few shirts, a few pairs of pants, socks, perhaps boots. Here we'll start with shirts." Genma led Haru to the right department. There were shirts in various makes and colors, Haru stared, walked around the racks, held out his hand to almost touch them then pulled no back no contact made. Genma was getting frustrated. Who that hell has never shopped before?

"Here," Genma reached past Haru and grabbed a gray t-shirt, it would fit tightly so that it wouldn't hamper in combat, he grabbed a black mesh shirt like that one that Shikamaru always wore, he put them in Haru's hands then moved to the next rack, he pulled a blue button up shirt off the rack, "Turn around," Genma ordered Haru, He held the shirt up against Haru's shoulders, "right size, but the shoulders are too broad," Genma hung it back up... in the end he picked out all of Haru's clothing. Haru would be dressed like a Shinobi, more precisely like a Jounin level Shinobi, if only because that's what would blend in best. There was no way that he'd be getting a vest, but at least he didn't stand out too bad.

"Okay, anything you want to add to the pile?" Haru shook his head; he looked awed by the amount of clothing in his arms. He followed Genma up to the register.

"Will that be all for today?" Ayame asked as she rung up the last customers, the boy was cute, a little young for her, but definitely cute, she smiled at him. He was with Shiranui-san. Shiranui had shopped here for a long time.

"No that's everything. If the items don't fit how long do I have to return them?" Genma was practical, he wasn't bothering to stop and have Haru try them on, it'd probably be too much for Haru to deal with.

"You have eight days just bring the receipt, Shiranui-san. Thank you for stopping by." Ayame walked them to the door and when they'd exited she locked it behind them, "Yay! I'm free! Mom, I'm going to Rin's house! Later." Ayame ran out the back door, shutting off the lights and locking the door behind her.

"Okay you hungry? What do you want to eat?" Genma asked.

"Hot food?" Haru replied.

"Hot spicy or hot warm?" Genma asked.

"Doesn't matter," Haru would eat anything. "I don't care as long as it tastes good."

"Well then Chin food? It's hot both ways." Genma walked over to a small standing that had a line in front of it. It had the best Chin food."

"Next!" Genma was pleased it was already their turn.

"Green beans in garlic, spicy eggplant, mushshu, rice, dumplings, Szechwan tofu vegetables, and barbequed pork. All triple serving to go." Genma knew that he wouldn't eat that much but Raido would be home later and Haru could eat that entire amount by himself perhaps. Genma picked up the cups of tea that were served while they waited. He handed one to Haru.

Haru sipped peacefully, savoring the high quality green tea. He'd never had good quality green tea before, what the nobles ate vs. what the servants and slaves ate differed considerably in quality...and quantity too unfortunately, it was nice to only feel half starved, the only time he got to eat this much was when they beat him just about to death, because it sped up the healing process. He'd never gone shopping for himself; slaves all wore the same thing. Baggy three quarters pants, color black to gray depending on age of individual, tight tank tops in the summer, black, in the winter they had black baggy shirts with three quarters sleeves. Black meant ripe for molestation unless you had a symbol on your pants that meant hands off, in which case you were still molested only the who became more exclusive.

Haru closed his eyes, as memories threatened to over whelm him, 'Gaki, open wide,' Haru could feel the rough texture of the wall against his back, his hands pinned over his head as his overseer pushed him to his knees. He could smell the sour sweat from his body from the day’s activities, he could taste...

Genma turned to look at Haru fully, as he dropped to his knees his cup rolled away from his hand pressed against the ground. The other pressed against his mouth as he convulsed, his stomach content seemed to be threatening to come up. "Whoa, are you okay? What's wrong?" Genma crouched next to Haru's head, he ran his hand over his back in circles, until the urge to throw up passes, he stood and got a glass of water for Haru. He found Haru sitting his forehead pressed into his palms, a sick expression on his face.

"Here's some water." Genma held the glass where Haru could see it. Haru sipped it, his hair fell forward obscuring his face, Genma brushed it back, noticing that Haru’s muscles jumped and tensed, with Genma’s action. Genma heard their order being called. He pulled the glass out of Haru’s hand and returned the three glasses when he picked up his order. When he turned back Haru was once one standing, “Come on not too much further and we’ll have dinner.