Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ half demon ❯ team 7 and wave country ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't own naruto
“inner who ever”
The next morning naruto was up early yet he still found a way to almost be late for the academy. On the way to the academy naruto asked if he could finally get rid of the jumpsuit kyuubi told him he could after he passed the test. When naruto got there he made the mistake of sitting next to sasuke, because right when he sat down sakura punched in the back of the head and yelled “move naruto I'm sitting next to sasuke-kun” “who does naruto he think he is trying to sit next to my sasuke” naruto was about to knock her threw a wall when ino punched her in the head “don't hit naruto-kun he can sit were ever he wants” she said then they to started to beat up each other `cat fight' naruto thought with small laugh but then iruka walked in the door. So ino quickly jumped in the empty next to naruto. Once sakura sat down iruka gave a speech on being a shinobi then he began to call teams. Ino was holding her breath and crossing her finger in hopes of being with naruto.
After 1minute he said “team seven naruto, sasuke-” before he could finish some one asked “hey how come naruto and sasuke are on the same team there the 2 strongest” “that may be true but we had to add up all the scores starting with the start of the academy an naruto had the lowest score total while sasuke had the highest score. Now as I was saying team 7 naruto, sasuke and sakura” iruka said and at that moment naruto cursed under his breath while sakura jumped up happily. Ino fell over passed out. Iruka continued “your jonin sensei is Kakashi Hatake” at this point naruto got up and was about to jump out a window when iruka stopped him “were do think your going?” he asked “iruka-sensei I know Kakashi takes two hours to do any thing so I'll come back” this got iruka thinking `well naruto does have a point but how does he know that' when iruka was back to reality naruto had already left.
Naruto had reached a clothes store he transformed into sasuke unfortunately since he was a half demon he could only use the transformation jutsu for about five 5 minutes. Once inside naruto walked as fast as he could through the store to get his new clothes when he got to the counter the man just gave him the clothes for free `I hate this stupid village they wont charge sasuke for any thing but they wont even let me in' naruto thought “one day kit we will destroy this village” once he was out the jutsu wore off and another ninja saw and proceeded to chase him through the village then naruto ran into a alley the man pulled out a kunia then said with a smile “now I'll help the village by getting rid of the demon” with that said he though the kunia at Naruto's neck but right it hit naruto poofed away “damn it he knows the shadowclone jutsu”
At Naruto's house naruto was trying on his knew clothes which were dark red pants, dark red shirt, a pair of red sandals and a red unzipped vest with a picture of kyuubi on the back. Naruto kept his sword on his back he also kept his mask. Naruto grabbed a scroll so he'd have some thing to do while waiting for Kakashi.
On the way back to the academy naruto saw his new sensei leaned up against a wall reading his orange book with his arm with the book extended down `you would think he'd get in trouble for that. Everyone passing by can see the page.' He thought then continued heading back to the academy. When he got back it had been about 1hour an 45 minutes sakura looked impatient while sasuke looked like he always does “where the hell is Kakashi!?” sakura asked naruto not expecting to get a answer “he'll be here in 15 minutes” said then sat down an studied his scroll
15 minutes later
Kakashi walked in the door sakura then yelled “where hell you been!” “Sorry I got lost on the road of life” “LIAR!!!” sakura yelled “lets see my first impression of you is your all a bunch of idiots… know meet on the roof top in 5 minutes” Kakashi said then disappeared in a poof of smoke.
