Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Heading home ❯ Tournament? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: As I have said in the previous chapter, I do not own Naruto, nor anything related to that series.
Warnings: They remain the same as the first chapter, so if you are curious go read them.
Pairings: Neji/Naruto, other pairings will be thrown in later.
A/N: I hope this chapter is good enough, please read and Review!
Chapter 2
A burning sensation engulfed both Neji and Naruto as a brilliant white and blue light encased them. Neji surrounded by the white, while Naruto the blue. The sensation that rocked their bodies, did indeed feel strange, yet at the same time comforting.
The felt as though they were moving, yet at the same time they felt as though they we standing completely still. They felt right side up yet at the same time upside down, it was all so confusing, that neither could grasp the situation, nor make even remote sense of it in their befuddled state.
As suddenly as the whole thing started, it stopped, and the two of them found themselves floating suspended in mid air. The sky around them was a blue-violet colour, very beautiful and intriguing to the eyes, though something was off. The colour was that of an hour closer to dusk, though the sun was still high in the sky, illuminating everything.
It was an incredible, but still a picture perfect sight to behold. Though marvelling at the sky was soon brought to an abrupt end as the invisible threads that held them suspended vanished and the two plummeted to the earth below.
With great speed and velocity, the two fell towards an old, but well kept stone bridge in a lush tree filled area.
Using their chakra and a basic jutsu all people at the academy were taught, they channelled enough chakra into their legs and feet to withstand the impact without taking any damage what so ever. ((A/N: A trick I'd love to know, then I wouldn't have to worry about crashing full speed into something and getting possible internal damage from impact. So painful. A piece of advice, don't fling yourself full speed into a solide wall back first. It kills the back like you wouldn't believe.))
The two touched down, landing in a cat like position, before slowly straightening themselves out and looking around.
Since they had used the jutsu, they and their landing spot took no damage, meaning the bridge was completely unfazed, the only thing seemingly effected by their landing was the dirt particles which then hovered loosely in the air before settling back down in a new place.
“Where....are we?” Naruto questioned as he absently brought his left hand up to run over the giant scorched hole on the front of his jumpsuit right at the dead centre of his chest. “Just great...” He muttered poutingly to himself, blue eyes narrowing at the hole in his bright orange outfit.
“I do not now.” Neji answered a moment later, after having looked around, trying to locate their position, though found nothing familiar about their surroundings. It was so different.
The sky wasn't its normal cheery blue, instead it was a cheery blue-violet. The sun which was once a brilliant yellow now shone as a magnificent crimson, though the light it cast was pure white, supplying perfect lighting.
Animals and plants that roamed freely about the trees were different too. They had never seen such creatures as these in all their lives. Some looked like mutated crossbreeds between salamanders, cats, and turkeys, while others looked like creatures out of a fictive novel written by some extremely creative or just plain weird author.
The plants were not their customary deep green, they were instead light yellows, reds, pinks, oranges, browns, and violets. Their shapes were very odd as well, some would be super thin by unbelievably tall, while other super short but rather large in diameter. There was combinations, crawling plants and so much more, that the boys soon become occupied with staring at the strange place they were in.
The sound of rushing water below, made both of them peer over the bridge's sides and gaze down into the clear and pure looking green water. This place was so strange, so different, but in its very own way, it was utterly unique.
A vicious snarl rang from the opposite end of the field and both ninjas turned. Naruto's eyes bugged out upon the site, while Neji's eyes merely widened.
On the bridge not too terrible far in front of them -as the bridge was a small one- stood a creature so hideous that many who set eyes upon the brute would wish they could rip out their own eyes and erase the site from their memories.
“Humans!!!” The creature snarled, mouth opening wide showing off black, cracked teeth, that fit perfectly well with his lumpy scared and wrinkly sludge coloured skin. Beady black eyes shone grimly out from behind tendrils of oily matted greying hair.
The thing stood only four metres tall, though what it lacked in height it made up for in width. Around his waist it wore a large loincloth, that way it could cover himself decently due to his immense body weight, though the cloth was worn and torn, and the colour of vomit.
"What the hell is THAT?!?" Naruto demanded as the creature's putrid scent reached his delicate nose causing his clear blue eyes to water.
