Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ half demon ❯ Chapter 2
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The sky was dark, clouds of smoke raised to the sky.
Kyuubi was destroying Konohana looking for one clan but no one knew this.
A boy with a mask and grey hair ran towards Kyuubi with a chidori in hand. kyuubi heard the sound of it and hit the boy with one mighty tail before he hit.
One of the braver ninjas tried to distract the beast while the fourth hokage got here. The fox just smirked and with one swing of its mighty tail a tidal wave was caused almost drowning the whole village.
Then there was a flash of light
naruto woke up breathing hard and sweating. “damit kyuubi why did you give me that memory again!?” “becouse your going to be late for exams” “what are you talking about” he then looked at the clock “oh no I'm going to be late” he quickly went to his human form got dressed. He was about to jump out the window “kit wait you forgot your mask” “oh yeah thanks”
Sakura was tying her red ribbon around her hair. She remembered how her friend Ino gave it to her as a gift; they were in pretty good terms now since Ino liked Naruto and formed her own little Naruto fan club while Sakura continued to vigorously support the Sasuke fan club. She sighed inaudibly.
“Sakura, you're going to be late!”
“Ok mom, I'm going now!” with that said she jumped off her balcony and landed on the floor not in the most graceful manner but it was average considering she was an academy student.
She turned to her right to see Ino running up towards her; she waved in acknowledgement at the girl.
“Come on we are going to be late for the exams, Sakura!” she said as she caught friend.
Sakura nodded and started to walk along side her friend to the academy. On their way they met with Shikamaru, Choji and Sasuke.
Shikamaru was a little lazy… scratch that, he was VERY lazy, if he wasn't playing shouji he was looking at the clouds with Choji and daydreaming. But what sometimes annoyed Sakura and Ino the most was his frequent use of the word `troublesome' in most, if not every sentence.
Shikamaru and Ino's friend Choji was fat or as he liked to call it `big boned' if he wasn't eating, then something was very wrong with him. And let's just say that the last person who said the word fat ass in front of Choji got run over by a truck.
Now Sasuke, Sasuke was the survivor of the Uchiha massacre and had his own fan club. He had his secrets but other than that not much is known except for the fact that he rarely talked.
`how troublesome is everyone late' shikamaru thought
Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji and Sasuke made their way toward the academy. When they reached their destination it wasn't to their surprise the mess that was formed in the classroom.
“How troublesome lets get a seat before we have to sit on the floor” Shikamaru said in an annoyed tone.
Ino and Shikamaru seated in the last row of seats to the left, Choji on the front in the left and Sakura and Sasuke in the middle row on the left beside naruto who got there 1 minuet before them
Iruka then walked in the room am everyone got quiet “Ok when I call your name step into the next room, ok! We start with Aburame Shino!”
Half an hour later naruto was finally called naruto “for the final exam you'll make as many Bushins as you can” iruka told naruto smiled under his mask made a cross sign “kage-Bushin no Jutsu” naruto yelled so loud everyone in the other room heard.
he made so many they broke the door down and pored then all the ones in the testing room asked “is this enough” “yes…”he replied then they all poofed away “naruto where did you learn that” he asked. Naruto smiled under his mask and said “lets just say a fox taught me” iruka smiled and gave him a headband naruto tied it to his arm
when he entered the room he heard them whispering “did he really do that jutsu” and “you could see some in the halls”
“hey kit good job but don't show them every thing you can do when your in your team” `why not' “if you show them how good you are there see you as a threat to the village or there figure out your not human because you can do so many powerful jutsus at your age”
naruto walked back to his seat sasuke looked at him an asked “dobe where did you learn that jutsu” “you'd like to know that wouldn't-” before he could finish sakura said “sasuke-kun naruto probably faked it and cheated” ino hit her on the head “naruto-kun didn't cheat an did better than sasuke and could beat him any day” “ that's impossible sasuke-kun is from the Uchiha clan” “well naruto is part of the Uzumaki clan” “the Uzumaki clan was weak and killed by a demon” “well the Uchiha clan was killed a teenager” “well the Uchiha clan has the best blood line ever the Uzumaki clan never one” “I bet they have a great one they just never use it”
“if she only knew how right she was”
then the then everyone in the room chanted “fight fight” naruto and sasuke stared at each other, sweat dropped anime style and the same thing passed through their minds `this is going to be a looong day…'
then iruka walked in the room and everyone shut up “you will be placed in groups of three baste on your final score and meet your new sensei tomorrow you can leave now” he said before nearly being trampled by a large group of student. Naruto just comely got up and walked out
when naruto finally he went to his true form and removed his mask kyuubi told him the hand signs and to summon one “kyuubi I need to sign a scroll first” “kit this is a blood line so you don't need to” kyuubi told naruto. “I didn't know I had a blood line” naruto said then bit his thumb made the hand signs an said “Kuchiyose no Jutsu” then in a poof of smoke there was a 3ft tall 2 tailed fox “hey there's still an uzumaki thought kyuubi killed them all so what do you need” the fox asked. “well I was just training so you can go” naruto told the fox who then proofed away. “hey kyuubi why did you kill my clan” “well your clan always pissed me off then one day they crossed the line” “…um I'm going to get back to training” naruto then pulled out his sword and practiced the demon blade jutsu
after a few hours naruto heard Mizuki saying something about naruto then turned human ran over there Mizuki smirked when he saw Naruto “Oh it seems the demon has joined us” `the scroll of sealing Mizuki always did seam like a trader' Naruto acted surprised. “What's going on!”