On roof they were waiting for Kakashi again naruto wasn't sure if Kakashi was coming or not. So he laid back on the steps but he forgot sakura was standing right behind him “PERVERT!!!” she yelled punching Naruto's mask luckily naruto rolled over just in time to miss it when he rolled over Kakashi appeared a little confused. Naruto moved to the other side of sasuke once naruto and sakura sat down
Kakashi said “ok how about we get to know each other better each of you say some thing about your self” “why don't you go first sensei” sakura asked “fine my name is Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and things I hate hmm…I don't feel like telling you” “he likes his little orange perverted books and he hates people who hate his books” naruto said then sasuke and sakura noticed a small orange book in Kakashi's weapon pouch “dreams for the future huh never really thought about it” “by that he means meet the writer of his books and star in a movie of one the books” naruto said surprising Kakashi `how does he know so much about me' Kakashi wondered
“Alright then blondey since u know so much about me tell us about yourself” “my name is Naruto Uzumaki things I like” `iruka-sensei and kyuubi' “and thing I hate” `humans' “ I don't see why I should tell you. Dreams for the future” `destroy the village and become a demon lord' “if I told you that you'd probably try to kill me where I stand” the way naruto said that last part scared them a little. “All right next” Kakashi said, “My Name is Sasuke Uchiha I hate a lot of things I don't really like any thing dreams for the future its not a dream but a soon to reality restore my clan and kill my enemies”. `What a drama queen' naruto thought. Then sakura went “ My name is Sakura Haruno things I like” she looks at sasuke “well it's not a thing it's a person” she looks back over at sasuke and blushes “my dreams for the future are” looks at sasuke again and her face gets redder “things I hate are demons and NARUTO” `she's still mad about what happened' naruto thought
`Great I have a demon vessel a avenger and a love sick puppy there's no way they'll pass' Kakashi thought “your first mission is survival training” “but Kakashi-sensei we already did survival in the academy” sakura said “well this wont be your normal training” then what kind will it be” sakura asked making Kakashi laugh a little “hey what's so funny” sakura asked “this pass or fail test. Those who fail go back to the academy there's over a 66% chance of you fail” Kakashi said shocking sakura and sasuke. Naruto how ever knew about this test. “Be at training ground 7 at 5:AM and bring your ninja gear. Oh and don't eat breakfast or you'll throw up.” Kakashi said then vanished in a poof of smoke. `I have to pass this if I don't ill be separated from sasuke' sakura thought `if I cant pass this then ill never be able to kill my brother' sasuke thought `I wonder if any of them will realize we have to use team work' naruto thought then he jumped off the roof heading to the forest
In the woods
`Hey kyuubi what jutsu are u teaching me' “kit I cant teach you any jutsus for awhile” `ahh come on why not' “if use to much chakra while training or at any time with your urge to kill you'll want to use that chakra on any one who does the slightest thing to set you off and if you do your cover is blown and we die” `come on I wont lose it I swear'
“Fine but you oh me. The jutsu called demon eyes there are three uses for it but I'll only teach the first basic use for it which only works when you make eye contact this part is basically a death stare your eyes turn red and your enemy be paralyzed with fear and you'll drain them of chakra the more you use it the stronger it becomes. In about 3 years you should be able to drain a normal person of chakra with one glance. For this jutsu you need to focus a large quick flash of demon and human chakra in eyes” naruto then tried it again and again till 5 hours had gone by “this…is…impossible” naruto said before passing out. Kyuubi was shocked naruto never had this hard of a time learning a jutsu usually he'd figure it out or know when to stop that's when it hit him `oh shit this was a bad idea' kyuubi thought
When naruto woke up it felt like his eyes were on fire. All that demon chakra going to his eyes had finally kicked in even a half a half demon cant have to much demon chakra going to one part of there body at the same time. When naruto stood up he went human reach into his pocket pulled out a small watch glancing at the time “shit its almost 11” naruto mumbled before heading to the training ground 7
When he got there Kakashi asked angry “where have you been you were supposed to be here 4 hours ago!” “Sorry Kakashi-sensei a black cat crossed my path so I had to find another way to get here” naruto said shutting up Kakashi who had said the same thing 2 hours. “Now that we're all here lets get started you have until 12 to get a bell from me ” Kakashi said holding 2 bells “I want you to do what ever it takes to get the bells even if you have to kill me” that last part ran through Naruto's head `…kill me…kill me…kill me…' suddenly naruto pulled out his sword an jumped at Kakashi nearly cutting his head off he might have if he could see straight `he's fast' Kakashi thought as he grabbed naruto and placed a kunia against his throat “what the hell are you doing get a hold of yourself kit” `sorry' “ I didn't say you could start nice to know you wont hold back now as was saying who ever fails gets tied up while the others eat lunch and has to go back to the academy now…begin” with that Kakashi let go of naruto an all the genin went to a hiding place