“Muff'igus! My bridge! Pays da priceor bes aten!” ((A/N: The first word in this sentence is the creature's name. He said it due to Naruto's asked question. )) Muff'igus shouted and Naruto blinked before peering at Neji, eyes demanding a translation.
“Apparently this is his bridge and he requires a fee for us to be on it, if we don't pay he'll eat us.” Neji explained to the boy. Naruto's mouth formed an `O' in comprehension before regarding the strangely named though totally was totally ugly.
“Ya right!” Naruto said hotly as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Bridges don't belong to anyone, we aren't paying.” He said in a huff.
A growl vibrated from the beast's mouth as his eyes narrowed. “No pays?” He asked, his gross voice dangerously low.
“We will not pay.” Neji said in a agreement, nodding his head slightly though his body did tense, ready for what ever the creature would throw at them.
The creature bristled, a strange snorting like sound escaping him as he drew his face and nose higher into the air. “What the...” The blond teen started but didn't get to finish as Muff'igus launched his head forward as his mouth open and spat a massive wad of slick, black and putrid spit which hurtled towards the boys.
They both easily evaded the assault and in landed with a sickening sound onto the bridge, splattering little particles into the air, on of which struck the arm of Naruto's orange jumpsuit. “That was nasty!” The boy said staring in distaste at the little fleck on his clothing when his eyes widened.
The spit released a gurgling hiss and it began to eat away at both the bridge and the jumpsuit. “Gah!” The blue eyed ninja exclaimed as he quickly tore his sleeve off and tossed it to the ground where it was quickly devoured by the acid and joined in burning a whole through the bridge as the massive part of the spit ball did.
As the two balls of spit reached the base of the bridge, having burned holes through the entire stone passage way, they fell to the water below and instantly disappeared as purified by the water.
“Yeus fast! Not fast enuff!” The great beast exclaimed as it rushed forward, arms outstretched and it had maniac look twisting his already hideous face into a more grotesque sight.
In two blurs of speed, both Naruto and Neji moved forward. In their hands they hand their kunai, and as they raced past the brute, they simultaneously severed its head, letting it fall with a sickening thump to the ground.
The headless body was spurting black blood in thick rivulets that made both their stomachs twist in protest, though they did manage to not regurgitate their last meal. They both cautiously moved closer to the corpse, hands covering their noses as they checked to make sure it was really dead.
“Neji-san.... What was that?” The younger one inquired looking over at his highly intelligent companion with confusion written on his innocent face.
“I do not know.” The black haired beauty responded eyes flickering over to his companion. “Are you hurt?” He asked as his pale white-purple eyes landed on the now sleeveless arm.
“I'm fine, I got it off before it burnt my skin.” Naruto answered, feeling a little let down that even Neji didn't know what the heck the creature thing on the ground was.
“At this rate we'll need to get new clothing.” The older teen stated as he motioned towards his damaged clothing, and Naruto's. “Between that orb and any fighting, or clothing will soon be worn away.” He added as an after thought.
“Halt!” A deep, though kind voice rang out from behind them causing them both to spin, black blood covered kunais in hand.
“Thou hast slain thy bridge brute. Be'ist thy friend or be thou foe?” A man wearing shining silver armour which covered all but his head inquired as he sat atop his stunning black horselike creature, which had bull horns and claws, even though the rest of the body was horde shaped.
The blue eyed, blond haired boy blinked. “Huh?” He asked wondering what the strangely dressed man was talking about.
“We are not enemies and we are not friends. What business do you have with us?” The Hyuuga questioned as punctual as ever, eyes regarding the man before them.
The mounted man laughed merrily. “Indeed an answer worthy of knighthood!” He said cheerfully. “I am Sir Cadrit of Crimson Court.” Cadrit said by way of greeting.
“I'm Uzumaki Naruto.Next Hokage of Konoha” The blond introduced himself.
“Hyuuga Neji.” The black haired beauty answered shortly.
“Uzumaki....Hyuuga, such indeed strange names.” Cadrit said as he ran his hand over his chin which was in need of a shave and soon.
“Those are our family names.” Neji corrected.