Iruka threw the scroll to Naruto “Naruto don't let him get the scroll even if you die!”
Naruto stumbled back and fell, “what? What's going on?”
“That is a dangerous scroll that contains forbidden jutsus sealed by the fourth! Mizuki wants to use its power”
Naruto pretended to be scared and crawled a few steps back.
Kyuubi scoffed “kit you should start giving lessons you're a pro at this”
“Naruto, ill tell you the truth and let's see who you trust more after that…”
Iruka knew what Mizuki was about to say, “N- no! Mizuki don't!”
“12 years ago you know about the fox demon being killed?”
Naruto smirked under his mask; he knew what was coming next “huh? What does this have to do with me…?”
“…since that incident a new rule was created for this village” Mizuki gave a maniacal grin
“A… a rule? What kinda rule?”
“But Naruto, that rule was never meant for you to discover…” his grin got even wider if that's even possible…
`Yep, he's gonna blow the secret… well at least I can stop pretending I don't know…''
“What why?”
Mizuki laughed and Naruto and Kyuubi's smirks got bigger
“Why… what kind of rule is it…”
Mizuki now changed from a grin to smirk “the rule is that no one can tell you that you are the nine tailed fox demon”
Naruto pretended to be surprised “huh?” he took a step back “what do you mean?”
Iruka didn't want to hear any more “STOP IT MIZUKI!”
Mizuki chuckled “it means… that you are the nine tailed demon fox that destroyed this village and killed Iruka's parents”
“Maybe if this wasn't so obvious you would be surprised…” Kyuubi sighed
Mizuki took his demon wind shuriken out and prepared to throw it “you were sealed up by the hokage you admire and were lied to by everyone”
Iruka shouted at the top of his lungs so Mizuki would stop.
Mizuki laughed, he knew Naruto was in `shock' little did he know it was only an act.
Mizuki got ready to throw the shuriken and he thought of another way to insult Naruto “didn't you find it strange how everyone hated you, rejected you? Iruka is no different he detest you!”
Leaning to the small shed was Iruka all injured and covered in shurikens and his own blood, he panted and thought of what is Naruto's life `he has never known his parents' blood slowly dripped out his mouth `and he hated the village and all its inhabitants after THAT incident…' He though of how Naruto was before that incident.
Mizuki launched the huge shuriken at Naruto.
Naruto took a deep breath a closed his eyes preparing for pain, he felt a drip of blood hit his mask and opened his eyes.
On top of him was Iruka who had the shuriken encrusted in his back.
He didn't understand, why would some one care for him he already has accepted the fact that he is a demon, not just any demon he was Kyuubi the ruler of all of them.
“WHY? Why are you doing this?”
“Because you and I are the same, my parents they died”
naruto jumped up to a tree when iruka passed out from blood loss. the thought that some one cared for him was knew an Mizuki tried to kill that person made naruto so pissed he went to his true form. Mizuki could only watch in shock to what was happening
“Mizuki… you tried to kill iruka for I'm gonna kill you!!!” naruto then pulled out his sword an stabbed through one of Mizuki's lungs into a tree the he ripped open his neck. He slowly licked the blood off his claws. When he was done he set the body on fire. While carrying iruka to the hospital kyuubi said “hey be careful around this age you get the erg to kill bad” naruto dropped iruka off at the hospital then went home
well that's it for chp2. I had a virus so I couldn't save this for awhile