Naruto would have a hard time. for one he had to hold back and he could barely see `hey kyuubi any ideas' “actually I do, turn into Kakashi beat up sasuke and put a genjutsu on the other then they'll realize how strong he is then tell them to use team work” `ok I hope I can move fast enough' with that naruto made a clone and transformed into Kakashi then went off to find sakura while the clone kept Kakashi distracted. When naruto found sakura he noticed the clone was hanging up side down and Kakashi was saying something he then looked in sakura direction and poofed away to avoid some shurikens sasuke threw. “Oh no where'd he go” sakura said “behind you” naruto said still looking like Kakashi then put sakura under a genjutsu “what happened where's Kakashi sensei” she asked then heard sasuke she looked over to find sasuke covered in blood and dieing. She then screamed and passed out. “Now for sasuke” naruto said then looked in the middle of the field to see sasuke shooting a fireball at Kakashi who was now sitting in a tree reading “where'd he go” sasuke said with naruto made a couple of hand signs “is he above behind” “below” naruto said grabbing Sasuke's foot and yanking him into the earth until he just a head “looks like your just like the others” naruto said to sasuke.
Then he jumped in a tree and right when he landed the jutsu wore off. He the looked down to see sakura waking up he about go down when he saw that she was to moving to were sasuke. When she got there she screamed and
Passed out again. Naruto almost busted out laughing but he managed to hold it in then jump down “hey sasuke maybe we should try team work” “forget dobe I don't need any help” “fine then” naruto woke up sakura “hey sakura we should try team work” normally she would have said no but she wanted to back at her sensei “ok, do have any ideas” “yeah I do” they then went into tree where he told sakura his plan if he could see better that day he would have been able to do it alone. `Only 5 minutes left' Kakashi thought then naruto stepped out into the field and used the shadow clone-jutsu and made 10 clones who all charged at Kakashi who didn't notice he was moving backwards into a trap Kakashi said while fight naruto and his clones “I'm impressed naruto I've never seen a genin that knows the…” before he could finish. Sakura had cut a rope holding a log that hit Kakashi and knocked him out naruto and sakura took the bells when Kakashi woke up he realized what had happened “very good naruto and sakura you 2 seemed to have taken my bells where's sasuke we need to tie him up”
It took them five minutes to find a very pissed off sasuke when Kakashi asked him what happened sasuke wanted to beat the shit out of. Kakashi summand some dogs to dig up sasuke when sasuke was free he tried to attack Kakashi but Kakashi just quickly threw sasuke at one of three logs and then tied him up to it. Once sasuke was tied up Kakashi handed naruto and sakura there lunch. “Good job naruto and sakura. Now that you realize the point of the test we'll try it again after lunch if either of you try to feed sasuke you will all fail.” With that said Kakashi disappeared in a poof of smoke. After about 10 seconds naruto said “alright sakura give sasuke some of your lunch” sakura and sasuke both stared at him “what are you nuts then we'll all fail” sakura said “that's true but if sasuke doesn't eat then he'll be weaker and Kakashi will fail us plus Kakashi left so he doesn't know what we're doing” sakura had to admit naruto had a good point when she was about to give sasuke some of her lunch when Kakashi reappeared in front of them and said “I said no feeding sasuke or you fail! So…you pass” “wait what we pass” sakura asked “yes those who break the rules are trash but those who abandon a teammate are lower than trash, so for realizing that you pass” Kakashi said. Sakura jumped with joy, sasuke gave small smile, naruto just walked away
2 weeks later
Team 7 seven was returning the cat with the bow (forgot owners name) this was 10th time they returned this cat each time naruto would almost kill the cat Kakashi always stopped him. They had done 55 missions shocking the hokage. Naruto was going insane from the pain of his new jutsu that he still couldn't get to work. At the moment they were in they hokage office a waiting for their next mission “well team 7 I think your ready for a C rank mission you will be extorting tazuna the bridge builder back to wave country” the third said as a old guy with a bottle entered the room “ah there he is now tazuna this is the group I assigned to protect you” “your kidding right they all look like a bunch of brats to me especially the idiot with the mask.” Just then he felt a hand on his shoulder, and sharp object against his back “if I were you I'd be careful about what say” Naruto warned then walked back to the others while his clone poofed away while putting his sword up. `This guy is a bridge builder from the wave country he's probably running from Gato' naruto thought as they left.