“Then why did'st thou not say so.” The man said chuckling, and smilling brightly, which illuminated his brilliant green eyes.
“Uhh....” Naruto trailed off as his stomach suddenly growled letting it be known that it wanted food and soon. At the noise the blond demon vessel laughed nervously while patting his abdomen. “I'm hungry.”
Neji nearly anime fell at that though managed to just have a slight cough, though the knight seemed to perk up at that.
“Come hither to thy Lord's castle, and feast merrily honourable warriors who hath slain a much sought after bounty, and claimeth thine prize.” The man said as he turned his horse like steed around and began to walk at a light pace so not to exhaust nor outstrip the two who followed on foot.
“Can't we hurry.” The innocent blond whinned.
“Set thine desired pace, and I shalt abide.” Cadrit said happily which caused Naruto to smile brilliantly.
Naruto quickly altered his speed to that of a comfortable sprint, and Neji soon joined him. It took Cadrit a few moments to get over his stunned state at their speed, and soon brought his mount to a gallop, and together the three of them raced towards their destination.
They ran at the pace steadily for a good half an hour before a town arose in the distance. The town's structures seemingly held no real colours. Everything was either brown, black or gray, and could easily be mistaken for a rock filled of sorts from a distance, though the ninjas's eye sights were far to keen for that illusion to work, and Sir Cadrit knew better for he had been there multiple times.
At the far side of the city from their position was a medium sized stone castle, which loomed over the whole town much as a mini mountain would tower over the surrounding plains. It was a beautious sight to behold.
They lessened their pace to relaxed walk, as to not alert the guards on duty at the gates. They descended the slight slope which lead to the city, though they did walk on the gravel path which lead to and fro from the town.
As they arrived at the gates they had to stop as a knight wearing simular armour to Sir Cadrit barred their path with a massive spear in hand. “Halt! Identify thy selves!” The man -whose far was shielded from view due to his helmet and visor- ordered obviously following routine rules.
“Sir Cadrit of Crimson Court. Neji Hyuuga, and Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha.” Sir Cadrit introduced them as he saluted his friend in arms.
“What business do thine strangers hath within?” The knight before them inquired as he likewise saluted the mounted knight.
“I hath brought them forth, to honour Muff'igus' slayers, and to treat thine young warriors to thy bounty offered.” The green eyed knight responded.
“Mere children hath slain thy brute who hath butchered thy great Mathaniol?” The other questioned disbelievingly.
“Indeed, an astounding sight mine eyes had ever beheld.” Sir Cadrit stated with a smile and the knight that barred their path hastily moved out of their way.
“Forgive thy inquires honourable warriors.” The man stated as he saluted Neji and Naruto.
“Uh... Don't worry about it.” The demon vessel stated sheepishly as he ran a hand over the back of his head.
“This way thy young friends!” Sir Cadrit said as he reined his horse creature into a light walking pace and both boys followed obediently.
The knight lead them through the many winding streets heading towards the castle. All bout them villagers dressed in colour lacking grabs gathered and regarded the two with much curiosity. Many women giggled and whispered, eying the two over, while many men regarded them, looking for any indication if either would be worthy of marring their daughters off to.
Many of the people were filthy, covered in grim and dirt, seemingly having not cleaned themselves recently and the overall scent was incredibly dizzying. Naruto couldn't help but wonder if these people ever heard of baths before, cause they sure needed it.
Heck, the entire town needed a decent cleaning, sludge, grim and what looked like body waste lingered on the ground and walls. The two teens were careful of where they stepped, and cautious to touch anything or one.
Both were relieved when they arrived at the castle as it looked very much clean, as though a horde of people constantly worked on cleaning the grounds, the walls and the interior, much to the relief of the Konoha ninjas.
Sir Cadrit dismounted his steed at the castle doors, and handed the reigns to one of the stable boys before saluting the guards on either side of the door and leading the two inside.
The interior of the castle was grand. From great coloured tapestries, to black marble flooring and walls. Art pieces, and carpets coloured the area, while guards roamed the halls, while servants raced to and fro laden with trays of piled with food and drinks or cleaning supplies.
The knight lead them down many halls and passages, through chamber after chamber until they arrived in front of massive wooden doors that just reeked of polish. Sir Cadrit rose his strong arm and swiftly knocked on the dark brown surface.
In response to his knocking on the double doors, they swung inwards revealing a massive and beautiful throne room, filled with court jesters, servants, nobles, and warriors. At the far end of the room, upon the golden throne sat a man dressed in brilliant crimson and gold garbs, and a circlet of gold rested on his mane of black hair, though his brown eyes flickered over to the door.
Sir Cadrit strode forward and the two followed but a pace behind, as the entire congregation grew silent, all eyes regarding the knight the newcomers curiously. As the green eyed warrior arrived three metres in front of the thrown, he lowered himself to a one knee bow. “Mi Lord, I hath returned from my duties accompanied by thy young boys behind. I brought them to claim thine eared prize for they hath defeated the vile brute bridge fiend, Muff'igus.” He informed the lord though many of the witnesses to hear the acclamation gasped in surprise as whispering broke out among the crowd.
The Lord sat there in silence, allowing his loyal knight's words to sink in. “They have slain him?” The man asked, his voice deep though kind, rang throughout the room, causing most of the hushed voices to stop.
“Yes Milord.” The knight answered without hesitation and the man upon the throne stood with great elegance and grace.
“You two have slain the beast that made my strongest knight look like a mere child. We are in your debt.” The Lord said nodding his head to the two young teens. However Naruto was silently glad that this guy didn't speak so strangely, it really hurt his head trying to make sense of the gibberish uttered by the people wearing silver amour, who he gathered to be called knights.
Neji on the other hand had long since noticed the knights were a rank among this place's hierarchy. The Lord seemed to be at the top from what he could tell, followed by the nobles, then these knights then the people. Though he was certain there were many more levels upon which he was certain more categories belonged, though the groups hadn't been brought to their attention.
“It was nothing.” Naruto said with one of his traditional gins as he ran a hand over the back of his neck, while Neji merely nodded in agreement as their foe was too weak to even considered a threat or a challenge. It was but a walk in the park.
“Young warriors tell me your names.” The Lord ordered as he remained were he stood, though a light of respect was plainly visible in his wise eyes.
“I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and he's Neji Hyuuga.” Naruto introduced them, though said their first names first not wanting to have to explain why they said last names first.
“Welcome. I am Lord Cameron. Ruler of the fourteenth realm.” The man now identified as Cameron greeted and opened his arms wide in gesture of greeting. “Come! Let us feast and be merry!” The Lord exclaimed and was greeted with pleased cheers erupting from all subjects within the room.
In a wave of people, the Lord lead the two through double doors just on the left of the throne, revealing a banquet hall, bearing massive scrubbed wooden tables which were laden down with foods and drinks that the ninjas had never before lain eyes upon.
As guest of honour, both were lead to the seats to the right of the head of the table, and once Cameron sat down, all others followed suit, digging into meats and breads and cheeses and wines, and many other foods.
Polite conversations echoed through the room, though the blond teen payed it no mind as he stuffed his face with an unbelievable amount of etiquette, while the black haired teen silently ate with extreme manners that none about them seemed to hold.
“Neji, are you of royal lineage?” The Lord asked having been observing his guests closely.
“No.” The pale eyed ninja answered.
“But he is part of one of the biggest, power fullest, and wealthiest family back in Konoha.” Naruto added in just after he swallowed a massive piece of cheese while patting his now full stomach.
“Interesting. Konoha, I do believe I've heard that somewhere before....” The man trailed off as a thoughtful expression flowed onto his face.
“You've heard of Konoha?!? Do you know how to get there from here?” Naruto eagerly questioned as the other teen listened intently as well, setting his cutlery down.
“I do not think it is around here..... Wait! Naruto, what did you say your sir name was?” Cameron questioned with a peculiar look upon his face.
“Uzumaki.” The boy instantly answered, wondering what his name had to do with anything.
“I thought I recognized the name!” He said with a smile upon his face, having remembered something from ages ago. “I once met a man in my youth. His name was Arashi Uzumaki, and the fellow looked remarkably like an older version of yourself my lad. But he did not have those whisker like marks upon his cheeks, and his hair was longer. Plus he didn't wear such a brilliantly coloured attire.” The Lord summed up.