They had left at 3:00AM.About 12 hours later sakura asks if there are ninjas in the wave country `what kind of an idiot is she' naruto thought then he saw a puddle `is everyone an idiot today it hasn't rained in 2 and a half weeks' the two then came out and wrapped there chains around Kakashi then pulled some how tarring him apart. “now for the bridge builder” one said they then ran at tazuna when they passed naruto he pulled out his sword and jumped at one cutting both his arms off then with on slash his legs were also gone leaving him as a head and a torso, when he screamed in pain his brother turned around just in time to see Naruto's sword stab into his neck naruto yanked his sword out then cut from the back of the demon brother's head to his jaw the front part of his face slid off right he lived 2 more seconds after naruto stabbed him those two seconds felt like 2 years. (Id hate to be them). Everyone was shocked about what happened no one could even move good thing to if they did naruto would have killed them “kit what the fuck did I warn you about you might have given away any chance of getting revenge now everyone will know.” ` Relax I have an idea' with naruto fell over Kakashi jumped do down to naruto when pushed him a little naruto said in a worn out voice “kyuubi...control-” then passed out Kakashi understood what he meant `thank god the hokage gave me seals for something like this' Kakashi thought
Then said “tazuna you said this was c rank mission but they were chunnin this is at least a b rank mission we're not ready for a mission like this why didn't you ask for ask for b rank ninjas” “the wave country's poor because of Gato, he uses ninjas to take control of businesses by building this bridge Gato wont be as wealthy or have as much control over us so he sent ninjas after me” “we cant handle a mission like this we're not ready” “well he seemed to be ready” tazuna said pointing at naruto Kakashi quickly thought a lie “I accidentally gave him 5 soldier pills one alone can double your strength so imagine if you take five but if you take to many at once it goes away quick and leaves you worn out or dead” “so why did you give those pills to him” “I thought it was his allergy medicine” saying this made everyone sweat drop anime style sakura then yelled “what kind of an idiot are you” `that doesn't sense since when does naruto have allergies and if he did take those pills we should have sense the chakra rise sooner Kakashi's hiding something but what' sasuke thought `shouldn't naruto have been twitching or something is Kakashi hiding something' sakura thought “well lets take a vote who thinks we should stay” sasuke nodded `I'll find out what Kakashi's hiding' sasuke thought sakura nodded she just wanted to be with sasuke “well lets go then” Kakashi said
They were getting off a boat and heading to tazuna's house naruto was walking again Kakashi had told them since naruto always had high chakra it just came back quicker then it would with some one else. Naruto saw a hunter Nin the bushes so he pulled out a kunia. When he through it the nin replaced himself with a rabbit. “ Naruto what the hell are you doing” sakura yelled “I saw something in the pushes” naruto ran picked up the rabbit who was scarred out of its mind “naruto you idiot you almost hit instant rabbit” sakura yelled Kakashi noticed the rabbit still had its winter coat yet it was the middle of summer he then heard something with a quick glance he saw a huge sword coming at them “get down” he said pushing tazuna everyone jumped down except naruto who out of range the sword hit a tree. Then a ninja with bandages around his face appeared on the sword “your zabuza momochi demon of mist I take it” naruto said,“how do you know me kid” “I reckonies you from bingo you from my bingo” “who are you kid” “naruto uzamaki the demon of the leaf village”
ok that chapter 3 sorry for the VERY LATE update I forgot I was writing this till one my friends reminded me. Thanks for the review Saric