“Naruto, could the man have been your father?” Neji questioned eyes moving from their host to his companion.
“I... don't know. My parents were dead when I was born, so I never met them. Plus no one will tell me who they were or what happened to them.” The blond answered honestly while staring down sheepishly at his place.
“Lord Cameron, how is it you know this man?” The Hyuuga asked, though kept his focus on the blond.
“It was a good thirteen years prior to the tenth month of this year. He came to court, escorted by a knight after having appeared from the sky upon the battlefield. At the time, my father ruled this realm, so naturally it was he who greeted the strange man. I merely witnessed it as I attended most things as to be prepared for the day I claim the title of Lord.
The man had told a fantastic story, though the story has fled my mind over the passing years. He made many claims and could preform the most stunning and powerful of deeds, but he did not remain within my father's realm for long. After the start of the first season he left, and went to seek his destiny.
My late father nor I hadn't since been graced by his presence , and I am of the belief he has passed away.” The Lord finished his tale, smiling kindly to the two boys who had listened attentively.
“Enough of past matters, what truly matters is the here and now, for it is that which decides our future. One that I hope will have you two joining the knights of my realm?” He turned the end of his statement into a question as he looked on hopefully at the two.
Both teens exchanged a look, both coming to the same conclusion. “I apologize, but we must decline. We wish to return home. Do you know of any means in which we could possibly return to a different world?” The handsome fourteen year old questioned, pale eyes regarding the Lord silently.
A disappointed frown graced Cameron's face at having had his offer declined, though he unexpectedly smiled a moment later.
“I do indeed know of a person who would be able to help, though this information I give you has a high price.” The Lord stated to the eager boys.
“What sort of price?” Naruto questioned curiously as he narrowed his eyes distrustfully while crossing his arms over his chest.
“On the morrow, my realm is holding its annual Gladiator Tournament. If you two wish this information, that I alone hold, you two will have to enter. If one of you wins, your reward will be the knowledge you seek. Are we in agreement?”
“What's a gladiator tournament?” The demon vessel inquired as he tilted his head to the side, while Neji remained apathetic.
It is a tournament where all men who enter do battle. There is no killing, and the battle continues until one can no longer fight. Everything goes.” The Lord of the fourteenth realm explained, hoping they'd agree as the slayers in such a tournament would be a thrilling event to behold.
“DEAL!!!” Naruto exclaimed excitedly, honestly looking forward to the prospect of competing in a competition of sorts as he was only permit entrance into ninja related tournaments back home, though that was only reluctantly. The villagers of Konoha had a grudge against the boy, for reasons he himself did not understand, and they had not let him join in anything.
Neji Hyuuga was in agreement with the blue eyed teen, and merely nodded, not one for speaking overly much. He could use this tournament to test both his and his comrade's skills, and also gauge the strengths and abilities of the people from this world. The information he could gather would be useful in the future.
“Excellent! That means we have a total of thirty competitors!” The green eyed man exclaimed, pleased with their agreement.
“I suppose you two would like to clean up and rest for the long day ahead?” Cameron inquired and both nodded. “Very well.” With a clap of his hand a girl dressed in a simple white dress hurried over, hands clasped in front of her and eyes downcast.
“You've summoned me milord?” She asked while waiting for her orders.
“Show our most honourable guests to the bathing area, and afterwards, show them to the guest rooms.” He ordered to the young girl, who had to be at least twelve, and she nodded.
“As you wish Lord.” She stated before curtsying.
Both boys got to their seats and excused themselves before hurried following the brown haired girl from the noisy room and into a different hall.
They moved through many halls, chambers and stairwells before coming to a halt before a massive door.
“My Lords. This is the bathing area, do you wish for me to bathe you?” She questioned, all the while staring at the floor.
Naruto's cheeks flared crimson, and Neji was able to keep most of his blush down, though a slightly pink hue did grace his pale cheeks.
“Thanks, but it is not necessary.” Hyuuga dismissed the girl before the two entered inside.
“Very well my Lords, I shall wait here to lead you to your chambers.” She informed them before closing the doors behind them.
The room beyond was a magnificent sight to behold. The room had a natural hot spring, and a large one at that. Wild plants grew all around the spring, and moved just to the walls. The only place devoid of plant life was the cobblestone path which lead to the water's edge. For even the water was graced with glorious water lilies.
Their bath passed quickly and uneventfully, and soon they were on their way to the guest chambers which were located on the third floor in the northern wing. Each room was massive in size, and filled with obviously expensive furniture and decoration, though every room resembled the next.
Neji and Naruto had the choice of rooms and chose ones beside each other. Both rooms had grey stone walls draped in tapestries, and portraits, while plush and warm rugs were scattered upon the stone floor to keep feet warm.
All furniture was of a deep brown coloured wood, the beds, desks, and chairs all matching perfectly. It was fancy for a place like this, though it was nothing in comparison to the Hyuuga or Uchiha estates. Though both were pleased with the arrangements none the less.
Both teen's retired early, wanting to be ready and well rested for the competition tomorrow. They had to win, they needed the information that the Lord held in regards to them being able to return home.
The night went by peacefully and quickly and soon both Neji and Naruto were awakened by a servant girl, different from the one from the previous evening. They were given several platters loaded with fruits, cheese and bread for breakfast before hurriedly ushered out of the castle and lead to a field none to far from the village.
At the centre of the field lay an arena, with stands for spectators. The seats were already filled with the people who'd observer the entertainment. The servant girl who had lead them from the castle showed them to an entrance way which lead to an under arena area.
“My Lords, this is the warrior entrance. The knights below will direct you when it is time for your battle. Do hurry as it is about to commence.” She said before tearing off, heading back the way they came, having chores and such to return to.
“Ready?” Asked the blond.
“Yes.” Answered the pale eyed teen.
With that the two descended down the dripping stone steps and went down to the level beneath the arena, where they'd wait the start of their fight. This day would be interesting.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Just like his father....” Tsunade mumbled under he breath.
“Hokage-sama.... What are you talking about?” Sakura asked, though her voice sounded rather snuffed due to all the crying she had been doing.
“Let me tell you all story that has been kept a secret within Konoha, one that very few know, and fewer yet know the more minuscule of details.” Tsunade took a deep breath before continuing.
“Thirteen years ago Konoha and its surrounding areas were plagued with the horrendous beat known as the Nine Tails. The demon had mercilessly murdered many, destroying homes, lives and families with out so much as blinking.
“It was in October that finally the demon was confronted with a powerful adversary. The Fourth Hokage. The man had done all in his power and ended up destroying the demon by the only way possible.” She paused there to take a few calming seconds.
“That knowledge is known throughout Konoha, and is part of our basic history as he sacrificed his life to destroy the Kyuubi.
“Though the demon did not die.” A few startled gasps escaped the chunin, for they had heard that the Yoidaime had destroyed the creature.
“Demons are immortal creatures, and none could match up to the century old creature. So instead of killing it, as that was impossible, he sealed it away.
“The fourth contained the monster within the stomach of a newborn child, claiming that the baby be viewed as a hero for carrying such a horrendous burden, though such star treatment wasn't what the child received.
“Most of the people that witnessed this horrible tragedy viewed the child to be the demon, and have treated him horribly for his fate, one that had been placed upon him.
“The Yoidaime was a noble man, and had not the heart to place such a devastating burden on the shoulders of another child nor family, so Kyuubi was sealed into his own son.
“Arashi Uzumaki sealed him within Naruto.” She finished her tale, while the chunin looked on stunned by the new knowledge, though Sasuke managed to hide it.
“So that is why everyone treated him so poorly....” Lee mumbled, eyes wide.
“We were just as cruel....” Sakura added in, shame, guilt and grief piling on higher in all their hearts.
Tsunaded nodded empathetically.
“But what ever happened to Naruto's mother?” Tenten questioned quietly, her voice was thick as well, though silent tears continued to course down her cheeks.
“She didn't survive child birth.” Kakashi added in, the first time he spoke in ages. ((A/N: I have no idea how his mother died, or what ever had happened to her, so I'm sorry if this is wrong.))
“Why was this kept a secret?” Sasuke demanded.
“It was thought to be for the best. The third didn't want any problems arising and more troubles to present themselves to the demon's vessel. Though I suppose by withholding suck knowledge, we condemned him to be treated worse then the very scum upon the earth.” The Hokage explained sadly.
“Tonight I will call a meeting for the entire village, to honour both Neji and Naruto who died heroically. Tonight Konoha will learn of their final acts, and of Naruto's hidden ancestry. Many will be shocked to find he is a descendant of one of the power fullest clans to ones rule in our village.
“But for now.... Let us keep this quiet until the meeting, though you are all excused if you do not wish to come.” She said dutifully, eyes moving to each of them, worry evident in them.
Once the sun had long since set, the entire village was congregated at the centre of the village, all curious as to the sudden meeting. Whispered theories of war, and demons, and other such none sense were seemingly the hit rumours upon the crowd.
As Tsunade stepped up upon the small stage and moved over to the podium, silence quickly engulfed the people. The woman silently looked around, noting that all present at the mission from earlier were standing in the front row, each wearing their own mask of emotions.
After a few more moments, the fifth cleared her throat, gaining all the people's attention if their minds had wondered during the silence.
“You are all wondering why I have called this meeting.” She stated loudly, and many nodded.
“I bring to you saddening news.” She said and at once whispers far more farfetched mumbled through the air. The Hokage had to clear her throat to regain their attention before coninuing.
“Early today, two teams of Chunin and their Sensei were sent out on a difficult mission. Though our source had greatly underestimated the dangers of the task. It was supposed to be ranked a high priority A ranked mission, though it had been given a B.
“The teams set out to recover the stolen Chaos Sphere.” She took a pause and whispers again broke out though were quickly hushed as she continued.
“I am certain many of you have heard of this destructive and powerful sphere which has properties unknown to us, though was part of many legends involving great wars and power struggles.” She paused again as murmured agreement broke among the villagers.
The Sphere was not stolen by any normal thief though, the Akatsuki were behind it.” At that many gasps echoed through the area.
“Chunin wouldn't stand a chance!” A woman exclaimed with wide eyes and many nodded in agreement.
“On normal circumstances, no, but these were a determined bunch. They planned and moved in on the unsuspecting enemies, and even managed to take them by surprise. All eight people were in pairs, and one pair was sent in to retrieve the item from their hideout while the others made a diversion.
“They drew the Akatsuki out and their own team members were able to sneak in undetected. Those on the outside were drawn into battle with the traitor ninjas, and I'm proud to say they held their own, only receiving minor injuries.”
Comments broke out, many in awe over the fact that mere chunin battled members of the Akatsuki and had the upper hand.
“Our side was winning until a massive explosion of unknown origin engulfed the entire base in a wave of molten destruction. It obliterated all in its path, including the two inside, along with the orb.”
Startled gasps rang out along with many demanding the identity of the fallen teens.
“Fortunately the rest of the teams survived and all present members of the Akatsuki who were their likewise perished. Today we bested the Akatsuki, though at a horrible price.
“Today we lost Naruto Uzumaki, and Neji Hyuuga.” She said sadly, as many whispers broke out, along with many tears suddenly being spilt.
“That monster deserved to die!” A man cut through and several shouted in agreement, glad that the demon child was gone.
“No he did not!” Tsunade exclaimed hotly regaining all their attention.
“The Fourth Hokage had sealed the demon within a newborn child, as there was no other means to defeat the Kyuubi.” She said hotly and the many who had not known that gasped in utter shock, though silence remained.
“The Yoidaime christened Naruto a hero who would bare the weight of the monster inside him so that all of you could live safe. And you treated him like scum!” She said hotly before taking a deep breath.
“There is something else you should all know. The name of the Fourth was Arashi Uzumaki, Naruto's Father.” She explained before turning and walking off leaving the entire village in stunned silence, and silent tears. If only they had known the truth before it was too late.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well that is it for this chapter. I apologize if any character was out of character, or if what I had written didn't actually make sense with that series whole plot. Thank you for reading and please review.